honest ➸ chris schistad

By unheartwicked

52.6K 2.9K 804

"i wish you could be honest, i wish you could be honest with me." » in which an unimportant first year boys h... More

06. GAY
09. BOYS
10. FITS
14. THIS


2.7K 167 10
By unheartwicked


Alek and Isak made their way back to the cabin, both in silence.

Both were lost in thought anyway. Alek's thoughts were clouded with many things, like Chris, and mostly Chris.

Alek has never found himself into someone. Even his friends knew this, as they would try to hook him up with any girl they even talked to.

But Chris, Chris was something different. Maybe that's why Alek jumped so fast to tell Isak he was gay, sure it was a bit too fast but it just made sense to him.

Once they got back to the cabin, still without saying a word, Alek feared Eva would notice them acting differently.

They got back just in time to witness Eva get scared by Jonas with her back turned.

"Not funny." She said frowning and walking back towards the cabin. "It's a little funny." Jonas said causing Elias and Isak to laugh a bit.

Even Alek laughed, still feeling bad for the girl. They all walked inside, following Eva.

They all sat down at the table, Jonas and Eva on one side. Elias and Isak on the other, Alek sitting at the end of the table between both Isak and Eva.

As soon as Alek sat down he pulled out his phone, clicking on snapchat, seeing he got one from Chris.

He opened it, laughing at the basically sexual invitation. But before he could respond, he got a chat from Chris as well.

Christoffer 🔥:
what was that snap too sexy for you that you had to replay it?? haha xx 😘

This caused Alek to raise his eyebrow, looking up from his phone, where Eva and Isak were staring at him.

Only Eva and Isak knew his password, right? His heart dropped a bit imagining Elias opening that snap, or even Jonas.

Before he could even think more, Jonas held his plate out to Eva, expected her to put the spaghetti they were eating on it.

"You're able to help yourself, aren't you?" She said angrily setting her own plate down.

Which caused Jonas to furrow his eyebrows as Alek bite the inside of his cheek, knowing something was about to go down.

"Why are you so pissed all the time?"

"I'm pissed because you're behaving like a complete jerk." She said turning towards him as Elias and Isak lowered their head a bit and Alek sighed quietly.

"Jerk? What did I do?" He raised his hand to his chest as Eva didn't respond.

Which caused Alek to feel a bit better, believing they would leave it at that, or at least save it for later.

That is until Jonas had to open his mouth once more, "Tell me what I did!".

Eva took in a deep breathe, as Alek prepared himself for the oncoming rant to Jonas.

"You invited a bunch of people to a cabin trip that was supposed to be just us."

"Three guys?"

"Yes. You change personalities when Elias is around." Eva argued which caused Elias to smile and Alek roll his eyes at him.

"And," She continued, "You're texting Ingrid behind my back, when you know how much of a bitch she is to me!" As she said this Jonas eyes widened.

"Ingrid? I'm not going behind your back talking to Ingrid. What did she say I did?" Jonas said as Alek and Isak shared a look.

Alek felt as if it was his fault, he knew Jonas really loved Eva, and he defiantly wouldn't cheat on her, but he wanted to tell Eva the truth. Maybe he should of added that part too.

Soon enough the argument led to both of them standing up, Eva ran into the bedroom with Jonas at the door but he took the hint.

After a few awkward minutes of fake laughing and trying to change the subject, Elias called Jonas outside once more.

Leaving Isak and Alek.

"Isak, by chance were you on my phone?" Alek asked scratching the back of his head.

"No, why?" Isak asked mastering his fake confused tone.

"Nevermind, it's not important." Alek said easing himself back into his chair, convincing himself it was just a glitch or something.

"Oh yeah, what was it you wanted to tell me outside?" Alek asked leaning towards Isak who just rested his head on his hand.

"It's nothing."

"Come on Isak. You can tell me stuff." Alek said causing Isak to turn toward him.

Alek stared into his eyes for a minute trying to get a read on him, not aware of how close they really were.

Then Alek's phone went off once more and he lunged backwards, pulling it out of his pocket.

anywaYYyy i know it seems all about Isak but after this chapter just you waittttt
chris will release his inner f boiiiii
anyway leave comments n all that jazz cause they are amaze balls also check out my new fic if you like from dusk till dawn and yeah
-until next time

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