One Direction Sickfics And Hu...

By Harlane020194

23.4K 238 41

just bored that's all so I decided to publish a book. Well we can see I'm a Harry girl so I'm defenitely writ... More

Car Crash
Camping trip gone bad - (Harry)
Camping trip gone bad (part II)
Camping trip gone bad (Continious of part II)
The Boys Think he's Faking (Niall)
The Boys thinks he's faking part II (Niall)
New Book!
Harry -sick
I'm so FUCKED UP!!
Faking sick - Harry/Niall
Johanna Deakin - A Soul to be remembered
Book Suggestions!
Car Crash-part II
GOOD BYE for now
Faint (Harry)

Injured - Louis

1.2K 11 2
By Harlane020194

No one's' P.O.V

"Guys! Careful. Louis! Watch where you're heading!" Liam. He's been like that ever since the lads got bored in their house and Louis decided to play a game of footie outside. "Tsk, Liam. Don't be such a daddy. We'll be fine." Louis stated sassily. Yeah right as if. "Haz, watch your step. No, don't go there haz." Again Liam, directed. Harry gave him a simple nod and headed to the other way. Liam sat down, sighing heavily. "So much for being a grown up." He mumbled to himself. Just that he saw Harry tripping and falling flatly on his back. Liam panicked, standing up and quickly heading over to Harry. He kneels down beside the younger lad, checking for injuries. "Haz, are you okay? Does something hurt? Did you land bad? Did you hurt yourself?" Liam asked panic. The younger lad sat up and laughed. Liam stared at him confused. "Hahaha, liam. I'm okay, I'm perfectly fine. Just clumsy as always though. Don't panicked like that. Look I'm okay, see" the younger lad protested laughing. Liam's face switched from panicked to irritated. He hit the younger lad's arm lightly. "Well, if something happens like that to someone you'll be also panicking." He stated. Harry laughed " okay okay, maybe I would but not as panic as you are. You should be more calmed if something happens like that but in a more tragic way. Thanks by the way." Harry's laugh died down replacing a smile that clearly shown those killer dimples. Liam smiled back. As they both stood up they heard a scream.

"AHHHH!!" Both of their heads jurked from the direction where the scream occurred. They both gasped in shock. Louis sitting on the grass clutching at his knee like it's his life line. They both headed quickly to their direction.

"Fucking hell," Louis cursed, still tugging his knee.

"What happened?" Liam questioned as soon as we got there. "Harry, help me carry him inside."

Harry stood up, holding Louis in the upper body part, "at the count of three," he paused. "1.....2....." Trailing of "3..." He grunted quickly lifting Louis' upper body, while Liam holds the lower part.

They both entered the house and laid Louis carefully onto the couch.

"Ni, go get some clean towel," Liam ordered, Niall stood up and nod, leaving us in the lounge. "Harry, go get some ice." Harry stood up and quickly fetch an ice on the freezer. Both of them return with the needed items along with them. They both gave it to Liam quickly. As soon as Liam got the towel and the ice, he prepared it in order to give Louis a cold compress.

Liam sighed, "Okay Louis, this might sting if I put pressure, but try to be calm okay." Louis, on the other hand looking miserable on the couch, helpless. He nod. "Okay, tell me if you're ready. Okay?" Louis replied "yeah, I'm ready." Liam positioned himself. "Okay, here it goes." He dipped the towel that cover the ice onto Louis' knee, which earn a hiss from the older - idiot - lad. "Ow," he hissed. Liam frowned with a sigh "I know it hurts Louis, but didn't I tell you to be careful?" Louis frowned "yes,but I -" Liam cuts him off "no buts Louis, I know what I've said. And I told you so." Louis rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath that neither any of us understands.


The whole 'treating Louis' finally ended which leaves Niall and Harry to relax while Liam giving Louis a lecture on how he should've listen to him.


After a couple of days, Louis' injured knee is finally healed, being able to do things he wants to do without experiencing pain in every move.


Hey guys!!


Hahaha.. Okay, move on shall we.

I know that this is boring and stuff like blah blah blah.. But I don't want you guys to wait for Another 71397638282 years, lol.

Hope you lovelies enjoys it (probably not, but eh ;*)


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