To: MinGyu •| Seventeen FanFi...

By NMTheEmo

5.8K 252 14

Where a girl writes letters to a boy in her notebook while knowing he'll never read them, and not knowing whe... More

V 1 ; Z E R O
V 1 ; O N E
V 1 ; T W O
V 1 ; T H R E E
V 1 ; F O U R
V 1 ; F I V E
V 1 ; S I X
W H A T ' S N E X T ?
V O L U M E 2
V 2 ; S E V E N
V 2 ; E I G H T
V 2 ; N I N E
V 2 ; T E N
W H A T ' S N E X T ? - # 2 -
V 3 ; E L E V E N
V 3 ; T W E L V E
V 3 ; T H I R T E E N
V 3 ; F O U R T E E N
V 3 ; F I F T E E N
V 3 ; S E V E N T E E N
V 3 ; E I G H T E E N
V 3 ; N I N E T E E N
Volume 3 Closure
1 K R E A D S
Vol. 4 ?
V O L U M E 4
V 4 ; T W E N T Y
V 4 ; T W E N T Y O N E
V 4 ; T W E N T Y T W O
V 4 ; T W E N T Y T H R E E
V 4 ; T W E N T Y F O U R
V 4 ; T W E N T Y F I V E
V 4 ; T W E N T Y S I X
V 4 ; T W E N T Y S E V E N
finish. + Q&A

V 3 ; S I X T E E N

100 6 0
By NMTheEmo

Dear MinGyu,

So, we had a math session at the academy today, it wasn't obligatory, but both of us attended along with other friends from our school.

So, I was sitting with a friend of mine on my left, the wall on my right, and behind me was one of my best friends, Amber, along with another two close friends of mine including the girl whom I think you might like.

Anyhow, since the session takes 4 hours, the teacher gave us a 15-minutes-break after the first 2 hours. Most people took a walk outside or just stayed seated. As for me, I turned around to talk with Amber about some singers while I noticed you nearing.

Of course, and without a doubt, you weren't gonna be talking to me, so I thought maybe you'll talk to Jessica, the girl I think you might have a crush on. Fairly to my surprise, you spoke with Jessi, the other girl sitting between Amber and Jessica.

Jessi is one of those friends whom we both share a lot of secrets and gossips with each other, yet we don't act as close in school. But, as far as I know, her older sister watches Anime and reads Manga, she's close friends with Amber -my best friend- and Luna -a really close friend of mine-, the three of them are anime-manga-experts.

I actually got into manga because of Luna and Amber. Anyway, you just came up to Jessi and stared randomly talking about Anime. Actually, if I remember correctly, you said you'd rather be watching anime than attending this session. Obviously, I was listening to your conversation while talking with Amber because: 1. You're right beside me. 2. You're right beside me, and 3. I couldn't hold myself back and not listen.

So, as soon as I heard you saying anime and I whispered to Amber telling her that you're talking about anime with Jessi. Amber got excited and tried to join your conversation and I thought," that's it! This is my chance to have a decent non-school-related-chat with you for the first time in forever!" Much to my disappointment, you had just finished talking with Jessi and walked away even before Amber could join in.

Amber asked Jessi whether you watch anime or not, and she said you watch Deathnote. I had only heard about it, plus I read manga rather than watching anime and I am new to gore -I've always read shoujo-, so I didn't have much of a background.

I asked Amber about it and she actually spoilt it for me accidentally. Bottom line is, I plan on reading it after I finish Tokyo Ghoul, the manga I'm reading now.

That night, I chatted with Luna online and told her about all of this, though she doesn't know that I like you; no one knows..... let me correct that; that I used to like you.


Maybe I still do like you !!

No, no, I won't let you play with my heart and mind you playboy !!

Back to our story, I told Luna that someone in my class actually likes Anime, she asked if you were an otaku. I said that I didn't think so, then I went to sleep.

Jin Eun.

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