The Keyblade War Chapter III:...

By Lingering-Will

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The worlds are at their breaking point... After the battle against Xylek, victory came bittersweet! While... More

Prologue: The Death Of Hope
Chapter One: A Road Long Traveled
Chapter Two: Not Exactly A Wonderland
Chapter Four: Escape Plan
Chapter Five: Sky And Raxon
Chapter Six: Into The Lost Empire
Chapter Seven: The Heart Of Atlantis
Chapter Eight: To Do The Right Thing
Chapter Nine: At World's End
Chapter Ten: The Song Has Been Sung
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven: Marching Ever Forward
Chapter Twelve: An Incredible Meeting
Chapter Thirteen: A Family Of Supers
Chapter Fourteen: Into The Underminer's Lair
Chapter Fifteen: When Words Aren't Enough
Chapter Sixteen: A Way Out
Chapter Seventeen: High Above The Clouds
Chapter Eighteen: A Skyward Battle
Chapter Nineteen: Closest To The Brink
Chapter Twenty: The Race To Save Ventus
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty One: Kyle's Ordeal
Chapter Twenty Two: The Journey For The Keys Begins
Chapter Twenty Three: The Burdens We Bear
Chapter Twenty Four: The Life Of A Chosen
Chapter Twenty Five: Battles On Multiple Fronts
Chapter Twenty Six: The Darkness Draws Ever Closer
Chapter Twenty Seven: Kingdom Hearts
Chapter Twenty Eight: There Is Only One Road
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Rescue Begins
Chapter Thirty: Kyle Vs. Stralus
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty One: A Heart, Liberated
Chapter Thirty Two: A Brief Respite
Chapter Thirty Three: Return To The Realm Of Sleep
Chapter Thirty Four: Battling Yzma
Chapter Thirty Five: A Nightmare To Remember
Chapter Thirty Six: The Hidden Cave
Chapter Thirty Seven: In An Age Long Past
Chapter Thirty Eight: Valkyrie
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Sword Decides
Chapter Forty: Wishes For The Future
Author's Note
Chapter Forty One: Owari Part 1: The Storm Comes
Chapter Forty Two: Owari Part 2: The Heavens Burst
Chapter Forty Three: Owari Part 3: This Is War
Chapter Forty Four: Owari Part 4: Fiends Unleashed
Chapter Forty Five: Owari Part 5: Turning Point, The Keys Of Balance
Chapter Forty Six: Owari Part 6: Dexeres And Tsumugi Vs. Emmxett
Chapter Forty Seven: Owari Part 7: To End Sacrifices
Chapter Forty Eight: Owari Part 8: Doomsday
Chapter Forty Nine: Owari Part 9: What Could Have Been
Chapter Fifty: Owari Part 10: Beauty Of Apocalypse
Epilogue: A New Beginning
Author's Note

Chapter Three: The Red Queen's Castle

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By Lingering-Will

Vanitas was irritated. He was in a dungeon, his legs and arms tied, and Dexeres, Mickey and Riku also faced the same predicament, and so they were unable to escape. After Dawn had fallen through the gate back in the barren wasteland, everyone else had followed suit, but they had somehow lost consciousness. When they had woken up, they found themselves tied here, and they assumed the others had disappeared to someplace else. Dexeres, Riku and Mickey remained calm, trying to find a way out of this predicament, but Vanitas was impatient, and when he got impatient, he got angry. He had tried to summon Unversed, and Dexeres had tried to summon Nobodies so that they could unbind them, but for some reason, they couldn't summon their allies. So now they just had to find a different way to be free of their shackles. Vanitas rolled his eyes and gave out a heavy sigh.

"Geez, of all the things to happen to us, we just had to get tied up! Just our luck..." he whispered irritatingly.

"Gosh fellas, I hope the others are doing okay!" Mickey said with concern.

"Don't worry. I'm sure they're somewhere close. And they'll be safe. Well, hopefully they won't have been captured like us." Riku said, trying to alleviate Mickey's concerns.

"Well, one thing's for sure. We definitely need to find our friends, and fast." Dexeres remarked, and everyone nodded, but Vanitas scoffed and laughed.

"Um, hello? We've tried getting free of these stupid shackles, and that hasn't gotten us nowhere! What other bright ideas could you possibly have?" Vanitas asked. Dexeres thought deeply before answering, and then, his eyes flared open as he came up with an idea.

"Wait, I've got it! Earlier, when the guard came to check on us...he had a key ring strapped to his waist! We just need to make sure he comes back and somehow try to take the keys from them, and that way, we'll be sure to escape!" Dexeres explained, but Mickey tilted his head.

"But how will we make the guard come back?" the little mouse asked, and that's when Vanitas allowed himself a smirk.

"Oh...I think I know how to handle this..." he said. Instantly, he started to rattle his chains and pound on the walls of the dungeon, causing quite a ruckus. The others weren't sure this would work, but they did the same. For the first few minutes they tried this method, nothing happened, but then, after just a bit more, the guard came down, a card soldier with heavier looking armor than your average card soldier. It donned a heavy looking axe and some brass knuckles in case he needed to provide discipline towards prisoners. The card soldier put his axe above his shoulder and glared at the prisoners.

"What's all the ruckus down here!? The Queen is having a headache, and she's most displeased!" he proclaimed, and at that, Vanitas spat at the card soldier, instantly making him boil with anger.

"Hey, show some respect!" the card soldier said, and Vanitas simply laughed.

"What are you gonna do, stupid? Are you going to discipline me?" he taunted, and the card soldier laughed before cracking his knuckles.

"Now that you mention it, that's exactly what I'll do!" the card soldier said as he prepared to strike Vanitas with his brass knuckles.

"Now!" Vanitas shouted, and with that, Dexeres did the best he could to at least cast Magnet, causing the card soldier to fling backwards towards the wall, beside Dexeres. The card soldier was ride beside him, so Dexeres was able to grab hold of the keys, and soon after, he was able to free himself and then proceeded to free the others. Then, Mickey cast Sleep on the card soldier, causing him to fall asleep instantly.

"Alright guys, let's go!" Mickey said as he ran towards the entrance where the card soldier had come from. Dexeres and Vanitas were about to carry Riku, but Riku stretched out his hand.

"No, please, stop! I don't want to be a burden to any of you..." he said, as he tried to stand on his own. Dexeres shook his head.

"You aren't a burden, now just come on and-" he started to say, but Riku stopped him short.

"No. I think I've recovered greatly, so I think I'm able to stand on my own. But I'm not going to slow you guys down, so don't try to change my mind!" Riku exclaimed. Dexeres was about to protest when Vanitas raised his hand.

"Dexeres, let the guy be. He obviously wants to stand on his own two legs. And he's right, we can't carry him forever. Besides, he's heavier than he looks!" Vanitas remarked, and Riku glared at him.

"Gee, thanks!" Riku exclaimed, and at that, they all laughed, and then Mickey looked outside to make sure no enemies were in sight.

"Alright fellas, the coast is clear! If we're going to get out of here, I suggest we do so now!" he said, and with that, they all proceeded to get out of the dungeon.


Meanwhile, away from the dungeon, Dawn, Kairi and the Mad Hatter were continuing their search for the other Keyblade Wielders, and along the way, Hatter had told them about how Wonderland had gotten in the state it was in, and about how the Red Queen ruled with an iron fist. Her card soldier army had multiplied, and with the Jabberwocky, the creature that Alice was supposed to confront, the Red Queen was practically invincible. Dawn and Kairi glanced at each other worryingly, and they hoped that their friends would be okay. Dawn thought heavily of Riku, and she hoped his wounds were healing better. Kairi thought of Sora, and just thinking about what could happen to him made her worry very much. And then there was Mickey, Donald, Goofy and everyone else. Just as the two Keyblade Wielders were deep in their thoughts, Hatter stopped short all of a sudden, and then he pointed towards what seemed to be a very foggy swamp. Kairi and Dawn looked at Hatter questioningly.

"This is where you last saw them?" Kairi asked, and Hatter nodded cheerfully.

"Why, yes! And to make it all even better, this swamp is right in the direction of the White Queen's Castle, so we're killing two birds with one stone!" he said, and Dawn walked ahead of them, scouring the terrain, although that was proving to be difficult because of the monstrous fog.

"Well, if Hatter said that this is where he last saw them, then they had to have been here somewhere...I'm sure they had to have left something as a signal! Something to let us know they had been here!" she said as she investigated the nearby trees and the muddy ground. Kairi went to the far side of the swamp and did some investigating of her own. Hatter, on the other hand, went directly towards the fog. Dawn and Kairi quickly went towards him.

"No, not that way, you'll sink into the swampy water!" Kairi exclaimed, but Hatter laughed.

"Oh, heavens no! Right after this fog is my home, where I throw tea parties! Oh, and you two are courteously invited!" he said with a carefree tone.

"But our friends might be in danger! Doesn't that mean anything to you!?" Kairi protested.

"But of course! But, one always thinks better after having a spot of tea! Wouldn't you agree, missy?" he asked, his eyes fixed on Dawn. She noticed Hatter looking at her, and then, after a few seconds, Dawn nodded.

"You know what? You're right!" Dawn answered. Kairi's jaw dropped.

"What do you mean by that!?" Kairi demanded.

"Let's just follow Hatter. There's just something in my heart that tells me that he's trustworthy!" Dawn answered, and then Kairi sighed.

"Okay, fine..." she said, and then Hatter clasped his hands joyfully.

"Splendid! Now, just follow me!" he said, and so they did.

Seconds turned to minutes as the trio headed towards Hatter's house, and all the while, Kairi and Dawn were wondering how thick this fog was. After a few more minutes, they came upon his house. It was at the far north up a little hill, and outside, where they were standing right now, was Hatter's table, and it had lots of cups and plates, and everything needed for a tea party. Maniacal laughter could be heard, and then Dawn turned her attention to a nearby hare, who, quite frantically, looked quite insane! The hare threw a tea cup at Dawn, and she just barely dodged it, and then she looked at Hatter in shock.

"What the heck was that for!?" she exclaimed, but Hatter simply snickered.

"Oh, don't mind the hare, he's a bit of a loon..." he said almost in a whisper, and the hare continued laughing maniacally, waving his arms about. A tiny white mouse was also at the table, and, contrary to the hare, the mouse seemed much more composed and well mannered. Kairi looked around for any signs of Sora or the others, but no one was in sight. Then, Hatter waved his hand at the two Keyblade Wielders.

"Now then, have a seat! Tea will be served shortly!" Hatter said as he prepared some tea. Dawn and Kairi sat down, and they looked around them, noticing that even though Wonderland was in despair, at least Hatter's abode had some sort of cheeriness to it.

"Sora, Donald, Goofy, everyone...I hope that all of you are okay..." Kairi whispered, and then, all of a sudden, Heartless appeared by the dozens, and almost instantly, the hare yelped and darted under the table, while the tiny mouse drew her sword and stood at the ready to fight. Hatter slammed his hands on the table and a menacing, almost sinister glare emanated from his eyes. Clearly, he was mad that his tea party had been interrupted.

"Damn the devils, these blooming things must be dealt with!" Hatter exclaimed as he drew his sword, and then Kairi and Dawn summoned their Keyblades.

"Let's take them out! Now!" Kairi shouted, and all of them went to battle!

Kairi went ahead of everyone and drew up a quick sigil in midair, and instantly, she summoned ropes of light that tangled the Heartless and ensnared them, and then Dawn came and used Strike Raid to dispose of them. As more Heartless rose, the tiny mouse stabbed their feet and even climbed up a few of the Heartless and stabbed them in the eyes, rendering them sightless! Hatter swung his sword like a cane, taking out droves of Heartless as if they were nothing more than rag dolls. He was merrily humming a tune as he dealt with the Heartless, and then suddenly, multiple tea cups darted through the party and struck more Heartless. It was the hare, who had come out from hiding and was now fighting vigorously! Kairi then cast Firaga, while Dawn cast Magnega towards the Firaga spell, causing a miniature, sun-like sphere of fire to form, drawing in and enflaming all the Heartless that were unfortunate enough to be pulled into the spell's radius. Everything was going smoothly, until...

"Unborn!" Kairi shouted, as she saw what seemed to be Unborn Jackals coming from the foggy swamp. Dawn gritted her teeth in frustration.

"These damn things don't know when to quit..." she whispered, and then she looked at Hatter.

"Hatter, I'm going to need you to come with me!" she said, and Hatter nodded and went to her side, and they both headed towards the coming Unborn.

As Dawn cast Protect on herself and her allies, Hatter came and took off his hat, pulling something from inside it, and when he threw whatever it was to the sky, it transformed into a swarm of fiery birds, and they soon transformed into arrows that pierced many of the Unborn Jackals coming down the hill. Dawn was most impressed. Hatter then swung his sword towards a few more Unborn, while Dawn cast Mine Square and Seeker Mine, hoping to keep their enemies at bay for just a moment! Kairi, the hare and the little white mouse stood back to back to back, as the Heartless surrounded them. She glanced over her shoulders at her two allies and they, in turn, glanced over at her.

"So...any bright ideas?" she asked, and then the white mouse grinned.

"Oh, I think I have an idea..." she said, as she stabbed the hare's foot, causing the hare to wail in pain. His eyes quickly narrowed towards the Heartless, and then, in a frantic and crazed frenzy, he practically dismembered the Heartless faster than you could say mad tea cups! Kairi was taken aback by this, but she was impressed as well. The Heartless kept coming, and that's when Kairi swung her Keyblade in majestic arcs and then locked eyes with her targets.

"I've had enough of this!" she shouted, as an instant surge of power emanated from her body, and in a quick, blinding flash, she took out dozens, if not two dozens of Heartless in no time flat. Then, she leapt high up in the air and slammed down on the ground, causing a wide radius to ripple through the ground, causing the Heartless to disintegrate. When no more Heartless emerged, they went to help Dawn and Hatter.

When they reached them, more Unborn Jackals emerged and surrounded them, and they were laughing mischievously, for they thought their victory was assured. But then, the hare jumped up high, tossing five tea cups surrounding the others, and then the little mouse stabbed numerous holes in the ground in the form a circle, and then Hatter pulled up something more from this hat, throwing it up and putting it into the teacups. Kairi cast Blizzaga and then Dawn cast Zero Graviza, and then, in just mere seconds, a wide radius set of beams coming from the tea cups decimated the Unborn Jackals, and whatever was left of them wouldn't survive, for after the beams subsided, the Zero Graviza spell came down on them, and then, from the teacups, blue snakes emerged and wrapped around all surrounding opposition, and then, Kairi prepared to cast her next spell.

"Deep Freeze!" she shouted, as all the remaining foes were coated in ice. But they quickly thawed out, and caught the others off guard. But just before they could counterattack, joyous laughter could be heard in the distance. It only took Dawn a few seconds to recognize who that laugh belonged to, and she smiled and laughed herself!

"I bet you don't know what time it is?" Dawn asked at the Unborn Jackals, and they all stopped and looked at each other quizzically. Then, a shadow emerged from the swamp and came down upon them.

"It's Gilgamesh Morphing Time!" the legendary swordsman shouted, as he cleaved the Unborn effortlessly with his Zantetsuken blades, making them vanish without a trace. Kairi and Dawn sighed of relief, the hare laughed maniacally, the white mouse grinned, and Hatter applauded with great happiness. Gilgamesh beamed with pride.

"Ah, it looks like I came just in time! I've found out where our friends are!" he said, and then Kairi and Dawn looked at him with wide eyes.

"Where!?" they asked in unison, and then Gilgamesh turned and pointed towards the south.

"There also seems to be a young woman with blonde hair that is with them! I think she's one of the Princesses Of Heart!" he explained, and that's when Hatter's eyes opened wide.

" the Red Queen's Castle..." he whispered.

"Alice is there with them!?" Kairi asked. Gilgamesh nodded.

"Then we have to go! Come on, everyone!" she said, and they all nodded. Hatter then went towards the little mouse and the hare.

"Take care of the house for me, will you?" he asked, and they both nodded.

"Of course, now just go!" the white mouse urged him, and with that, Hatter left with Kairi, Dawn and Gilgamesh.


In the meantime, Vanitas, Dexeres, Riku and Mickey were cautiously sneaking around, making sure that they wouldn't get caught again. They had gotten out of the dungeon they had been imprisoned in, and as they wandered around, they had noticed they were in a castle, but who the castle belonged to remained a mystery to them. A good suspicion that came over Riku and Mickey's minds was The Queen Of Hearts, since she was the one who commanded the card soldiers, and since that was the case, they figured that they were in Wonderland. But everything seemed vastly different than the Wonderland they had known. They quietly walked around, and they could hear people talking in the upper floors and outside. It seemed as though there was an event of some sort taking place today. Walking through a considerably big hallway with large pillars, Dexeres came to a halt and signaled the others to stop as well.

"Guys, I hear something..." he whispered.

"Hide, everyone!" Mickey squeaked, and they quickly hid behind the pillars, and on the far side of the hallway, where it expanded unto four more hallways, many aristocratic looking people were walking with what seemed to be the host of whatever event was taking place in the castle. Card soldiers were escorting the aristocrats, and then Riku noticed the one walking in front of the crowd to be the Queen Of Hearts, but she looked much different than last time.

"So, I'm guessing she's the one that owns this castle?" Vanitas asked in a whisper. Riku nodded.

"Yeah, that's the Queen Of Hearts, definitely!" he answered, and Mickey tilted his head.

"Gosh, but she looks kinda different...her head's a bit...bigger..." the mouse replied.

"Halt!" a commanding voice suddenly said, and that's when everyone stood on edge. They slowly turned around, and they saw a man who wore a cloak and black garments, and he had a heart shaped eye patch over his left eye. He had a rapier in hand, pointing it towards the Keyblade Wielders.

"Damn it..." Vanitas cursed under his breath.

"In the name of the Red Queen, I, IIosovic Stayne, the Knave Of Hearts, put you under arrest!" the man proclaimed, and soon after, the Red Queen herself came towards the Keyblade Wielders, along with the crowd of aristocrats.

"Good work, Stayne! These fools thought they could escape my castle, but they were sorely mistaken! This just proves how guilty they are! They are the ones responsible for trying to assassinate me!" she yelled, much to the annoyance of the Keyblade Wielders. Mickey stood forth.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but we aren't here to kill you! We came here by accident!" he said, but the Queen would hear none of it.

"Lies, all lies! Stayne, soldiers, off with their heads!" she shouted, and just as Stayne and the Card Soldiers were about to attack the Keyblade Wielders, Unborn suddenly appeared from every side in the hallways, which sent all the people in the castle fleeing in panic.

"Unborn!" Dexeres shouted, as he and his friends summoned their Keyblades.

"What sort of devilry is this!?" Stayne exclaimed, and the Red Queen narrowed her eyes at the Keyblade Wielders.

"It's them! They're responsible for this!" she proclaimed, and then Vanitas rolled his eyes and glared at her.

"Look, lady, these things aren't with us, you can trust us with that much! Now shut up and let us deal with this!" he barked out, and the Queen stood shocked.

"H-how dare you address me so!?" she demanded, but the battle had already begun. Card Soldiers were battling Unborn everywhere, and Stayne was holding his own in combat.

Dexeres ran up the pillars and formed two wide arcs, and when he snapped his fingers, he caused those two arcs to tear open into rifts of twilight, and many Unborn were pulled inwards. Vanitas dodged many of the Unborn's attacks, and he swung his Keyblade with all his might, sending wide arcs of darkness heading towards their foes. Riku, trying his best in his current condition, managed to shoot multiple spheres of darkness at Unborn that were crawling on the ceiling, and then Mickey darted forward and cast Pearl, making the light from said spell disintegrate many of their enemies. The Card Soldiers helped out as well, using their swords, spears and axes to hold back the enemy. Even Stayne was helping, as he killed numerous foes in a glorious display of precise swordsmanship.

"What are these creatures!?" he asked infuriatingly.

"Unborn, very powerful beings that can cause quite a mess if left unchecked!" Riku answered.

"Well, they certainly won't make a mess of things here!" Stayne replied.

And with that, the battle continued. After a few minutes passed, Unborn Archers clad in red and white armor started shooting deadly poison arrows at the party. Now things were starting to get a tad bit more difficult. Vanitas sank into the ground and then darted through the throngs of foes and then emerged right under the archers noses, and he launched numerous Firaga spheres at them, defeating them instantly. Riku held back as many foes as he could, making sure to defend himself. His wounds were still hurting, but he was at least able to hold his own, although that wouldn't last for much longer. Noticing Riku was in trouble, Mickey ran to his side, and he stood back to back with him. They both nodded, and then they started swirling around in unison, as they cast spheres of light and darkness, respectively, shredding through the hordes of enemies! Dexeres then tried to summon Nobodies, but for some reason, he still couldn't summon them. He then turned his attention towards Vanitas.

"Vanitas, I can't summon my Nobodies! See if you can summon your Unversed!" he shouted out to him. And indeed, Vanitas tried, but he too, could not summon the Unversed.

"What in blazes is going on? Why can't we summon them!?" Vanitas shouted, but Dexeres shook his head.

"I really don't know! We'll have to worry about that later!" he shouted.

Minutes kept passing by, and the amount of Unborn in the hallways only seemed to be increasing, and now, the party was starting to get tired. Dexeres received a few scratches, and Vanitas was sent flying down the hallway by a particularly giant Unborn wielding a club! Riku's wounds were acting up, and Mickey was exhausted. Many Card Soldiers fell, and the remaining ones did their best to stand their ground, and Stayne was also quite resistant. But still, it was not enough. And then, just when they thought they had lost this battle...

"Thundaga!!!" a voice shouted out a little further ahead. Suddenly, the entire room burst in an impressive display of thunder, causing the Unborn to electrocute and vanish. From the other side of the hallway, Dawn, Kairi, Gilgamesh and someone else ran towards them!

"Guys, we've found you!" Kairi shouted out in relief, and the others were more than relieved to see that the girls were doing alright. But, their reunion was put to a screeching halt.

"Stop this right now! All of you! You are to be under arrest for conspiring against me, the Red Queen! Stayne, soldiers, arrest them!" she shouted, and before the others could even react, they were already in shackles. They were all shocked by what had just happened.

"Oh come on, you old hag, really!? We just helped you defeat the Unborn!!!" Vanitas exclaimed furiously, but the Queen simply scoffed.

"Ah, insulting me now, are you!? I'll decide the punishment you'll all face!" she shouted, and then she proceeded to walk towards her throne room. The others, dragged by the Card Soldiers and Stayne, followed.

"Well, this was unexpected..." the one with the hat said as he laughed.

"Who is that guy?" Dexeres asked to Kairi.

"Oh, that's the Mad Hatter. He came here with us to rescue all of you and Alice." she answered.

"Alice? Wait, you mean, Princess Of Heart Alice?" Dexeres asked to make sure he was hearing right. Kairi nodded in confirmation.

"Huh, well what a predicament we've fallen to..." he said, and then suddenly, a Card Soldier hit him.

"Quiet, all of you!" the Card Soldier said.

With no more words being spoken, the Keyblade Wielders were taken through the castle, as they passed through a few hallways and then made their way through some expansive rooms that were all colored red and had red ornaments and such. The redness was quite...disturbing. Everyone remained silent, for they knew that even one thing they'd say would be used against them, since the Red Queen was ridiculously short tempered. Riku wondered why the Queen's name had changed from the Queen Of Hearts to the Red Queen, but then he dismissed the thought, for other things were weighing on his mind. Most of his friends were here, but where were Sora, Donald, Goofy and Xion? That's what deeply worried him. A few more minutes passed, and after passing through a lush garden that was adorned to the brim with red flowers, the party finally arrived at the Red Queen's throne room, and then she sat down on her throne, and a blonde woman was by her side. At the Queen's beck and ball, her animal servants came and provided refreshments for her and Stayne, as he approached her and then stood by her throne. Monkey butlers and were at the ready to accommodate the Queen's every needs, and a small pig served as her footstool. She then cleared her throat.

"So then Um, this was what I was talking to you about earlier! There are always conspirators at the ready, trying to steal away my throne!" she said at the blonde woman.

"Oh, I see, that is most dreadful..." the blonde woman said, while Riku and Kairi quietly looked at her. After analyzing her face, they both gave each other a glance. This is Alice, they thought, but why she was with the Red Queen was a mystery. And why was her name Um?

"Well, dear, this is a most troublesome thing I always have to deal with!" the Queen said, and then she snapped her fingers, and the monkey butlers went away to search for something.

"Anyway, on another matter, I want you to see the twins. They are most delightful, and they provide quite the amusement for me!" she said, and then, after a few seconds, the monkey butlers came with two, small, literally round twins who were holding hands and had striped black and white shirts and grey overalls. They narrowed their eyes at Alice for a moment, but then their faces turned to normal.

"Now then, entertain us before I sentence these conspirators!!! Do it now!!!" the Queen demanded, and so the twins spoke gibberish to each other and then they started to bicker, and then they started to fight, at which point the Queen bellowed with laughter. Stayne rolled his eyes and the others remained silent. The Card Soldiers remained stoic and silent as usual. Suddenly, Hatter cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"Your Majesty...may I say that you have an impressive looking head?" he said, as he rubbed his hands together. The Queen eyed him out suspiciously for a moment, but then she tapped her fingers on her throne.

"Yes...? And what about it?" she asked.

"Well, you see, I love making hats, and I'm always looking for ways to be creative and unexpected, and when I see your head, I see a globe of possibilities! Of course, the White Queen may have a small head, but it's so dull and boring...but you...with you, I can't even imagine the possibilities!" he said with a suave voice. The others looked at each other uneasily.

"That's right, isn't it? My head is superior to that of my idiotic sister's! Hmm, well, if you are a hat maker, then I want you to make me a hat!" the Queen demanded, but Stayne was about to protest.

"Well, obviously, I'd need to have these removed first..." Hatter said. Stayne was about to deny such a request, but the Queen shook her head.

"He's right, he needs freedom of mobility if he's going to create a hat for my glorious head! On with it now!" the Queen ordered, and so, Stayne released Hatter, and then he nodded gratefully.

"Excellent! Now let's get to work, shall we?" Hatter asked, and the Queen nodded cheerfully.

"Of course! Stayne, put these conspirators in a well secured cell while this gentleman makes me an assortment of hats! I shall deal with them later!" she ordered.

"Of course, Your Majesty." he said with a bow, and then he and the Card Soldiers proceeded to take the others away.

"Come with us, Um, I want you to tell me which hat suits me the best!" the Queen said, and Alice nodded and followed her.

Dawn smirked, but made sure no one would notice it. Hatter was truly a sly dog. He had just saved everyone's throats! Already she was formulating an escape plan, while she and the others were being taken to their cell.


Elsewhere, Kyle was standing in the outskirts of Radiant Garden, looking towards the horizon. The moogles that had taken care of him during his time in a coma had explained to him about the events that had happened, since they had received letters of what happened from Kosaku. Kyle heard everything the moogles had to say, and after they were done, he decided that he needed to leave immediately. He couldn't let another day pass by where Ventus and Trish would still be with Jexana. The very thought of that irked him, and he wasn't going to stand idly by. He was going to get them back, no matter the cost! Before leaving, he had gone to town to stock up on Tents, Potions, Ethers and the like, and he got himself a new set of clothes, and when he tried them out, he noticed that his appearance had changed. He actually looked a bit more like an adult. He had longer hair and a slightly muscular body. Even his voice had slightly changed! Why that was, he couldn't explain, since he had just been in a coma. It wasn't like he had been sleeping for years. He found it very strange.

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't worry about this for now...right now, Mom and Dad come first and foremost, and so do my friends..." he said to himself as he looked at his hands.

And so, with everything set for his journey, Kyle left Radiant Garden by donning his Keyblade Armor and launching his Keyblade in midair, making it transform into his Keyblade Glider. He went forth and was already in The Lanes Between. He had fiery determination, and he was ready to face anything that would stand in his way! He clenched his right fist and placed it above his chest.

"Mom...Dad...I'll find you...I promise!" he whispered to himself, and with that, he set off, to worlds unknown.


Our heroes have been saved from judgment thanks to the Mad Hatter, and now, they have a brief opportunity to come up with an escape plan! But why is Alice with the Red Queen now, of all people? Is this all a ruse? Will our heroes be able to get to the bottom of this? Find out in Chapter Four: "Escape Plan."

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It's been three months since the Keyblade Wielders battled against Dark Orion and his forces! What have they been up to since then? With Christmas...
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The armies are amassing, time is short for the defenders and their armies aren't in place. Will Jessa and those with her be enough to stop the invadi...