Beyond The Soul: Kai

By Theodore21

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The World...has being lost. Thanks to world-spread contamination, the earth has been polluted and ravaged. Ma... More

Chapter 1: The Lone Heart
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: To Reclaim The Lost Light
Chapter 4: The Tournament Begins
Chapter 5: The City on the Sea
Chapter 6: The Fragile Youth
Chapter 7: A New Bond
Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve
Chapter 9: A Heartless Fate
Chapter 10: Strength of Heart
Chapter 11: New Feelings
Chapter 12: Worries And Fears
Chapter 13: Heartfelt Ties
Chapter 14: The Origins Of Us - Part 1
Chapter 15: The Origins of Us - Part 2
Chapter 16: The World of...Yesterday
Chapter 17: Past Shadows
Chapter 18: Divine Union
Chapter 19: Humanity's Bliss
Chapter 20: A Promise to be Fulfilled
Chapter 21: Honest Goal, Conflicting Drive
Chapter 22: One's Pain, is Another's Sorrow
Chapter 23: Cryptic Clues, Certain Prediction
Chapter 24: A Cold land...and Warm Emotion
Chapter 26: Meeting...and Departing
Chapter 27: Tears of a Loved One
Chapter 28: The Fated Awakening
Chapter 29: Divine Fury
Chapter 30: A Story and a Last Request
Chapter 31: True Feelings
Chapter 32: The Call of Another
Chapter 33: A Curious Offer and Question
Chapter 34: A Demon's True Nature
Final Chapter: The Power of Unity

Chapter 25: Lurking Suspicions

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By Theodore21

Nova Aerris...the eden of humanity and the one remaining beacon of hope. For the inhabitants of Ventus City, Aqua City, Terra and even the oblivious Solemn town all wonder about the, almost legendary town. Despite all its legends and rumours...not a single solid fact is known about the town. As the town is more or big taboo. But it's secrets were soon to be shared as Tema, Eve, his sisters and Kairi with Rafiel approached see a giant grey grid like cube,

Tema now looks to the land, as now a simple cube, approaching in the distance "so...there it is...Nova Aerris. There...we will find our answers...I'm sure of it"

"we do have a lot of questions that need answering" said Eve "and this is the only place where we'll find our answers"

"I'm actually a little excited" said Kairi "To see Nova Aerris I mean. I can't wait to see what kind of technology we'll find there"

"I'm hoping we'll find the identity of the eight divine sentinel there" said Tema "we only have one Atlas left to give us any hints"

Yumi had her finger to her head thinking "he's told us practically everything but the identity of the sentinel"

"I just don't understand the part...where he or she must be broken" said Rafiel with his arm folded and a worried expression "the whole idea of sentinels, is we grow stronger in response to being made whole"

"Yes...that concerns me too" said Viola

"What if...the purpose is hide the sentinels identity" said Eve with her finger waving "like as if the sentinel is meant to be hidden. And should he or she be confronted with danger...then their true power would rise"

This train of thought felt true among them "that does make a lot of sense" said Rafiel "that would be why the blonde man hasn't tried looking for this one yet"

"But...that's also being bugging me" said Viola thinking "the blonde man, pretty much, picked up on Aurora when she emerged from that bonding process room. And that was when she was heavily bio-regressed"

"And back then I couldn't form a sentence" said Aurora

"We can't guess on questions and random thoughts" said Tema looking ahead "all we can do is find the next town"

As the land came into view... Tema couldn't help but wonder "is it me...or is Nova Aerris just a giant cube?"

"A titanic sized cube" remarked Yumi looking at it "so what is the time inside it?" all they could see was just a gigantic light brown cube

"just what lengths do they go too to hide this city anyway" said Kairi "it's almost as see they are trying to hide it" the craft continued towards the cube, looking as if it may collide with the wall. But then a small gap opened for the craft to go through, with only blinding light coming out from it. As Tema looked on, he felt a tingling feeling in his chest

"I feel...worried. But...why is that?" everyone had to shield their eyes from the light, as they went through the gap and the wall closed behind them.

The blonde was in his meeting place of a scheduled room. Drake then appeared "Boss...the procedure..." Drake then had a, almost, spine-tingling smile "is now ready to proceed"

"Excellent" said the blonde man "With this procedure, my ultimate goal is now closer to reality. Pretty soon, this entire world of skyland will finally know true peace and fighting and evil will no longer be present"

"that sounded almost sappy boss" this came from Z "You've villainous over the last few days. And to say you're trying to save people, you don't hesitate in killing them" the blonde man turned to Z

"is there a problem with my methods?" before Z could blink she felt a, pincer like grip on her neck and her body smashed into awall.

Z, on instinct, put her hands on the grip choking seeing the blonde man being the culprit. His grip was tight, steadily choking the life out of her. The blonde man than spoke "if you have a problem with my goal...then you are unnecessary. Only those who are with me..." Z continued to struggle "will deserve this plan" Drake continued reacted

"Boss, if I may, she was merely asking in curiosity" said Drake, although nervous, trying to sound confident "we have no intention of straying from the cause" the blonde then turned back to Z as her arms started to go limp

" you wish" the blonde man let go and Z gasped for air "reports tell me that the Cirrus boy and his friends will have arrived by now. We initiate the plan at sunset...then the world...will finally be free" and with that he walked off.

Z had to lean on the wall as she inhaled, needed, breaths of air "what the...heck happened then?"

"I...I don't know" said Drake looking confused himself "Over the last few days the Boss can only be described as evil. His goal and methods just seem to contradict each other"

"A saviour who doesn't hesitate to kill people. What the heck!?" Z was back at normal breathing speed but was rubbing her neck "you know what's creepy...for that one brief moment as he grabbed my neck. I could feel..." Z actually shivered "him"

"you refer to...the demon?" said Drake in a low voice "so...I wasn't imagining it. I do not know who the..." Drake almost appeared to be scared of saying the word "demon is. But I'll tell you one thing...never in my life...have I felt the fear of death...until that moment"

Back to Tema and company, the bright light ceased and all opened their eyes to the world before them. The feeling of extreme surprise just made them all silent to the world which was present to them. The city of Nova Aerris appeared to be long yellows roads, amongst the tops of black buildings forming a labyrinth of paths for the populace to travel along.

They appeared to be, way over where the floor should be in this city. As they looked to the distance they could see the buildings go much further down to the apparent floor below. The roads appeared to be made out of yellow polished stone, but they all had gaps through the middle, allowing fresh water to surge through the whole city.

At either side of the roads were small plots of land, in many places, each one with thick green grass, trees and flowers blooming in a variety of colours. The water, appeared to either sprout out of small sprinklers gently dousing the plants or sprouting out of large finely sculpted fountains which were present at the centre of each intersection of this town.

The people, all walking around peacefully conversing with one another, were all dressed in similar fashion to one another. The men would wear shirts, tuxedos or fancy jackets, smart dark pants and often a top hat. The ladies would wears robes, and long, big dress'. They were children amongst the populace but they just dressed similarly to the adults.

Below them, flying through the skies were many hovering vehicles all going to different places of the wondrous city. And between some of the buildings there appeared to be, clear, tubes which people seemed to just travel along between them.

All the buildings seemed to peak just a little over the pathway. They all appeared the same at first glance but several stood out. The first were a circular building standing three floors above the pathway, much further in the city. It was a light blue in colour. With some squinting the letters, INN, could just be made out.

Another building was much thicker than the others, in depth and width, and looked to coloured a pale white. Many people would come in and out of this building which had a Red, double Cross above the door. Third was a large pyramid shape building, with a square top. It appeared to be a place of business as people would go in this building in lab coats.

And lastly was a large spherical looking building which truly stood out over the town. It was a dull black and completely smooth. It appeared disconnected just floating in the air nice and still. It was unclear what this building was...but it felt vastly important.

Kairi looked round "'s just how I imagined it would be"

"it so clean...and colourful" said Aurora "everyone looks so happy and there's flowers everywhere"

"And just as Tema said...look below us" Eve ran to the edge, looking below her to see the hover cars "hover cars flying to different directions"

"It certainly is a fancy looking town" said Rafiel "what do you think Tema?" he received no answer "Tema?"

Tema appeared to just look round the town of Nova Aerris "something...feels...wrong" Tema gripped his chest "and I don't know why"

"Why do you say that?" asked Viola overhearing him "what's the matter?"

" first glance something doesn't look right. But that could just be the jitters talking. I wasn't expecting any of this after all" just then a smartly dressed lady in blue and yellow approached them.

The lady was average height, wore a blue, sleeveless, jacket over a yellow shirt. She also wore a yellow long skirt with tall blue shoes. She also wore a small blue head and a yellow neckerchief around her neck. She bowed "greetings to you honorary citizens of our esteemed city of Nova Aerris. I am Miss Hazel here to introduce you to our fair town. And may I say there are more of you than expected" Tema watched her eyes scan the crowd, they narrowed slightly when she looked at him "now then if you can follow me to the inn please. Then we can proceed" Tema followed her but the feeling in his chest wouldn't subside

"Tema...are you sure you're alright?" asked Viola

"as of now Viola...I don't know. I keep hearing the words, 'something's wrong' playing out constantly in my head" replied Tema "and I don't know why" Viola wasn't sure how to reply.

They had made it inside the highly luxurious hotel. The foyer, a large square was shiny white marble with golden borders. They were many red, thick, couches all along the walls of the foyer. To the right was the reception desk, with staff in red behind a partition. In the centre of the foyer was a large square hole, and with a little look showed the hotel went down for a quite while. And at the back were three glass lifts which several citizens were using.

Miss Hazel led the group to the right to the reception desk "now than before we begin we must register you here in this town. It's for safety measures you can see" just then a man in a fancy blue tux with drapes stepped out from behind the desk

"We certainly have a lot today Ms Hazel" the man had in his hand a electronic tablet

"We do indeed mister Wallace. Now then can the two masters please step forward and declare their names"

Kairi stepped forward "I'm Kairi Kinsley" Tema then stepped forward

"and I'm Tema Cirrus" Mister Wallace appeared to be nodding and made a ticking notion

"That's all in order" said Mister Wallace "Now then can the sentinels within the group make themselves known" Yumi, Eve and Aurora raised their hands while Rafiel nodded. This mad Wallace look puzzled "really? All here are sentinels? But there's only two masters here" Tema noted his tone "well Ms Hazel can you proceed with the scanning?" Ms Hazel took out a square device and pointed it at each sentinel.

After a moment she then looked through and went through a variety of expressions. First it was boredom, a look of contempt, then a small gasping motion and utter surprise. Ms Hazel showed her findings to Mister Wallace who too went through the same expressions "it appears what you say is correct" said Mister Wallace "we can only apologize for our rudeness"

"Now then..." Ms Hazel "can you Tema..." she said gesturing "and you...Yumi please follow me. We have a room made for you at floor B4. As we do for Kairi and..." Ms Hazel then appeared to look through the group "who would be your sentinel?"

"Why...that would be him" said Kairi gesturing to Rafiel looking puzzled.

Tema noted their reactions, as if to say liar "surely you jest" said Ms Hazel "you are bonded to him?" Rafiel now shared Tema's expression

"I am indeed bonded to mistress Kairi" said Rafiel looking curious "is this a reason for concern?" Ms Hazel and Mr Wallace exchanged looks with Mr Wallace speaking first

"No just a surprise is all" said Mr Wallace "so can you the four of you please come this way?"

"Wait...what about us?" said Eve to Mr Wallace "how come we're not going with them?"

Ms Hazel addressed them "well we have exclusive rooms already set up for each you" said Ms Hazel "you are honorary guests here after all"

"but...why can't we share with Tema?" asked Aurora "I mean we are all together" Tema noticed them physically react this time

"now this has to a lie" said Mr Wallace "you can't all be together with this...boy" his slight pause didn't go unnoticed. Viola now picked up on Tema's irritation

"What do you mean to say? Why is it a problem if we are all together?" Ms Hazel and Mr Wallace appeared unable to respond

"oh...I get it" said Ms Hazel "you are all merely travelling companions on the trip. That is why you are together"

"no...we're all bonded to Tema" said Viola.

Mr Wallace and Ms Hazel might as well have being slapped as their faces looked stiff with shock. Eve then stepped forward also feeling odd "Yumi, Viola and Aurora are all bonded to Tema. Tema is together with the three of them"

"So...he's not bonded with you then?" asked Ms Hazel dropping her shock

"well...not quite" said Eve truthfully with a shy expression "but we are very close friends. And I respect him very much" Ms Hazel shock visibly grew again.

Tema's irritation now got to the point of curiosity "why is it a problem they are with me? Is there a reason they shouldn't be with me?" Ms Hazel seemed to say "Yes there is a problem" but once again Mr Wallace spoke

"Please well and truly forgive our insolences. It is not often that masters are bonded to multiple sentinels. Now please follow me" the group followed Mister Wallace into the hotel but Tema took a look back. Ms Hazel appeared to frantically typing on her device, as if confirming something...before looking back at them.

After a few minutes Tema and Kairi were given their rooms. Both rooms were the same in shape and furnishings. Each one had an en suite large bathroom, three very large beds, a patio with a view and a large flat screen television. Aurora, Eve, Yumi and Viola were enjoying the bathroom together. Which was simply a large steamy pool of water.

All three were sat together with Eve giving out a loud sigh "ahhhh...this is so relaxing. And warm" Yumi also let out a loud sigh

"I have to say your skin looks so smooth" said Aurora before she felt Eve's back "and it does feel smooth"

"Aurora...Aurora cut it out it tickles" Eve sunk a bit deeper in the bath "this is so nice"

"it really relieves stress on the muscles doesn't it?" said Yumi stretching her arms "this'll get me all nice and refreshed"

"must be sometimes stressful with that body of yours" said Viola with Yumi chuckling

"that's the one small drawback with a gifted body" Yumi then looked at Viola "hey...hold the phone"

Yumi went closer to Viola "how long have you been hiding them?" even Aurora looked a little amazed

"I guess it was hard to tell underneath all those baggy clothes" said Aurora

"why are you staring?" said Eve "they are not as big as yours Yumi"

"I'm only surprised is all" said Yumi

"can we keep it down a bit?" said Viola "they is someone listening outside?"

"I wonder what must be going through his mind right now" said Aurora "I bet he's as red as a tomato" Yumi then had a sneaky grin

"hey...hey...where are you putting your hands?" the grin Viola picked up on

"just checking they are as big as they look" said Viola to which the sound of door closed "and he's out of the room. Yumi you can evil sometimes" Yumi winked and snickered

Outside on the balcony Tema was red in the face, with steam coming off his head "jeez, paint a picture in my head why don't they" just then to his left Kairi came out

"oh Tema...hey there" said Kairi "why are you out here? And why is your face all red?"

"The girls are bathing together...and driving my imagination a bit wild"

"So I'm guessing things like, look how big they are and things like that" Tema nodded "well you are a growing boy after all" Tema slumped on the balcony

"Now you too" Kairi could only giggle patting Tema on the back.

After a few minutes Tema just looked round "this feeling in my chest just doesn't seem to want to go away"

"Why? What's the matter?" asked Kairi

"The reactions of those two attendants has really been bugging me. Why did they sound so surprise to learn that, except Yumi, everyone else was with us?" Kairi shared his notion

"yeah...why was Yumi not treated the same as everyone else?" Tema just looked worried

"I have a suspicion. But I need a bit more proof" just then the door opened behind Tema

"Temmmaaa...I'm all donnnee"

It was Yumi, still with her hair wet through "oh here you here. I wondered where you have ran off too?"

"Have you finished measuring each other yet?" asked Tema sarcastically "jeezz..." Yumi just snickered

"Aww....was it getting to steamy for you?" she then rubbed his head "if you likkeee...I could give you Eve's measurements"

Kairi then gently chopped Yumi's head  "Yumi that's enough now. You're being mean to Tema" said Kairi scolding her "anyway how come you're not in with them?"

"I just prefer to get washed, then out" said Yumi casually

"well since they are going to be in there a while" said Kairi "Why not a short look round? There's something I need to see"

"Then give me a moment" said Tema running in.

 Tema came out a moment later. He was holding an orange cloth like strip "Viola said as long as I've got my phone I'm fine, or to meet back at Tea time"

"what's with the sash?" asked Kairi

"Yhis is just for an experiment. This is just to confirm a niggling notion of mine that's all. Come on let's go but Kairi do you want to tell Rafiel?"

"I would but he's asleep. I'll leave a message" Kairi ran in her room and after a moment came out "right let's take the lift"

The three of them ascended upwards and just as they reached the reception desk, Tema saw Mr Wallace and Ms Hazel talking. Tema gestured them to hide as he listened " it really true?" asked Mr Wallace

"I checked, checked and rechecked...." Said Ms Hazel "and unless there's some bio-hacking's fully legitimate"

"especially since their kind can have to choose themselves. They can't be forced" just than Mr Wallace took out his device "a craft is coming now to Nova Aerris...carrying a finalist" Mr Wallace then had a look of annoyance "now this is a error seems to have occurred. I'll take this one" Mr Wallace walked away, but before snapping his fingers being accompanied by four muscular men in blue security suits.

Yumi now looked puzzled "Another craft is on the way. But why is he taking security?"

"Well...only very specific people can come here" said Tema "and they should only be expecting four, we four finalists"

"and since me and you are already here" said Kairi "that only leaves Jo and Lea" Tema than reacted "Tema...what's the matter?"

"I'm just suspicion is wrong"

Tema then took out his phone and rang on it "Viola...hello? I need you to do me a favour. I need you and the other two to look around the rooms on the lower levels. If you notice something strange, meet me by the port where we arrived. Thank you" Tema put away his phone

"Tema...what's the matter?" asked Yumi

"I'm...confirming a suspicion" Tema felt the feeling in his chest grow stronger "and this feeling. As for you two...I have three requests to make of you. The first is to look at the populace and see if you can find anything odd. And the other two I'll tell on the way. We've got to follow Wallace" with puzzled nods they follow after them.

The three of them continued to follow Wallace. They appeared to have approached a large crowd. Tema turned round and nodded to the two of them "are you really sure about this Tema?" asked Kairi

"sorry Kairi. I need to do this. Just please hold off"

On the other side of the crowd was Mr Wallace with four guards "now, now little lady...tell us the truth. You've infiltrated our fair city haven't you?" he was talking to annoyed looking Lea

"No I haven't" said Lea adamantly "I am a finalist"

"yes that's right" said Seje annoyed "she is a finalist in the sentinel warrior competition" the crowd all murmured

"lies, it all lies" "she intruded our city" "she has no place here" "throw her out"

Mr Wallace then snapped his fingers to which all the security people drew thick batons that spark with electricity "I'm afraid you are not welcome here. You are here lying to us, these esteemed citizens. I have asked nicely but you left me no choice. Get these..." he paused that long he might as well choked "people out of my sight" the security began approaching with the audience egging them on.

Lea looked quite scared before the incoming force. Seje stood shielding Lea, holding boulders of earth and Noa turned into her pseudo-lion form growling. While the security force flinched they still came going when "Master Lea...Master Lea" a boy ran through the crowd. He was wearing a t-shirt half-tucked out, blue pants but a leg was rolled up, and a white panama hat. He ran to Lea "Master Lea...are you alright?"

The boy checked on at first bewildered Lea "who are..." he the saw the boys eyes "Tema?" she said quietly

"play...along" Tema whispered to which Lea replied "are you uninjured Mistress?"

"I am now...thank you Cirrus" Seje and Noa looked bewildered too but they then saw Yumi, over the crowd, make a shushing gesture.

Mr Wallace looked at the boy "and would you be?" Mr Wallace saw the red band upon his arm "ah...a lowly sentinel. And since you called Lea are no doubt bonded to her?"

"I am sir" said Tema sounding timidly "I heard Master was in danger, and came to help her. Have we done something wrong?"

" have poisoned our city with your mere presence" this appeared to be hurting Lea a bit "and as such we are vacating you from our premises"

"But...but we're finalists" Tema then stepped forward trying to sound desperate "We came all the way from Ventus city and-" Tema was cut off as Mr Wallace slugged him hard.

Tema hit the ground, with Seje and Noa crowding around him "on and on with your annoying prattle" said Mr Wallace rubbing his hand on his shirt as if it had dirt on it "be thankful you've even seen this city"

"Are you alright?" asked Seje to which Tema nodded rubbing his face "he asks you for mercy and you strike him down!"

"Why should I lower myself to his level? Now then...guys"

The security men approached but Tema quickly got up spreading his body "I...I won't let you go no further" he said weakly yet defiantly

"deal with him please" said Mister Wallace cruelly to which one of them struck Tema in the gut, rather hard making him choke up blood before then striking his arm with the baton electrocuting him. Tema cried out in pain as blue sparks ran throughout his whole body making jerk and tweak. Lea covered her eyes from the even, not wanting to look.

After a few second of immense pain, the guard stopped and Tema wobbled and fell to his knees. His body smoked and sparks fizzled randomly on his body. Lea wheeled herself forward "Tem-Cirrus...Cirrus are you okay?"

"I'm...fine" Tema weakly stood to which Lea supported him "I'm...sorry" Lea looked furious

"what's is wrong with you!?" said Lea almost shouting "what's your problem?"

"My problem is..." said Mr Wallace now becoming frustrated "you're staying longer than you should be go!"

Tema weakly stood on his own standing in-front of Lea "You making me angry!" stated Mr Wallace "give me that!" Mr Wallace took a baton "now...get lost!" as he struck at Tema...Seje suddenly turned pale

"What...what is this...feeling?" even Noa felt a chill feeling down her whole body which made her revert back to human

"I'm...human" Noa looked at herself in disbelief "just...what happened?"

Mr Wallace also shared their expression but more of surprise as Tema firmly caught the baton in hand, even as lightning surged along it "hey...hey let go!" said Mr Wallace

"I thought something was wrong with this town" Tema now spoke in his normal voice "but I never thought it would be this bad" Mr Wallace looked curious with puzzled eyes

"wait...that voice?"

"Since you find this baton so fun to use...can I try?" before Wallace could react Tema began shocking them both.

Tema appeared, strangely unaffected, while Wallace jerked let go and fell backwards. Tema then stopped and let his arm fall "I guess my suspicion was correct..." said Tema throwing the baton away "it really is survival of the fittest here" just then

"Tema...Tema!" Viola came running through the crowd with Eve and Aurora "Tema we found something..." she was cut off as she saw the condition of Tema. Smoke still ebbed from his body and sparks were still fizzling from his slightly burned body

"Tema!" Eve ran up to him "Tema...are you okay?" Mister Wallace looked confused

"Tema? Wait...but you can't..." Kairi and Yumi then approached

"Thanks for...doing the request for two" said Tema weakly " can...have it you...mind...helping?"

Without saying a word Yumi and Kairi helped Tema. Kairi took off her hat from Tema's head, it was now charred in her hand. Yumi pulled down Tema's pants leg and undid the sash from Tema's arm. Mr Wallace looked dumbstruck "you're...Tema...Cirrus?" he quickly stood up running to Tema "I'm so sorry I had no id..."

 Kairi however stepped forward and slapped Mr Wallace with such force he staggered backwards "and you call yourself human?" said Kairi completely disgusted "throwing people out just because you feel like it"

"I can see why Tema doesn't like this place" said Yumi now also annoyed "he could feel something wrong with this town as soon as he arrived"

"Mr Wallace..." said Tema looking weak but his eyes screamed of fury which made Mr Wallace cower "That is Lea rivere...a finalist in the competition"

"What he speaks is correct" said Viola looking annoyed herself "I am Viola, an overseer of the competition" Mr Wallace flinched to her name "and she is a participant"

Mr Wallace looked lost for words while Tema fell forward "Tema!" Eve promptly caught him " easy okay. Aurora let's take him back to the inn to rest"

"Up you come Tema" said Aurora carrying him in her arms "let's get you back to the inn"

"E...Eve" said Tema weakly "stay with...Lea please?" Eve nodded

"of course I can" Tema then turned to Mr Wallace

"for the...record...they chose to stay..."

Aurora gave Mr Wallace a stern look before walking away. The crowd dispersed as Aurora walked through with Yumi and Kairi. Lea, pushed by Eve, was accompanied by Noa and Seje.

Noa looked quite upset "Eve...could you...wheel me beside Tema...please?" Eve smiled and pushed Noa alongside Tema "Tema...are you okay?"

"For years..." said Tema slowly "for years...I've dreamed of coming to this place. Now...I just feel...stupid. Lea...I'm sorry what I did. I just wanted to confirm a suspicion...but I didn't think it was that bad"

"No-one did Tema" said Kairi somewhat gently "no-one did"

"I know Kairi...but it doesn't stop it stinging so much"

"To think...I came from this city" said Yumi "deporting me was the best decision they ever made" Tema and Lea couldn't help but snicker "come on...let get back"

Viola turned to Mr Wallace "is this how you treat all your guests Mr Wallace?" Viola sounded angry, which for her said a lot

"Viola..." said Mr Wallace "please answer my question. Why would you lower yourself to be with them?" Viola turned to Wallace "you are a divine sentinel..." Viola picked him up by the scruff of his neck

"so...that's why you reacted so much when you found I was bonded to Tema. You thought I was this almighty queen and those people merely peasants. Let me make this very clear. We divine sentinels...chose to be bonded. I would've died if it wasn't for him" Viola then threw Wallace away "now...for payback" Viola materialised her sword, and then slashed it at the security guards.

At first nothing happened, but as she put her sword away the guards simply collapsed to the ground. Viola turned to the citizens who were still watching "haven't you all got better places to be! Get Lost!" her words were so stern it physically scared them making them all quickly retreat "just answer me this, when are the finals taking place"

"In two dusk" said Wallace almost out of fear

"then...if you'll excuse me" Viola then walked away "but before I go...know this" Viola whole body began flowing with electricity "Strike my younger brother, Tema, or any of my friends again" her eyes became so sharp, Wallace's heart nearly stopped "I'll kill you!" Wallace was frozen stiff as Viola walked on.

Back at the hotel room, Viola was waiting outside Tema's hotel room, leaning over the banister "Seje...what are you doing here? Where's everyone else?"

"They are all having some food and a drink" said Seje "Kairi and Yumi are trying hard to raise everyone's spirits in there"

"For both of them...this will be a hard blow indeed. But I doubt they will linger on it" Seje then looked serious

"Viola...there's something I have to ask you. Did you feel it?"

Viola looked serious yourself " felt it too?"

"how could I not feel it?" said Seje "to be described in one word...amazing. It was like...a mouse before a mountain. It didn't scare me...but it sure sent shivers down my spine"

"When did this happen?"

"When Tema caught that jerk's baton. What was Tema doing anyway?"

"Tema has had a niggling feeling about this place since he laid eyes on it. From the sounds of it...he was testing a theory"

"then let's go ask him"

Viola now looked worried "pretty soon...the truth will be known to everyone. I can only hope...we are prepared for it" at the same time, the blonde man looked out onto the city

 "this world, this city, is polluted and poisoned. Ruled by ignorance and ego" the blonde man gazed at the sun as it descended downwards "I promise when the sun sets tonight...the world...can then be saved. And only you...Tema Cirrus...stand in my way"

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꧁𝘈𝘷𝘒𝘡𝘒𝘳 π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘞𝘒𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘞𝘒𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘡.꧂ Jake has an awful nightmare one that was too true for comfort. He felt it. And it felt οΏ½...