Better in Boots * Book 3 of H...

By cjhuehn

3K 94 17

Now that Kelsey and Dean have finally come clean about how they feel about each other, what's next? is someon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Author's Note

Chapter 2

567 20 1
By cjhuehn

Paige and I said goodbye to the guys as we made our way over to watch the beginning of the show. Paige nudged me after we sat down in front of the monitor, everyone else was still busy getting ready and most were only interested in the matches anyways. “What was that secretive text about?” she asked.

I felt my muscles tighten in my body but I tried not to show it as I pretended to be interested in the monitor instead. I heard Paige clear her throat and I glanced at her next to me. Her eyebrows were raised. I let out a loud sigh and turned in my seat to face her, my muscles still tense. “What?” I hissed.

Paige looked a bit stunned by my tone but quickly composed herself and asked her question again, “What was that secretive text about? I seen you trying to hide it. What’s going on, Kelsey?”

I sighed. “Its nothing. Just a nobody wanting attention that I’m not going to give them.”

“Who was it from?”

“You were looking over my shoulder and you couldn’t even see who it was from?”

“i-“ Paige started but was quickly cut off as we were joined by Natalya and Cesaro as the show started.

Seth made his way down the ramp and into the ring, getting a round of boos and cheers at the same time. He began to talk about how unhappy he was about Dean stealing the title from him and that he demanded a rematch but was quickly interrupted by Roman’s music. I smiled as I watched Roman come down the ramp, mic in hand, and the two bickered for a few minutes about who should have the rematch against Dean at the next pay per view, Battleground.

Suddenly, Deans music hit and I couldn’t hide the smile on my face. I was hoping to see him take out Seth. I wanted to see him beat the crap out of Seth, see Seth get put through as much pain as I had been. The trio, the old brothers in arms, went back and forth about who would get to battle Dean for the championship. I smiled as I watched it glisten off his shoulder. I had to admit it looked good on him, I thought as I absent mindedly rubbed my belt around my waist.

Shane McMahon’s music hit, spiking my attention as the three men in the ring got quite. “Listen here, you’re right Roman. You went into that match as champion and you do deserve a rematch,” Shane said as Roman smiled on, “however, the person that owes you that rematch no longer has the title. So, Seth you deserve to have a rematch with Dean as well.”

Dean smiled as Seth’s eyes narrowed in on Dean and the title on his shoulder. The three began to bicker once again but Shane wasn’t finished and he quickly shushed them. “so, for Battleground, we will have a triple threat match for the WWE World championship,” Shane said before he walked off stage.

Dean smirked as he threw his microphone down, the other two quickly following. I seen Seth say something to Dean but the camera angles changed quickly and I felt my palms sweat. Whatever Seth had said set off Dean and in a matter of seconds there was a full on brawl in the middle of the ring. I glanced at Paige and said, “that’s my cue. See you later?”

Paige nodded as I quickly made my way to the gorilla, catching glimpses of the carnage that was taking place as I ran. As I got to the gorilla position, Dean had done dirty deeds to Roman and quickly picked his title up off the ground where he had thrown it, raising it high over his head. I smiled as I watched, the show quickly cutting to a commercial break.

Roman was the first one to walk through the curtains. He smiled at me and gave me a quick side hug as I scrunched up my nose. “eww, Ro, when was the last time you showered?” I asked.

“Hey, I just got my ass kicked out there by your boyfriend thank you very much,” Roman replied.

“if that’s what defeat smells like, I never want to experience it.”

Roman chuckled as he was ushered away from the curtain as Seth came through being aided by a trainer. He glanced at me and quickly shook off the trainer, standing on his own. He made his way towards me with a slight limp and I felt my palms begin to sweat as my mind began to race. I wanted to slap him and ask him why all at the same time.

Seth opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, a look of disgust and anger quickly filling his eyes. That’s when I felt Dean’s arm around my shoulders and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

“Is there a problem here, Rollins?” Dean asked.

Seth’s eyes narrowed in on Dean before he glanced back down at me. His eyes softened slightly and I felt a shiver run through me as though Seth could see into my soul. “Just remember what I said out there, Ambrose,” Seth said as he took off down the hallway.

Dean smirked as we watched him leave and began to lead me down the hallway to the locker rooms. My curiosity got the best of me as Seth’s words rang through my head and I quietly asked, “What did he say to you?”

Dean tensed but quickly covered it but not before I could notice it. “Nothing. He said nothing of importance, sweetheart. Do you have a match tonight?” Dean commented.

“No. Just a quick segment in about an hour,” I replied, deciding to question him more later.

“Good. I’m taking you out to dinner after this then. I’m going to go shower,” Dean said before quickly kissing my forehead and leaving me at the door to the men’s locker room…

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