Instinct (1D)

By cheerbabi23

1.7M 36.5K 6.5K

A Girl named Stella lives in Washington. Her parents both work for the government. She believes a zombie apoc... More

Instinct (1D)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
authors note
Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter twenty

34.6K 2.4K 506
By cheerbabi23


"Oh my gosh," I breathed out and grabbed my leg. This thing is fucking hurting the hell out of me.

"Stella what happened?" Harry asked. He was still knelt down beside me.

I shook my head and took deep breaths. I can't talk. I looked over at Liam who was sitting in a booth looking over at me. My eyes were getting watery and I laid my head back onto the cold title floor.

Harry put his hands on my leg to see why I was holding it. I cradled my leg to my chest. I pushed his hands back and he looked at his hands.

"Holy shit, Stella you're bleeding!" He backed away from me. He looked at his hands and looked at me.

He probably thinks I got bit. I looked at him and shook my head.

"No," I whispered lowly and shook my head.

"What the hell happened," he said through gritted teeth and walked over to Liam.

I felt someone pick me upend carry me to a booth. I took off all my equipment and it hit the ground. I gently laid my back up against the wall and I closed my eyes.

"Stella, it's gonna be okay," Niall's accent rang through my ears.

"She-she," I heard Liam try and talk.

"FUCKING ANSWER ME!" Harry yelled. I opened my eyes and looked at them.

Harry had Liam's shirt in both his hands and fisted his shirt. He stood Liam up and Liam put his hands up.

"I SHOT HER BY ACCIDENT OKAY!" He took Harry's hands and forced them off of him.

"You son of a bitch," was the last thing Harry said before he punched Liam. Liam fell back in the booth and Harry went on top of him.

"Hey," Louis yelled and went to go grab Harry off of him. Niall went to go and also try to help Louis get Harry off. After Louis and Niall successfully pulled of Harry from Liam, Zayn stepped in and helped Liam.

Zayn helped Liam get up from the booth. Liam was covering his nose and bright red blood was dripping from his hands.

I couldn't take this anymore. My fucking leg is killing me. I need this bullet out now. My adrenaline went down. I can feel the full pain now.

"Guys!" I screamed

"Stella?!" Louis came to me.

"Get it out," I breathed faster and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Stella what are tal-"


Louis eyes went wide and his breathing started to pick up.

"I-I don't have anything to use." He looked around to try to find something.

"My bag," I pointed to the ground. " medical kit."

He nodded and unzipped my bag. He shook it and all my belongings fell out. He found the white box and came over to me.

"I got it," he waved it .

" We gotta move you to the diner counter top. This space is too small to do it," he turned around and called for Niall and Harry.

He told them what to go and they came over to me.

Zayn grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder. When I was out of the booth, Harry got my other arm and set it over his shoulder. We all gently walked to the diner counter top. They both picked me up and I lied down. The lights above the counter were really bright. And they're also hurting my eyes.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" I heard Zayn ask Louis.

Louis sighed, then spoke. " We just gotta get it out of her, that's it."

"Go see if they have liquor." Louis asked one of the boys but I don't know who.

A couple minutes went by and they came back with the liquor.

"Stella, I need you to drink some of the liquor." Harry was above me and brought the bottle of liquor to my lips. I hovered my lips over the opening of the bottle and he tilted it forward. I took four gulps and he removed the bottle from my lips. This liquor taste fucking horrible. I've never drank before. I felt the bitter liquor run through my body.

"We should give her something to bite on," Harry suggested.

Can they fucking hurry up and get this damn bullet out of my leg!

"Here's my belt," I looked over at Louis to see him taking off his belt. Harry grabbed it and folded it. I opened my mouth and took the leathery item between my teeth.

"Alright Stella I'm going to start now." I heard the sound of gloves being snapped on and medial utensils clanging against one another. I hope he knows what he's doing.

"This might sting." He warned me.

I felt something cold hit my wound and it stung like a bitch.

I bit down on the belt and yelled. Please let this go by quickly.

I could feel my suit being cut open. Fuck I should have taken off my suit. Now my suit is ruined.

"Brace yourself." He warned again.

I took a deep breath and bit down again on the belt. I felt the cold metal pierce through my skin and glide down.

"AHH," I yelled, but my scream was muffled. I kicked my leg to try to get him to stop but he wouldn't budge. I tried sitting up to take the medical knife out of his hand.

"Zayn hold her feet, and Harry told down her shoulders." Louis instructed them.

I felt Harry's hands tug at my showers to try and lower me. I went against him and try to get back up but he was way stronger than me. I could feel Zayn hold down my legs down with his tight grip. This was a fucking bad idea.

My muffled screams were the only thing filling the room. I feel the warm tears glide down my cheek. I turn my head to the right and look down. I can see Louis pull out half the bullet fragment. He cut deeper and I yelled again. I looked back up into the light but everything looked blurry.

"It's alright Stella were almost done." I saw Harry above me. I can see the glow around him before everything went black.


Two hours later

Louis pov

I gently opened the blinds to see the outside. There's still zombies out there. Some of them were banging on the door and window cause they heard everyone screaming in here. The sun went down but there's still a tiny bit of light. I feel like we've been in this diner for days but this is our first night here.

After I took out the bullet fragments from Stella's leg, I stitched her up. It's amazing how her medical/ safety kit has everything in there. She's still alive and breathing but she passed out probably from too much blood loss or from her feeling everything and not being under anestezia. I covered her in one of the towels she brought and folded the other one to put under her head.

Just the sound of her screaming hurt me, but it had to be done. We couldn't leave that bullet in her leg. The boys were sitting in the booths. Niall found some crayons and paper and started doodling. Harry is resting and so is Zayn. I'm here next to Stella so incase she wakes up I'm here to help. Liam is in the booth with Niall, playing with his pocket knife. After all the comoshian went down, Harry and Liam apologies to one another.

I just realized I have to use the restroom.

I told Liam I was going to use the restroom and to keep and eye on Stella.

After I was done doing my business I went to go wash my hands. I lathered my hands in soap and rinsed them. I took some cold water and splashed it on my face. It looks like I haven't gotten any sleep in days. My eyes are getting bags under them and my chin is growing stumbles on them. My hair is oily and needs to be washed. My hands grip the sides of the sink and I sigh. I look like a zombie myself. I rinsed my face with water again until I heard my name being called by Liam.



I opened my eyes and groaned. The pain. I can still feel the pain.

"My leg," I groaned and took off the fabric that was hovering over me.

"Stella," I heard Liam say. "Louis!" He yelled. I heard heavy footsteps and looked to my right. All I could see is a blurry figure running towards me.

"Stella, how are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"I'm okay. Can you help me up and set me in a booth please." I asked.

"Sure." He said and put his hand underneath my back to help me sit up. I put my legs over the counter and he put his arm under my knees and behind my back. He picked me up and put me in a booth next to Liam and Niall.

I thanked him and he asked if I was hungry. It was as if my stomach heard that question cause my stomach growled. I laughed and he went behind the kitchen door to go make me something. I can feel my bladder about to explode. I need to pee.

I carefully got up from the booth and walked to the restroom.

"Stella what are you doing?" Liam asked and hurriedly came to my side.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm using the bathroom." I pointed to the way the bathroom was. "I'm fine." I looked up and smiled at him. His nose looked a little bruised but I didn't question him.

After doing my business in the bathroom I walked back to where my booth was. It's really tricky to have to go to the bathroom with this suite on. As I was walking back, I saw small droplets of blood on the floor. I stopped and looked up to see where the trail leaded. It was leading to Liam's booth.

"Liam?" I asked.

He was sitting in the booth alone. He turned around with napkins in his hands covering his nose.

"Oh god. What happened?" I limped to the counter to get the folded up towel that was lying there. I grabbed it and went to Liam's table. He scooted over and I sat beside him. He removed the napkins from his nose and I placed the towel under his nose. I tilted his head back to stop the blood from flowing out his nose. He laughed and spoke.

"Member Harry punched me?"

Oh yea. How could I forget. No wonder why his nose was bruised.

"Oh yea, you guys were arguing when I was the one with a bullet in her leg." I laughed and so did he.

"I'm so sorry Stella. I truly am." His eyebrows furrowed and he put his head in its normal position. I took the towel from beneath his nose to check if it stopped bleeding.

"It's okay. I'm alive." I smiled and wiped his nose. He hissed and I laughed. " looks like Harry's got quite a punch." I smirked. He smiled sarcastically and took the towel from my hand.

"Where's the rest of the boys?" I turned to Liam.

He removed the towel and spoke. " Zayn and Harry are sleeping and Niall's in the back cooking with Louis."

I nodded and we sat there in silence for a couple minutes.

Louis and Niall came out with a tray on both their hands. I laughed and they walked over to Liam and I.

" How does meatless spaghetti sound?" Niall asked and put a bowl in front of me along with a glass of water.

" Yum!" I smiled and they both sat in front of Liam and I with bowls in front of them.

"How do you feel?" Niall asked.

"Better." I smiled at him. He smile back and I went to take a bite of the pasta .

"I gotta change those bandages before we go to bed." Louis told me.

I nodded and took a sip of water "okay." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a tiny packet. "Take some of these too." I ripped open the packet and place two pills on my tongue. I took a gulp of water and swallowed.


Hope you enjoyed! Please vote! It only takes a second of your time :)

You guys can kik me if you want!

@. Cheerbabi23

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