Conquering Your Depression

By Lily_Ikidney

147 2 0

I'm interested in depression topic since 4 years, since my friend suffered from it. Then I first heard about... More

'Black Dog - Another Depression Name'
Some Historical Figures who Suffered from Depression
Modern Celebrities Struggling With Depression...
My Friend's Example part 1: Insomnia...
My Friend's Example part 2: Helen gets Worse
My Friend's Example part 3: A Glimmer of Hope!
My Friend's Example part 4: Way to Successful Recovery
My Friend's Example part 5: NO MORE DEPRESSION! ^_^
Causes of Depression
Types of Depression
Why Depression can be Dangerous not only to the one who suffers from it
Do You Suffer From Depression? - Test
How do Modern Teens with Depression Act?
... More Ways to FEEL BETTER! :)
... Even More Ways TO FEEL BETTER! :D
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If All That Didn't Help :( ...

What is Depression? ... ( Knowing your Enemy )

10 0 0
By Lily_Ikidney

Depression is something much more than just Sadness, because when you are 'just sad' it's possible to cheer you up or you can feel better & happier yourself - usually after a short time. Depression is something much more complicated, it's longerlasting &  deeper than 'sadness' and if it's very serious it can make leading your normal everyday life impossible cause you just lose your whole energy to do Anything! ( even such 'simple activities' as dressing up, washing yourself & brushing your teeth may become a 'real challenge' then ). 

A person who suffers from depression may lose interest in Literally Any Activity he or she liked before! - When they are so depressed Absolutely Nothing can make them happy, they don't want to go out or meet their friends because they are just not strong enough for it. They may also have eating & sleeping problems ( in one kind of depression they can't eat or sleep at all - in the other kind - they just eat & sleep too much! ). They become either 'almost motionless' or very agressive ( yes! - some of those vandals destroying everything around 'without a reason' may suffer from depression too! - Depression has many faces! 👺👽🎭 & the faster it is diagnosed & they get help - the better for them! ). 

 People with depression usually start to behave differently than they used to behave before. Their families & friends may notice that they are either 'constantly tired & sad' or that their loving son or sweet daughter became 'mean' suddenly. So if you know anyone with depression - don't blame them for 'being mean' & behaving like that - it's not their fault! - cause It's their Illness speaking through them! - but when they get help & recover they will be 'those sweet & lovely people you used to know before!' - How do I know that?... - It was exactly like that with my friend! ( & I am going to describe her Depression in the next chapter. Of course I asked for her permission first & she let me, because she is cured, fine & 'happy again' & we believe that sharing her story may help someone, & I hope it will ). 

Yes! All the people with Depression need help! - It won't 'just pass' like a cold, they need your Care, Attention & Support! - & Therapy & Medicine if their condition is very serious & if they have suicidal thoughts ( cause most people with deepest depression have such thoughts. Some even more than 'just thoughts': They may hurt themselves or even try to kill themselves... - if they don't succeed once, they may try again! until they manage!... - I know that it's 'Frightening' - but it's true!... And why do they do that?... -Because they think that it's the only solution to end their suffering that can become Really Unbearable! They just think that there is No Other Way Out! :/ - So we must Show them that There IS!... - With love & support of their friends & families & right therapy they may recover, be happy again & Many Good Things Can Still Happen in their Lives! - Although they may not believe it now )

( That's why I'm writing this book! - To Open Your Eyes & Raise Depression Awarness!... - I noticed that Many Wattpad Users May Need It... - Or maybe you know someone suffering with Depression in RL? ... No matter where they are - They Need Our Help!... - Let's Not Let Another Depressed Person Be Left Alone & End Up Like That! 💀 ) 

( Never ignore it if someone tells you 'that their life makes no sense' & 'they want to die' cause people Never Say Such Things Without A Reason... - And some don't even say it, they just try! :/ ... & not all of them leave goodbye letters when they decide to end their lives - so We Must Have Our Eyes Open, & if their Mood Change Lasts 'Longer Than Normal Sadness' - We must Always try to help them!... - Cause we may Literally SAVE THEIR LIVES! ). 

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