My Sister, Taylor Swift

By Niallismyirishmofo

63.6K 1.3K 301

Taylor Swift is one of the worst sisters you could possiby have! She took everything away from me, my family... More

Hi I'm Lottie
Going shopping
Meeting Taylor and Harry
Hi I'm Jessie
Getting ready to watch the Interview
The Interview
Hi I'm Lorna
Watching the Interview
The drive back
Shopping and Concert
Hi I'm Shannon
Meeting Fern
Hi I'm Fern
Authors note
Authors Note
The winning ticket
Meeting One Direction and Taylor
Author's note
At their house
Lottie and Louis's joke
getting to know each other and movies
Chap. 16
Hi I'm Sidney
Chap. 46
Chap.50 part 1
Chap.50 part 2
The Photo
The Magazine
The Fight
Lorna's apology
The unknown is named
The confrontations
Dani's surprise visit
Tiredness and Sickness
Talk with Harry
Lottie's worst nightmare
Lottie's second day missing!
The Evidence
The Final Piece of Evidence
Two days after


575 15 1
By Niallismyirishmofo


I am so sorry for not updating!! I am so sorry!!!! I know I haven't updated for a few weeks now and I am so sorry!!! It's just there was christmas and then something happened with wattpad and they weren't letting me in then I went on holiday for two days and I have been really busy!!!!!!!!!

Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"Wake me up when I'm wiser and I'm older-"  my phone blared out and i answered it. It was Lottie and she sounded upset.

"Harry quick come home it's Eleanor and Louis they were in a car crash," she whispered her voice cracking.

"I will be right there,"


I quickly stood up and Taylor and Charles look at me weirdly.

"Taylor Louis and Eleanor were in a car crash we need to go home!" I exclaimed.

"I am going to stay here," Taylor said and I was in too much of a hurry to argue with her so i picked up my jacket and ran out the door thinking that Taylor will get a lot in Mr I am so rich's fancy cars! I didn't have a car so i just started running. I was going to go to the hospital but Lottie told me to come to the hotel I wonder why! Oh well I finally reached Louis and Liam's door and burst open and ran into the living room where everyone turned to look at me. I saw Louis and Eleanor sitting on the couch.

"What? how? I though you died!" I managed to get out and hugged them both.
 They both gave me really confused faces and I turned to Lottie who looked like she was trying not to laugh. I glared at her. It was about 11pm so i decided to go back to my room.

"I am going back to my room see you guys tomorrow!" I called and walked out the door. I walked into the lift and pulled out my phone.

"To: The annoying shit

Come to the room! You scared me shitless!!"

I walked out the lift and unlocked Lottie and I's door and walked in. I sat down on the couch and grabbed the TV remote and flicked through the channels until I heard the door open and Lottie walked through.

"Sorry about earlier you said you wanted out of there so i was just helping!" Lottie said smiling innocently. I could never be mad at her.

I stood up wrapping her in my arms and kissed her lips. "What did you guys do when I was out?" I asked pulling away from the kiss but keeping her close.

"Just sat in Louis's room and talked then I texted you then I called you then you came rushing in and started hugging Louis and Eleanor!" she answered me. I brought my lips onto hers and we took it to the bed. I lay on top of her my hands trailing up her body. She broke apart and we both sat up.

"Night Harry!" she said kissing my lips once my before sliding under the covers.

"Night Lottie!" I whispered kissing the top of her head and sliding down next to her.

Lottie's POV

Harry pulled me closer to his body and i snuggled into his warmth. I soon fell asleep to the steady beating of his heart.

I opened my eyes to the blinding light from the window. Someone must have forgotten to close the curtains aka me and Harry were too busy to shut the curtains. I stumbled out of Harry's grip which had loosened in the night and stumbled over to the curtains quickly drawing them shut. I could finally open my eyes with out getting blinded by the sun!! Harry stirred in his sleep and reached out trying to find me so I slipped back into bed and his arms emmidiently wrapped around me and he snuggled closer. I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 4am. I snuggled closer to Harry and slowly drifted back off to sleep.

"They are so cute!" I heard someone whisper.

"C'mon hurry up!" I heard another voice whisper yell. I kept my eyes closed so they thought i was still sleeping.

"Please let me take a picture first!" I heard the first voice plead.

"Fine but be quick!" the second voice said. I heard the snap of a camera, "Ready three, two, one go!" I heard the second voice shout then I was drenched in freezing cold water. Harry and I jumped up screaming.

"Right thats it!" Harry yelled jumping up and started chasing Louis who was voice number two and I glared at Eleanor as she was voice number 1.

"I got a picture of you two!" Eleanor said smiling innocently.

"Don't put that on twitter otherwise Taylor may see it and who knows what she'll do!" I warned.

"I won't don't worry!" Eleanor said. I smiled at her then jumped out of my bed and ran at her picked up her bucket which still had water in it and dumped it on her.

"Paybacks a bitch!" I whispered jokingly and walked into the bathroom to have a shower.

I got changed and dried my hair and walked out my room to go to breakfast. I am pretty sure the other boys and girls went there.

I walked through the lobby and into the restaurant. I grabbed some breakfast and spotted them sitting in a corner laughing over something.

"So are you excited for Niall's sister coming?" Perrie asked as I sat down next to Harry.

"Niall has a sister?" I asked not knowing anything about this.

"Yes!" they all exclaimed.

"How do I not know about this?" I asked pretending to be hurt.

"Aww well Niall has a sister and she's coming here at.. " Perrie explained waiting for Niall to finish.

"At 2," Niall finished.

"Whats her name?" I asked.

"Sidney," Eleanor answered.

"I still haven't forgiven you two for what you did to me this morning!" I glared at her and Louis.

"Sorry!" they said and acted scared. I rolled my eyes and carried on eating.

"So what are we going to do before Sidney gets here?" Liam asked.

"Why don't we just hang around our hotel rooms?" Harry said winking at me once he was sure that no one would see. I knew exactly what he had in mind.

"Right why don't we all go up to my hotel room after breakfast!" Liam suggested.

"Okay," everyone said but I saw harry had a small frown on his face, I knew he wanted to be alone with me but sorry Harry but I don't think that's going to happen.

We all went to Liam and Louis's hotel suite and made small talk. We called room service for lunch and then it was time to meet Sidney. Niall went to go pick her up because from what I've been told (which is not a lot) they haven't seen each other for a few years. Everyone went to get ready in their rooms so me and Harry went as well. As soon as we got in the lift and the doors closed Harry shoved me up against the doors and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and he licked my bottom lip for entrance and I refused. He squeezed my bum and I gasped. He took this oppertunity to slide his tongue in. What we didn't realise was that the door had opened and an old lady was walking past.

"Disgusting kids!" she muttered as we pulled away. We just laughed and walked out the lift and Harry unlocked our door. He shut it and kissed me again. I pulled away.

"Is Dani coming today?" harry asked.

"I don't know I'll phone her!!" I said pulling out my phone. I texted.

'To: Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Are you coming over today? xxxxxx'

I got a text back instantly

'From: Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Yeah sure I'll be there in 10! Isn't Niall's sister coming today?'

'To: Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Ok! :D Did everyone know about that apart from me?????'

'From: Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Yeah I think so!! :D'

Harry was looking at my texts.

"I bet they probably told you but you were in your own little lala land to realise what they were saying!" Harry said laughing. I hit him on the chest and texted back.

'To: Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

Ok see you in ten byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'

"She's coming," I told Harry even though I knew he'd been looking over my shoulder through the whole time I was texting her.

"I guessed," Harry said chuckling. I turned round and kissed his lips. They were like a drug I just wanted more. Harry kissed back.

"We should get ready for Sidney," I mumbled against his lips. We pulled away.

"want me to help you get dressed?" harry asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

"You wish!" I answered. He slapped my bum before disapeering through his bedroom door.

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