Dancing In The Storm (On Hold)

By mesayspizza

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Sometimes, people aren't what we assume they are. First impressions are never correct. One look at Hazel Cad... More

I'm just an itsy bitsy nameless creature
I could be anorexic for all you know!
aren't you the guy who had animal sex with my neighbor's dog?
Stupid boys with cooties
Did you know female kangaroo has three vaginas?
This is my personal space, I want you to not invade it.
I don't wanna look like a noseless person.
Your lips looked kissable, so I kissed them
It's not my fault you have sexy nipples
I still don't understand your obsession with chemistry homework
I didn't know you were into naked guys wearing thongs.
Are you wearing a bra or are those tits outta' the cage?
What the fuck is this baboon doing here?
killing people and roasting rabbits for dinner.
Is this a date or a murder interrogation?
Stupid hairdryer tried to kill me!!
You're a pedophile
You have perverted clouds above your house.
You both are sickening and repulsively cute.
hey there disappointment, it's been a while
Never call me Xavier twice
You're stepping lines
I'm not your puppet
knock that stage off from under those people
I need to reconsider my sexual libido
Are you calling me a cockroach?
Do you think my name sounds like caviar?

You can't get away with just flicking at me missy!

56 6 1
By mesayspizza

"And smiles turned into laughs
And laughs turned into kisses
And before you knew it,
the hours turned into days and
days into weeks.
And you will find yourself forgetting what it was like before they were in your life."


"Is it true Hazel?" Cade asked me while laughing. I shot him I dirty look before returning my glare back to Nora. I can't believe she told them that!
I looked around at all of them. Xavier was chuckling, Kace was wiggling his eyes at me and hell, even Cain was smiling. I think this is the first time I saw him smiling. Mostly, he just keeps him to himself. I huffed.

"It's not that funny you know. Most of the people do it." I said crossly. It really wasn't that unusual.

"Yeah when they are seven not seventeen." Kace corrected me. I glared at him.

"I think it's cute." Xavier commented. I blushed.

"I mean imagining Blossom dancing in the shower, it sounds adorable." He then leaned into my ear.

"And hot." He whispered. My cheeks heated up even further.
I glared at Nora the one last time before I stood up with my tray. I swear, I'm gonna choke her until she screams bloody murder, the minute I get alone with her. And, I'm sure she knows it. She practically told four guys that I dance while I shower. I mean how cruel is that?

I was dumping my trash in the dustbin, when Xavier came beside me. His usual smirk was intact while he slung his arms around my shoulder.

"Come on! It really seems cute thinking about you dancing in the shower. Plus..." He leaned closer and looked straight into my eyes. "I love imagining you in the shower." My breath caught up in my chest. I should have known he'll get pervert about it.
But most importantly, is it weird that I kinda found it hot? I tried to suck some air into my lungs but I couldn't. I found myself getting lost in his eyes deeper and deeper. It was like we were spell bound. His dark brown eyes were darkening further with something intense. Something other that lust. Something I couldn't put my finger on.

"Your eyes have the most beautiful shade of hazel I have ever seen." He whispered softly. This time I didn't blush. I just stared into his eyes.

"But there is something about them. Something that makes them even more beautiful." He continued.

"What is that something?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know. Some emotion that is hidden behind these orbs so well, but time to time, it peeks from behind and mixes up so enticingly in your eyes. And when it twinkles in your eyes, it just pulls everyone towards you." I looked at him, completely dumbfounded. Never in my life had I considered my eyes to be something attractive. But right now, the way Xavier just said it, it felt like no one in the world had more beautiful eyes than me.
I forced myself to look away from him.

"No wonder you get the girls easily." I forced out a small laugh. Xavier frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well with the lines like these, the girls are bound to fall for you."

The hell, I'm falling for you.

"Hazel, I wasn't trying to flatter you out there. I really meant what I said. You have the most beautiful pair of eyes." This time, I found heat crawling up my cheeks. I averted my eyes to the floor. I just couldn't look in his eyes. They were too intense. They were bringing out very strange feelings from within me. Never in my life had I felt like that, even when Sam used to look at me. Although I was very convinced we loved eachother.
Xavier's fingers took hold of my chin softly, and he forced me to look back in his eyes. They were twinkling with amusement.

"Where's that sass you showed me last night?" He teased. A soft smile playing on his lips. Gathering up some courage, I finally spoke.

"That was because I didn't know it was you..." My voice came out weakly. Not how I planned it to.

"Why don't you be yourself around me? What are you so conscious about?" He asked me. I didn't reply. What would I say? That real me is broken? Not so fun? That I'm scared of speaking up for myself and then they think of me as pathetic and worthless?
I remained silent. My eyes began to turn cloudy I didn't dare to tear up. However the next words Xavier said, caught me completely off guard.

"Go out with me Blossom. Be mine." He said. I blinked.
What the hell did he just said?
Did he just asked me out?
Holy freaking sausages with the ranch sauce!!!!

"D-did you- ehrm... did you just ask me out?" I squeaked out. Xavier's expression slowly turned anxious.

"I've kinda been thinking to ask you out for a long time now. So... will you?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously. If it would have been some other time, I would have cooed. By right now I was in much worse condition compared to him.
My emotions were are racked up and the hormones were in frenzy. I tried to speak but my throat clogged up.

"Speak something Hazel, you're making me nervous. And never in my life have I been nervous about this thing. And God! It's awful." He rambled with agitation. And even though, I was still shocked, a smile creeper up my lips. That bad boy just looked so damn adorable worrying about my answer and rambling about it.

"God! I knew this wasn't the right time. Fuck!"
Finally deciding to speak, I opened my mouth.

"Let me think about it. I- I need time." With that, I turned around began my way to the class even though I knew I was overstate and there was no point of going to class anymore. But I had to escape Xavier. My mind just doesn't function when he's around.

"May I come in, Sir?" I asked Mr Bernard. What I got in return was a glare from him from behind his circular framed glasses. I would have laughed at how comical he looked while trying to be intimidating but, the state of mind, I was in currently, I couldn't. I heard footsteps behind. I turned around and saw Xavier standing behind me. Damn! I completely forgot he shared the history class with me.
His lips were pressed tightly against each other while his expressions were contorted in irritation. I knew he was annoyed at me. However, he didn't bothered with asking Mr Bernard for entrance. He it walked past me and strode to where Kace was sitting and plopped on his seat. Although I found his attitude very cute but Mr Bernard had different opinion about his attitude considering how he was glaring at him. He then cleared his throat and nodded at me. Entering the classroom, I quickly sat down on my seat, which unfortunately was just in front of Xaviers. I mean, fate surely had a very cruel way to enjoy entertain itself by putting others in misery. I could feel Xavier throwing glares at my back but I didn't dare turn around.

"Is... everything alright?" I heard Kace's cautious tone. I didn't reply. Neither did Xavier.

"Oh so the love birds just had their first fight?" Ugh! This was gonna be a very long day!


Nora stared at me as if I was the most dumbest person alive on the planet earth. I mean it wasn't that stupid decision.

"So you are telling me that first Xavier said this whole speech about how beautiful eyes were and then asked you out. And in return you said you needed time and ran from him, into the class, which you two shared by the way?" Okay now that she says it, it does sound stupid. I nodded my. Nora pursed her lips and flicked at me. I stared at her in disbelief. Did she just...

"Did you just flick at me?" I asked her with disbelief.

"Yes I did! Who the hell does that when Xavier Tynan asks them out???"

"Oh you can't get away with just flicking at me missy!" I told her strictly. Nora rolled her eyes.

"Yes I flicked you Hazel, will you just get over it already???" She said with irritation. Why the hell is irritated? She flicked at me.
Angrily, I too brought my hand near her forehead, and flicked at her. I looked at her with pride. However Nora didn't say anything but just rolled her eyes.
"Very mature. Now can we get back to the topic?" Sighing, I nodded my head.

"Very well... so.. HOW COULD YOU!!!!!" She yelled. I flinched at her tone.

"Oh come on! It's not that big of a deal!"

"Of course it is a bloody big deal!"

"It's not like i said no!"

"You implied that!!" I gaped at her false accusation.

"How the hell did I imply that!? If i remember correctly, I asked for some time to think about it!" I protested. Nora crossed her arms and glared at me.
How was this my fault???

I didn't imply anything. Or did I?

"Hazel... Next time a The Xavier Tynan asks you out, you say YES IMMEDIATELY!" She yelled out her last two words. I winced at her sharp tone that just dropped several octaves.

"Okay fine!! I will. Would you stop pestering me!?" I surrendered.

"Oh you aren't getting off that easily miss. You're going to call this bad boy of yours and you're going to say yes right now!!" I blinked at her. Surely she was crazy if she thought I was doing any such thing.

"I'm not doing anything like that. I don't even think he meant what he said. He just probably said it in the heat of the moment." I shrugged. I mean a guy so popular... How can he be actually interested in me? And even if he is, then for how long?

Nora glared at me for a while.
"I'm going to call him myself if you don't." She threatened.

I looked at her as if she just stuck a tongue out of her eye. I mean Nora was just as scared of Xavier as I used to be. Probably even more.

"Sure." I said, not believing her at all.

"Okay fine. Here I go. Don't tell me I didn't warn you." She told me and I felt her leaving the room. She wasn't going to call now, would she?

Ofcourse she would, you idiot! My inner voice said. God this thing was back!

Stop coming back again and again! I shouted at it.

Duh! You can't stop me. Plus Nora has called already. You're losing time.... The inner voice said.

God, how much I wanted to tear that smugness off her. God i was talking to myself. How stupid am I? I thought irritably.

Way too much.. The inner voice was back.

Just shut up u screw up! I yelled at it and lunged for my door. I swung it open and saw Nora giggling at the phone. Damn she had called already!!!!

"Nora give me the damned phone!!" I screamed at her. Nora looked at me mischievously.

"Xavier is asking why your inner beast is awake already." She told me. I gasped and rushed towards her. I snatched the phone from her and breathed relief. Mustering up some courage, I finally decided to speak into the phone.

"Hello?" I squeaked into the phone.

"Is this the I-am-scared-of-the-world-that-might-crush-me Hazel or the you-dare-cross-me-and-I-shall-roast-you-alive Hazel?" A very smooth, husky and should I say, beyond sexy voice, whispered into the phone. I took a sharp breath through my nostrils. Any other person, I would have rolled my eyes or said some snarky reply. But this was Xavier Tynan and was going to say yes to him!!!

"I-I..... " Never in my life i ever understood, how Xavier could make me so nervous and so bold around him. I felt bipolar really.

I heard him sigh. "Back to the stuttering, are we?"

"Did you know one quarter of the manhoods are slightly bent when erect?" I blurted out. I cupped my moutg almost immediately. Nora gave me a wtf look. I clenched my eyes shut and waited for his response which was quick. He chuckled. I could practically see him shaking his head, while his eyes twinkled with amusement.

"And here comes the word vomit. I seriously don't understand why the only facts you tell me are always about sex..." My face was probably on fire. I mean if you wanted to use it as and electric stove you can cook anything on it. That was how much I was blushing. I was supposed to tell him yes to being his girlfriend but here I am, blurting out the sexual facts to him.

"I-I am sorry. I just... Don't know what happens... I mean... Just forget it okay?" I heard him chuckle again.

"As entertaining this actually is, was there a reason I was called?" He asked me. I knew he wanted to know about my answer. I knew that curiosity was hidden in his question.

"A-Actually I wanted to answer your question earlier today..." Good job Hazel! You said one sentence without embarrassing yourself. Good going... Just get it over with.

"You mean when I asked you to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes?" I squeaked. What the hell had happened to my voice!

Nothing your just being dramatic!
Shut up inner voice. Now is not the time! I scolded mentally.

Xavier was saying something to me but all I could think of was how I would say yes. I heard him talking about no hurry but who are you kidding. This was Xavier Tynan we're talking about. I needed to say yes as soon as possible.

"-so really, I don't mind waiting for a day or-"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend."The words came tumbling out of my mouth before I knew it. And surprisingly, my tone was confident, my voice didn't shake. I mentally patted myself. Nora fist pumped in the air in front of me. I smiled.

Now the only thing that was making me nervous was the deadly silence on the other side.

"Xavier?" I spoke. There was a pregnant pause. And then his response came. However, this was definitely not the response I had anticipated.

Xavier hung up the call.

I stared blankly at Nora as the the phone tune rang in my ears.
So let me get this straight....

This morning, Xavier asked me out. After the whole day of thinking, I called him and said yes. And he hung up on me.

That jackass!!!!!!

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