Dear Mr. Bad Boy

EmiMabel द्वारा

1.4K 77 12

Chloe Johnson is 17 and has lived in the shadows since her freshman year in highschool. Her sister, Casey, an... अधिक

Dear Mr. Bad Boy.
Who are you?
Breaking and Entering
Not Who You Expected
Reality Check
I'm Back!
The Dress
Please Read
Temperary Stay
New Home
Home Hunting
Pizza Selfies
Graduation and Brownie Batter
Plus Sign
Like you were here
Best. Birthday. EVER!
Christmas Special
Dirty Looks and Blue Eyes
Daddy's Home
Bulging Bubble
Blue, Blue, and More Blue
Wedding Bells
Crying and Questions
Her Bad Boy
Bonus Chapter (1)
Bonus Chapter (2)
Bonus Chapter (3)

Lights and Surprises

15 1 0
EmiMabel द्वारा

"Liam, I swear to God if you don't slow down you're going to be single before this trip even starts!"

As you can probably tell, Liam is a terrifying driver, especially when he's frustrated with people. I think he needs to be treated for road rage or something.

Currently, though, we're heading to Las Vegas, Nevada! I wouldn't say that the drive is blissful because it's not. It's absolutely insane.

Through his crazy driving, I heard some cussing, horn honkings, and somewhere in there, I heard some muffled Spanish. I only know that because I took a little Español Junior year and failed miserably.

I heard a growl and saw Liam turning his car into a different lane. It's not what he was doing. It was a simple action. It's how he did it. He didn't use a turn signal in this craziness and more muffled swearing was heard.

"Chloe," The sweetness in his voice made me flinch, "stop being a jerk and tell me when to turn!" I cursed under my breath and mentally flicked him off.

Even though things may look good for us, we still bicker. I can name several times that he's probably cussed me out in his head. That's just including the time we've been dating, not anything before that.

I picked up his phone at the G.P.S. I don't understand his methods for going to Vegas. I would be perfectly happy with just some candy and a birthday kiss. What can I say? I'm a simple person.

"Alright, turn right here," I said, pointing to a green highway sign that said 'Exit' on it. Of course, he did.

We were halfway there. Not too far from the entrance of Las Vegas. We already entered Nevada, but it's just going through Henderson. It's not a HUGE town, but it'll take some time.

I turned to look at Liam and smiled to myself. He may be short tempered and he may be a total asshole at times, but he's mine and I couldn't find anyone better.

"Gosh, Chloe. I know I'm hot but you don't have to gawk at me," I gave him a devilish glare and turned so I was facing straight ahead.

After sitting in silence for a while, the tension on the car faded. I looked out the window and sighed. It'll take another 45 minutes to get through Henderson and I didn't get to sleep in because SOMEONE woke me up on my birthday.

I turned to Liam and spoke, "I'm going to take a cat nap, okay?" He simply nodded his head and continued to drive on.

I then snuggled into the seat the rested my head on the seat belt. I felt the warm heat on me and I knew immediately that Liam had turned on the air.

I went into the seat even further and before long, I was out like a light.

I was being shaken and I groggily sat up. I blinked my eyes a couple of times and yawned before looking at the culprit.

Liam had a small smile on his face and his hand was on my forearm. He reached out and grabbed my hands and helped me stand. Once we got out of the car, he positioned my head so I was looking up and I nearly fainted.

"We're here," Liam said with a teasing wink and a tiny kiss on the cheek. I grinned like the Cheshire Cat and started hopping up and down.

I just started dancing to an unheard beat and I'm pretty sure people who are really dancers would be offended. This was basically me swinging my hips and thrashing my arms up and down like a drug addict who got his next high.

I heard a chuckle and stopped to see Liam propped up on the car hood, staring at me with amusement clear in his features.

I covered up the awkwardness with a fake cough and a goofy smile. Liam rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the hood of his car.

"Come on. We just arrived in Las Vegas, we're not at our destination yet."

I just nodded my head and got back into the car. I leaned my head against the headrest and felt myself smiling.

I might've made a big deal about going to Vegas, but I just have a feeling that I'm not going to regret it.

Liam pulled the car into a fancy hotel. The sign read 'Paris Las Vegas' and I honestly don't think I could come close the affording to live in a box 20 feet from the thing!

I wobbled out of the car and just stood in awe of the huge building in front of me. Right behind me was the 'Eiffel Tower' because of the fake thing and whatnot.

I turned around enough to see Liam getting our suitcases out of the car. I gave him a wide-eyed look and looked back at the hotel we were staying in.

"Is this," I pointed to the castle-like thing in front of me, "where we're staying?" Liam laughed and nodded his head while handing me my suitcases. I just gawked at him.

Liam was quick and kissed me on the lips which just surprised me even more. "Close your mouth. Don't want the bugs getting in," And with that, he winked and walked away.

I scurried into the hotel with Liam. But as soon as I walked in, I stopped right in my tracks.

The lobby looked like a ballroom I've read about in books and only saw in movies. There was also chandeliers hanging every 20 feet or so. All-in-all, it was the prettiest place I've ever seen.

I caught up with Liam where he was talking to a desk worker who was typing furiously on her computer. Well, she was until she looked up and saw who was talking to her. Yes, she was admiring how the good Lord has blessed my beautiful boyfriend in the best way possible.

See, I wouldn't be mad if it was anyone else. Hell, when Oliver and I were together, I could care less if a prostitute came up to him and offered for free. But with Liam, I had the sudden urge to go over to that lady and rip her head off her shoulders.

I took a deep breath and walked up to Liam as gracefully as I could so it didn't seem like I was planning a murder plan in my head.

Once I reached him, I pulled his shoulder down so that his ear was by mouth so I could whisper to him discreetly, "If I have to put a brown bag over your head, I will. You're mine."

He pulled himself back up and gave me a lopsided smile before kissing me on the cheek and continued to talk to the lady so we could get to our room.

Every once in awhile, I saw the woman steal a glance at Liam then a look at me. It wasn't hard to see that she was obviously comparing me to her.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Here are your suite keys," she handed Liam a set of golden keys,"and here is the information packet for your room. Have a wonderful time staying at Paris Las Vegas!" We both thanked her and headed towards our assigned room.

We turned to head off, but our bags were put on a cart thing and hauled off. I gave a disbelieving look to Liam and continued to stare at my belongs being swept away.

"Babe, there's just taking the stuff to our room. It's fine. They're not stealing our stuff." I sighed in relief and followed him to where must've been out room.

I noticed while we were walking that people who looked like billionaires kept entering and exiting rooms. This just made me feel more self-conscious so I snuggled deeper into Liam for protection.

We walked up a grand staircase and through hallways with more rich people.

Finally, we stopped in front of a door. Just by experience in life, this was ours.

Liam gave me an anxious smile and put the key in the lock, but he didn't open in. Instead, he picked me up bridal style and got a squeal out of me.

"Omg, Liam, put me down!" Even though I was yelling at him, I couldn't stop the smile that spread on my face when he opened the door.

The room had a blue and gray color theme going on. There was nightstands, chairs, tables. All the stuff in a very nice room for rich people.

Liam gently put me down and gave me a warm smile while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Do you like the room? I was going to get a bigger room, but I thought this would suffice," I just gave him a dull look before moving into the room and giving it a full 360.

I set my bags down on the bed and the smile found it's way back on my face. I just had so many reasons to smile today.

Liam sat his bags next to mine and turned to me. "Alright, it's six right now. We have time to go out and get some dinner. Does that sound good?"

I nodded my head and attempted to grab the keys before Liam pulled them out of my way and gave me a questioning look.

"What are you doing? Aren't we going to go eat?" Liam simply sighed and sat down the keys down on the nightstand.

"Babe," Liam was giving me the 'duh' look, "we're in Las Vegas. Go get dressed up in a dress and we'll go out." I just stared at him. Didn't say a word, just stared at him.

I blinked a few times and opened my mouth ad closed it again; contemplating my next words. Then I got it. "No."

Liam then glared at me and sat me down on the bed. "Chloe, I did not pay a butt load of money to come here with you to be stubborn! I brought my girlfriend here so I could help her celebrate her birthday but I can't because she won't dress up so I can take her to a fancy ass restaurant I'll still be paying off when I turn 60!"

With that little speech over, I grabbed my suitcase and headed into the bathroom to start getting ready.

I unzipped the bag and nearly fainted. Inside was a beautiful dress. I just stared at it; afraid that if I touched it, it would disappear.

"Come on, Chloe! We need to leave in an hour!" I heard Liam shout through the door. I took a deep breath a grabbed ahold of the beautiful fabric.

The outcome of it was a high-to-low dress. The skirt part was black and the torso was a shimmery pink.

I held it up to my body and noticed that the highest part of the dress went to mid thigh.

I sighed and stripped out of the clothes I wore here and looked at the dress again. I shook my head and slipped it on.

After putting it on, I noticed it was strapless and that I had on a bra that had straps. So instead of taking it off again, I rolled down the torso part and dug into my suitcase.

Of course, Casey planned for this outfit to be worn. She had shoes and a clutch that matched the color of the dress. She also a hair curler and straightener. And since she's so wonderfully planned out, there was also a strapless bra.

I removed my other one and put the new one on. I then rolled my dress back up and fluffed my boobs. I then took a look in the mirror.

All the makeup I put on in the beginning of the day was completely gone. I dug through the suitcase and found Casey's makeup bag. I honestly didn't think she'd actually let me use her makeup. It must cost a fortune.

"Well damn," I murmured when I opened the case. It had brushes and colors and things I didn't even know existed.

I got on my phone and looked up how to apply all this sparkly crap. I also started playing music so the bathroom wasn't quiet.

While I was applying my foundation, the song 'I think I'm in love again' came on. At first, I just hummed to it and concentrated on what I was doing. But when the tempo sped up, I couldn't help but sing along.

"I think I'm in love, again!" I sang and almost jabbed myself in the eye with eyeliner. I was having a great time. Even though I was by myself, I was in good company.

I finished my makeup and smiled. I looked radiant. My skin wasn't oily and my eyes looked bright.

I decided not to dwell on my face and go to my hair. This look was more delicate so curls would work beautifully.

In the process of trying to curl my hair, I ended up burning myself twice, cursing eight times, and throwing something ten times. In the end, though, it ended in loose curls that stopped in the middle of my chest.

I popped on a coat of lipstick and grabbed the shoes from the suitcase that were pink like the dress and had a large bow in the bag made of fabric. The back and bottoms were a red color. The heel itself was at least six inches and I about stumbled over myself.

I grabbed my clutch on the way out and walked into something rather. . . Disturbing.

Liam was in a dress shirt and black pants. The first two buttons on his shirt were unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled up. None of that was the disturbing part, though.

The scary part was that he was listening to 'Sexy and I know it' while dancing like a bug crawled up his ass. He was also pushing his hair back and trying hard. I mean, most would swoon. Me, well, I just saw his dancing and died.

My laughter caught Liam's attention and he whirled around to face me. His face was flushed from dancing and his eyes were so childlike. In most cases, it would be embarrassing to be caught like that, but Liam looked so happy.

"Are you ready or. . . ." I trailed off, waiting for a response.

Liam nodded his head and quickly fixed himself and in a matter of no time, we were ready to go.

Liam held his arm out to me, "M'lady." I smiled up at him and hooked my arm together with his and walked out of our suite.

"I already called around a car." I gave him a look of confusion.

"Why can't we just take your car?" We arrived in the lobby and people were still going on and running around like their heads were on fire.

"Because," Liam looked at the commotion before turning to look at me again, "my car is a sports car. The car that I'm driving there is a show car. Trust me, it makes sense."

Instead of arguing with him, I just gave him credit. Liam's been rich all his life, he probably knows a thing or two about what someone's supposed to show up in.

We walked out those doors that spin and everything and saw the car that was waiting for us. I noticed right away that it was a Bugatti Chiron. I only knew this because of the front end and the way it was shaped.

An older man opened both the passenger and driver doors and helped me into the passenger while Liam got into the driver side. I buckled my seatbelt and he drove off.

"We're going to a French restaurant called Alize. I think you'll love it," Just the sound of food made my stomach gurgle. Those cinnamon rolls that Casey made me didn't hold me over long enough.

The car became quiet so I turned to look out the window. I watched as the buildings and people passed by in a blur. Everything was lit up and was amazing. I've never seen anything like this back home.

Liam turned down a road and a huge building came into view. The sign on the front of the building read 'Alize' so I'm guessing this is where we're heading.

We pulled into a reserved parking space and I just stared in awe. Lights were the only way I could describe the scene in front of me. Everything was so bright and alive.

I've heard that New York is the city that never sleeps, but this could be a close second.

My mind was snapped back into reality when my car door was opened and my hand was grasped.

I peered up and saw the blue eyes. I took Liam's hand and he helped me out of the car. I stood beside him while he closed the doors. I straightened out my dress and Liam pulled his tie tighter.

"You look beautiful," Liam whispered in my ear while we were walking to the doors. I smiled bashfully and interlaced our fingers together.

I looked over at him and saw that he was looking ahead but had a smile on his lips. "You look nice, too. Maybe even hot."

"So you were checking me out?"

"Yep." We both laughed and headed inside the building. Right away, I was hit with warm air. It's not really cold outside, but this was really warm; in a good way.

Liam and I walked up to this podium with a lady standing behind it. As soon as she laid eyes on Liam, her face broke into a huge smile.

"Liam! Dad told me you and your," The girl looked at me and then back to Liam, "well, Dad said you were married for 'business' purposes," I simply glared in return.

The girl took two menus and led us to a table. It was in a secluded part of the restaurant. Only an older couple was there and it looked like they were leaving.

"Here you go. Call me if you need anything," With that, the lady winked at Liam and walked off, swinging her hips. I swear I felt my eye twitch.

"That's Hailey. My dad and her dad work together. I guess my dad told everyone that I was coming with you," I simply nodded my head and took a sip of the water the restaurant provided.

I know I was acting sour, but I was seriously thinking about jabbing out Hailey's eye with the spoon and shoving it down her throat.

I was brought back to reality when Liam reached across the table to grab my hand. "Chloe, you know there's only you. Stop planning her murder story.," I laughed a little and squeezed his hand in mine.

"Okay, tell me one thing, though," Liam nodded his head, signaling for me to continue, "Why is it wherever we go, you always say we're married?" This has been bugging me since we checked into the hotel.

Liam gave me a crooked smile and leaned back in his chair. "Well, last time I checked, most businesses don't like teenagers running around in their hotels. So it makes life easier so come off as a married couple, not just a couple of teenagers running around."

So Liam was doing this for show? His dad set this whole thing up? In a way, that makes me want to thank his dad for such a wonderful gift, but then again, I just want this to be Liam and I, not everyone else.

I sighed and leaned forward on the table, resting my elbows on the edge. "I guess you're right. I just wanted this to be my birthday spent with you. Not everyone in Las Vegas knowing my name and thinking I'm married."

Liam let out a low chuckle before grabbing both of my hands in his and looking me directly in the eyes, "No one else will know, I swear to it." A smile formed on my lips. I leaned across the table to kiss him but was interjected by an irritated cough.

I looked up and about screamed and lurched. It was Hailey. She looked different than before. Her blonde hair was up in a tidy bun and her boobs were basically screaming to leave her dress. The vomit was going to leave any moment.

"What can I get for you today?" Hailey asked, shimming down so her breasts were in front of Liam's head. I noticed that Liam was about to spit out his water because he was about to die from laughter.

"Hey, do you have any needles?" I asked, wanting to know her response.

She snapped her head to me and the distaste on her face was very noticeable, "Why do you need them?"

A smirk grew on both Liam's face and mine while I turned to face the crazy bitch trying to steal my man. "Oh, I was just wondering if a needle could pop those mosquito bites you call boobs."

Liam started laughing so hard I was almost sure he was about to choke and die. Hailey, on the other hand, looked like she was making a murder plan like I was for her a minute ago.

"Listen here, bitch. I've known Liam here for a long-" She learned to shut her pretty mouth when someone a lot taller than her stands up to her. It also helps that that person was also drop dead gorgeous.

"Hailey, do your job. We both want a filet mignon, please and thank you." With that, Liam sat back down and gave me a sneaky smirk before sipping on his water.

Hailey just fumed but walked off anyway. As soon as she was out of earshot, Liam totally lost his control and about spit his water on me.

"Babe, that was great! I died. I honestly died," I started laughing right along with him. I stopped before him and noticed that he looked so happy.

His laugh lines were so prominent and his eyes twinkled. I know this sounds lame, but he's gorgeous . . . in a hot way.

Liam sucked in a breath but his smile quickly faded and his eyes darkened. There was something behind me that he was glaring holes in.

"Don't. Turn. Around," Liam spoke almost in a threatening voice. But come on, when someone says don't turn around, the another person is obviously going to. I did, of course, but I would've done anything to un-see what I did.

Walking towards Liam and I'd table was the one person I despised more than anyone on this planet. The one person who made my life a living hell for a long time. The one person who helped create me, but also broke me down.

Tears were brought to my eyes and I was seriously thinking about just running off. But I decided against it when I saw Liam from the corner of my eye steaming.

The man walked closer and closer to my table till the devil was standing in front of me. Not only did his presence make me want to scream, but he was with another woman that looked like he bought her off the street.

"Chloe, my dear."

I felt a tear rolled down my cheek and I scowled for being so weak. I could do this. This was me. I've lived through more than some have and I've fought harder than most.

I stood up and I felt Liam right behind me, like he would kill the next thing that moved.

The enemy moved closer to me and tried to touch me but I backed away.

"Oh, come on, Chloe. It's been a while. Do you even remember me?"

I glowered at the man in front of me and said the name that I hoped to never say again, "Gus."


Yassssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! A new chapter has been uploaded! Bam!

So what does everyone think about Gus coming out of nowhere? In the next chapter, I won't just ignore this. His role in the story right now is crucial to Chloe's and Liam's story, as well.

Well, yesterday was Thanksgiving. I wanted to say that I'm extremely thankful for everyone who reads my books and supports the things I do. I'm also thankful for people who's been reading and voting. Dear Mr. Bad Boy has gotten up to 500 views! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it means the world to me.

Oh, I have a surprise for next chapter . . . IT'S IN LIAM'S P.O.V! I know, I know, I'm brilliant. I just thought that I haven't done anything in his P.O.v. in a while, and I wanted to change that.

I'm honestly going to be a crying/fangirling mess next update. I can't tell you why, but let me say that's it going to be dramatic. It might continue on longer than I want it to, but the Las Vegas trip isn't over yet!

I just want everyone to know that I'm really trying to update fast. I'm in school and I'm trying to keep grades up and that's added in with other activities I do. But I go back to school on Monday, because I was on break since Wednesday. 

Cya all soon!

Love Always, XxEmmy_HerexX

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