The One Who Got Away

By NadineSchadt

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Ava Miller ran from every man she got close to. She meets Seth and find it not as easy to run. As she final... More

First Meeting
Dinner and A Show
Streets of New York
Just Fun
New Job
First Fight
Let Go
Seth's Birthday Pt. 1
Seth's Birthday Pt. 2
The Ultimate Betrayal
Back to Normal
The Calm Before the Storm
The Final Showdown

New Friends

169 2 0
By NadineSchadt

Back in New York, Brenda thought about Ava and Sam a lot.  They disappeared without even so much as a goodbye.  Ava's attack was brutal but she didn't think it would cause her to leave.  She went by Ava's house when she saw she left the hospital.  Doctors and nurses seemed in distressed that she just left.  So, she went to see if she was at home.  But found Ava and Sam gone without a word with only their clothes.  Brenda knew something more happened then she was told.  She went over to The Tonight Show to see if they heard anything.  Jimmy personally talk to her when he found out she was searching for Ava.  told her that Ava suddenly quit, saying she had to leave town immediately, that she didn't feel it was safe for her and her son.  Which Jimmy understood as he, too, heard about the attack as it happened in the parking lot of the studio.  But he assured Brenda that he would update her if he heard anything as he knew how close they were.  Then a few weeks later, Jimmy called her out of the blue.  He told her he had news, that he didn't hear from her personally but heard from Conan asking about her as she was trying to get a job there.  Brenda wondered why the hell she would move across the country.

She headed home one night and got to her door.  As she unlocked it and opened it, she felt someone grab her and push her inside.  She instantly became terrified.  The figure turned her around and pushed her against the wall.  It was dark so she had a hard time making the person out, but they were strong and tall.  She knew it was a man.  He lean into her as he moved a knife to her throat and said, with a cold tone, "Now, if you tell me the truth, you will walk out of this alive, do you understand me?"

She nodded as she was to fearful to speak.  "Now, I know you are Ava's best friend.  I havee seen you two spend a lot of time together.  So, tell me, where is she?"  He almost hissed.

"I...I don't know."  She stammered as she shook.

"Don't fucking lie to me, bitch.  A husband has a right to know where his wife is.  So, where is my wife?"  He said, angrily.

"Will."  She breathed.

"She told you about me.  How sweet?"  He smiled, menacingly.  "Now, I will ask you again, where is my wife?"

"I swear, I don't know."  Brenda lied as her fear took over.  "She just left when she got out of the hospital with no word.  I haven't heard from her since."

"Now, Brenda."  Her eyes widen as he said her name.  "Do not lie to me, that will only get you killed."

He moved the knife on her skin of her throat and her lips began to quiver in fear as tears streamed down her face.  She begged, "Please, don't hurt me."

"Then tell me where Ava and my son are."  He repeated.

She cried out as he pushed the knife harder against her throat.  She feared for her life.  She didn't want to put Ava in danger but she knew he would kill her.  She finally stammered, "All...all I know that she went to LA.  That is all, I promise.  I haven't heard from her at all since she left.  I didn't even know she left till she was gone.  I swear, that is all I know."

He looked at her and removed the knife from her throat as he stepped back.  He smiled at her, "Now, that wasn't so hard, now was it?  Now if you hear from her, tell her I am coming for her and my son.  Also, no cops, Brenda, or I will come back and I will kill you."

She nodded and he walked out.  she slid down the wall as she shook and cried.  Now she understood why Ava fled without telling anyone, cause the attack wasn't random.  She knew at that moment, Will attacked her.  She felt guilt ridden as she just told Will where to look.  Now he would find her and Sam.  She only wished she knew a way to reach her, to warn her.  But now, all she could think about was she might have possible killed Ava and Sam.


Back in LA, Seth convinced Ava to go out to dinner with him and his friends from Family Guy.  She reluctantly agreed.  Mila and Alex rode with them in the back as Seth drove and Ava was in the passenger seat.  She wasn't big on making friends as she had trust issues.  She did like Alex and Mila as she met them before but she knew she would be meeting Mike Henry and Seth Green for the first time.  Was a little nerve wreaking, not cause of who they were cause it was new people.  Ava huffed slightly, as she didn't want to be there.  Seth looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"Just not too thrilled about leaving Sam."  It was not a hundred percent a lie.

Seth smiled as he looked out the windshield.  "He is fine.  Mark and Rhea will look over him, you know that."

"Wait, Mark Wahlberg?"  Mila asked.

Seth laughed.  "Yeah."

"How you talk him into babysitting?"  She asked.

"You can say he is basically Sam's uncle."  Seth told her.

"What?"  She asked, confused.

Ava sighed.  "I've know Mark for over ten years.  He is like a big brother to me."

"Wow, I didn't know that."  Mila was surprised.

"Kinda why we meet."  Seth added.

Alex then asked, "I thought you met on The Tonight Show."

"We did."  Seth explained.  "But she came to see Mark personally as she was excited to see him and I was with him when she did, and that was when I first was introduced to her."

"So, was it love at first sight?"  Alex asked, playfully.

Ava quickly answered, "God, no!"

Alex and Mila busted out laughing.  Seth quickly look at her and frowned his eyebrows before he put his eyes back on the road.  She asked, "What?"  Then she said, "I am being honest, I looked at you as any other guest.  I never looked at one of the guest as anything but that cause well you know how I feel mixing business with pleasure.  I do not tolerate it."

"I know."  He replied with a smile as he clearly remembered her getting pissed about the incident at Conan.

Alex asked Seth, "What about you, was it love at first sight?"

Seth licked his lips and answered, "I wouldn't say love at first sight but definitely intrigued by her.  I knew I wanted to know her."

"You are such a fucking hopeless romantic, aren't you?"  Ava said, playfully.

The girls again laughed.  Mila slapped Seth's shoulder gently and said, "I like her, Seth.  She is funny."

Seth rolled his eyes and Ava chuckled.  Ava then pulled her phone out and Seth noticed, "What are you doing?"

"Going to check on Sam."  Ava responded.

Seth quickly took her phone from her hands and Ava complained, "Hey!"

They stopped at a red light and she opened the middle console.  He put the phone in there and told her, "He has only been there for an hour.  He is fine.  You need to relax and have fun."

She sighed as she put her head against the headrest.  Seth chuckled to himself and told the girls, "She has no idea how to have fun. She is a little wound up tight."

She quickly looked at him and said, sternly, "Watch yourself.  Or you might not like the outcome."

He smiled.  "Or what?"

"Do I need to spell it out."  She told him with a smile.

Seth quickly understood as the girls did too as they began to laugh again.  He narrowed his eyes at her, "You wouldn't."

"You want to try me?"  She asked, almost daring him.

Seth felt defeated.  The light turned green and Seth began to drive off.  Then he asked the girls, "Can I ask, why do you women feel the need to use sex as a weapon."

Ava quickly answered, "Cause men seem to underestimate the power of the pussy."

She smiled as the girls in the back laughed again.  Even Seth found himself laughing at it.  Ava looked out the windshield and looked back at Seth.  "Okay, on the way home, I am driving.  You are like the worst driver."

"Ava."  Seth said, sternly as he hated she talked about his driving.

"Seth."  She matched his tone but was being playful as she smiled at him.

Alex said with a smile, "You two are a trip.  Seems like you two were made for each other."

Seth smiled at what she said as he looked at the review mirror at her.  Just then a Porsche went to cut them off, which almost hit Seth's front end.  But he quickly reacted as he hit his brakes.  Ava quickly grabbed her seat with on hand and the dash with the other.  Seth slowed so they avoided the accident and the Porsche got in their lane as Seth slowly picked up speed.  He asked, "Are you guys alright?"

Mila answered, "Yeah, but what the hell, Seth?"

"Wasn't his fault, some asshole in front of us fault."  Ava responded.  She rolled down her window then reached over and honked the horn.  She screamed out the window, "Hey, asshole, it's called a blinker, use it!"

She stuck out her hand out the window and flipped him off.  Seth breathed to myself, "Oh my god."  The Porsche took off.

The girls in the back loved it as they laughed again.  Seth said to Ava, "Baby, you need to calm down."

She looked at Seth as she was pissed, "Really?  The fucker almost hits us and I need to calm down.  And judging by the car, I guaranteed he feels like he is entitled to be an ass.  In New York, assholes would not get away with this."

"Well we are not in New York, we are in LA and we do not act that way here."  He told her.

She looked at him as he noticed and asked, "What?"

She shook her head.  "Nothing.  Just sometimes I have a hard time believing you are a Yankee.  Seems like LA really has changed you."

Seth rolled his eyes.  "Do not start with that again."

She crossed her arms as she sat back in her seat and breathed, "Whatever."

He knew she wasn't going to let this go.  They got to another red light and Seth stopped at it.  Ava looked out the window and noticed the Porsche also at the light.  She unbuckled her seat belt.  Seth noticed and asked, "What are you doing?"

She said as she opened her door, "I'll be right back."  And she stepped out.

That is when Seth noticed the Porsche and Mila asked, "What is she doing?"

"Going to cause trouble."  He replied.  He then breathed to himself, "Fuck."

Ava walked up to the car and yelled, "Hey, asshole!"  She repeatedly hit the side of the car with the side of her fist.  As she got closer to the door, a man in a business suit stepped out.  He looked at where she hit the car repeatedly and yelled, "What the hell is your problem, lady?!"

"How about you almost hit our car when you cut us off!"  She yelled at him.

"I am calling the cops."  He told her sternly.

He reach in the car and grabbed his phone.  Just then Seth reached her and told her, "Ava, get in the car."

"No, Seth.  He is going to call the cops.  I would love to talk to them as well, as he failed to signal before switching lanes, speeding, oh and reckless driving.  I am sure as many traffic cams around, they can see for themselves."  She then smiled at the stranger.

He put the phone in his pocket in defeat.  "Now, asshole, watch what the fuck you are going and use your fucking blinker, that is what it is there for.  It is not fucking optional.  And slow the fuck down."

She walked away and got back in Seth's car.  Seth stood there and was a little impressed.  As she got her seat belt buckled, Mila asked, "What happened?"

"Well, he threatened to call the cops cause I hit his precious car.  So, I pointed out some of the violations he made and they were probably caught on the traffic cams.  So, he quickly backed off. "  Ava told her.

Seth got into the car and quickly buckled up.  He took off as the light had already turned green.  He said, sternly, "You can't just hit people's car, Ava."

She rolled her eyes and sarcastically, said, "Yes, dad."

"That's not funny.  And what you did could have gotten you into trouble."  Seth told her.

"And what the asshole did could have caused us to be in an accident.  So, you know if pointing out how much of a dick he was being and putting a couple dents into his car gets the cops called, then whatever.  He was a pussy, anyways.  Going to call the cops on me for him being an asshole.  Is everyone in LA pussies?"

Mila laughed, "Pretty much."

Seth shot his eyes at her through the review mirror.  She noticed, "What?"

"You are not helping."  He told her.

Ava looked at him.  "You know what, Seth, how about you and I just not talk to each other the rest of the drive.  Since you clearly can't back up your woman when the other fucker is in the wrong."  A hint of her New York accent came out when she said the last part.

Seth knew when it came out, she was pissed off.  "Ava, don't get like that."  He went to reach from her knee.

She quickly swatted his hand away and said, angrily, "Don't fucking touch me."

The girls in the back found it actually entertaining as she put him in his place.  Usually most girls he dated, would just try to be cute and were also ditzy.  They wouldn't dare try to argue with him.  Ava didn't care and the girls noticed how Seth was trying to suck up to her.  Mila gently elbowed Alex as she had an app on her phone with different sound effects.  She then pushed a button and a whip sound came out of the speaker.  Alex and Mila busted out laughing.  Ava looked back at them as she was laughing too.  Seth on the other hand wasn't amused.


They finally got to the restaurant and pulled in the back.  Alex asked, "Seth, what are we doing?"

"Ava doesn't was paparazzi to see us.  She rather stay out of the public eye so I called and asked if we could just go through the back and they were okay with it."  Seth explained.

"Oh."  Alex said, a little shocked that Ava preferred to stay private.  Mile, on the other hand, wasn't that surprised as she saw how private she was at Conan.

They got out once he parked and walked in through the back.  They got to the front of the restaurant and only a small group was there.  He let the group know they would have the place to themselves, but failed to fill Ava in.  She leaned in as they walked to the group and asked, "Why is it empty?"

"I know you don't like a lot of people around especially with who I am.  I didn't want to have to restrain myself from the smallest movements that lets you know you are mine, so I thought this would be better.  This way no chance of us getting out."  He told her.

Even thought she was mad at him, she couldn't help but to think the gesture was sweet.  They got to the group and Seth quickly introduced Ava.  "Ava this is Seth Green, his wife, Clare, and Mike Henry.  This is Ava, everyone."

She said hello to them with a smile.  Then Seth moved them over to another woman and said, "Ava, this is my sister, Rachael.  Rachael, this is my girlfriend, Ava."

She shook her hand and told Rachael, "It's nice to met you."

"You too."  When she let go of her hand, and she asked, "So, you two are together?"

Seth smiled as he put an arm around her.  He said, happily, "Sure are."

Ava was not happy that Seth has his arm around her as she was still angry with him.  More so, cause he left out his sister would be there.  They all sat down and quickly jumped into conversation.  They ordered their food and was served.  They quickly ate and kept their conversation going.  Mila said to the group, "Oh, we should get a picture."

Ava quickly said, "I will take it."

Seth Green said, "We can get a waitress to do it.  I am sure they with not mind."

"No, it's okay.  I rather not and chance it gets posted."  Ava told him.

Mila handed her her phone.  Ava stood up as the crowd moved together and snapped a couple pictures.  She walked over and Mila beamed, "Thank you."

She handed the phone back to her and told her, "No problem."

She sat back down next to Seth and Rachael asked, "Why don't you want photos posted of you?"

Seth quickly jumped in.  "She doesn't exactly want to be out in the public eye."

"Oh.  so, photos of just you is fine?"  She asked.

Ava shook her head.  "I am not a big fan of social networking.  Hell, I don't even have any type of social media.  I like my life to be private."

"That is interesting."  Rachael said as she felt there was something more she wasn't telling them.

Ava felt a bit uncomfortable.  Seth noticed as he placed a hand on her knee.  She pushed it off as she was still unhappy with him.  "Excuse me, I'm going to get a drink at the bar."  She told the group.

She got up and walked to the bar.  Seth didn't like that she pushed him away.  He said, out loud, "I'll be right back."

He walked over to her and walked up behind her.  He moved his hands around her mid section.  He kissed her cheek sweetly.  Ava sighed.  "Please, stop, Seth.  I am not happy with you right now."

"Baby, come on.  I am sorry.  I'm a jerk."  He said with a smile.

She rolled her eyes and pulled away from him.  She quickly asked, "Why didn't you tell me your sister would be here?"

Seth shuffled his feet as he looked down.  He shrugged as he shoved his hands in his pockets.  "I was afraid you wouldn't come if I did."

"Damn, right!"  She quickly retorted.  "We never discussed me meeting your family.  It's different, it's a huge step.  You can't just lay that on me like that."

He took his hands out of his pockets and took her hands.  "I know, I shouldn't have done that.  I didn't think."  He moved closer to her and pouted, "Forgive me, baby.  I've been a bad boy, you can properly punish me later."

He then smirked.  she smiled as she again rolled her eyes.  "What am I going to do with you?"  She asked.

He cupped her cheek and said, sweetly, "Forgive me."

He took her lips and she didn't resist.

Mila, Alex, and Rachael noticed the couples affection from the table.  Mila said, a bit disgusted, "Ugh, they are going to give me diabetes."

"Leave them alone.  They are in love."  Alex smiled.

Rachael quickly shot her eyes to her.  "Why would you say that?"

"Cause they are."  Alex told her.  "It was obvious the first time I met her.  And the way Seth is with her son.  So sweet."

"She has a son?"  Rachael asked in shock.

Alex nodded.  "His name is Sam and he is about nine or ten.  Sweet kid.  He got really sick when I went over there and Seth was so concerned.  He even stayed with him at the hospital.  He refused to leave his side.  He loves her kid."

Seth Green then asked, "Is that when he missed the meeting?"

"Yeah."  Alex explained.  "He forgot there was even a meeting until I told him.  He was more concerned about Sam."

"Why didn't he tell me about her?"  Rachael asked, a bit hurt.

"He didn't tell anyone.  I only found out cause I went over there unannounced."  Alex told her.

Mila added, "And I only did cause I saw Seth's picture on his phone of her and overheard Alex talking about his girlfriend.  Then I met her when I went to do an appearance on Conan."

"How at Conan?"  She asked her.

"She works there."  Mila told her.

"Really?"  She was shocked.

Mila nodded.  "She is a producer."

"Huh?"  All Rachael could say.

The couple walked back over and sat down.  Seth took her hand as she stopped pushing him away.  Then Rachael asked her, "So, you have a son?"

She looked at Seth wondering how she knew as she looked at Seth and Seth just shrugged and gave her a look as he didn't know.  She turned back to Rachael.  "Ummm, yeah."  She answered.  "I do."

"So, where you married before?" She asked.

"Rachael!"  Seth quickly said.

Ava looked at Seth and reassured him, "It's okay, Seth."  Then looked back at Rachael and answered, "Yeah, I was a long time ago."

"So, why did you two split?"  She asked Ava.

Seth was getting angry with his sister for bombarded her with these questions.  Especially in front of their friends, as he knew how much she hated being put on the spot.  Ava answered, "Just didn't work out."

Then Rachael asked, "Is he apart of your son's life still?"

Ava shook her head as she began to feel uncomfortable.  "No, he took off before Sam was born.  He is better off anyways, my ex wasn't a very nice guy, hence why it didn't work."

"Well, that is a shame.  A boy should have his father."  Rachael said, knowing she was getting to Ava.

Ava eyed her.  "If you knew my ex husband, you wouldn't think that."

"I think that is enough."  Seth quickly said.

"What?  I just want to know who your girlfriend is, since I seemed to be hearing more about her from our friend's then through you."  She said to him angrily.  "I mean, who is she.  This girls just appears out of nowhere.  For all you know, she is only after your money."

Ava was overcome with hurt.  Seth got angry and slammed his fist on the table as he yelled, "I said, that was enough!"

Ava quickly got up and left the table as she was hurt and embarrassed.  Seth quickly called after her, "Ava!"

She took off.  He stood up and looked at Rachael, "Are you fucking happy?  You don't even know her!  But you are so quick to fucking judge her!  If you only knew her, you would know that the statement you just made is further from the truth."  He said, angrily.

The rest of the table was silent as Seth stormed off.  Mila looked at Rachael in disbelief.  Rachael asked, "What?"

"You are so unbelievable, you know that.  It is clear as day she love him.  Hell she doesn't want to been seen with him in public cause she likes her privacy.  It is clear she is with him for him.  Hell, she didn't even want Conan to know cause she was too afraid it would cause them to show favoritism.  she doesn't want any perks that comes with dating him."  Mila told her.

"Well, how the hell was I suppose to know."  Rachael asked her.

Mila just shook her head and got up.  She quickly walked off.

Seth got to the woman's restroom as he noticed her heading that way.  He slightly opened up the door and called out, "Ava!"

She didn't reply but he heard her crying.  He walked in the restroom as he knew it was empty.  He walked over to the stall he heard her crying from.  He leaned against it and said, sweetly, "Baby, open up.  My sister is a bitch.  Usually, she isn't.  I have no clue why she did that."

He heard her calm and he moved off the stall door.  He heard her unlock it and she opened it.  He looked at her as he saw the tears on her face.  He opened his arms as he said to her, "Come here."

She moved into his arms as she started to cry again.  Seth soothed her, "Don't listen to her.  I know what you are about.  I know you love me.  I never have second guessed that."

Ava asked, "Why did she do that?"

Seth shrugged. "She must be PMSing."  He joked.

Ava could help but chuckle against his chest.  She looked up at him as he looked down at her, smiling.  She said, softly, "I love you."

He kissed her forehead.  "I know you do, baby.  And I love you, too."

She moved away from him and dried her face.  she said to him, "You know, we have such a dysfunctional relationship.  We can go from joking to being pissed to not talking to each other to kissing and then get you holding me while I cry."

"Baby, I think this day and age, that is considered normal."  He again joked.

She laughed softly.  Just then Mila walked in and asked her, "Are you okay?"

Ava nodded as she smiled.  "Better now."

"Good.  You shouldn't listen to her.  She has no clue what she is talking about."  Then she turned to Seth, "Your sister was a complete bitch, what is her problem?"

"My guess, pmsing or not getting any."  He joked.

Mila and Ava both laughed.  "God, you are something else."  Mila told him.  Then said to Ava, "Come on, let's go back out there."

Ava shook her head as she was too embarrassed to face the group, "I just want to go home."

Mila walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulders.  "Come on.  What happened to that fierce woman I saw earlier punching that guy's car.  Don't let her get to you.  The best revenge you can have is to go out there and face her.  Show her she isn't going to run you off so easily.  I mean, I doubt she will say anything else as Seth flipped on her and I told her off."

"You didn't!"  Seth laughed.

"Hell yeah, I did.  She had no right to say what she said about Ava.  She pissed me off."  She told him.  Then she looked at Ava.  "So, come on.  We can go out there and get completely fucking wasted and have fun."

Ava nodded as she felt better about Mila being on her side.  "Yes!  Great!  Let's go."

Mila removed her arm from around her and hooked her arm.  They both walked out and Seth followed, smiling.  He loved Ava made friends with Mila  They walked back to the table and everyone quickly greeted them.  They noticed Rachael was no longer there.  Mila asked, "Where is Rachael?"

Seth Green answered, "She left."

"I guess, Seth yelling at her and you telling her off got to her."  Alex shrugged.

Mila just smiled as she looked at Ava.  "I got your back."

Ava smiled as it made her feel good that not everyone saw her the same way Rachael did.  They sat down and Alex asked her, "Are you okay?"

Ava nodded and smiled.  Then Seth Green said, "Seth, your sister was kinda being a bitch."

"Hey, now.  Only I can call her a bitch."  Seth joked.

Everyone laughed.  Then Mila said, "Okay, we are getting some shots over here.  We are going to party."  She gestured to a waitress and yelled, "Can we have a round of shots of Grey Goose?"

"Vodka.  Are you trying to kill me, woman."  Mike asked her.

"Well, if you are going to be a little bitch about it."  Mila retorted.  The she said to the group, "Oh, you should have seen Ava being a little bad ass on the way here.  This guy is Porsche cut us off which almost caused an accident and Ava was absolutely awesome.  She honked Seth's horn and cussed him out through the window.  Then she flipped him off.  Was the best thing I have seen."

"Made it better, when we got to a red light and he was also at the light.  She got out and punched his car several times.  He got out and she told him off.  He threatened to call the cops but she put him in his place by pointing out all his violations.  He quickly backed off."  Alex added.

"Oh, when she came back in the car, she called him a pussy for threatening to call the cops."  Mila chimed.  "It was so fucking awesome."

Seth Green said, in shock, "So, you got yourself a little bad ass chick, huh, Seth?"

Seth laughed and Ava shrugged as it was nothing.  "He was a complete asshole.  He deserved worse.  New Yorkers don't play."

"What did you think when she did that?"  Mike asked him.

He shrugged.  "Wasn't my first time, first night I met her in New York, I went out with her and Mark to dinner and someone made a sudden stop.  Which almost caused us to rear end him.  Mark tried to stop her as she got out but she didn't listen.  She yelled at the muscle head.  Mark went after her to get her back in the car when I guess he said something to Mark cause he got pissed and was ready to fight him.  Ava in turn had to get Mark in the car.  Mark was so pissed.  He got in the car and I will never forget what h called him, a no neck motherfucker."

Everyone laughed.  Seth added, "You New Yorkers are something else."

"Yeah, you don't want to piss us off."  Ava said with a smile.

"Oh, I know.  I live with you, I have pissed you off enough to know.  Your New York accent comes out when you are pissed."  He told her.

"Does it?"  She never noticed.

Mila laughed and said, "It does.  When you were yelling at Seth in the car, it came out as clear as day.  I never would have know you from New York otherwise.  It does make you scarier."

Everyone laughed.  Then Ava went in her purse and dug around for her phone.  She then realized Seth took it from her in the car and put it in the middle console.  She muttered, "Fuck."

Seth asked, "What's wrong?"

"I wanted to check on Sam but my phone is in the car."  She complained

Seth eyed her.  "Didn't I tell you to relax and have fun.  He is fine."

"Seth, I just want to say goodnight to Sam."  She almost whined.

He sighed as he smiled.  She knew how to get her way with him.  He pulled out his phone and called Mark.  He listened as it rang a few times and Mark answered, "Hey, Seth.  Sam is doing fine."

Seth laughed and asked, "How did you know that is why I called?"

"Cause I know Ava.  She worries too much."  Mark told him.

Seth laughed again.  "That she does."

Ava told him, "Tell Mark I was to speak to him."

Mila overheard Ava and said, cheerfully to Seth, "Tell Mark I said hi."

Seth moved the phone from his ear and put it on speaker.  He said to Mark, "I put you on speaker."

Mila quickly said, "Hey, Mark."

"Hey, Mila.  Are you guys being nice to Ava?"  He asked them.

"Of course.  She is awesome."  Mila chimed.

Ava smiled at that then said to Mark, "Hey, is Sam still up?"

"Uh, yeah."  Mark replied.

"Can I talk to him and say goodnight to him?"  Ava asked.  Just then the waitress brought over the shots.  "Please, before Mila gets me drunk."

"What?  Mila convinced you to drink.  How the fuck did you manage to do that, Mila?"  Mark asked.

"She doesn't have a choice."  Mila quickly replied.

"You need to hang with Mila more, Ava."  Mark told her.

"Mark."  She said, sternly.

"I'm getting him."  Mark said.

Seth took it off speaker and handed the phone to her.  Ava got up and walked away from the table.  As Ava talked on the phone.  Seth Green asked, "That sounded like Mark Wahlberg."

"It was."  Seth told him.

"And he got Ava's kid?"  He asked, slightly shocked.

"It's a long story."  He told him.

Mila quickly jumped in, "Apparently she has known him for a very long time, he is basically like an uncle to Sam."

"Well, maybe not that long of a story."  Seth said.

Just then Ava came back to the table.  She handed Seth his phone and he asked her, "Happy?"

"Yes, thank you."  She said, happily.

She sat down and Mila grabbed two shots.  She handed one to Ava.  Ava looked unsure and Mila told her, "Come on, let's have some fun."

Everyone else grabbed one.  Mila then toasted, "To new friends."

Ava smiled and they all clanked their shot glasses to it.  They all took the shot and Ava winced as it went down as it burned.  Mila asked, "Too strong."

"I don't normally drink.  I kinda became a mom at a young age, so I never really experienced the partying stage."  She explained.

Mila smirked, "So, you'll be a cheap drunk then."

Ava laughed, "Yeah, I probably will."

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