
By Welcome_2_My_World

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Parker is one of the main characters in this X-menish story line. If you like superpowers and mutants do read... More



64 5 0
By Welcome_2_My_World

Narrator: Everyone just stands surprised will someone please say something I mean come on. As much as I love narrating it's to quite

"Uh guys come on we got to go" Parker finally says

"Right good job Parker thank you," Jen says and heads out the door

"Man your fast" Angel says walking out

"Oh yeah thanks, Gray guess I owe you one," Pyro says

"Uh, Vesper comes on hear put this coat and scarf on," Parker says, giving Vesper her coat and a scarf that was in her pocket.

Narrator: Vesper puts on the coat, which fit a little tight and wrapped the scarf around her neck/face and kept her head down. They made it out and walked over to Kate and Frost.

"Wow Parker it actually worked," Pyro says

"It's a miracle you actually called me by my name, ok, Kate, take everyone to the house," Parker says, then speeds off with Pyro holding the back of his neck. They all arrived at Pyro and Frost house Pyro throws up when he and Parker got there, but luckily he got it in a bag

"Dammit Grey," Pyro says/yells

"And back to square one hey you volunteered. " Parker says

"You could have warned me," He says

"You should have remembered," She remarks

"Why would I? We are a thing of the past."

"Whatever I shouldn't have come here anyway," Parker says

"Then, why did you? Huh?"

"If you don't mind me cutting in on your little argument who the hell are you people?" Vesper says after removing the scarf and handing Parker her jacket

"Oh, thanks. Well my names Parker I'm fast that's Angel she has wings and can fly cool Kate she can teleport Jen telekinesis and a telepath Frost is well she can freeze things cool power I'd say and Pyro over here is a little hothead quite literally," Parker says

"Ok, now not that I'm not thankful, but why did you break me out?" Vesper says

"That was my idea, and Parker helped me by getting these people to work together," Angel says

"Right and Parker, is it why did you do that?" Vesper says

"Well uh because of II a... was bored plus no reason for you to be locked up in the Pentagon," She says

"Uh, ok, so now what you people break me out, and then where do we go from here?" Vesper says confused all eyes fall on Angel

"Well I don't know I didn't think that far I only thought of breaking you out Parker did all the heavy lifting and thinking ha it's almost like you had planned on doing this before," Angel says to Parker

"Hahahahahahahahaha you're funny Angel I'm just quick on my feet that's all and on occasions when I focus on something I find a solution plus all that time in the taxi..... you know what I think," Parker says changing the subject

"What's that?" Angel asks

"I think we should celebrate."

"That's a great idea, but we can't do it here it's a mess," Pyro says jumping into the conversation then Parker grabs Kate speeding off but returns

"Parker your mad" Kate says

"What I have my hobbies, ok, who wants to run with me?" Parker says


"Because Kate can only teleport five counting herself, so who will it be?"

"You know what I'll fly there," Angel says

"It's a little far," Parker says

"Where is it?" Angel asks

"You know what thank you for volunteering everyone grabs on to Kate come on Angel," Parker says then takes off with Angel

"Come on then don't want to be late," Kate says

Narrator: So it seems Parker is having trouble with the truth just remember all will change with time speaking of which everyone is now in a warehouse with a bunch of liquor, food, and a bunch of other stuff.

"What the hell is this place?" Jen, Pyro, Frost, Angel, and Vesper manage to somewhat say at the same time

"This is what I call my little store almost anything you can think of it got it here," Parker says smiling

"Wait, you've stolen all of this stuff?" Angel asks

"Yup, you see when your me, you got a lot of time on your hands and well..." Parker gets cut off

"You're a kleptomaniac," Jen says

"Oh come on Jen that's a little too far," Parker says

"No Gray she's right this is what's too  far," Pyro says

"Kate come on back me up on this" Parker says

"Guys come on that's not nice," Kate says

"No calling you a blue three-fingered freak isn't nice this is..... oh Kate I'm so sorry I didn't mean it," Pyro says

"Pyro, you little hot head, you see that's why... " Parker cuts off walking up to him then punches him in the face

"Yeah, I deserved that, but Gray, this place is out of control."

"No, you don't get to tell me anything, and my name is Parker!!!!" She says then starts to punch him repeatedly and his face as it  starts to bleed

"Enough," Vesper says, using her magnetic powers on the ring to stop Parker. "Wait for a second that ring..." Vesper makes the ring come off of Parker's right ring finger, but before it reached, Vesper Parker grabbed it, clutching it in a fist.

"Kate," Parker said then Kate started teleporting everyone back to Pyro and Frost house

"Ok there all back there," Kate said

"Thank you, Kate, I wasn't ready for Vesper to find out the truth," Parker says sounding upset

"It's ok Parker come here," Kate says they hug, and Parker starts crying

Narrator: Looks like it will take more time for the truth to come out, but on a different note, let's see what's going on back at Pyro and Frost's house...

"What the hell was that about?" Angel asks

"It's because..." 

"Frost don't you dare Gray might be one hell of a bitch, but she's saved our lives more than once we owe her," Pyro says, pinching his nose to stop the bleeding.

"What are you guys talking about?" Vesper says

"That my sister should shut her mouth and Gray can tell her secret when she's ready," Pyro says pulling out a red handkerchief putting it to his nose

"Quick question," Vesper says


"That ring that she was wearing"

"Yeah, what about it."

"Where did she get it," She asks

"Well she never told us that story," Jen says

"Yeah sorry," Pyro says

"Ok well then it's been great meeting you all but I need to find Parker" Vesper says

"Wait why," Pyro says

"Because I have a strange feeling about that ring, and the girl has she always had that hair?" Vesper asks

"Yeah," Frost says

"How old is she?"


"Is there a birthmark on her left leg?" She asks

"We don't know," Jen says

"I do, and yeah, she does why?" Pyro says

"Huh, do any of you know where that warehouse is?" Vesper asks everyone shakes there heads.

Alright time to end this chapter have a good day and or night goodbye 1191

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