Amourshipping One Shots

By Amourboy15

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This is one-shot amourshipping story. I will be writing amourshipping chapters in this book. More

Childhood friend
Amour - Take a chance on me
why did you leave me? When i needed you the most!
I know i can treat you better, than he can.
Libary flowers
The kiss, to remember
All I want is love: part 1
All I want is love: part 2
The magic never ends
One Dance
Middle of the night
Body language
Love story
Do anything for you
You mean everything to me
Side to side
What do you mean?
Amour vs Kalos - Fight for Love
Don't Wake Me Up
I lay down this Armor
Secret Admirer (Valentine day special)
What every girl wants hear from a boy
Call me maybe
The number 10
The Serena I.....used to know
Closer being my Boyfriend
Without you
Thinking out loud

I want you back

3.1K 59 34
By Amourboy15

The sun was brightening the day, clearing the white clouds making the sky turn all inky blue. We now set at the school building, lumiose high it's called.

Students were walking around as they exited the door and start entering the school playground.

A young teenage girl named, Serena, was walking casually down the school stairs, she reaches the bottom floor and pushes the swinging door by slamming the wall, making a loud noise across the area and exited the building ignoring students around her.

She went to the playground and stopped at the centre pitch looking around the area as her eyes scanned. Then she stopped like a snake was targeting its prey.

There she saw a teenage boy, wearing a blue jacket, grey trousers and red sneakers. His name was Ash Ketchum, her boyfriend. Serena starts walking up to him, who was now standing with his friends, talking with them while drinking his juice from the bottle.

Ash notices Serena coming. He sipped the bottle and put the drink down, holding it, from his waist with a smile formed on his face towards his girlfriend.

Soon, Serena stopped in her tracks and facing forward, preparing to talk. she took a deep breath and closed her eyes then opened them, looking straightly at ash and spoke

"I'm breaking up with you," Serena spoke. looking directly into his brown orbs.

Ash smile was replaced with shock as the bottle dropped from his hand letting it fall down to the floor, spilling the juice out.

he couldn't say a word which left the him speechless. Around him were his friends, copying his reaction.

There was silence between them, no one spoke from the two until Ash spoke. Managing each word to come out.

"w-what, why" he stuttered in a low voice with Tears formed in his eyes, looking straight at her.

Serena signed and spoke  "it just that, I need a break from you, I know we had great times but it isn't working out, I'm sorry," her head looking down once again. Aa a tear sliding down from her cheeks.

On the other hand. Ash was beginning to cry on the outside but inside, he was heartbroken, his red eyes were now watering in tears. one of His friend, Gary oak came behind him putting his hand on Ash's shoulder for comfort.

Serena turned around and walked away from Ash, still looking down at the ground, the feeling inside her chest felt heavy with sadness.

she slightly turns her head to see her ex-boyfriend bailing on Gary's shirt.
She then looked straight ahead and continued on walking, Leaving the broken boy.

"I'm sorry, Ash" Serena murmured

Time skip

the next day

Serena was walking to school with her bag on her back and headphone covering both her ears listening to the music. Panda by desiigner

She arrives and enters the school gate, there she saw her friends May, Dawn and Shauna, talking to each other, While Serena was walking up to them.

"Hey guys," Serena waves to her friends as she took her headphones out from her ears. Putting it inside her bag. But what she didn't know was her friends, giving the blond honey hair girl with curious expressions on their faces. Soon, may spoke out.

"Serena, is it true that you broke up with Ash Ketchum, we just heard gossips around the school that you did it, what the hell is wrong with you" she said, looking at Serena.

"yeah! Serena, why did you do it, I thought you and Ash were One true pairing, why!, tell me for arceus sake" Dawn questioned to Serena with both hands holding on the waist, narrowing her eyebrows slightly. While Shauna looks at Serena, waiting for an answer.

Serena lets out a sign and spoke. "the reason is that, I just need a break from him, that's all..."

Dawn interrupts her from saying, with her eyebrows narrowing looking mad.

"That's all, THAT'S ALL!, Serena he gave everything to you, why did you do it, tell me!" Dawn shouted, raising her voice a little at Serena.

May and Shauna were comforting dawn, calming the blue haired girl.
As for Serena, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Serena starts to remember the times They had, great times, going funfairs, restaurants and walking in the park. It was fun and romantic. Until, that's when she realises that she made a big mistake.

Serena looks at her friends. Preparing to speak, however, her eyes moved to another direction which made it widened. There she saw Ash, sitting on the bench, but... he wasn't alone. Sitting next to him was a green haired girl. Both were smiling and laughing together.

Serena gazed the pair with her mouth gaped open a little, stood still, couldn't move a inch, watching them from afar, it felt sad like happiness has left her.

Ash got up from his seat and offers his hand for her to get up, but when she did, The girl falls onto Ash, and ended up in a hug position. Serena had so much emotion in her, mad, anger and jealousy. clenching her fist, watching the scene from afar. But May interrupts.

"Hey Serena, are you alright" May Interrupting her gaze.

Serena jumped up in fright. She looks from Ash to May and gives her a fake smile. Hiding her emotion.

"y-yeah, I'm fine...can you excuse me for a second, I'm going to the bathroom" Serena quickly told her friends. She quickly turning around, heading towards school and enters through the door, leaving her friends confused.

Time skip

It was now lunch time. Students were entering the canteen through the wooden doors and began to line up. Getting their lunch.

While Serena was walking towards the cafeteria, the emotions kept going inside her when Seeing Ash with a mysterious girl at morning. It made her feel empty, lost and....upset.

Serena shook her head forgetting the emotions and continuing on walking to the canteen.

As she arrives. She opens the Wooden door, entering the cafeteria. She looks around and saw her friend sitting in the corner, eating their own lunch. Serena was about to walk but saw something that made her gobsmacked.

Standing Next to her friends was. Her ex-boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, with the same girl from before.

Serena's emotions grew, she couldn't take it, watching Ash, her Ash with another clown girl who had ugly jeans on, that what she thought.

Serena mind began to fill with a lot of question. But one stood out. Are they a couple?

So many questions were going through her head, whispering inside her mind.
Suddenly, She swiftly turned around, and bolted out the canteen. Slamming the door behind her, with a loud bang across the room.

Everyone looked over to see who it was, but one person knew the answer

"Was that....Serena"

Time skip

It was now Sunday, the weekend,
Grey clouds began to cover the blue sky. The Gusty wind blew the green leaves from the tall trees and Cars were driving on the road in the streets.

Later, Serena came out from the house, closing the door behind and started walking down the street.

Serena signed freely "finally, fresh air" inhaling in and out from her nose.
While walking down the street. A fancy restaurant was nearby.

Serena was about to walk past, however, in the corner of her eye saw a pair, she turned her head towards the restaurant Window. But what she saw was unexpected.

Her eyes widened, a gasp caught in her lungs, chest feeling the heaviness.
Soon, it started to rain, pouring down from the grey skies.

Serena was still standing in the same area while her dress was getting wet from the rain.

What she saw was Ash sitting opposite to the same girl from before, both were talking to each other with smiles in their face.

Serena watched on while the rain poured more, wetting her clothes and her short honey blond hair.

She couldn't bare watching her ex-boyfriend, who was now on a date with a girl, that's what she thought.

After minutes went by, Serena turned around and started to walk away from the couple. With her head looking down at the ground. Tears were coming out from her eyes. But, Serena knew why she felt this way. It was him, her ex boyfriend. Ash ketchum.

She still loves him

She need him in her life

She wants him back.

Her Ash back.

Time skip

The next day, Serena walked down the street, heading towards the school.
Finally she arrives and enters through the school the gate. Then walks to the school playground and stops, looking around the area to find her ex-boyfriend.

As she looks around, she finally saw him, sitting alone on the bench while drinking the bottle from his hand. Serena didn't waste anytime and starts walks up to him as Ash finishes his bottle, and throws it in the bin like Lebron James style. He stood up from his bench, and was about to leave but Serena finally stops him just in time.

"Ash" she said, calling him.

"Serena," Ash said, stopping his tracks, looking towards her. But still he was confused why she called him after their break up "What are you doing here?"

Serena reaches to him, catching her breath, taking her time to speak, which she did

"Ash, I'm sorry" Serena said looking at him.

"Huh, what do mean sorry" Ash respond by tilting his head a little, confused, but Serena quickly spoke out.

"I want you back Ash, I want you to be my boyfriend again" Serena said to him. Saying from the bottom of her bottom.

Ash was taken back from the comment. He didn't know why she want him to be his boyfriend. Again.

"B-but you just broke up with me, you wanted to take a break, from me" Ash said. Lowering his voice on the last part.

Serena stuttered "I-I know Ash, but can we start over again like the times we had together. "

Ash looks at Serena sapphire eyes. He still didn't know why she wants him back.

After their breakup, he was heart broken and... lost. He still didn't know what was wrong with his relationship with Serena.

There weren't any arguments, problems and issues, it's was just normal.

Ash kept thinking about his relationship. Questions were circling around his mind, on what did the relationship go down.

Was it because he wasn't good enough? Or Was it his eating habits? Or was it that stupid idiot Calem?

After his emotional break up, he met A green haired girl called Mallow, who was the new student in school.

But Ash didn't have a crush on her. Oh no no no

The reason why he sat next to Mallow was Because she was lonely, so He introduce to her.

Also when Serena saw the hugging, Mallow actually slipped her footing on to him. But she didn't show any affection towards Him.

Also, At lunch Ash wanted to help Mallow make friends by meeting Serena's friends and he knew the answer when Serena walked out from the canteen.

And the date well technically it wasn't, The restaurant was owned by Mallow parent's, which opened a couple of days ago. Ash was invited to the restaurant by Mallows parents because for what he did and showing Gratitude towards her. So it was only a meeting you could say.

Ash didn't show any affection towards Mallow because in his heart he still loves Serena, deeply.

His mind kept thinking on and on, until Serena spoke out interrupting his thoughts.

"Ash" she spoke, Ash looks at Serena, who was looking back at him "have you thought about it, can we start over again"

Ash took his time, he took a deep breath and said.



Yeah that's that... So how was it?

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