Lee, That's Me!

By taramalik18

457 17 5

Everyone titles Lee as a very mean person or a big joker, when in actual, she's plain honest and very serious... More

Discovering Plump's Talent
What Did I Do Wrong?
I Don't Know?
You're not Bethany!
Desperate Times Equal Desperate Measures!
Back to School
Grandmas, Who'd Have Em'?
What's the secret?
What's Wrong with Mum?
What the Fudge!

Robotic Lee

23 1 0
By taramalik18

Grandma and I needed to come up with a plan to defeat robotic Bethany. So, Grandma suggested my robot version should do it. So she created Robotic Lee, following the instructions carefully.

It looked EXACTLY like me! Grandma talked to Robo Lee and told her firm instructions.

"Cool! I'm a robot!" Said Robo Lee, smiling a very beautiful smile. I can't see why anyone would be irritated by that.

"Yeah, I know! Soo cool! I wish I was a robot." I replied, smiling back. "You can do all sorts!"

"Yeah! It's awesome!" Nodded Robo Lee. She looked carefully at me and stretched her smile even more.

"You look EXACTLY like me!" Laughed Robo Lee. I laughed too but then paused and asked her how she knew. I can't even see myself! Just my body and that's about it, really. Robo Lee pointed behind me indicating a mirror. Ohh! Silly me!

We both started laughing even harder. I like Robo Lee! She is so cool! So friendly and a very honest person!

"What kills humans?" Asks Robo Lee after we stopped laughing.

"Why?" Grandma asked, "Is it necessary?"

"Just curious," Robo Lee says, "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to."

"No, it's OK!" I said. Robo Lee smiled. "Guns, knives, car crashes, poison, things that eat humans and-"

"What eats humans?" Asked Robo Lee.

"Animals, cannibals, and all sorts!

"Whoa!" Robo Lee's eyes were huge, "A LOT of things kill humans!"

"AND it could be the inside of you too," I added, remembering TV shows. "Like heart attacks, lung problems, and there are others out there killing themselves!"

"What? Why would anyone kill themselves?" Asked Robo Lee, ultra confused. I shrugged because it is pathetic.

"Drugs." I say and then I said, "It causes cancer. Sometimes people die from cancer, while others are lucky and survive."

"This is all... heavy stuff." Robo Lee says, shaking her head. I nod my head slowly taking in all the things I had said.

"That's life for you," Grandma says still reading the back of the PREGN bottle.

"What kills robots?" I asked, interested because what could possibly kill robots? It would have to be something super!

"One main thing," said Robo Lee, "Water."

"Water?" I repeated. But how? I didn't get it! Personally I would hate it if I couldn't swim or drink water!

Water's everything! How could anyone try to avoid it?

Robo Lee says that's the problem. She'll have to be extremely careful. I assured her that I'll be there to help her.

Grandma told us we better get a move on. Then she enchanted some words...

"Za-go-ra, Ka-thum-ba-la, ra-ba-darrr, egu-felu, ra-ra-ramboozala!"

...And the next thing you know, Robo Lee and I were transported home.

"This is an alright place," says Robo Lee, scanning everything. I nodded but wouldn't allow my eyes to look at her. I had to make sure Mum and Dad were nowhere to be in sight. "C'mon, let's take you upstairs."

"OK, but first-" Robo Lee held onto my arm stopping me from running up the stairs, "Tell me, What's that sound I'm hearing?"

"It's coming from the kitchen. Mum's chopping onions or something." I said, desperately trying to tug Robo Lee to follow me.

"Chopping? How is she doing that?" Asked Robo Lee. I seriously wonder What's so fascinating about that. But, she's a robot. You can't blame her for being curious over the simple stuff.

"She's obv-" I paused and then said, "She's using the knife."

Robo Lee's eyes turned red for quite a while. It was so cool but disturbing. I wonder what she's thinking...


Finally I managed to tug Robo Lee upstairs and into my room. Just in time too, because Mum came out of the kitchen.

I jumped on the bed next to Robo Lee.

"OK, so what's the plan?" I asked, looking carefully at Robo Lee. She's so cool!

"Dunno!" Robo Lee says, not taking her eyes off me.

I know this had nothing to do with anything, but I had to find out! So I said, "Why do robots eyes go red?"

Robo Lee laughed a little.

"What do you humans do when you're thinking of something evil?" Asked Robo Lee, changing the topic.

I raised my eyebrow. Robo Lee was amazed with my little eyebrow trick. She clearly thought it was cool.

"Well, we move our hands about like this-" I demonstrated with banging my fingers together slowly and deliberately. And then I roared my head back and chuckled as evilly as I could, "Mwahahaha."

Robo Lee clapped her hands together and said, "Cool!"

I nodded, laughing a little.

"Well, our eyes go red when we think of something evil!" Said Robo Lee. I asked her if she could demonstrate again but she said she can't unless she thinks of something evil.

I studied her carefully and then asked, "If you can't go near water, then how can you cry without spilling a tear drop?"

Robo Lee laughed, "Is that how you humans cry?"

I nodded my head, once again, trying to see the funny side.

"We don't cry." Robo Lee said in a serious tone, "But we do get upset. Our eyes turn blue!"

"Cool! This is all so fascinating!" I said, hugging a pillow close to my chest, feeling so happy that I could finally talk to someone who understands me!

"Yeah! Humans are very interesting!" Robo Lee agreed. "Extremely interesting." She added.

Her eyes were turning red again. Huh?

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