Love Drunk ➸ j.t

By ben_and_jerries

152K 4.5K 809

Jade is the school punching bag. She gets bullied by everyone because she prefers girls. She mostly gets bull... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Thirteen

5.6K 178 8
By ben_and_jerries

**Perrie's P.O.V.**

I call Louis and he says that I should just come to the hospital. They won't put me in a bed unless I say I've come to go to hospital. I find a t-shirt thay doesn't look too baggy and some jeans and throw them on. I grab a jacket and fix my birds nest of a hair by throwing it up in a ponytail. I try to cover up the big black bags under my eyes by dabbing some consealer on but it doesn't work. Then, for the first time in months, I grab my keys and hop in my car. I am going to see Jade.


**Jade's P.O.V.**

Louis has been helping me remember things. Mainly school related things. I know all the basic stuff like, two plus two and how to format my essay. But I don't really remember anything from year 11 (A/N: The girls are year 13. Last year at school). It's like Louis hit my head so hard that half of my brain fell out. The half I needed most. He's also been helping me with what's happening around the world, news wise. And also what's happening at school.

Apparently Harry Styles, yeah, the one that's always drunk, hooked up with a girl from another school. Kourtney, no, Ky-Kylie, no, Kendall! Kendall Jenner! That was her name! Of course I was disgusted by that piece of news. When will he learn to stop and find the girl perfect for him, like I found Perrie. Ahh, Perrie.

Each day I remember more and more by myself, and I usually remember stuff about Perrie. Her ocean blue eyes or her full plump lips. I was imagining how beautiful Perrie was, when a girl walks in. She doesn't look very well. She is so thin, I bet, if she takes that top off, you would be able to see her ribs. Her cheeks sunken in and huge black bags framing her eyes. She smiles at me.

"Hey Jade," she says, giving me a small wave. I try to place where I've seen her from, where I've heard that voice from. And then it dawns on me.

"Perrie?" I mumble in shock. She smiles slightly again, before taking Louis' seat next to my bed. "Perrie, is that you?"

She nods. "Yeah, Jade. I'm sorry I haven't come earlier. I was hurt and I thought it hurt more coming to see you. And well . . . it hasn't."

I sit there in utter shock. Not shock that Perrie is here, but shock that she looks this way. I sit there for a good ten minutes, my eyes scanning over her body. I catch her scars, sticking out from the end of her jacket, on her thin arms and her thin frail body.

"Oh Perrie," I manage to say.

"Jade, don't say anything-"

"Perrie how could you do this to yourself! Your arms and your . . . body!" I cut her off.

"Jade! I thought you were never going to remember me!" Perrie shouts. I give her a look telling her to lower her voice.

"But that gives you no reason to . . . to cut! And not eat!" I exclaim, furiously.

Perrie just glares at me. "So all you care about is my appearance," she says. "You know if you were a proper girlfriend you wouldn't care what I look like! You'd love me for who I am!" Perrie shouts the last bit.

"Of course I care about what you look like! You are ill, Perrie! Sick. You have a mental disease! You . . ." I stop talking as the room spins from all this yelling. I try to focus on Perrie's thin but paniced face, but I feel myself slipping. And before I know it, the room goes black.

A/N: Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnnn!!! I know it's short but I hope it's good enough! What do you think will happen?

Thank you for the feedback from last chapter. I'm so relieved that you got all of Chapter 11! And thank you for all the votes and comments and reads! You guys are amazing, thank you!

Vote, comment, follow!

Thanks again!

-Holly xxx

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