M P 3

By -deanied

1.6K 158 186

A story in which a girl stores all her messages for a boy in an mp3 story idea: @-eatseokjins The story is pu... More

135 15 26
By -deanied

It was utterly silent for at least five minutes as we walked through the empty hallways, until Yoongi awkwardly cleared his throat and asked me, "So your class is..."

It took me a couple of seconds to process the fact that he was actually talking to me before I answered him in a slight quivering voice, "I-It's one class away from yours."

He looked at me with an unreadable expression, not helping my rapid beating heart and my blood that instantly rushed to my cheeks. "I-I mean. I-It's c-class B- 6 in the senior building."

I couldn't look him straight in the eyes, so I turned my head slightly in embarrassment fiddling with my fingers as I did so.

"You're a senior?" he questioned, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"Mm," I hummed, no longer wanting to speak as I was afraid of spewing out any more foolish words.

"Oh, I thought you were a junior, since you look younger than most senior girls in our graduating class," he responded, a small smile tugged at his lips. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

I shyly fixated the loose end hairs behind my ear as I looked around the junior hallway we were currently walking through, and it clicked in my mind the reason he had walked in this direction.

"I guess you really thought I was a junior." I chuckled in a teasing way, making him do the same. "You do look pretty young to be a senior though."

"If I had met you somewhere else, I would have thought you were 12 years old," he joked, looking at me with his strong, yet soft gaze.

My breath hitched in that moment and I couldn't believe I was even speaking normally to him. As if somehow we were casual friends who were having a casual conversation, and that strangely comforted me, but at the same time it made my heart ready to pop out of my chest.

I tried controlling my emotions so my feelings wouldn't be exposed, so I bit my bottom lip in hopes that, that would calm me down. However, it didn't. It only made my heart race faster and faster.

"Hey, are you okay? You look really red, do you need to go to the nurse?" he questioned, full of worry, pausing to examine my semblance.

"I-I'm fine," I waved off, looking at the ground as I tried hiding my face from him.

"Are you sure? You seem like you're about to faint or something." He stepped towards me stretching his arm about to touch my shoulder, but I hesitantly took a step back.

"I-I'm really okay. Maybe it's just my allergies that are acting up." I lied.


"Hyung!" A boy's voice excitedly called out, making Yoongi shoot his head in his direction. "Jungkook-ah, what are you doing here?"

They greeted each other with a bro-handshake, and Jungkook proceeded to answer him. "I was just roaming around, what about you?"

"Are you really skipping class on your first day?" Yoongi gave him a criticizing expression to which the younger one laughed at. "No, I asked to go to the bathroom, so technically I'm not skipping," he confidently replied.

"If you're not going to the destination you told the teacher then that counts as skipping," Yoongi disputed.

"At least I'm going back." Jungkook smirked, looking at his hyung and then at me.

"Who's this?" he questioned, scanning me up and down with an amused look. Which I responded to with a tomato red face full of disbelief.

My heart wanted to literally explode at the fact that I was standing next to Yoongi, and being noticed by his younger friend who happened to be extremely handsome.

That however, instantly disappeared after Yoongi's response to his question, which made my heart drop down to my stomach.

"Oh, she's just some girl I'm helping out." He showed him the papers in his hand as evidence to his statement.

In that moment I was no longer blushing, nor was my heart rapidly beating. It was as if he took my heart and created a wound to which I would have to cure on my own.

I no longer felt in the mood of him accompanying me to my classroom, so as soon as Jungkook asked the question of what my name was I turned to face Yoongi. Which I understand was extremely rude to the boy, but my mind was being taken over by being called some girl instead of being asked what my name was by Yoongi.

"Actually, I can just take those papers to my class. You don't have to go with me anymore," I spoke coldly, putting out my hand so he would hand me the sheets.

"Won't you get in trouble?" He looked at me strangely, wondering what had made my mood change so drastically.

"My teacher was the one who sent me to pick up the papers, so I don't think he would mind that I be the one to give them to him. After all, I am just some girl he asked to go get them," I answered dryly, taking the papers from his hands

I then made my way passed both him and Jungkook as I walked to the stairs at the end of the hallway.

"I guess I'm just some girl to him to which he'll never want to waste his time with," I uttered under my breath, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill.

I slowly walked up the stairs, drifting off into a frenzy of thoughts that made my mood crumble into bite size pieces. The moment of him saying such words about me replayed itself like a broken record player that I wanted so badly to destroy.

Standing by the classroom door, I tried to compose myself to seem as if nothing happened, and I was simply coming back from the administrative office.

Taking deep breaths I managed to slide the door open and enter the class, to which I was immediately greeted by many eyes that made me uncomfortable. This made me lower my head as I made my way to the front of the classroom.

I quickly handed the papers to Mr. Kim, and went back to my seat, letting out a small stressful sigh, which Dahyun instantly recognized.

"Did something happen on your way back?" She stared at me with worry clearly being seen in her eyes, and I simply answered, "I'll tell you later."

The rest of the day went by fairly slowly. Once in awhile Dahyun would nudge me to tell her what was wrong to which I responded to with the same answer from before, making her slightly mad.

Somehow I understood where she was coming from. She was simply worried over her friend who was slowly being broken by a boy who didn't even see her as someone he could relatively become close with.

But at the same time I didn't want to tell her, since I knew exactly what she would say.

She would tell me to stop wasting my time with such a boy, and that there are plenty of other people that I could develop feelings for that would be better than him.

But how could you beat someone that helped you heal in a time in which you thought hope was just an idiotic idea made by people who wanted to believe in something unrealistic?

Ding Ding Ding

The bell to lunch finally rang after ages of long introductory greetings from some of the teacher's, and I was just glad that I wouldn't be in a suffocating class filled with my own mood-eating thoughts.

Me and Dahyun walked together to the cafeteria room, and of course she didn't hesitate a second to ask me why I had sighed so stress-fully when I had arrived back from the office.

"Honestly Dahyun," I began with slight annoyance being noticed in my tone. "I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to eat my lunch peacefully, and then get back into the classroom to wait for the end of the day to come."

"Something did happen then? (Y/n), why don't you just tell me? Are we not friends enough that you don't want to tell me what's wrong?" she remarked, catching my arm, pulling me around to face her.

"Am I not trustworthy enough so you can confess your heavy feelings that weigh you down all day?" She earnestly gazed into my eyes that made me lower my head being filled with guilt.

"It's not that I didn't want to tell you.." I muttered softly. "I just knew what you were going to say if I told you." I raised my head to meet her wide eyes that were flustered by my moist ones.

"That's why I didn't want to say anything." My voice trembled as I spoke.

Dahyun let out a small chuckle, and looked at me with a warm gaze. "(Y/n), sometimes I'm harsh with you when you tell me stuff because I worry so much about you, putting yourself in a position where your heart get's damaged."

"The least thing I want to see is you getting hurt over something that you personally set yourself up to without realizing it. I'm trying to protect your heart that's already wounded." She pointed at my chest that held the thing that was already falling apart.

"Thank you Dahyun bu-"

I stopped talking after feeling a hot sensation on my back, and I shot my head back to be met with a girl who was apologizing multiple times.

"I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I accidentally slipped. I'm really sorry," she kept bowing to the point where I was getting slightly annoyed.

"It's fine, it's just some soup." I gave her a small smile as I tried wiping some of the food that stuck onto my school uniform jacket away. "Accidents happen sometimes."

"Thank you for forgiving me, and once again I'm sorry." The girl bowed one last time before running away.

"Are you sure you're okay? Wasn't the soup hot?" Dahyun questioned, helping me wipe my jacket off.

"Wah, does that girl not know where the bathroom is? She's just doing her business wherever she wants to," a girl whispered loud enough to where me and Dahyun could hear.

"Why don't you mind your own business shit cake!" Dahyun remarked, telling this to the girl who likes to compare her sweet personality to a peach cake.

"Who the hell talked to you smelly shit?"

"The artificial barbie who craps from both holes you lobster face!" Dahyun continued to argue, rolling up her sleeves, ready to throw some punches.

"Dahyun calm down, she's not even worth wasting your time on." I held her back before she pounced on the poor girl and destroyed her.

"Whatever, as if you would dare to touch my pretty face." The girl arrogantly smirked, now making me mad.

"Who would touch your ugly ass face? More like I'm the one who wouldn't dare touch it." I gave her a sarcastic grin that made her scoff in disbelief.

That's the moment I realized Yoongi had been watching us, and I turned my head in a split second so he wouldn't see the expression I had on. Why the hell is he here now when I'm dissing her? I bit my bottom lip as I clenched my fist.

"Oppa, do you see the type of people who go to our school. Isn't there a policy in bullying?" The girl who was previously name calling me and Dahyun, whined like the fake baby she was.

"Uh.." Yoongi was at a loss of words taken aback from the sudden situation, but his friends were clearly having fun seeing me in such a state as they began to make fun of me.

"Did she pee herself? The back of her skirt is all wet." One of the boys who usually hangs out with Yoongi's group pointed out, laughing hysterically at my already embarrassed figure.

"I guess she didn't make it to the bathroom on time." They all mocked me with their irritable laughs that began booming in my head.

I turned my head, shooting them a stern gaze to which they saw as even more laughable. "Oh, don't get her angry she my wet your gym clothes too!"

Not being able to listen to more of their ignorant callings I ran out of the cafeteria with a river of tears flowing down my face.


Hello my lovely's! How are you doing today?
I hope you're doing great and are healthy ^^

Updated this book, since I got inspired to write out of nowhere, hence the chapter.
Which I hope you like :)

Hope the rest of your day, or your sleep goes very well ^^
And I decided to call you guys lovely's what do you think?

사랑해요 러블리즈!

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