© Lucky One! | ExoPink SuRong

By bigbadb2st

25.8K 1.7K 74

Chorong and Mark have been lover for almost three years.They are happy with the way they love.But their paren... More

Lucky 1
Lucky 2
Lucky 3
Lucky 4
Lucky 5
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Lucky 30 (super short)
Lucky 31
Lucky 32
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Lucky 28

421 34 0
By bigbadb2st

Few weeks fly by and Chorong pretends like nothing had done in front of Suho.She just meantions that she misses her family.That's all

"Go home and visit them.You'll be fine then" Suho suggested before

And today,Chorong is packing her clothes because she will return to home!Just for two days because tomorrow Jimin will leave for Amsterdam

"Suho I'm leaving already". Chorong shouts in front of Suho's door. "Wait!" Suho yells from inside.After that,he opens the door. "You are leaving at the morning?" Chorong just nods her head. "Aikh I just planned to bring you out today". Chorong chuckles. "Keep it for next time"

Suho pouts his lips. "Okay then". He bites his lower lip before he bends down and kisses Chorong on the cheek. "Take care". He slams the door and leaves Chorong dumb.Her fingers slowly sneaks on her cheek.She can feel that her face is burning


Ding! Dong!

"It must be Chorong". Mrs.Jihyo stood up and goes to the main door. "Hi mom!" Chorong squealed as the door is opened by her mom. "My dear Chorong". They hug

"Noona!" Jimin interupts.He runs down the stairs and gets his sister. "Hello giant boy.How are you?" "I'm fine!" Jimin grins,showing his eyesmiles

"Are you alone?" Chorong frowns at Jimin's question. "What do you mean?" Jimin rolls his eyeballs to the back. "Aren't you suppose to come here with Suho hyung". Chorong curves up her upper lip. "Geurae?I don't think so"

"Aren't Suho coming Chorong ahh?" Mrs.Jihyo appears at the living room,holding a tray with drinks.Chorong scratches her forehead. "I haven't asked him to come back then". Mrs.Jihyo shakes her head. "Aigoo this kid.Isn't he staying alone right now?" "Yeah". "It's okay then.Invite him to eat dinner with us tonight". Chorong scoffs at Jimin. "Arasseo"



horong hops onto her old bed. "When will I return home again?" She hugs the huge teddy bear that Jimin gave for her 16th birthday.Then she remembers, "I need to inform Suho".She takes her smartphone inside her backpack and dials for Suho's number

"Hello there!Do you miss me already?Or you got drunk because of my kiss?" Suho happily greets. "Yaa what are you saying?" Chorong gets goosebumps. "Hey I'm making joke". "Urghh but it's not funny at all Joonmyeon"

She hears Suho sighs. "Okay I'm sorry.What is it that you call?" Chorong gulps down her saliva.How she's gonna say this? "My mom invite you for dinner tonight.Well,just to celebrate Jimin". Suho is hummimg over the phone

"Hummm.Yeah you just reminded me.Okay I'll come over.But,in one condition". Chorong scoffs. "Tch.What is it?" "You still remember that you owes me.So if you wanna repay me,I wanna eat your cook tonight". Chorong balls her eyes upwards. "Is it counted?" "Your dept is clear". Suho exclaims. "I hate you!You know I'm bad at cooking!"

Suho giggles on the line.  "It's up to you.I just wanna help you in saving.Bye bye". "Suho.Ya Suho!Aishh". She throws up her phone

"Wa wa wa...Look what we have here". Chorong turns. "Park Jimin!What are you doing at my door?" "I'm listening to your conversation with your lover.Eomeo eomeo"

Buk! Chorong throws a pillow at Jimin. "Ya!" "Take back your words brat!" Jimin sticks out his tongue before he jumps onto his sister's bed. "So how?Will he be coming?" Chorong weakly nods

"Nah.What's wrong?Aren't you suppose to be happy since your lover will come over?Auu". Nah.A pinch from Mama Rong. "Don't ever call us that again!" "Ouch.Ya.I was kidding back then". Jimin rubs his arm

A smirk runs through Jimin's lips. "Why are you so mad?Perhaps you guys are true". Chorong glares at her brother with a red face. "Nah you are blushing!"

Pap! Chorong smacks Jimin's back. "You and Suho is just the same?" With that,Chorong hops off from her bed and ran downstairs. "Really?That's mean you love him too.A lot!Just like you love me noona!!!". Jimin shouts like a crazy person

"Aishh that boy really". Chorong ruffles her hair before walking to the kitchen. "Hi mom". She greets her mother. "Hi darling.What's so noisy there". Chorong grins. "Nothing.He loves to tease me that makes me yell". Mrs.Jihyo giggles

"I see.He must be missing you by the way.He just spent his time at library when you are not alone". Chorong smirks. "Really?Jimin?At library.It might be the end of the world". She rolls her eyes

"He probably went for a dating". Chorong whispers to her mom,but Jimin's ears still can hear them

"I can hear you!" Jimin shouts from backyard.Since when he has been there,no one knows.Do you?

"By the way mom,can you help me out with something?" Mrs.Jihyo frowns. "Wow seems important.What is it honey?" "I wanna cook". Mrs.Jihyo eyes balls bigger

This chapter give nothing to me.Right?Just admit it.Nothing interesting here

I'm too lazy to write more.I'll continue on next chapter.Enjoy

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