Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes an...

By BetterInBlack16

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In the months they'be known each other, Ariana and Nathan have been growing closer and closer to each other... More

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)
He's The Sweetest
Almost is Never Enough
No Word Spoken
Voice Check
Just Get Used To It
My Ari
Totes Fabulous
Author's Note
Keep Them Open
Enjoying Each Other's Company
Oh the Horror
I Found You
Walk Away
My Dork
There They Are
Don't Think I Will
Going to Kill Me
Show Me Love
Can I Have This Dance?
Congrats Siva
Why Does This Have to be so Hard?
There's a First for Everything
Hey Friendsies
Extreme Measures
Infinity and Beyond
Precious Time


1.4K 25 2
By BetterInBlack16

Nathan’s POV

            We got to the house and Ariana was asleep on my chest with my arms around her waist. I held her tightly around her waist. I kissed her forehead and I swear a faint smile appeared on her lips. I laughed a little. “Aww look Baby Nath is growing up”, Tom said, ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes at him and punched him in the arm, but smiled. I opened the door and hopped out and took Ariana away from the car. I kicked open the door and set Ariana down on the couch. Most of the guys left to go upstairs and change out of their uncomfortable skinny jeans. Jai stayed with me downstairs because we don’t wear that stuff. I hopped on the couch beside Ari and laid her head on my chest. I turned on the telly and Jai sat down beside Ari and put her legs on his lap. I rolled my eyes at him and he just winked at me. We watched the telly for a while when Ari woke up. I was stroking her hair and her eyes lazily opened. “Looks like Sleeping Beauty is finally up”, Jay said. She giggled a little and threw a pillow at him. I couldn’t help but laugh. That’s what I loved about her; she always made me laugh. I twirled her hair and she lifted her head so it was just on my shoulder. She watched the telly with us and played some hand game with Jay.

            The other boys came down eventually one by one in sweat pants. Max ruffled Ari’s hair and sat down on the floor next to us. Siva came down also and sat down and joined Ari and Jay’s hand game. Tom hadn’t come down yet and we were all staring at the screen. There was some horror movie on and Ariana looked really scared. I laughed and wrapped an arm around her. She smiled at me and continued to watch the movie. I turn around and see Tom sneaking up behind Ariana. He catches me staring at him and puts a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I roll my eyes and continue watching the screen. When I turn back to him he is right behind her and she is still clinging on to me which made me smile. I love it when she clings onto me. With other girls, it would just be annoying, but when she does it, I love it. I looked at Ariana one more time. She was so oblivious to Tom right behind her. In the movie, the girl was going down the hall and about to go into the room where the killer was. All of a sudden, Tom grabbed Ariana’s shoulders.

            She screamed and turned around. Surprisingly, she punched him in the face without opening her eyes. When she felt her fist collide with something her eyes opened and she breathed a sigh of relief. All the boys were laughing their butts off and I couldn’t help but laugh as well. Tom was clutching his nose, “I think you broke my nose”, he groaned out. Ariana glared at him, “Well you shouldn’t have done that”. I just laughed harder, “Yeah, don’t scare my girl”. Ariana laughed but Tom just glared, “Oh please, you knew I was right behind her and you didn’t say anything”. She elbowed me in the stomach and which made my arm leave her shoulder and clutch my side. I play glared at her and she just smiled sweetly at me. I rolled my eyes and put my arm back around her shoulder. She leaned her head onto my chest which made me smile at her. I continued to watch the movie while Ari leaned on me. I stroked her hair and combed out all the tangles. After about ten minutes I looked down at her and saw she was fast asleep on my chest. I smiled a little and the movie ended. I just watched Ariana sleep. She was so beautiful.

            I looked at the boys and they were fighting on a show to watch. I rolled my eyes at them. They were like my big brothers. I caught Jay’s eye and he smiled at me then at Ariana, “Poor baby must be tired”, he said in a baby voice just like you would talk to a puppy. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to stroke Ari’s hair.  The rest of the guys looked Ari and smiled. After a couple seconds of watching her they turned back to the telly. The boys really seemed to like her. They were treating her like their little sister. “You really love her, don’t you”, Jay said all of a sudden. I looked at him and nodded. “She’s not just a one night stand”, he said, deep in thought. “I could never do that to her”, I said. I looked down at her again and wrapped my arm around her waist. Jay smiled and turned back to the telly. These guys really loved her. I felt my eyes start to fall but I forced them open. Suddenly everything went dark with drowsiness. 

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