The Brightest Black - A Drami...

By Enigmaticrose4

103K 3.3K 1K

On that fateful Halloween night Bellatrix Lestrange decided to sate her bloodlust on an innocent muggleborn f... More

Halloween Night
Time Marches On
Introducing Miss Black
Midnight Encounters
So Many Ghosts
Trusting Family
Draco Malfoy's Birthday Party
Teenage Rebellions
The Yule Ball
Three Articles
Interesting Implications
A Bug Problem
The Bat's Lair
Ignorance Isn't Bliss
A Year in Time
The Rescue
Changing of the Tide
Family Connections
The Menagerie
Hermione's Cure
New Marauders
The Quiet Ones
Paper Hats
The Breakout
Emotions are Irrational
The Malfoy Men
Childhood is Finite
The Christmas Holidays
Night Begins
Christmas at the Weasley's
Long Overdue Discussions
Joining Up
The Department of Mysteries
Returning to Hogwarts
A Perfect Dream
The Shifting Room
A Good Start
Permission is Unnecessary
A Vile Stench
Pansy Returns
Striking Back
Chaos at the Ministry
A Real Date
Couple of Pairs
Dumbledore's Funeral
Patience is a Virtue
The Order of the Phoenix
They're Here
It Begins
For Hogwarts!
Not a Nott
A Sea of Darkness
Dawn Breaks

Reality Surfaces

1.1K 41 13
By Enigmaticrose4

The reality that lay before Draco, on the other side of the glass, was hard to bear.

Pansy had always been petite, but she looked practically miniscule lying there on the hospital bed. Her face was twisted in agony as a mind healer touched her forehead with his wand, a blank expression on his face.

"They say they're almost done."

He looked over at Longbottom, standing beside him, gripping the window frame with white fingers.

"Do they-" he stopped and took a deep breath. "Do they know how badly she'll be affected?"

"No," Professor Longbottom said from her spot on a nearby chair. Harry sat on a sofa near Professor Longbottom, clasping Ginger's hand. Everyone's expression was grim.

Guilt twisted in Draco's chest, he opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Hermione speaking.

It's not your fault.

Yes, it is. She got hurt because I defied Him.

If we follow that logic, then she got hurt because I led her into Malfoy Manor.

His fists clenched, all his mature words and thoughts disappearing.

Yes! You led her there! But you did it to rescue my mother! And she only needed rescuing because I was stupid! I should have just taken the Mark and escaped later. Then everyone would be alive and happy!


He reeled as if punched and looked at her. He didn't think he'd ever seen her curse. She'd always had model behavior unless her Black bloodlust was taking over.

That got your attention? Now, listen up Draco Lucius Malfoy. I've been really mature for the past week, but I'm tired. You said you're chained to me. I didn't get a choice in that, and you didn't get much of one either. Now, listen and take some much needed advice.

She reached out and wrapped her hand over his where it lay on the window frame. A moment later he felt her appear in his head.

The chain cage was still around her, but it seemed to have sunk down a bit, as if it was growing roots and anchoring her.

You are not a skilled legiliminus like Snape. As soon as the Dark Lord marked you he would have torn through your mind. He would have instantly known that you were chained to me - even before you consciously knew. And, even without that he would have known you were not loyal to him and you never would be. He would have either killed you or put you under the Imperius Curse.

If he put me under the Imperius Curse my father would still be alive. As would everyone else. Mother would have freed me later.

Maybe, but not before you did something terrible!

Oh, and what defines terrible? I'd say getting the hand cursed off one of my best friends as terrible!

Theo didn't have to join you in defiance! It was his choice!

But it was a choice I forced on him! I shouldn't have asked him that stupid question! His father tried to kill him! His father cursed his own son!!! Sliced his hand right off! I know he was aiming for Theo's neck!

You listen up, Draco! Theo was NEVER going to follow in his father's footsteps! Eventually they would have fought, maybe at a time when Theo was alone, without backup! We don't know what could have happened!

Fine. Believe that if you want to. But that doesn't change the reality of Pansy. Her parents aren't Death Eaters. They're on the fence. She was safely at home until YOU summoned her! YOU dragged her into that battle!

Yes! I did! But she came WILLINGLY!!! She loves you! You're her best friend!

Really? You think I'm her best friend? Then what is Longbottom?!?

Honestly! You think someone can only have one best friend?!?

Draco's jaw clenched and he stomped his foot, uncaring what she might think about that.

Yes! After all, only one person can be BEST!!! Don't you understand? Theo WAS my best friend. Then we had a falling out. Pansy became my best friend. But now she's chosen Longbottom! You have Harry. You always have and you always will! You can't POSSIBLY understand!!!


"So, Malfoy, how is Theodore doing? Malfoy?"

Harry looked up and saw Neville staring at Draco in confusion.

It only took a moment for Harry to see why Draco was unresponsive. The blonde's hand was lying under Hermione's, and both of them were staring rather blankly at each other.

He sighed.

"Neville, he can't hear you." He pointed at their hands, "They're talking inside one of their minds. Let me go check on them."

Ginny snorted, "They really need to not do this in public. It's liable to get them killed."

"Point," Harry said as he untangled his hand from hers and stood up.

When he reached the window he looked out at Pansy and the mind-healer for a moment, then took a deep breath and put his hand on top of Hermione's.

Then, with a quick push of his mind he was once more standing in Draco's mind. Hermione was there, once again inside the cage, but this time it looked a bit different - though he couldn't quite say how. Draco was outside the cage, and both of them looked furious.

Worried, he reached out, sending a soothing image of himself humming and comforting her.

She looked up and her eyes narrowed. A second later he was thrust out, finding himself once again in the sterile hospital.

An image of something he couldn't name resided in his mind for a moment. It was more of a mixture of emotions than something physical. He was left with the impression that whatever Draco and Hermione were working through had to be dealt with now.

And that he had no part in it.

Something twisted inside of him, and he took a deep breath, forcing back the tears that pricked at his eyes. It was stupid to feel hurt, he didn't own Hermione. Besides, they all had to grow up sometime.


A small, cool hand slipped into his own. He looked over at his girlfriend and gave a wobbly smile.

"Love you, Ginny."

She leaned in and gave him a hug, "Love you, too."

Neville awkwardly cleared his throat, "So...what just happened?"


Draco saw Harry appear and then disappear just as quickly. Hermione scowled at the spot he had occupied and then turned her attention back to Draco.

Griffonshit! Harry may be my best friend, but I'm not his only best friend! Ron and Ginny are also his best friends!

Griffonshit right back at you! Ginger isn't his best friend, she's his girlfriend!

What? You can't be both? That's a twisted lie!

He stormed over towards her, the cage shimmered and moved, letting him through. Then it seemed to tighten around them, trapping them mere inches apart.

Fine! You can be both!!! You can have multiple best friends!!! That just means I got my best friends cursed! Theo lost his hand and Pansy's mind is invaded by nightmares! Nightmares! Do you understand the danger?!? She could lose her sanity from this!

Of course I understand the danger! You think I don't know the power of nightmares?!? Really? I've suffered from nightmares since I was two-years-old!!! Ever since that witch with a capital B escaped Azkaban I've had to sleep in Harry's bed to keep them at bay! Hell! I've only been sleeping in my own bed since I actually faced her and vomited all over her bloody boots!

He opened his mouth to respond, but snapped it closed again as he felt his oath with her twinge. A faint part of him remembered his promise to never discuss that 'witch with a capital B' with Hermione. No, he didn't want to break his promise with her. He may be furious with her, but he never wanted to see her hurt. Plus, he'd promised, and his ability to keep that promise was something he actually had control over.

The cage shuddered and sank deeper, the chains growing thicker.

He took a deep breath and slowly released it, watching her do the same.

Okay, you know nightmares. But that doesn't change the fact she's cursed because of me. Me! She's already been obliviated once because of me! And now she could be permanently damaged!

Anger blazed in her brown eyes, turning them almost golden.

You're such a narcissist! You think it's all because of you?!? Well, guess what? It isn't! People have free will! Pansy chose to talk to Skeeter! Skeeter chose to obliviate Pansy! Pansy and Neville chose to be...well...whatever they are. Your mother chose to set things up in such a way that you would want to defy the Dark Lord! Your father chose to sacrifice himself for you! Theo chose to join your defiance! I chose to risk all to rescue your mother! Yes, I did it to make sure you aren't an orphan like me! But I chose that because of who I am! Not you! And my friends chose to follow me! They CHOSE to!!! Including Pansy and Theo! Get it?!?

He did. He did get it. Guilt twisted even deeper inside of him, and tears pricked at his eyes, making them burn. He knew it wasn't really his fault. He knew this deep down, but that just made it worse. He was helpless. Completely helpless.

His breath started to come faster and his chest tightened.


He needed air.

Blindly he stepped backwards, trying to get space, but found his back pressed up against the chain-like bars of the cage.

Panic began to fill him.

He was trapped.

Trapped and helpless.

His breath came faster and faster, she began to waver in front of his eyes. Blackness appeared, creeping in from the edges and covering his view of her.

He grew even more panicked.


Then he was surrounded by soft flesh, not hard bars. He clung to it, soft black hair covered his vision, replacing the darkness that had been intruding. Something appeared over his mouth, helping his breathing become slower, more controlled. He focused in on it as a soft hum traveled over his skin, easing the tenseness.

He didn't know how long it took for him to regain control of his body, but when he did he pulled back and looked at her face.

They were sitting on the ground, the cage surrounding them, looking even stronger than before. It also looked different, but he didn't quite know how.

I'm sorry, Draco. I didn't know you had panic attacks. I hope the breathing spell helped. I read about it after you crushed your hand and went into shock.

Panic what?

Panic attacks, what you just had. Was that your first one?

Huh? Oh. No. I-I had one after I realized you were in St. Mungos under that curse. I felt helpless. But it wasn't as bad as this one.

She giggled, and he found himself entranced with how her neck looked as she tilted her head back in laughter.

You're definitely a Slytherin. I know - it's not funny - but it kind of is. When you feel helpless you panic.

He stared at her in shock, then felt himself smile in return.

You're right. And you're a bloody Gryffindor, rushing into battle to save one person.

Point. But guess what? You're chained to me now, I'll be dragging you with me into those battles. You'll never be helpless again.

He smiled at that, realizing that she spoke the truth. As long as he stayed with her and the other New Maurauders he would never be helpless again.

Point. And, well, I shouldn't have blown up at you about the guilt and whose fault it is. I thought I was dealing with everything so well, but when I saw her lying there...

He trailed off, unable to describe the exact emotions he'd felt when he saw Pansy.

It's been a busy and stressful few days. I shouldn't have lost my cool either. Your father wasn't a good man, but he was a good father and you miss him. And that was only one effect of your decision.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, noticing it was longer than it had ever been before. Pretty soon he'd be able to tie it back like his father had always done.

Somehow, the thought of emulating his father in some small manner made him feel more at peace with what had happened. As if doing so would help keep the good parts of his father alive.

Yes, there were lots of effects, but that was the first, and the most permanent. I'm just glad there were as few casualties as there were. Even if losing Dumbledore is terrible for the Order.

She pursed her lips and grew thoughtful.

I'm not so sure losing him was bad for the Order, even if it was bad for Hogwarts. I think he was the main reason they always acted from the shadows and kept secrets past the point they should have been revealed. He tried to stop Padfoot from telling Harry and me about the Azkaban Breakout. Also...I think he suspected Harry was a horcrux. I can't prove it. It's just a hunch based on his words and actions.

He thought back on his own encounters with the Headmaster. Including how he had sworn to spy for the Order if Dumbledore would keep it secret that it was Draco who had told the Order and Ministry about Harry being kidnapped and Hermione going after him.

For a moment he felt grateful Dumbledore had died, thus eliminating that promise, but then the guilt came back. It was muted now, but it was still there. He took a deep breath to steady himself and then pulled up Harry's words. Embrace the guilt, accept it, and then stand back and look at it. Figure out who has the true blame. And Draco had another thought to add to that. Because he seriously doubted any of the Death Eaters felt guilty about the deaths. No guilt, no remorse, no chance for redemption.

Unlike himself.

Hermione reached out and took his hand. He gave it a squeeze and looked at her. In her almost golden eyes he saw his own emotions mirrored back.

Guilt, and her own acceptance of it. As well as something deeper, darker, promising retribution to all those that had done her harm.

Idly, he wondered why they had been arguing. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind he knew why: it was what they did. The last two times they had truly communicated had started with an argument. The first had been ended in a promise. The second ended with him catching her as she passed out from exhaustion. Oh, and his broken hand.

This time would end with them holding hands and...well...something else. Though he couldn't yet name it.

The cage shuddered and morphed, taking on a shape he had no word for, other than beautiful.

Well, that's different.

He nodded, wondering what it meant, but also fearing to go in that direction. Wary of what he might find.

Indeed, now, why don't we go see how Pansy is doing? I need to find out everything if I'm to help Neville get her on her feet again. Later we can discuss how to make the correct parties recognize their guilt.

She smiled at him, taking his breath away. A moment later the connection broke and they were back in the small viewing room.

Harry and Ginger were still sitting on the sofa, and Neville was still standing beside him, but all of their attention was directed at Hermione and himself, rather than Pansy.

"You two should stop doing that in public, you look like someone imperiused you," Ginger said.

Hermione snorted, "This isn't public. There's only us five here. Besides, Draco and I had some things to work out. And it's not like we'd get privacy anywhere else. Black Cottage is full to bursting and your mum is always nosy, so the Burrow is out."

"Point," Neville and Harry said together, making Ginger scowl and grumble something about her mum and only she could say such things.

Draco thought it telling that she didn't actually say this loud enough for anyone to be required to respond to it. Likely because she had no red-haired backup.

He turned from the couple on the couch and looked through the window at Pansy. Guilt still swept through his body at the sight of her, but it didn't linger. It was quickly replaced by a burning desire for revenge.

It wasn't just enough now to help Harry and Hermione take down Voldemort and the Death Eaters.


Taking them down wasn't enough.

They had to die. All of them.

But first, they had to suffer.


The next week passed quickly. Fred and George reported that most of the Order seemed baffled by what had happened outside the Department of Mysteries. A few times Hermione caught Narcissa looking at her speculatively, but nothing was said.

Hermione and Luna spent time together working on various research topics or homework while most of the others spent their days playing quidditch in the gymnasium. That is, when they all weren't being put through their paces by Alianore, Tachiki, or Mrs. Longbottom. Ron recovered enough to move and took up a position in a comfy chair, watching any and all quidditch games and working on new strategic plays to implement in the next quidditch practice. On New Year's Day they even invited the rest of the Gryffindor team over and he put them through their paces.

Harry teased him about becoming the next Oliver Wood, which resulted in a rude hand gesture that made Ginny laugh. Hermione supposed there was a reason Ron had been made the Gryffindor Team Captain, not Harry.

Draco was banned from that quidditch practice as he was the seeker for a rival team. He'd grumbled about this, but ended up joining Hermione and Luna in an empty classroom.

Luna was reading something on spectral planes, while Hermione worked on creating a pair of goggles that counteracted the effects of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. It would make it so much more effective to be able to counteract it.

Draco watched them for a moment, then took a seat and pulled out the NM journal. Hermione watched from the corner of her eye as he began casting diagnostic spells on it. Then he pulled out a piece of parchment and began scribbling arithmancy equations. She frowned, wondering what he was doing, but she chose to say nothing.

She didn't really think he planned to keep secrets from her.

After about an hour he let out a shout of triumph and drew his wand. As she watched he aimed it at the book and cast, " Homeniber Revelidum ." The book glowed a faint shade of blue for a moment,

" Hey, one of you pull out your journal."

Hermione frowned in curiosity, but did as he said, Luna leaned over to look. As the sound of a quill scratching on paper began, words appeared. But there was something a little different. Draco's name lay before the words.

Draco Malfoy: Do you two see my name? There are so many of us. I thought this would make it easier to communicate.

Hermione snatched her own quill off the cover and wrote back.

-We do. How did you adapt the spell?

Draco Malfoy: I started studying a book on creating spells last spring. Compared to that, adapting a few and merging them is easy.

" Homeniber Revelidum ," Luna said, aiming her wand at her own journal.

Then she picked up a quill.

Luna Lovegood: We need to make it say our code names.

Draco Malfoy: I'll keep working on it. Make it so we can set our own names.

Hermione cast the spell on her own journal and grinned as she wrote.

Hermione Black: I'm sure we can work that out.

- Dragon is going to take all the fun out of this.

-How can we confuse all of you if our names appear by our words?

Her grin changed into a laugh.

"Watch out Draco, they'll try and prank you for this. Even as they steal it to put into their own products."

Draco looked up and smirked at her, his long hair half-hiding his silver eyes, making them glitter.

"Just watch them try. I better get a cut of any sales on products using this spell. If I don't they'll hear from my lawyers."

Luna Lovegood: Gred and Forge never poke a sleeping dragon, especially when it's got a phoenix on its side.

Instead of writing, one of the twins drew an image of a dragon and a phoenix doing...

Hermione's jaw dropped and Draco let out a yelp of shock, while Luna began giggling helplessly.

Hermione's brain began to race and she started plotting different ways to get revenge. It would have to wait until Easter or Summer, but she would get them back for that.

But, then, as she watched the picture began to move and the dragon and phoenix were now sitting beside a fire, where two black birds were roasting.

She looked up at Draco and couldn't help but return his smirk.

Yes, she would get revenge, but she wouldn't be alone. Draco would be with her every step of the way, and in a way she knew Harry never could.

Because, much as she loved her brother, he was not a truly vindictive person.

She was.

So was Draco.

And together they would make sure no one got away with messing with them or those they cared about.


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