Dating the World: Country x R...

By YourHero213

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Living in the world of Hetalia isn't always easy for you. There's America challenging you to drinking contest... More

Introduction + Author's Note
False Impression {China}
Stubborn Love {Romano}
Dream Girl {England}
Friend Zoned {Italy}
Bad Touch {Spain}
The Matchmaker {Canada}
That Sexy Stalker! {Greece}
Confessions {Iceland}
Not So Innocent {Norway}
Friends with Benefits {Denmark}
I Just Want a Kiss! {Request: Canada lime}
Body Heat {Austria}
What Does the Fox Say? (Nordics drabble)
Tasted of Blood {Part 1/2} {Vampire!Romania}
Tasted of Blood {Part 2/2} {Vampire!Romania}
Valentine's Day Special {Allies}
Rare Treasure {Pirate!England}
Sun in the Rain {Punk!England}
Angel with a Shotgun {2P!America} {Part 1/2}
Angel with a Shotgun {2P!America} {Part 2/2}
World of Wonderland {2P!England}
Eyes on Fire {2P!China}
Don't Mess with the Babysitter {Nordic 5} {Harem}
SPECIAL {20 Countries}
Otaku Central {Japan}
City Lights Sparkle {Male!Ukraine}
Queen of Epicness {Prussia}
Monster Seasons {Scotland}
Super Psycho Love {2P!Canada}
The Raven's Orphanage {2P!Japan}
Kingdom of Hearts {Axis} {Part 1/2}
Kingdom of Hearts {Axis} {Part 2/2}
She Will Be Loved {France}
City Lights Sparkle {Part 2} {Male!Ukraine}
The Fallen {2P!Italy}
A Pirate's Life is the One for Me {Dark!Pirate!Spain}
Armageddon {Germany}
Numa Numa {Romania}
The Haunted {Russia}
Black Paper Moon {Romania... again.}
Semi-Automatic {2P!Romano}
SPECIAL: Part Two {20 more Countries}
Cliche Love Song {Denmark}
Last Christmas {Finland}
Shooting Isn't A Game {Switzerland}
Under Arrest {Turkey}
See You in Neverland {Spain}
A Black Market Masquerade {Mafia!Romano}
High School Never Ends {Gakuen!Prussia}
As the World Turns {Male!Belgium}
Dear Stalker {Male!Belarus}
Lilies and Lost Memories {Male!Liechtenstein}
What Have You Done? {Netherlands}

Problems of a Drinking Contest {America}

16.2K 361 673
By YourHero213

Problems of a Drinking Contest {America x Reader}

“He liked you more than he cared to admit.”

Warning: ‘Lime’ content— beware ;)


You took in a deep breath.

You tried to keep your heart from ramming against your chest; it was starting to get a bit painful. But not matter what you did, you could not find it in yourself to calm down.

You were nervous as ever. Your palms were sweaty, your face felt hot, and you could not only feel your heart beating hard in your chest but also throbbing in your ears. Your knees felt weak, and your legs were about to betray you any minute now. They felt like they were made of jelly; threatening to let you fall.

You breathed in deeply again; surely the oxygen would calm your nerves a bit right? But as you were letting it out, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder.

The uncalled-for gesture shocked you to your core; you were not yet ready for human interaction. You jumped about a foot in the air, sucking in a quick mouthful of oxygen as you turned as fast as you could to the person who had touched you.

You didn’t expect to come face-to-face with someone as gentle and calming of a face as this person.

Just the sight of it calmed you down, and let you relax—and you didn’t even know his name! Whoever he was, he must have this kind of effect on everyone.

His kind, soft expression showed nothing but sympathy, his blue eyes shined with curiosity, and his glasses glinted mischievously. He smiled, just about making your heart jump into overdrive again. Did all guys have a smile like that? Why did he smiling at you suddenly make you so nervous again?

“Dude, calm down! What’s wrong? Are you lost or something, little girl?” The boy asked, his carefree voice somehow making you relax again.

Jeez, what was up with this guy? Why was he so calming one moment, then so heart-throbbing the next?

It soon dawned on you that you hadn’t yet answered his question, and had instead been looking up at the chunk of hair that stuck up on his head. “Oh! Er, um … N-No, I’m fine. And I’m not lost; I’m supposed to be here.” You responded, oddly unable to look him in the eye.

He grinned at you, making your knees go weak again. “You’re supposed to be here, standing right outside the door to the World Meeting room?” He teased.

You blushed at his remark, and instantly felt stupid for standing right outside the door for who-knows-how-long. You were most definitely late; they’d been expecting you about twenty minutes ago. “Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you; my name is _____. I’m the new country.” You said, trying your best not to stutter in front of him again.

His face instantly lit up. “No way! Really? That’s great! I’m the first to meet you—everyone’ll be so jealous~!” He cheered, fist-pumping the air.

You stood there, baffled. “Er … yeah. And you are?”

He stopped cheering for a moment to grin cheekily at you. “Oh, I’m America! The best country in the world!” He laughed, showing great pride for his land.

You smiled a bit at him. You couldn’t deny it anymore—he was cute. “We’ll see about that. I’m still small; but hopefully being recognized by you guys will help me grow.”

Suddenly, all the color drained from America’s face. “Oh, crap! The World Meeting! Dude, you and me are both, like, totally late!” He panicked, and quickly grabbed ahold of your arm; making you blush the slightest bit. “England’s gonna be so pissed at me for being late again!” He whisper-yelled as he brought the two of you inside the door.

As soon as it opened and you and America appeared, the room quieted down. It got so silent that you could probably hear a pin drop.

You gulped as all the countries in the room turned in their seats to look at you and America. You weren’t used to so much attention being placed on you. And you were already nervous as hell to begin with.

America chuckled nervously, “Hey, dudes! America’s here; let’s get the party started!” He yelled, momentarily forgetting you were next to him.

After a few moments, you heard what sounded like a teacup being placed on a saucer; and instinctively turned to where the sound came from. A boy with messy blonde hair, the greenest eyes you’ve ever seen, and thick black eyebrows stood up. He glared at America until his eyes fell on you.

You felt your heartbeat quicken again; for some reason, this guy didn’t look so nice. Which was weird, because he looked like a gentleman at the same time?

Though once you two made eye contact, he smiled gently. “Hi there. You must be the new country. Sorry for America, he must have made you late. A real handful he is, trust me.” His voice was smooth and kind; you knew immediately that you would like him.

“Hey, England! Not cool bro!” America protested, then turned back to you. “This is _____. I was the first to meet her, yeah! Jealous much?” He laughed, making England facepalm.

You were about to say something, when suddenly you felt two arms snake around your waist from behind. You turned in surprise to see who it was, and sucked in a deep breath when you saw a ridiculously beautiful face with ridiculously beautiful hair and ridiculously beautiful eyes.

You sighed. Of course, it had to be him.

“Hello there mademoiselle~ Care for a rose, hmm?” France held up a red rose, and you swore you could see sparkles surrounding him.

“Don’t even think about claiming her, France—her vital regions are already mine!”

You turned to see a guy with white hair and red eyes smirking at you and France. Again, you sighed; you had read up all you could about the other countries before applying to be one, and knew beforehand how these two acted.

Speaking of France and Prussia … Wasn’t there another-

“Aww, she’s so cute and small! Unhand her, France.”

You mentally laughed. Bad Touch Trio.

“Duh, Spain, I can’t do that~” You heard France laugh, that weird ‘Oh hon hon hon’, before you felt someone pull you from his grasp.

“Dudes, let her go. I was the first-”

“-It doesn’t matter, stupid American-”

“-She’s mine! The only one awesome enough for the awesome-”

“-No, I wanna take care of her! I love kids-”

You tried not to laugh as you backed away from the four bickering countries. What was that about Spain, calling you a kid? But never mind that; Prussia couldn’t ‘claim your vital regions’! Plus that France, he was way too touchy.

You couldn’t help it—as you backed away, you began giggling. You’d always thought that becoming a country was serious business; but these guys definitely proved that wrong.

As you stepped back another few steps, you felt your back press against something solid. Surprised, you whipped around—only to come face-to-face with a smirking Italian. “Ciao, bella. You should give me kisses~ yes, come on! Gimme a kiss~!”

You immediately began blushing, unsure of how to say ‘No way in hell!’ in a nice, polite way.

But you didn’t need to, since another Italian- except more innocent looking- appeared next to him. “Ve~ Romano! You shouldn’t do th-” The other Italian guy looked towards you, and instantly stopped.

All between you three was quiet until …

“Ve~! Hey there bella! Smoochie smoochie~!” The second Italian was blowing kisses towards you with animated pink hearts surrounding him.

You facepalmed. Was anyone serious around here?

As if on cue, you heard a fist slam against a table. “Everyone, be quiet! We have to set an example for the new country; we can’t have her thinking World Meetings are just gatherings for idiots!”

You whipped your head around to see a guy with piercing blue eyes and slicked-back blondish hair. From his accent you could tell he was the famous, war-prone Germany.

“But, I must say, World Meetings are simply gatherings for idiots. All we do all day is argue.” A calm, monotone-like voice spoke up.

You giggled a bit. Even though he seemed like a serious type, he’d technically just called himself an idiot.

“Yeah, Japan, but you don’t have to be so blunt about it!” Germany shouted back.

And just like that, the room erupted with shouts and more arguing. So much that you could barely hear yourself think.

You went over to an empty chair at the long table in the middle of room; and plopped down. At this rate, would you ever officially become a new country?

You weren’t sure how much time passed. People continued to argue amongst themselves and didn’t even notice your existence.

After a while, a boy with brown shoulder-length hair in a side-ponytail came up to you. “Ni hao, young one.  You must be tired of all this, aren’t you-aru?”

You grinned, happy that someone had spoken to you. Accidentally skipping over his question, you asked, “Hey, are you China?”

The boy smiled kindly and nodded, “Yes. Sorry about all this, too.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” You responded. There had to be other mature countries like him—you just needed to meet them. “Is everyone always this-”

A loud voice coming from a microphone (where did they get a speaker and microphone?!) interrupted your conversation. You instantly recognized it as America, what with his annoyingly adorable voice.

“-Dudes, I have like the best idea ever! Instead of doing all that boring paperwork stuff for _____ to become a new country, let’s just have a welcome party!” He shouted, making some of the other countries cheer in agreement.

You cringed a bit, just as some began making plans for the party while others argued that it was completely unreasonable.

“Aww, lighten up, England. I guess we can still do the paperwork and stuff, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a welcoming party, right?” America told England, along with Germany and some of the other more business-like countries.

“Well, I suppose not …” England mumbled.

“… That’s not a problem with me, I guess. So long as there’s beer.” You heard Germany say.

“Of course, dude! There’ll be all the beer you could drink!”

“Then it’s a yes for me.” Austria agreed.

“I agree with anything America says.” Japan added.

America instantly began cheering, “Yes! PARTY AT MY PLACE, DUDES!”

You smiled. Either America was being really sweet to you- planning a party for you and everything- or he was just one of those party animals. Either way, you felt giddy about the whole thing and glad that out of all the countries, it was America who wanted to welcome you with this party. It was just … you couldn’t explain it. Anything about America made you happy.


“This one would look great on you~!” Taiwan gushed, holding up a fancy party dress.

You looked down. “Um, Taiwan, don’t you think it’s a bit … much?”

“Nonsense! Go with this one.” She smiled, setting it down to fold and give to you.

“What’s wrong with it, _____?” Hungary asked curiously. “Don’t you like it?”

“I do, but … it’s a bit short … and I don’t know about the colors-”

“What’s wrong with the colors?” Ukraine asked, then wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Don’t you like red white and blue~?” She asked in a sing-song voice.

You immediately blushed. “W-Why would I like red, white, and blue?”

Belarus turned to you. “America’s colors …?” She said bluntly.

With that, your face went from a light pink blush to red as a tomato. “What … does my dress have anything to do with America? I-I mean … why do you-”

“-Oh, there’s no use in denying it. You’re totally into America. And that’s fine with me—I have Russia~!” Belarus giggled.

Hungary nodded gleefully. “A red-white-and-blue dress would definitely catch his attention.”

Taiwan jumped up. “And it’s cute!” She added.

You turned to Ukraine, “What did you do …” You grumbled, feeling defeated.

A couple hours later, you and the rest of the girls arrived at America’s place.

The party was already in full swing, with beer glasses clinking, laughter heard from everywhere, cheerful hollers, and music blasting.

You immediately went over to find America, but not because you like him, no. What gave you that idea? “Hey, dude!” You yelled cheerfully once you found him, his happy-go-lucky American vocabulary rubbing off on you.

He turned, and instantly grinned happily once he saw it was you. “’Sup _____! You just get here?”

You nodded, “Yeah. Thanks for the welcoming party. It was really nice of you,” You said, gesturing a bit to the banner that hung over the entryway, that had ‘Welcome to the World, _____!’ written on it.

His smile grew bigger, and he casually put his hand on your shoulder. “No prob, broha!”

Soon, a beer got shoved in your hands. Everyone was drinking, and I do mean everyone, which was, if you thought about it, definitely not a good thing.

Practically every country in the World was there, partying at America’s mansion. Even though you usually don’t drink, you had some to be polite. And mostly since you didn’t want to be the only one not drinking.

Sitting with America while drinking probably wasn’t a good idea either. Even worse than with England or Spain—those guys got real messed up when they were drunk. But in your case, the downside to drinking with America was that you were pretty sure you liked him and didn’t want to say anything stupid if you got drunk.

“Hey _____, you know what would be fun? A drinking contest, yeaaah~!”

You giggled, “No way. I’d lose against you.”

He grinned boyishly at you; his glasses sliding off the tiniest bit. “You don’t know that! Hey England, get me and _____ a round of drinks over here!” He shouted out before you could protest.

“Get ‘em youself, you hambuga-obsessed git~! My life don’t revolve around you, you know?!”

You could tell England was already pretty hammered.

America scoffed and had Prussia bring over some drinks. “Now I’d like to see this!” Prussia laughed as he set down the drinks in front of you.

Soon, a crowd was surrounding you and America, cheering you on in their already drunken state.

“Go get her, America! Do her good~!” France shouted, obviously thinking this contest was … something else. The scary part was, you couldn’t tell if he was already drunk or sober.

“Come on, _____~! You can do it!” You heard your girlfriends cheer you on.

More cheers of encouragement were heard, and you figured there was no way out of this.

America took a cup and gulped it down, starting the contest. You took a deep breath and picked up one of the mischievous, daring red plastic cups …


“A-mer-i-ca~! You bastard! I won the contest!” You slurred, already unaware of what was going on.

America smiled down at you but didn’t say anything as he continued to carry you bridal-style over to one of the bedrooms. He’d obviously won the contest, and was still almost completely sober. Unlike a certain little country who’d foolishly accepted a drinking contest with him *coughyoucoughcough*.

“Sure sure, you won dude.” He quickly said as you began struggling to get down.

America didn’t want to, but then again he did want to take you to his own bedroom. One part of him argued that it was inappropriate, while another part said, ‘Get some, you idiot!’.

In the end, he laid you down gently on his king-sized bed. “Now get some rest, okay?” He told you gently as he began (read: tried) to leave the room.

Of course, a part of him wanted to stay with you. He liked you more than he cared to admit. But another part said, She’s drunk, leave her alone, she won’t say anything she means, and she won’t remember anything in the morning.

…Sounds like the perfect opportunity, he thought devilishly.

Then he smacked himself in the face. “I’m such an idiot—not a hero! Not a hero, not a hero…” He repeated to himself as he forced himself to leave the room.

Just as he began to move, you gripped the back of his shirt. “Don’t go, America …~” You whispered shyly, a pink blush on your cheeks.

America’s eyes widened. She looks so cute, he thought. But then again, he wasn’t sure if the blush was because of your shyness or your drunken state. “What do you want me to do here…?”

You smirked—and he bit his lip. That expression of yours looked way too damn seductive for his comfort.

“Just stay here… with me. Please?” You whispered again, causing his heart to quicken.

He turned slightly, only so you couldn’t see his face. She just wants me to stay …? Or, something else …? He shook his head again, Either way, it’s a bad idea. She’s too drunk to know what she’s saying…

He turned back to you, and tucked you into bed. He gently brought over the covers as he said, “Shhh. Just get some rest okay? I’ll be downstairs.” He then proceeded to leave the room again.

Though just as he turned, a strong hand grabbed ahold of his wrist and quickly pulled. Hard.

He yelped in surprise as you tugged him into bed with you; he landing comfortably on your left side.

“Dude, _____!” He whined a bit, trying his hardest not to lose control.

You rolled over and laid down on his chest, your arms crossed as you looked down into his eyes. “You’re so cute.” You whispered, and slowly laid your face down lower. “I think I might have fallen for you~” You whispered softly into his ear.

He shivered, your warm breath tickling his ear.

You smiled a bit, and moved to straddle his hips. Yes, mission accomplished, you thought as you felt the growing stiffness beneath his jeans.

“_____ … Don’t do this …” He whimpered, his face showing honest concern.

But oh, did he want you. He wanted you more than anything in the world right now. But not when she’s like this, he thought to himself. If he was gonna have you, he wanted you sober. He did not want to have a wonderful, amazing night with you just for you not to remember any of it in the morning.

In other words, he didn’t want to take advantage of you. He wanted you in a more special way.

Little did he know you were slowly becoming more aware of your surroundings. You’d been spouting how you truly felt since the moment you got in here, but with no regards of what he would think or say. Your drunken mind was brutally an honest one.

You sat up a bit, the alcohol slowly leaving your mind. “You don’t … want…-”

He cringed. “-Of course I want to! But … not like this. I want you to remember me saying I like you first, I want you to agree to it with a sober mind, I want you to fully be able to enjoy it—but most of all I want to hear you say-”

“-I like you.” You said, your words clear and perfect, smooth and honest. No slurring, no goofy sing-song voice, no alcohol-induced confession.

America’s eyes widened. “W-What …?”

You rolled your eyes. It had taken a while, but you’d slowly gained control of yourself. Which was different, because aren’t most people drunk for hours until they fall asleep; only to wake up with a massive hangover?

“I said I like you, stupid.”

America was speechless for a few seconds, which seemed a bit out of character for him. Looking close at his face, you giggled a bit.

He instantly blushed when he realized you were laughing at his shocked face, and looked away. “Don’t laugh at me…” He pouted childishly.

You just laughed a bit more—he was like a little kid. “Sorry about … that. I’m glad I was able to recover from the alcohol pretty fast …” You trailed off, looking away.

He didn’t say anything for a while, so you turned back to face him. When you did, his expression looked gravelly serious. Way too serious for a cheerful guy like him.

“What?” You asked innocently.

He narrowed his eyes on you. “Well, you managed to turn me on. Thanks a lot,” He said, his last sentence dripping with sarcasm, “and you just told me you like me. Plus you’re still sitting on me like that. Either you get off or agree to do it.”

You gasped sharply—but looked down only to realize he was right. You were still straddling his hips, and amazingly, the member poking you had somehow gotten even stiffer.

Your face burned with embarrassment; plus you realized he still hadn’t completely responded to your confession. “I-I’m sorry!” You sputtered, and moved to get off him.

Just as you did, you felt him grab you and press you tighter against him. “Oh no, you are definitely not getting out of this. Not after what you did to me.” His voice sent chills down your spine—who knew a guy like America could pull off seductive?

You gulped, “Does that mean you …-”

He chuckled. “-Yeah, I like you too. I thought I made that obvious?”

You let out a breath of air you’d been holding in; which strangely you hadn’t known you’d been doing. “Oh… well that’s… I mean, uh-” Now you didn’t know what to say. You’d both admitted you liked each other- not to mention this was your first real confession- so now what were you supposed to say?! You probably would’ve been able to come up with something if only your heart wasn’t beating uncontrollably fast and your lower regions weren’t starting to grow hot-

“-We’re both sober now, right?”

“Hm, yeah …”

“So …” He gently rocked his hips against yours, to see your reaction.

You blushed ten shades of red. The delicious friction between you two almost made you change your mind about ‘that’ … almost. “America, I was drunk, I-”

“-You wanted me so bad not that long ago~” He whispered into your ear, bringing you even closer to him.

You weren’t sure how many times you could say no to him. As he began nuzzling your neck and trailing soft kisses down your chin, you began to lose control. “America~” You moaned in pleasure as his hands roamed all over your body.

“From tonight on, you belong to the hero.” He began pulling off your dress, which you complied.

“B-But America, I’ve never had-”

“-Shhh, it’s okay. Let me take care of it.”

“I …” You knew you both cared for each other a lot. Since you met him, you instantly felt drawn to him. But still…

You weren’t sure how much time had passed. He stayed patient, waiting for your response. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak,

He laughed. “Come on, let’s make babies~!”

A.N.: Haha, I can be such a troll XD

…So, how was it? This was my first Hetalia fanfiction. And my first one-shot. And my first time writing anything at all in like a year. :3 Nahahaha~, there was like, no plot to this. But still, I hope you liked it… review please? Heh, America’s so cute :D I’m sure he’d like the feedback too, right~?

-Celine (:

Next time: China— “False Impression”

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