You are my only retreat. (Kel...

By slightlyyinsane

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You are my only retreat. (Kellic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

133 5 2
By slightlyyinsane


I looked around the almost empty waiting room. Other than Kellin and I, the only other person in here is an elderly woman. She is holding a golden locket and softly crying. She looks so sad, yet happy. I let the kind heart of mine take controll as I walk over to her. "Are you alright M'am?" I ask sweetly. She looks up at me with sad eyes and smiles. "Oh, I'm alright, it's m-my husband I'm not so sure about.." she says softly. I pat her back and she hugs me. "why are you here?" she asks. "A friend of mine got a cut that was too deep and she lost some blood." I said sadly and walked back over to Kell. The old womann looked at us and smiled brightly. "Is that your boyfriend?" she said calmly. I almost jummped out of my seat. "U-um..." kellin cut me off "Yes, I am. I'm Kellin." he said and looked over at me, smiling. I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked down at my hands. We aren't dating yet, are we? Still, that was really brave of him. The woman just smiled and told us not to let anyone stop us. "Oh trust me, I'm never letting that happen" Kellin said as he slid his hold down my arm to hold my hand. I entertwined our fingers and smiled.

Moments later, a young nurse approached the woman. "Are you Mary?" she asked calmly. Mary shook her head and her hands started shaking. "I'm sorry, Carl didn't make it..." the nurse said and i could tell she mentally prepared herself for the worst. Mary stook up and wiped a tear away. "Thank you for trying Miss." she said and walked toward us. "You boys stay with eachother." she said and walked out of the room. The nurse walked away in shock and you could hear her quietly sobbing. I wanted to cry along with her because that was honestly extremely heartbreaking but another nurse walked out, this time, walking to us. I closed my eyes and prayed the beautiful young girl was alive.

"Kellin Bostwick and Victor Fuentes?" she asked. We stood and followed her to the room Copeland was in. room 208. The nurse who's name is Jess opened the door and turned on the TV before exiting. She told us nothing. I could see Copeland, hooked up to a few machines and barely breathing. She had an oxygen mask on and her heart rate was at 59. Kellin looked awful, his eyes were blood red as he stood up. he walked to the other side of her bed and picked up a note that was taped to the rail. He read it aloud :" Kellin, I'm so sorry. I know you told me not to. If I die, don't be sad. Thats what I wanted. I can't stand this anymore. I can't hold on any longer. If I live, promise you will still talk to me. Please don't hate me. I'm sorry. Goodbye, maybe." he stood there for a few minutes staring into nothing. He suddenly flipped the note over. "She was doing better, then she stopped breathing and had a sesiure..... This is my fault." He said and fell to the ground, sobbing. I walked over to him. "Kellin how in the world is this your fault? Heck, she could be dead if it weren't for you giving her your number." I said and slowly ran my hand through his adorbale messy hair. "I guess you're right..." he said and stood up. He walked towards her, grabbed her hand and whipsered "Please be strong, be strong for me." he rested his head on her stomach and wept for about twenty minutes. "Kell... We better go, visiting hours are almost over anyway. We have a concert tomorrow." I said quietly, but the truth, I didn't want to go. If I couldn't help her, I can't help anyone.

I guided Kellin out the hospital door. He wasn't talking much, I couldn't blame him... He and I weren't always best friends, although I've known him for years, but I know a lot about him.... He always keeps someone special close to him. He always has someone who he loves, maybe it isn't even romantic love, but he keeps them safe. Copeland, well, that's what that is. I can tell.

"I don't want to go back to the stupid bus." He said, looking down at his feet. He kicked a pebble away and pushed his hands in the pockets of his sweater. "I know you don't, i was thinking we could- o-or you could rent a hotel..." I said, sounding stupid. I didn't want to make it sound like we were doing everything together all the time. I lost a girl that way, being to clingy.

He looked over at me and tried to smile... His eyes were blood red and had bags under them. His hair was messy, and it looked as if he were about to puke. He grabbed my hand and cleared his throat. "Vic, you don't have to be scared to speak to me." He said as kindly he could, being as stressed as he was. "I just don't want to say something stupid and lose you." I said quietly, ashamed. He let go of my hand and stopped in his place. I turned to look at him. His eyes were wide open and he looked somewhat hurt. His eyes softened a bit. "Nothing you could say, nothing you could do would make me stop loving you vic. I know it might seem like I care about this girl more than you but, I only care so much about her because she reminds me of you! If she dies, I'll only have you! Theres something about her that seems just like you. There's nobody else I love enough in the world to talk to. Let's rent a room for tonight. It was a great idea. Now, can you do me a favor? Smile, and then you can kiss me."

Kellin didn't have to tell me to smile. I was blushing like crazy. I put one hand on his cheek, the other on his waist and kissed him gently. He pulled away, only because he was crying. "Kelli-" "I'm just scared, Vic.." I raised one eyebrow. "Scared about what?" I asked him sweetly. "About losing the things i love most.... About losing you. That's why I get so close to the fans... In case the person I need most leaves." He said and wiped a tear from his eye. He tried to smile but I could tell this was really hurting him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug, which made him cry more.

Kellin crying both broke and warmed my heart. He's such a sweet guy, why does so much hurt him?! But knowing that I'm actually important to him... That's something that could actually keep me alive. I looked at him "Kellin, why don't we go find a hotel?" I said softly. He sniffed his nose and laughed, tears filling his eyes. "Yeah, that'd work." He replied with a smile.

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