
By Lil_Red_Cat

23.4K 738 259

Cat Valentine? She's not your average girl. She attends Hollywood Arts, the school that only takes the talent... More

Sikowitz's Birthday
Auditions, Jealousy and Crying in a Cubicle...
Feeling Sparks
Tori's Outrage
Cheating Animal
I love Tori Vega.
Little Felt Envelope.
"How can you forgive people so easily?"
A Duet and a Date
"I don't want your air!"
"May the best girl win!"
We Be Jammin'
Plastered All Over Youtube
Black and White
The Boy Who's Name She Didn't Know
~A Kiss, a Concert and a Happy Ever After~

Jade is ILL

1.9K 65 51
By Lil_Red_Cat

'Hollywood Arts'. That was the name of her school. It was a school that was tough to get into, the school that took the talented and ditched the rest. How had she been lucky enough to get into this amazing school?

Cat bounced up to her friends happily, her long red hair whipping about her head wildly. All her friends were hanging around Tori's locker, chatting and texting. The hallway was full of kids doing cartwheels, rehearsing scripts and going over choreography in the middle of the corridor. Average teenager things, really, by the standards of Hollywood Arts. She leapt into her friends' conversation, causing Tori to jump.

'Hey, guys!" Cat sang out. "What's up? Do you like my new Jupiter boots?! They make me bouncy!" Cat added rather randomly, demonstrating.

"Hey, li'l red," greeted Andre, ruffling Cat's dyed crimson locks. André was a boy with short plaits in his hair. He was generally in jeans, a t-shirt and a Hollywood Arts jacket. He was rarely seen without a cheeky grin and a sparkle in his lively chocolate eyes. "Yeah, loving the boots! Jade's not around, so Beck's a bit bummed out," added Andre under his breath, so only Cat could hear.

"Why, where's Jade?" Cat asked loudly, before realising Beck had heard. "Oh, phooey!"

"Jade's just not feeling too good, 'K?" Beck smiled, messing with his dark, wild hair. He was Jade's boyfriend, so it was only natural he was concerned. Like André, he was forever smiling. All the girls had major crushes on him, which caused protective Jade to fly to conclusions constantly. Because of this, their relationship was under constant strain. Beck was always loyal, but Jade had some trust issues.

"Oh, no!" Cat wailed, anguished. "I'll go see her after school! Nurse Cat, Nurse Cat-"

"Uh, I don't think-" Beck began, but Cat was already bouncing down the corridor to her locker.

"Too late," Andre said, shaking his head fondly. "Hope she won't annoy your girlfriend too much..."

After two very strange acting classes with Sikowitz, (their teacher) which involved singing dolphins, angry Englishmen, and a mermaid, they were free to go for lunch. Andre, Tori, Beck and Robbie bagged a table, then looked behind them to see where Cat had gone. She staggered around the corner two minutes later weighed down by a ton of... Cans? But when she put them down on the table-

"Chicken soup?" Tori asked doubtfully.

There was a small mountain of chicken food in front of her, enough to feed an average adult man for a month.

"Yup!" Cat beamed, unfazed by her friends doubts. "Everyone says chicken soup is good for sick people, so I got lots for Jade! You know, one time, my brother-"

"We don't wanna hear 'bout your bro, girl!" Rex grumbled. He was Robbie's ventriloquist puppet, although Robbie labelled this as an 'offensive term'.

Cat's face crumpled and she looked imploringly at Robbie.

"Rex!" Robbie reprimanded the puppet.

They munched their food companionably, discussing the homework.

"I'm telling you, Sikowitz said we have to tape a short movie!" Andre said sharply.

"No, he wanted us to rehearse Romeo and Juliet!" Tori argued. It was really warm, so her long brown curls were looking slightly frazzled. Her mahogany brown eyes were glittering, something they did when she was in a heated argument.

"Anyway, I gotta go get some plastic bags for all this chicken soup!" Cat informed her friends, then rushed off.

And they thought she was weird? Seriously, Romeo and Juliet? Sikowitz?! Not happening. Cat sniggered to herself as she slipped the cans into several bags.


Cat was outside Jade's house, fully kitted out in an nurse costume, with her bags of chicken soup cans. She rapped on the door, giggling hysterically at the lion knocker.

"What?" Jade groaned from inside, and Cat took that as her cue to go in.

"Hey Jade!" Cat trilled, pulling a can out and starting to make chicken soup.

"Why are you here and why are you dressed like that?" Jade demanded, attempting to sit up.

"Nurse Cat, Nurse-" chanted Cat in response, before she was cut off by a deep groan from Jade.

"Sikowitz got me to drop off your homework for the next week," added Cat, producing a binder from her bag.

"My hero," muttered Jade sarcastically.

"Now, eat up!"'Cat said, pushing a bowl of chicken soup towards Jade.

"Chicken soup?" Jade blinked, spooning it up. "Cliche, but kinda nice. Th-thanks, Cat." It had clearly hurt to say that. Jade wasn't a girl for sweetness and light.

"No problem," replied Cat, then got a thermometer out. "Say 'aaaaaah!'

"Um, Cat-" began Jade before it was in her mouth. Cat held it in, apparently unaware of the fact Jade was shooting her pop-eyed glares. Upon hearing it beep, she took it out and read the temperature.

"Aw, man!" Cat complained. "You're barely above the average temperature!"

"Never do that AGAIN," snapped Jade. She was nearly normal, all right.

"Do you want me to put a movie on? I brought your favourites!" Cat announced, spreading a selection of DVD's over the coffee table. There were Jaws, Chainsaw, IT and Monsters. Jade was a very tough, no-nonsense girl, as was obvious from the films.

"Hm. Not bad... For you," Jade admitted grudgingly.

They spent the next two hours companionably munching popcorn, trying to reduce the level of chicken soup, and in Cat's case, squealing with her face behind a cushion. Jade laughed at the most disgusting, gory scenes as if they were hilarious comedies. When the monsters failed to eat the main characters, she hurled her PearPhone at the wall in frustration, not even flinching at the sickening crack.

"Keep eating chicken soup and do your homework!" Cat called, skipping out of the door.

"Cat, you can't just leave all this chicken-" Jade broke off, realising Cat had gone. She then shrugged and continued to watch TV, shouting rude, slightly mean comments at stupid shows.

"God, you stupid bimbo! Stop MOONING after him constantly! Ugh, if I was like this, I'd slam my tongue in a car door!"

Oh yeah, she was better all right.


Victorious own the character and all that. These characters aren't mine, but the story above I invented myself. I will invent only ORIGINAL stories. So they're mine. The stories, I mean. Not the characters.

Dedicated to XxgothicgirlxX for the amazing banner on the side! And a shout out to Ashihara who makes amazing covers!

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