The Littlest Demigod (Percy J...

By sorry_im_b00ked

161K 2.4K 1.2K

There's a new girl at Camp Half-Blood. She's only nine years old and instantly makes a connection with Percy... More

One: My Math Teacher's a What?
Two: Meeting Goldilocks
Three: Lunch
Four: My Past
Five: Meeting Jason... And Blackjack
Six: Thanks Piper
Seven: Night Swim
Eight: I'm Sorry
Author's Note
Ten: Questions
Author's Note
Not a new chapter

Nine: Claimed

13.8K 220 142
By sorry_im_b00ked

      I wake up before both Percy and Annabeth, and unsuccessfully attempt to wiggle out of the bed. Realizing that trying to get up is hopeless, I lay my head back down and just stare at the bottom of the top bunk. Percy's arms are still draped lightly across me and Annabeth's soft blonde curls are tickling my face. I smile to myself, knowing that I am wrapped in the embrace of two amazing people.

      Percy starts to stir and opens his eyes but quickly shuts them, trying to get used to the light. After blinking a couple of times, Percy turns his head toward me. He frowns, realizing that I woke up before him. His eyebrows knit together as if to ask 'How long have you been awake?'.

     I respond with a soft, "Only a couple of minutes." His face softens and eventually relaxes as he pulls me into him and wraps his arms completely around me. I bury my face in his chest and take a deep breath, inhaling the lingering scent of salty ocean air.

      "You scared me last night Princess," Percy mumbles against the top of my head, before placing a gentle kiss on it. He wraps his arms tighter around me and I look up at him, wresting my chin on his chest. "I thought I lost you," he whispers and a tear runs down his cheek. I look away in shame and clutch his shirt in my hand, afraid that if I let go, he might leave me.

   "I'm sorry..." I say, though it's barely audible. "I was scared. You were yelling and there were so many people..." I trail off towards the end, anticipating a scolding. But instead Percy kisses my cheek and pulls me on top of him, my head resting on his chest. I can hear his heart beating and it calms me down. He gently strokes my hair as he hums a song that I don't recognize.

      I turn my head the other way and am greeted by two striking gray eyes. Annabeth lay smiling at the scene before her. I blush and hide my face, wondering how long she's been watching.

      Percy stretches his arms over his head before placing hand on my back, holding me in place, as he leans over and pecks Annabeth's lips. He sits up, me sitting on his lap, and wipes a hand across his face. He instinctively kisses my forehead and stands up, placing me on his hip.

      After walking to the bathroom and brushing our teeth with me in his arms and Annabeth next to us, Percy takes me back out to the main room. I sit down in a chair and he brushes my hair while Annabeth takes a shower. Several yelps and flinches later, my hair is smooth and tangle-free.

      I walk over to the dresser and open my drawer to look for an outfit. I select my outfit and look to Percy waiting for him to step out so I can change. He opens the door and tells me he'll be outside if I need anything.

   I slide on a clean pair of underwear and pull a yellow shirt over my head. Then, I step into a pair of denim shorts overalls and pull them up. However, I don't seem to know how to do the buckles.

   "Percy..." I call out sheepishly, embarrassed that I need help. "Could you help me?" Percy opens the door and smiles when he sees my outfit. I innocently hold up the two clips and he chuckles while walking over to me. He quickly and effortlessly slides the buckles into the correct spot and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

    "You look adorable Princess," Percy says and plats a quick kiss on the top of my head. Annabeth walks out of the bathroom all ready to go in jean shorts, a red t-shirt and red converse. I place a yellow headband with a bow in my hair and slip on a pair of yellow sandals before turning to look at Annabeth expectantly.

     Annabeth walks over to me and grabs my hand before opening the door. "Percy, we'll meet you at breakfast," she calls over her shoulder as we start descending the stairs. I happily skip alongside Annabeth as we make our way to the dining pavilion.

     I look up and see Piper walking towards us with a big smile on her face. She's wearing purple denim shorts and a purple and white striped shirt with white sneakers.

   "Piper!" I squeal before dropping my hand from Annabeth's and running as fast as my little legs can go towards her. She scoops me up and spins me around before setting me on her hip. I look and her with a big smile on my face before turning to see Annabeth walking towards us, smiling as well.

     I hop down to the ground and grab both of their hands before continuing to breakfast. We arrive at the pavilion and I go straight to the table that I know to be Percy's. Piper heads to her table, but Annabeth sits down next to me. I lean into her and she wraps her arm around me, much like before. Once again, I find myself playing with her fingers while we wait for Percy to show up.

     After a couple of minutes, Percy slides onto the bench next to me wearing khakis and a blue shirt with sneakers.

  "Who do you think my Daddy is?" I blurt out. Percy and Annabeth stay silent. I glance up at them and the give each other a look. I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my lap, letting Annabeth's hand slip out of my own and fall to rest on the bench beside me. I look up as Percy clasps his hands together and rests his elbows on the table, placing his hands under his chin. 

      "I don't know Princess, but I'm sure we'll know soon," Percy says after turning his head slightly to look at me. I nod and look back down at my lap, fumbling with the edge of my shorts. I don't hear the beginning but I hear Percy mumble, "...seriously, Dad," under his breath. I shake it off and order my food after realizing I already have a plate in front of me. Once the small portion of scrambled eggs and a piece of toast appear on my plate, I stand up without looking at either of the two concerned demigods next to me.

      I walk over and place my food in the fire, on my own this time, and silently pray that my dad will claim me. After walking back over to the table, I sit down and eat my food without saying a word. About halfway through what's left of my piece of toast, the whole pavilion goes silent. I look up and every eye is staring straight at me. Well more at something above my head.

      Scared to look up, I stand up and run to Percy, burying face in his neck, praying that they'll all look away. I hear Chiron stomp his hoof, but I don't look up.

   "Hail Elaine Gray, Daughter of the Sea God," Chiron says in a loud booming voice. At this point I look up, confused. I glance above my head and let out a small gasp when I find a glowing green trident floating overtop of me.

A/N: Guys I'm so sorry it's been so long! I have musical after school every day from 3-8, though I don't want to make any excuses. Um, 1K READS?!?! HOLY POOP YOU GUYS!!!! But yea. This is kinda filler though I guess not cause she gets claimed lol what. Okay I love you all it's almost midnight I'm going to bed, goodnightttt!

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