Supernatural Imagines (Reques...

By SHIELDAgentNatt

354 14 0

So here is just a bunch of supernatural imagines, please do enjoy and I am open to requests. I will also be u... More

Warning!! ⚠️️
How To Save A Life-Sam Winchester
⚠️️Cherry Pie-Dean Winchester
My Muse-Crowley
The Winchesters are trouble-Gabriel
Far Away-Sam Winchester
Lips of an Angel-Dean Winchester
Just one Yesterday-Gabriel
Devil Pray-Team Free Will
Savin Me-Sam Winchester

⚠️️Lullaby-Dean Winchester

21 1 0
By SHIELDAgentNatt

Warning-Triggers (self harm)

It's true, so true that the hunter's life is never easy you'll never be able to save them all, but that wasn't going to stop you. Unfortunately this was one of those times, it had been a rough hunt and you were hunting with the Winchesters, and somehow you couldn't save them, and it had been happening to you a lot lately and you felt helpless. The moment you got back from your hunt you headed straight to your room, carefully shutting the door behind you, you face planted on your bed and let the tears fall for what felt like hours. Then you decided it was time, the tears never stopped even as you picked up the blade. You knew shouldn't but it was your punishment for failing yet again. And even though you knew there was no healing from cutting yourself with the jagged edge, you cut your thigh, a spot that would be noticed, you didn't want Sam or Dean, especially Dean to know what you did, you'd had a crush on the older Winchester ever since you met three years ago, on a hunt. The blood ran down your leg and you didn't hear the person enter your room.
"(Y/N)! What the hell are you doing?" You froze, before quickly attempting to clean the mess up.
"Oh honey." You were so embarrassed that it didn't even register in your mind that he called you honey. He helped you clean silently and you refused to look at him and the conversation hung in the air like a bad smell. As soon as you finished cleaning you raced out of your room and out of the bunker.
You had to get away and you couldn't go back not now that he knew the truth about you. That's how you ended up at the bar drinking yourself away. You phone hadn't stopped buzzing since you arrived at the bar. You ignored all of Dean and Sam's calls, you didn't want to talk right now. When the boys finally realised that you wouldn't pick up they stopped calling and you thought that was it, but Dean had other plans.
You started to receive texts from him and you read, how could you not, he was showing a side of him that you'd never seen.
'Hey (Y/N) please, we need to talk, I'm reaching out to let you know that your not alone.'
'Please honey, take it from someone who's been where you at.'
'If you can't tell, I'm scared as hell cause I can't get you on the telephone.'
They were starting to get to you and you decided to call Dean.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" He asked you could hear the concern in his voice.
"Can you please pick me up?" You asked and you heard keys jingle.
"On my way honey, sit tight." With that he hung up.
The ride back was silent and when you arrived at the bunker you went to your room again laying down.
Not long after Dean appeared and sat beside you.
"Hey Dean." You said softly turning to him.
"What did you mean by take it from some one who's been where your at?" You asked and he sighed, before lifting his shirt to point out a scar, that he had said was from a nest of vamps.
"Not vampires." He said and you were surprised.
"Look, I know how hard it gets, but trust me it's not the answer, you don't deserve this. The best is yet to come." He picked up your hand and traced circles over your palm.
"I think you should leave, I... I don't want you to see me like this, I tried so hard to keep this from you guys. I feel so embarrassed." You blushed.
"No, let me take you out of the darkness and into the light. Don't ever keep something like this a secret from me. I will help you, I will always help you." He was speaking in a deadly serious tone.
"I don't think I can do this anymore Dean."
"You can, not only because you have me but because I have faith in you, that you're gonna make it through another night." He said softy.
"You really believe that?" You looked up at him and he nodded.
"And I have you?" You asked silently hoping that he loved you as much as you loved him.
"For as long as you want me." He said and this soft side of Dean was different but you weren't complaining not when he was going to help you.
"I love you." You said not daring to look up at him.
"I love you too." He replied and you let an audible sigh and he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I messed up again. I just can't do anything right." You said getting fristrated again as the memories from todays hunt flooded your mind.
"You did your best and that's all any of us can expect from any one. We can't save them all, but we can save as many as we can, that's something that's taken me a long time to accept, that I still find hard to accept." He laid down next to you and wrapped an arm protectively around you.
"Trust me, it'll all be better tomorrow I promise. Just close your eyes, honey here comes a lullaby." You did as he said and he ran his fingers through your hair hummed a tune you couldn't quite pick out, but it didn't matter you were peacefully asleep almost instantly.

Hey guys, another Dean imagine. Just something really important if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, I've been down that road and I know that sometimes just being able to vent to a random can help even the tiniest. Just know your all worth existing and always keep fighting.
Natt xx

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