My High School Hell (One piec...

נכתב על ידי 7Panda7

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Akira is a strange 16 year old girl who wants nothing more than to fit in. All her life she was feared due he... עוד

My High School Hell ( One piece Fan-Fic)
Detention with Kid
Let's be Friends
A New Enemy
Don't give Luffy Alcohol
A Scapel and a Hat
Cupcakes of DOOM!
The Calm Before the Sandstorm
Trust Me
A/N: Please no Pitchforks


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נכתב על ידי 7Panda7

Akira POV

(10 min. before)

I jogged down the emptied hallway towards homeroom. The sound of my footsteps lightly hitting the ground, echoed off the walls.

I let out a worried sigh as I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. Man, I really hope Kid and Ace don't completely annihilate the classroom.

My face cringed as I imagine Professor Shanks screaming out our ears and then sending us straight to detention.

At that moment, I slammed into something hard as I made a sharp turn around a corner. My butt hit the cold ground with a loud thump, as I automatically gripped my head. My eyes were spinning wildly as I tried to regain my senses.

" Oh ...sorry," sang a voice as a hand appeared in my vision.

I glanced up to see a teenage boy dressed in what seemed like a freakish ballerina clown costume. He (I think it was a he) was lanky and his short black hair had two cotton balls sticking out on either side.

After the initial shock of seeing his attire, I finally took the hand he offered.


"Bon Clay." He said with a wide grin.

I sent back a grin. "Thanks Bon Clay." I replied as I dusted myself off.

"Are you that new kid everyone was talking about?" The teen asked suddenly with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded, "Unfortunately." I replied with a sigh, before giving him a wary glance, "You aren't gonna beat me up are you?" I asked while raising my hands up as a precaution.

Bon Clay let out a light laugh. "Haha...nah, that's not my style." He replied. I relaxed at this, giving a smile. He really wasn't that bad once you got passed the crazy outfit.

From the corner of my eyes, the hallway clock ticked lightly reminding me of what I was doing. Shoot! Class will be over soon ...I need to hurry .

I quickly started walking again, taking one last glance back."Well it was nice meeting you Bon Clay." I called over my shoulder.

Bon Clay continued smiling back, "You too Akira." He said as he gave a small wave.

I made my way down several more hallways before freezing, a strange thought coming into my mind.

I never told him my name...

I pushed the thought away, he probably heard it from all the gossip.


"Mr. 2 " A low voice called. Bon Clay glanced up just as a dark muscular man with an ash-white buzz cut appeared from the shadows.

The clown stood casually in the deserted hallway leaning against the lockers. "Yes, Mr. 1?" he asked back to the man in a sing-songy tone.

The Mr. 1 scowled as he glared at the clown, "Stop that." he ordered gruffly, crossing his arms, "Now report. Was the retrieval mission a success?"

Bon Clay examined a speck of dirt on his finger as he grinned, "Of course it was." The flamboyant man said, suddenly very interested in his manicured hand.

Mr. 1 clenched his fist to keep his irritation down. He didn't understand how such a fool could be this high ranked. What did Crocodile see in him anyway?

"Prove it" Mr. 1 finally grumbled still not convinced at the ballerina clown's words.

Bon clay sighed loudly as he gave the muscular man a look of annoyance. Finally he placed his right hand on his face, activating his power.

His body trembled as it began to morph. Just a single touch was all it needed to duplicate a person exactly. After a few seconds, the transformation was complete.

"Akira at your service." Bon Clay cheered happily, with the girl's exact voice as he tilted his now feminine face too the side and performed a small curtsy.

Mr. 1 actually felt semi-impressed. The resemblance was uncanny. But he kept a stoic expression "Do you know what to do next?"

Bon Clay gave a dignified nod. "I'm not stupid." he huffed in his Akira disguise as he placed his arms on his hips. "You just handle your own part Mr. 1." The copy cat added as he pointed in the direction that the real Akira had gone. "She went that way just so you know."

Mr. 1 nodded, satisfied with the answer. Then he began walking in the direction Bon Clay had pointed.

The disguised clown gave one final smile as he watched Mr.1 leave. He rubbed his girly hand together gleefully. Commence phase 2: It's time to mess with some hotshots.


Akira POV

I ran into the empty classroom and glanced around to Law's desk. A scowl came onto my face as I searched around the area.

What do you know!...There wasn't a medical book.

That bastard......I was half hoping that there would at least be something.

I gave another sigh as I walked out of the classroom.

Suddenly a dark fist came barreling out of nowhere, ramming straight into my throat. I chocked out loud as my breath was knocked out of me. I didn't have any time to react as I was sent flying into another empty classroom.


My back hit the opposite wall, the celling shaking from the impact, as I heard several cracks from my back. I let out a pained gasp. That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

A low voice chuckled from the shadows as I heard the door click shut. I blinked to adjust my eyes to the dim lighting as I made out the man in the room.

He was a muscular, dark guy with a black tattoo painted on his exposed chest. He frowned deeply, crossing his arms as he blocked the only exit.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I coughed as I struggled to stand up again. I already could feel the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth. My heart was racing but I forced my voice to come out firm.

The muscular man just stood there emotionless. "You can call me Mr.1" he finally replied." And My orders were to keep you here." he added.

Before I could ask who ordered him, a huge explosion erupted in the distance. The sound of footsteps echoed from the other side of the door as students shouted exitedly.

"What there's a fight outside? I heard one exclaim.

"Yeah it's that new kid, Akira.." another person shouted.

"Huh..She looks so weak!" A third one added.

Confusion filled mind as I heard their comments. They were talking about me, but I wasn't outside...

What the hell was going on?

I rose all the way to my feet, lifting my balled up fists. My chest rose and fell evenly as I focused on my powers. "Move out of the way." I threatened in a cold tone to the muscular man.

Mr. 1 raised an eyebrow, before letting out a smirk and also taking a fighting stance. "He never said I couldn't hurt you, " the man muttered arrogantly, "I'm sure a few broken bones won't ruin the plan."

We both charged at the same time.


Kid raced out of the building pushing students out of the way as he tried to get to the center of the courtyard. A mass of students were also swarming to the center hoping to see a good fight. In the distance the sound of punches and screams filled the air along with cheering.

The red hair's fist were clenched ready to punch the living daylights out of Crocodile as his crimson eyes scanned the crowd.

A raven haired teen with freckles came up beside him as Kid tried to force his way through.

"Get lost Portgas." Kid growled as he threw a particular unlucky student out of the way.

Ace just glared back at Kid. "I'm Akira's friend too." He spoke as he glared at the flame haired teen. "I have just as much right to be here as you."

Kid was aggravated by the Discipline Head's words, but his main focus was finding Akira.

Both of them pushed harder earning complaints from the crowd. Finally they broke through the mass, landing in a heap on the ground, right at the feet of a familiar black haired girl.

The girl raised a curious eyebrow.

"Akira!" Ace shouted as he stood up from his position on top off Kid. "Thank God, I thought you were in a figh-"

The freckled teen stopped talking as he noticed a large man towering directly behind the girl. The man grinned sadistically, a large cigar in his mouth, his gleaming hook held proudly in front.


"Watch out!" Ace shouted as he sprang into action, yanking Akira behind him. He held up his finger, preparing to let loose a barrage of flames.


The fire shot out like bullets, aimed straight for the hooked man's forehead.
However, they passed right through Crocodile like air, leaving a sandy trail behind. The man just laughed at the feeble attempts as his wounds refilled with grains of sand.

Ace scowled. Crocodile's power was a huge pain.

The raven teen lifted his arm to send a ball of flames at Crocodile. Maybe if he burned him long enough the bastard would die....

"Stop it."Interrupted a quiet voice.

Ace turned in surprise at the sound of Akira's voice, giving her a questioning glance.

" Don't worry, Akira" he grinned, "I'll be fine."

Akira didn't smile, "You're annoying Ace." she said emotionlessly.

The smile fell off Ace's face as he heard the words."What....?" he managed to say.

He must be hearing wrong...Ace tried to let out a laugh, "Ha...that's funny Akira, for a moment I thought you actually meant it..."

Akira's expression didn't change, "I do mean it." she replied, "You keep butting in, and I hate it.

- I hate you." She added in a coarse voice. Then she turned away from the freckled teen.

Ace couldn't reply at all.

He couldn't even smile and joke about it, or brush it off like he did with other insults. She was dead serious. Something seemed to crack inside the teen.

"Oh...and I'm joining Crocodile's gang." Akira continued without turning around.

"What...?!" growled another low voice.

Kid grabbed the black haired girl by the shoulder and spun her around, placing his face right up to her's.

"Snap out of it Akira." he said as he made eye contact. "What's wrong with you?"

The girl just stared back at Kid with flame colored eyes. She gave a wide smile, "I never really liked you anyway, Kid."

Kid froze. His grip loosened around the girl's shoulder as his arm fell slack by his side.

What did she just say?

He felt like he had been shot repeatedly.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go." The girl said as she slowly walked to Crocodile's side.

Ace and Kid watched as Akira followed the hooked man.

The silent crowd parted to let them go.

After a few minutes of silence, a new voice sounded. "Hey move it you guys,"it shouted as a straw hat appeared. Luffy finally pushed through the crowd, with Law following.

The cheerful teen scanned the people quickly, "Oi Ace, did you find her?" he asked with a smile.

Luffy stopped smiling when he realized that Ace wasn't responded. "Hey Ace." The straw hat boy called as he waved his hand in front of him, "You alright?"

Ace just glanced at Luffy for awhile, his eyes strangely unfocused. Then he tipped his orange hat down and walked away.

At the same time, Law had trudged over to Kid who was in a similar state of shock. The doctor tilted his head curiously to glance at Kid's eyes.

He froze when he saw them. They were glassy and empty. "Eustass-ya?" The Heart gang leader asked.

Kid suddenly whipped around at the sound, walking away too, without a word.

Both Luffy and Law stood there in confusion. What exactly had happened?


Crocodile entered the classroom. glancing around. Phase 2 went perfectly, now all that was needed was to finish off the trash.

"You sure this is the right one, Mr.2?" the hooked man asked as he turned to the Akira impersonator.

Akira smiled before transforming back to Bon Clay. "Yeah, that stupid Mr.1 said this was where he would hold her."

Crocodile frowned as he looked around again. "Fine, you're dismissed Mr. 2." He said in a deep voice. Bon Clay gave a curt nod before walking out.

Crocodile scanned the room again with dark eyes. Finally he caught sight of a man sprawled out on the ground unconscious. Mr. 1. The man was held down by multiple shadowed hands.

"What the hell are you do-" Crocodile began to sneer.


A shadow blade ripped through the air, piercing straight through Crocodile's skull.

His cigar was sliced in half, as his face split in two.

Akira breathed out heavily, sweat pouring down from her face as she landed on the ground.

A large gash, slashed across her side, spewed bright blood onto the ground.

She scowled, Mr.1 had been a tough opponent. He had the power to transform any part of his body into a sharp blade.

She had just barely survived his attacks, but at least right now she had surprise on her side.

A low chuckle interrupted the girl's thoughts. Akira let out a gasp as the hooked man's face reformed from a cloud of sand.

"Did you honestly think I'd die that easily, brat?" The man asked as he placed another cigar in his mouth.

Akira let out another growl as she charged towards him. Shadows ripped out from the ground, gripping at Crocodile's legs, holding him in place.

Her blade buried itself deep within the man's chest, poking out the other side.

She yanked the blade out as a massive hole was left in its wake.

Crocodile stared at the hole in his chest, and then let out a hearty laugh. "You honestly don't get it." he sneered as Akira watched the wound heal
before her very eyes. " You Can't kill me."

Then the man took the cigar out of
his mouth and tossed it to the side. He cracked his knuckles with a wide grin on his scarred face. "Its my turn now." he said in a low voice.

Before Akira could even blink, a wave of sand rammed into her, slamming her into the wall and pinning her down. The grains cut deep into her skin, causing bright blood to flow.

"Sandstorm!" Crocodile shouted, as he sent a torrent of bright sand directly at the girl.

The wind howled and battered Akira as sharp blades of sand attacked from everywhere.

The girl weakly lifted her hand forcing an icicle of darkness to shoot out from the ground and impale Crocodile. The man didn't even flinch , his body flowing like sand around the sharp spear.

Akira gasped as the sand around her constricted her lungs, and attacked her exposed arms and face.

The fight with Mr. 1 had already worn her out. There was no way she'd survive Crocodile much longer.

The world around her seemed to fade in and out from the lack of oxygen and high amount of blood loss. A pool of crimson had already started to form at the foot of the constricted girl's body

Crocodile smiled widely as he approached with his gleaming hook. "Looks like it's the end." he smirked.


Nami stood outside of the door as she heard Akira's cry. The orange haired girl clenched her eyes shut, trying to ignore the sound as sand roared from behind the door.

This was what she had wanted right?

Why didn't she feel better then.

The girl heard another scream and a cracking of bones as Crocodile's sadistic laughter filled her mind.

"Looks like it's the end." she heard Crocodile murmur.

Nami's eyes suddenly shot open her face drawn in a straight line at the words.

Without a second thought, she grabbed the handle and threw the door open.

" Cyclone tempo!" She screamed as she held up her rod, and spun the three pieces. A flash streamed through the air, as a strong gale clawed through the room and slammed straight into Crocodile.

The hooked man had an expression of complete surprise as he fell backwards from the force.

Akira glanced up towards the direction of the attack at the orange haired girl that stood in the broken doorway, the blue rod tightly gripped in her hand.

"This wasn't part of the agreement, Crocodile." Nami spat as she faced the man slowly rising from the wreckage.

Crocodile glared back at her with dark eyes. "I do things my way." he growled. "Now get out before I kill you too."

Nami stood her ground. "Akira." she said without making eye contact with the weakened girl. Guilt swept over her just glancing at Akira's direction.

Nami's voice still trembled as she spoke. "I hate you." She said.

Well that totally makes me fell great.. . Akira thought weakly in her mind as she tried to stay conscious "Nami, kind of a bad ti-" The girl began to croak out.

"Let me finish." Nami interrupted as she held up her rod. She took a deep breathe." I really do hate you, but I don't want you dead..." The orange haired stated.

Then she turned her face to the black haired girl. Even though the look of fear was evident in her eyes, she still managed to give a small smile. "So let's fight together, Akira."

"Nami."Akira mumbled, surprised by her words. Then she gave a determined nod to, a smile on her own face. "Yeah."


Gonna end it here because I'm tired and it 1 in the morning =_=

Buuuut who expected that huh? :/

So there you guys go, Nami not a complete b____ (/^_^)/

What do guys think will happen next though?

And for those of you who don't know who the guy is , Bon Clay is the weird guy with the Clone devil fruit in one piece, which I thought was the best legit devil fruit ever, I mean copying other people is so amazing :P

So how will Ace and Kid react now?

Can Nami and Akira survive Crocodile?

Will Killer get discovered?

All these questions will be answered...uhh...later..yeah later!

So, vote and comment and share



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