The Virtuous

By Dreamcatcher22310

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Naomi Hamel leads a normal, borderline boring life, even for that of a college sophmore. The only glimmer of... More

Chapter One: Nightmares
Chapter two: Chance encounter
Chapter Three: Detour
Chapter Four: Call from home
Chapter Five: Creative writing essay
Chapter six: Go away-N
Chapter Seven: Pinky promise
Chapter Eight: Bravo
Chapter Nine: Angel rankings
Chapter Ten: Lunch
Chapter Eleven: The Vawerth
Chapter Twelve: Nightclub
Chapter Fourteen: Lilith
Chapter Fifteen: First Date
Chapter Sixteen: Mind Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Pancakes

Chapter Thirteen: Pulled a few strings

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By Dreamcatcher22310

Two days later I sat in my room, writing out a composition for my piano class when I heard a furious knock at the front door. I looked up confused, still chewing on the end of my pen cap before I heard London grumble.

"I got it, I got it."

I shrugged and went back to writing my paper, figuring it would probably be Tara coming to see me, since she was due back any minute now.

However, I jumped startled when I heard the door slam and Levi's voice growl.

"Alright, where is she?"

"Oh shit." I mumbled and buried my head in my hands.

His footsteps approached my room and I didn't even bother trying not to look guilty. His blonde hair was spikey atop his head and he glared at me with furious aqua eyes.

"What the hell happened the other night Nay? I mean one minute I'm looking up in the stands and see you cheering me on then the next you're completely gone! Then to make things worse, I don't hear from you for two whole freaking days! What're you trying to do? Give me a god damned heart attack!?" He sputtered finally, his voice thick with his feelings of anger and deceit. I shrunk away from his harsh words, and blinked. I knew he deserved an explanation, no not an explanation. He deserved the truth. However, that was simply out of the question. How could I ever tell him I'd skipped out on his game early to go and fight a bunch of demons that no mortal would really believe existed?

I sighed and pushed my head in my hands.

"You're right, okay? I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well and I haven't been for the last couple of days. I'm still feeling kind of under the weather." I explained even though I knew my sudden wave of nausea had nothing to do with my immune system.

Levi narrowed his gaze and stared at me harshly for a long moment heaving a long sigh and collapsing in my computer chair, pushing his hair back with his hand.

"I'm sorry...I'm not mad about you ditching the game, I know football isn't exactly your thing. I'm more upset about the fact that you didn't speak to me for two days. Believe it or not Naomi, I was kind of worried."

I sighed and brushed my bangs out of my face feeling ashamed. Of course he would've been worried, because Levi was a good friend. I on the other hand, wasn't quite as thoughtful. Or truthful.

"I know...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have avoided you I just...didn't want you catching whatever I had." I insisted and averted my eyes to the floor.

He stared at me for another long moment before shrugging and smiling softly.

"Okay, okay....You're off the hook. On one condition."

I rolled my eyes but grinned.


"I want you to come out with me and some guys to a party next Friday night. It's a celebration for the football team for making it this far undefeated."

I grinned; maybe this was just the human activity I needed. Then I thought of something and my smile dropped.

" you mean as like... a date?"

Levi coughed and pressed his palm to his neck, a soft blush spilled over his cheekbones.

"No, not really...I mean if you want it to be that's cool but if not...."

I bit my lip; I didn't want to lead Levi on. It wasn't that I hadn't thought of him in that way however it seemed like my emotions were too tangled up with Duncan at the moment to allow me to think clearly.

"I's not that I don't like you Levi, It's just...kind of soon after mine and Jeff's break-up for me to be thinking of getting into another relationship. I kind of just wanna ride solo for a little bit."

"Oh." Levi said softly and his face looked almost relieved. I guess he'd thought I was saying no for other reasons. He then gave a small grin.

"I can understand that. Then we'll go as friends?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Close friends." I corrected and leaned back against my pillows. He smiled back; whether it was from the fact I'd accepted to an extent or he was just relieved that he thought I wanted to take things rather slow, I would never know.

"So, wanna go grab some coffee? I'm running on a low caffeine buzz right now." I stood and tossed on my jacket and slipped into my shoes.

"Okay." Levi smiled and followed me out of the room.

Later that night I was walking back to my dorm alone when a rush of air and my internal intuition told me Duncan was following me.

"That's not intuition that's our connection." He replied sarcastically directly behind me, and made me jump from his closeness.

I grabbed my chest and gasped before growling at him.

"Jesus, way to scare the hell out of me!" I hollered and took a cleansing breath as he laughed like a maniac.

"Honey, you have got to learn to be prepared. Anyway, I came to tell you we need to get started on your training, we've wasted enough time."

I blinked and tilted my head.

"My training?"

"Yeah you've got to learn how to use your powers; if you don't then we are getting nowhere."

I sighed and nodded.

"Okay, when do we start?"

"Right now, follow me." Duncan insisted and brushed past me, continuing to move down the street towards the end of the road, past my dorm. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

We walked along in the labyrinth that was this town until we finally reached an old abandoned warehouse.

I watched Duncan go up and pull a key out of his pocket, twisting it in the lock and using his shoulder to budge the door. It gave way almost immediately.

He grinned at me and showed off his biceps with a macho flex. I just rolled my eyes before pushing past him into the building.

The solid concrete floor looked as though it had been untouched for years. Debris and dust littered the far edges of the walls and pillars. I moved away towards a large cylindrical pillar that stood tall in the center of the floor. I finally turned back to Duncan.

"Where'd you find this place?"

"I bought it a few years back in preparation for your training."

My eyes doubled in size as I stared at him in shock.

"You bought it!?"

"Yes, I've spent as much time as possible preparing for your training and life."

"How would you even know I would be in this area though?" I questioned, remembering that I hadn't even chose to go to Penn State until the end of my junior year. 
Duncan grinned.

"I might have had a little bit of a hand in your acceptance to Penn."

I blinked. I wasn't sure if I should be thankful or angry. Either way it wasn't worth getting upset over; there was too much else to handle at the moment.

"Okay, where are we starting?" I questioned and pulled off my jacket, tossing it on the floor. I looked down and realized that my outfit choice hadn't quite been appropriate for today's itinerary but Duncan didn't even bat an eyelash.

"I think we should try to start with elemental manipulation and from there we'll move into mental powers."

I shrugged.

"Okay, whatever you say. What do you want me to do?"

"Hang on." He inquired and moved around the room, grabbing old broken branches and dried leaves that had blown in from the broken windows during storms. He went to work of setting them up into a pile and then he brought a lighter out from his pocket.

"You smoke?"

He shook his head.

"No, but I always like to keep one handy."

I nodded as he then lit the pile of dried shrub on fire.

The flames burned an iridescent orange. He took a step back and his dark blue eyes flecked with starlight met mine.

"Okay, now I want you to pretend I'm a demon. Attack me, using the fire."

I wrinkled my eyebrows, wondering momentarily if he was just plain crazy.

"No, I'm mentally stable. Come on, humor me."

I sighed and threw my arms up in confusion.

"I'm not even sure where to start!" I confessed and Duncan rolled his eyes.

"Close your eyes."

I did as told and let the blackness behind my eyelids engulf me. As I became voluntarily blinded, my other senses seemed to heighten. I could suddenly not only smell the fire but I could smell the lingering scent of Duncan as well as stale beer. I could hear not only the crackling of the flames and Duncan's near silent breathing but I could suddenly hear two men stumble out of a bar laughing, three blocks down. I gasped and my eyes flew open as my hands covered my mouth.

How in the hell had I done that?!

"Relax; you were supposed to do that. It's your angel senses kicking in. The more in tune you become with your divine essence the more things you'll experience like that. Now, close your eyes again."

My arms shook as did my knees but I did as Duncan commanded and snapped my eyelids shut.

"Good. Now, feel the air around you."

I did. It was hot in front of me, while behind me the icy wind of Pennsylvania winters nipped at my spine. The heat was coming from the flames and smoke, I understood this much at least.

"Good, now harness that heat."

I scrunched up my face confused.

"Create your own heat inside. Make yourself angry. Then use your heat to project the flames towards me."

I planted my feet firmly and kept my eyes shut tightly. I tried to think of something to make me angry but all I could think of was the several arguments I'd had with Jeff and they didn't seem like enough.

"No, that's a start. Just think of the last argument. Remember how furious you were, how hurt you were. So much so that it forced you to break up with him. Imagine I'm him; you're furious at me. Burn me."

I felt sweat bead on my forehead as I tried to imagine Duncan with Jeff's golden hair and almost red eyes. I tried to remember that last argument but for some reason I couldn't force myself to get angry enough.

"Come on, I'm Jeff. What do I need to do to make you furious?"

"Call me names." I muttered, still keeping my eyes closed in concentration.




"Still not enough."

"Worthless good for nothing slut. You'll never amount to shit." Duncan's voice spat and I suddenly saw Jeff in my mind. Saw all the time's he'd said these same things.

"You wanna get away from your past; you're never going to go anywhere. You'll die just like you should. Old and alone."

My limbs began to quiver in anger and I felt my hands turn to fists at my hips.

"I bet fucking Tara would've been better than fucking you."

"You aren't worth shit to your family."

"Your piano skills are mediocre. Who the hell do you think you are, Beethoven?"

Suddenly my hands shot up, palms open and I felt a rush of my own heated fury pulse through me and out of my hands. I heard Duncan swear as the fire hissed. I finally opened my eyes and withdrew my anger back into myself. The flames had suddenly died but Duncan stood about a foot away shaking his hand like a maniac and biting his lip for dear life.

"Oh god! I burned you didn't I?" I suddenly ran towards him guiltily.

He just shook his head though, forcing a grin.

"Nothing a little bag balm can't fix." He said through gritted teeth and I bit my lip.

"Oh Jesus, let me see."

"Naomi really I'll be fine."

Before he could refuse further I snatched up his arm and saw it. His hand and clean-up to his elbow was burned with charred flesh and bubbling skin. I gasped in shock before I suddenly watched his skin begin to glow golden white and reapply. Within seconds, his arm looked good as new. I looked up at him spell-bound.

"It's one of those neat little tricks I have." He shrugged with a grin.

I just took a step back and heaved in some calming breaths.

"Remember that place where things start getting to be too much?" I questioned softly to Duncan who roped his arms around me.

"I know; it's okay. You did well today that's what's important. We can go again tomorrow, for now though let's get you home. Wait right here, I'll go call a cab."

Quietly I sat down on the concrete against the large pillar as Duncan stepped outside and pulled out his cell phone.

I quietly buried my tired eyes into my knees, wondering how much longer it would take before I could start to handle all of this.

I buried my forehead into my forearms, with my eyes closed I could hear all of Duncan's phone conversation; however it didn't spook me quite like last time. Thank god. 

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