Wrong Number | Markiplier Tex...

By ArtsyDoodleBug

25.2K 1.2K 188

Don't you just hate when you text something personal and it's to the wrong person -- or in this case the righ... More

Wrong Number
20 Questions
Showing Support
What You Look Like
Meet Me
Hang Out With Friends
Just Friends Wade
Gaming Together
Unknown Number
Present For A Friend
The Girlfriend
Doesn't Matter
I'm Sorry
Third Wheel
What To Do
Player 2
Modest Man
Not Cool Man
Seeing The Sights
Meet My Best Friend
PAX Room
PAX Final Day
Book 2

PAX Pannalist

409 28 2
By ArtsyDoodleBug

I watched from my seat next to Amy and Signe as Mark, Sean, and Felix all pranced around on stage like idiots, but it was fun to watch regardless.

After a while, they decided to answer some questions. I had kind of zoned out until Mark was pointing in my direction and I noticed he was talking about me.

"She's actually here with me! Nichole, stand up!"

Mark nearly cheered.

"Yeah Nichole stand up! Everybody wants to see ya!"

Sean encouraged.

"Yeah Nichole person stand up!"

Felix agreed, obviously not knowing who the hell I was but joined in with the cheering. I stood up and turned around to give a slight and awkward wave. The room was packed to the brim with 50,000 people and it was something that made me wanna puke. The anxiety was bad -- but it got even worse when Mark asked for me to come up on stage.

I turned back toward Mark and shook my head, but he just smiled and laughed.

"She's a little shy folks! Maybe next time!"

And I proceeded to sit back down as I heard some disappointed groans and moans. The panel finished and when Mark, Jack, and Felix all went to leave they were rushed by fans as they tried to leave the stage, thankfully they made it off the stage all in one piece. Amy, Signe and I all followed them into the back room where Marzia was waiting for Felix.

I felt my whole body tense up when her eyes landed on me and she smiled and made her way over.

"Hello! You must be Nichole."

God her voice was just the cutest I'd ever heard. I nodded and held my hand out for her to shake it.

"Yeah that's me. And you're Marzia. It's nice to meet you in person."

I greeted. She laughed and complimented me on my manners causing me to laugh awkwardly. Suddenly a arm was thrown around my shoulder and I was pulled in tightly to someone's side.

"So! How did you meet Mark? I'm curious because he normally keeps his crazed fans at bay!"

Felix joked as he released me from his grasp. I played with the helm of my shirt and cleared my throat.

"Well, I just happened to text the wrong number... and it turned out to be his."

"Likely story!"

Felix shouted causing me to go wide-eyed. Marzia smacked Felix on the arm causing him to whine and complain about the "pain" in his arm now.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't rough him up too much now, he might like it!"

Sean joked as he wandered over to our little group. Him and Mark both came over and seen what was going on. It was then I looked around for Amy and Signi but they were no where to be found.

"The girls went to the dealers room."

Sean explained when he noticed that I was looking around for the two of them.

"Oh! I think I'll head there myself! I wonder what cute things they've got there this year?"

Marzia said as she gave Felix a kiss on the cheek and told me it was nice meeting me, I nodded and watched as she walked away.

"Do you wanna go too?"

Mark asked suddenly. I glanced up at him and shook my head.

"No, not really..."

I said although the truth was I did wanna go, but I was short on money.

"They've got some pretty cool stuff though!"

Sean exclaimed.

"We go at least once each time we come."

I glanced down at the bag that was flung over my shoulder that I brought with me to carry my things. I didn't say anything else and I felt a tap on my arm. Looking up I seen Mark nod his head away from the group.

"Hey guys, we'll be right back."

Mark said as he and I moved away from the group. I heard Sean and Felix laugh about something as he pulled us away from the both of them. He pulled me over by the door that was back in the corner of the room.

"Are you okay?"

Mark asked. I nodded a bit too quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"It's just -- you seem -- I dunno you just seem off?"

"It's just not use to all the attention I guess. It's a lot to take in meeting Felix and Marzia. Not to mention all your guy's fans."

Mark just frowned as he continued to look at me. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me that look like he wasn't buying it.

"Is it Amy? Is she being rude?"

"Wh-- no! No she's been pleasant so far! Why would you think that -- "

"Then what? Is it... Is it being in public with me?"

"Are you serious right now?"

"Then what the hell is wrong!"

Mark scolded in a hushed tone as he glanced back at Sean and Felix to make sure they weren't looking this way. I huffed and looked at my feet not really wanting to tell him what was wrong.

"I don't -- I -- I don't have spending money."

There was was a silence between the both of us as Mark uncrossed his arms and looked at me.

"Is that it? That's why you're acting weird? Because you're broke?"

"Look, I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't wanna sound rude, but I didn't think California was going to be that expensive while I was staying with you... I didn't bring enough money."

Mark chuckled a little which caused me to look up at him. He wore that soft heartfelt smile and his arm came out and wrapped itself around my shoulder.

"You're an idiot."

He said pulling me into a hug. I felt my ears warm as I put my arms around his back and returned the hug.

"If you're not the pot calling the kettle black."

I muttered into his neck which it only made him laugh harder this time.

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