The Chronicles of my Life: a...

By starielizabeth

165K 3.7K 3.8K

Not classmates, not friends, not best friends, but lovers. - Or a story in which a girl who has a bright fut... More

1. Welcome home baby!
2. One year
3. Preschool
4. Hey! that's my apple juice!
5. Hey you picked that colour not me!
6. With a new school comes new people
7. Fishy tank colours
8. Playdates at the park
9. Birthday wishes
10. Years only feel like days with friends
11. Chemistry isn't easy
12. Costumes
13. Halloween part 1
14. Halloween part 2
15. Halloween part 3
16. It's a dream. It's all a dream
17. Sometimes tea is chill
18. Let us get lettuce
19. Grocery store with David and Liza
20. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people
21. Happy Christmas!
22. Annoying texts and mixed emotions
23. Gifts and ever lasting memories
24. New years
25. Froyo and fans
26. Valentines day and secrets
27. Sleepovers
28. Happy birthday to... me?
29. Are you five or something?
30. Annoying girls and the beach
31. Tator tots and pop quizes
32. Concerts and surprises
33. The carnival
34. The Winter Dance part 1
35. The Winter Dance part 2
37. Birthday...
38. ...Ruined
39. 6 months
40. Lazy day
41. Wait, what?
42. The smallest things cause the most change
43. Going out and interesting news
44. Road trip fun (gone wrong)
45. Pain, heartbreak, and a stupid party game
46. Arguments, tears, and confusion.
47. 365 days with you
48. First of the last
49. Costumes and stargazing
50. Bucket lists
51. Plans for the future
52. Prom and talking
53. Endings and new starts
54. New York, meet Liza Koshy
55. Twenty One Pilots clique
56. The actual first day
57. Accidents happen
58. Secrets
59. Forever
hOLy SnIKerDooDLeS

36. Happy Christmas

2.6K 68 102
By starielizabeth

AN:  I bought a Ukulele and named it Frankie. This got 14k I don't even know why you guys read this it sucks. I also don't have anything pre-written like normal so I'm really sad because now I have to do something before Saturday. Don't worry I'm not not posting I'm just angry at past Me for not writing another chapter. I also am so upest because I had a word document with a bunch of ideas on it and my computer was stupid and didn't save any of it... But yeah I'm going to go watch YouTube now BAI!!!

December 25, 2015

Liza's POV

I wake up to my alarm clock going off. I reach over and attempt to turn it off. I fail miserably. Why is my alarm going off? It's winter holidays! There is no reason for me to wake up this early. The alarm finally turns off and I sigh. Well, I'm awake now! I reach over to my phone and text David.

Liza: Happy Christmas!

David: Happy Christmas to you too!

Liza: So are we going anything or nah?

David: Idk up to you. I'm good with anything but if it was up to me I would say spend the day chilling.

Liza: Chilling because it's winter?

David: Yes.

Liza: So do you want to come over and watch a movie? My parents are out for the next few days so I don't have to explain us.

David: Oh so we would be all alone ;)

Liza: No winky smiley faces!

David: So is this guy better? :))))

Liza: Yes. But why were you winking?

David: You know why.

Liza: No I don't.

David: I'm not saying it.

Liza: Why not?

David: Because... reasons.

Liza: Good reason.

David: Ikr

Liza: So be over in a few hours?

David: Sure thing

Liza: K bai see you soon

David: Bye

I walk downstairs and put some blankets and pillows on the couch. I sit and play on my computer while I wait for David.

A few hours later, I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open it to see a smiling David.

Liza: "Hey."

David: "Hi."

He comes in and we sit down.

Liza: "So what movie do you want to watch?"

David: "I don't know. Something Christmas related?"

Liza: "Home alone?"

David: "Sure. Home alone 2."

Liza: "No! The first one is so much better!"

David: "No the second one is better."

Liza: "Nope we are watching the first one."

David: "I'll order pizza if we watch the second one!"

Liza: "Ugh you know my weaknesses. Fine! But you also have to make popcorn after!"

David: "Sure."

David orders pizza and we start watching the movie. Once the pizza arrives, we eat it, duh. We only end up eating about half of the pizza.

David: "Popcorn?"

Liza: "Yes please."

I pause the movie and David gets up to make popcorn.

David: "How do you make popcorn?"

Liza: "Dude, how do you not know how to make popcorn?"

David: "I don't know. Lack of knowledge?"

Liza: "Here I'm going to teach you."

I walk over to the kitchen to help David.

Liza: "Ok so you take out the popcorn..."

David nods as he takes out the popcorn.

Liza: "Then you pour it into the popcorn machine..."

David pours the popcorn into the machine.

Liza: "Ok now you turn it on and that's it!"

David turns it on.

David: "That's not the only thing that should be turned on."

David snakes his arms around my waist.

Liza: "Stop."

David: "Why? Is there a problem?"

Liza: "Nope t-there is no p-problem here"

David: "Then why are you stuttering?"

Liza: "I told you to stop."

David: "My girlfriend is no fun."

He makes a pouty face. I kiss his cheek.

Liza: "That's why you have Stacy!"

We both laugh.

The popcorn finishes and we walk back over to the couch. We eat popcorn and watch the movie.

It's about 10:00pm and the movie is almost over. David looks over at me.

David: "I'm bored of this."


David: "Jeez chill."

The movie ends and I yawn.

Liza: "Wanna stay over?"

David: "But wouldn't it be weird this time? You know because we are dating?"

Liza: "Nah. I just want company."

David: "Ok."

I move over on the couch until I am next to David. David puts his arm around me.

David: "This is a nice way to spend Christmas."

Liza: "Yeah it is."

The room is silent for a second.

Liza: "Why does this feel awkward?"

David: "Because we are sitting on a couch doing nothing."

Liza: "I'm going upstairs."

I get up and start walking up the stairs.

Liza: "Are you coming?"

David: "Yeah sure."

David follows and we go upstairs.

Liza: "Do you have anything to sleep in?"

David: "No. I can just sleep in my shirt and underwear. If that's ok with you."

Liza: "Yeah it's fine. Turn around I need to change."

David turns around, and I change.

Liza: "Ok now come cuddle with me."

David: "Demanding much?"

He laughs.

Liza: "I know you want to cuddle."

David: "You know that's not what I want."

Liza: "But that's all I'm offering."

David: "Then it will be just perfect."

I lay down on my bed and David lies next to me. I lie on my side with my arm on top of David. We stay like this for a minute before David moves so he is facing me. He is on his side, propped up on his arm. He stares at me for a minute and smiles.

Liza: "What?"

David: "Can't I smile at how gorgeous my girlfriend is?"

Liza: "Yeah you can. Unless your girlfriend is not me then no!"

I laugh. He keeps looking at me. Then he looks down at my lips.

David: "Damn it Liza."

David kisses me. I'm kind of surprised by the suddenness of it. I kiss back right away. David flips over so he is on top of me. I pull away for a second.

Liza: "So is this what the winky smiley face meant?"

David: "Yeah sorta."

I chuckle. I pull David's head towards me so I can keep kissing him. We keep kissing and it gets more intense. It turns into a make out session. Eventually, David moves down to kissing my neck. I let out a soft moan. David moves back up to my lips. After some time, David's hands move down to the hem of my shirt. He slowly starts lifting it up. It gets to just below my bra and I gasp. David pulls away from me immediately.

David: "What is it? Did I do something?"

Liza: "Umm... no... It's just... look we have only been dating for a month and... if you only like me because you want to have sex with me than I don't want to be with you. Look David, I really like you but I'm not ready to have sex with you."

David: "Liza, why on earth would you think that! I like you because you're you. Because you laugh in the way that makes me laugh, because your smile lights up a room, because we share the same interests, because you know how to make popcorn!"

We both laugh.

Liza: "Thanks. It's just... I've never... you know..."

David: "Well that makes two of us."

Liza: "Really? I thought you would have by now."

David: "With who? Alex?"

We laugh again. David falls back so he is lying on his back.

David: "I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable. I didn't want to. That wasn't my goal here."

Liza: "It's ok. Now cuddle me already!"

David wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.

AN: Ehhhh sorry that really sucked. And dear lord it was cringy. Why can't I make something cute not cringy??? Then again my whole life is cringey sooooooo

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