Take Good Care Of My Baby-Seq...

By Footiequeen8

257K 5.3K 501

Cristiano had hoped, wanted and wished for one thing. A child of his own. After a series of up and downs, his... More

Chapter 1- Joy And Emotion
Chapter 2-You Know Who Isn't Here
Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed
Chapter 4-Remember That
Chapter 5- Good Decision
Chapter 6- Winners Kiss or Not
Chapter 7-Teaching Papa
Chapter 8- She's Just The Babysitter
Chapter 9- Who's Her Fave?
Chapter 10- I Can Handle Him
Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?
Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could
Chapter 13-Betrayal
Chapter 14- Full Of Visitors Today
Chapter 15- Perfect Family?
Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast
Chapter 17- Muffin Man
Chapter 18- Just Go Ronaldo
Chapter 19- Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 20- You Can Have What I Don't Want
Chapter 21- Bag Of Trouble
Chapter - Doesn't Want To Play With Me
Chapter 23- Play Fair
Chapter 24- Tension Starting?
Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual
Chapter 26-Protecting Him
Chapter 27- Fit To Snap
Chapter 28- Not Some Dog
Chapter 29- Watch It
Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why
Chapter 31- Go To Hell
Chapter 32- I Have Know One
Chapter 33- Not My Fault
Chapter 34- Home Truths From The Family
Chapter 35- I Know Why I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?
Chapter 37- She Hates Me
Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me
Chapter 39- That's What I Get?
Chapter 40- I Just Wish
Chapter 41- Childish Games
Chapter 42- You Should Do That More Often
Chapter 43-Feisty Girl
Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different
Chapter 45- Good Things Never Change
Chapter 46- Friends Ya?
Chapter 47- Playing Nicely
Chapter 48- I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You
Chapter 49- Could Be The Reason She Breaks
Chapter 50- Nothing To Worry About
Chapter 51- Ever Wish You Hadn't Picked?
Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is
Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin
Chapter 54- Always Did Like
Chapter 55- A Blessing and Nearly A Curse
Chapter 56-Mind Your Eyes
Chapter 57- Tell Me What To Do
Chapter 58- How Do You Prepare?
Chapter 59- Hit A Nerve
Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is
Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards
Chapter 62-Papa's Foolish Thing
Chapter 63- Everyone's Friend But Mine Apparently
Chapter 64- Wait Is This?
Chapter 65- I Wouldn't Be Opposed To It
Chapter 66- Shopper Helper
Chapter 67- Feeling
Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers
Chapter 69- Wasn't Cheap
Chapter 70- I Didn't Force
Chapter 71- Believe What You Want
Chapter 72- What's Bothering You?
Chapter 73- Needing To Tell Someone
Chapter 74-Something On Your Mind?
Chapter 75- Why Don't We
Chapter 76- Surprise
Chapter 77- I Doubt She'll Notice
Chapter 78- Learning Something Unexpected
Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip
Chapter 80- Breakfast With
Chapter 81- Is That A Problem?
Chapter 82- Pep Talks
Chapter 83- Photo Shoot Fun
Chapter 84- Take The Credit
Chapter 85- A Push In A English Direction
Chapter 86- Doubting Mind
Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things
Chapter 88- Protective or Controlling?
Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter
Chapter 90- A Smitten Rose
Chapter 91- In Need Of A Pep Talk
Chapter 92- What Could Be Better?
Chapter 93- Not Needed
Chapter 94- If You Go Down To The Lake Today
Chapter 95- Under The Stars
Chapter 96- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner
Chapter 97- Nothing Changes
Chapter 98- A Leading Question?
Chapter 99- What Is Best?
Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say
Chapter 101- Time To Say Goodbye?
Chapter 102- First Night Away From Him Ever
Chapter 104- So Do I
Chapter 105- Remember What Is Truly Best
Chapter 106- I Can't Do Anything Right When It Comes To You
Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking
Chapter 108- They've Gone Where?
Chapter 109- Wish You Were Here
Chapter 110- What Will The Night Bring?
Chapter 111- Declaration

Chapter 103- The Blame Game

1.7K 32 5
By Footiequeen8

  Two days since she moved out of Cristiano's house and Molly was living off a couple of hours sleep here and there. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Junior crying. Katia had arrived with Rodrigo in the morning and Molly was so happy to see the young boy. Katia had mentioned Junior in passing not wanting to upset Molly, which was the reason she had also left Dinis at home during the visit.

Molly was in the middle of making a cup of tea when she heard the doorbell. She sighed not really wanting any company but the bell kept ringing and ringing. "Alright I'm coming. Just wait a minute" she yelled as she walked towards the door as the bell continued to ring. "What the hell are..." she half spoke as she opened the door and was met with some familiar smiling faces.

"Hola Molly. What took you so long?" Fabio asked smirking. "What are you lot doing here?" she asked. "Any cookies going?" Marcelo asked pushing past her and into the apartment followed by Fabio and Xavi as Molly looked at Iker with a bewildered face. "Clarice banned him from eating cookies around her" Iker shrugged. "Molly" she heard Fabio shout followed by loud banging of presses. "Where the hell did you find them? A zoo?" Molly asked as more racket came from inside her apartment. "I'd settle for a glass of water" Sergio smiled at her. "Something wrong with my cookies Ramos?" she asked. "I think I need to be reminded what they taste like before answering that question" he smirked. "Shut the door behind you" Molly said rolling her eyes as she turned to walk back into her living room.

"I see you lot have made yourselves at home" she half laughed at the sight of Fabio and Xavi with their feet up on her couch. "Nice place Mols" Fabio said as he flicked through the channels on the TV. "So did it slip your mind to tell us that you moved or have you been trying to avoid us?" Sergio asked wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"It's sort of hard to avoid you boys. Marcelo stop messing up my kitchen" Molly said. "Cookies" he said pouting. "Top press on your left and don't eat them all" she said. "So come on tell us" Sergio said. "Tell you what?" she asked. "Imagine our surprise when we go around to Cristiano's to watch match plays when we are met by some blonde and no sign of you" Sergio said. "Like why didn't you tell us you moved out?" Fabio asked. "No the big question is why did Ronnie get a new nanny when he has the best one already" Marcelo smiled at her before stuffing a cookie into his mouth.

"Guys it really doesn't matter" Molly said. "Did he really just turn up with the new nanny?" Iker asked. Nuno had mumbled something about Cristiano being a dickhead but no one had told them the real story. "Well depending on who you ask then it was Irina only. But.." Molly paused. "But Cris knew. What the hell? What an ass. And then he made you move out" Sergio said. "Well she would hardly want to live there after that. Plus living with two Russians in the house would drive anyone out of a house" Xavi said. "Be nice" Molly said.

"You need to stop being nice" Sergio said. "Ya Sergio is right. You've done so much for Cris and then he treats you like shit. That's not on" Fabio said. "Guys just stop ok. He's your friend and teammate" Molly said. "And your our friend too" Sergio said. "Look I might not be Junior's nanny anymore but I'm still here" Molly said. "Well the good thing about you moving out is that at least we have a new place to hang out" Marcelo said slouching on the couch. "Ya and no more of Irina looking at us like we are idiots" Fabio said.

"You are idiots" Iker said. "But you're lovely idiots" Molly smiled. "See I told you should wouldn't care that we came" Marcelo said to Iker. "I might do if you get crumbs on my couch" she said. "It sucks that you aren't down the street though" Sergio said. "I stayed there way longer than I ever intended. It was time to move out. And just because I'm gone doesn't mean you stop going over there. Ronaldo is your friend and teammate. Even though you all only really ever went over there to see me" she smirked. "Well you're nicer to be around" Sergio smiled at her. "Ya especially when Ronnie is in one of his foul moods. I swear he is only like that when Irina is around" Marcelo said. "Ha Anderia said that too" Fabio laughed. "So what are you plans now? Are you looking for a new job?" Iker asked when he noticed how uncomfortable Molly was with all the Irina talk.

"I'm helping Jorge until the end of the transfer window" Molly replied. "Sweet. You're easier to take orders from" Fabio joked. "Pepe will just be happy that Ana will have some place to go when he pisses her off and that he won't have to leave while she cools down" Xavi joked. "Where is Pepe anyway?" Molly asked. "Said something about getting Ronnie out of his foul mood" Marcelo shrugged.

"So are you going to give us the grand tour?" Sergio asked. "There's nothing else to see other than my bedroom. So no" Molly said. "Ha even without Ronnie, Ramos can't get into her room" Fabio laughed earning a smack in the back of the head from Sergio. "Now I totally can see why you thought it was time to move out of Cristiano's house. Too near these fools" Iker said earning a laugh from Molly.

"Ya well remember that when you go back to Cris's house to drop into us too" Fabio said and Molly nodded even though she had no plans to go near that street again for a long time if ever she thought. "So are you enjoying living on your own?" Sergio asked. "I've been here two days Sergio. It's not that much time. Even though the quietness is hard to get used to" she said. "Ya Cris's house is too crowded at times" Fabio said. "That's not always a bad thing" Molly said sadly.

"What Ramos means is are you living here on your own or is a certain English man also living here?" Iker Xavi asked. "Alonso" Sergio huffed. "What that's what you were really asking" Xavi shrugged. "Luke isn't living with me. Jezz it's a bit soon for that" Molly said. "Bet he's pushing for it though" Sergio mumbled. "Ok who wants a cup of tea?" Molly asked. "Well it's about time. Damn girl I was beginning to think you lost your hostess charm" Fabio smirked at her. "I'll give you charm if you ring my doorbell like that again Contero" she said earning oohs from the rest of the men.

"Wait how did you know that I was here?" Molly asked. "Nuno gave me the address while Cris was giving us a very short response to our question about why you had left" Sergio said. "Guys it doesn't matter why I left the house ok. Ronaldo might be a dickhead right now" Molly said. "Right now ha more like always" Sergio said. "But it's between him and me not you lot so leave it between the pair of us" she said. "It probably was time for you to move out anyway" Iker said. 

"Why do you say that?" Sergio asked his captain. "She had more freedom now. Plus having Ronaldo acting like your Dad can't be much for Luke" Iker said. "Ya Ronnie is too protective of you at times" Marcelo said. "Yet can't protect her from his stupid actions" Sergio said. "Hey what did I just say? Between him and me not you lot. Now who is going to help me with the tea?" Molly asked heading to the kitchen.

"Why did you order anything if you aren't going to even eat?" Pepe asked Cristiano as they sat in a crowded restaurant. "I am eating it" Cristiano mumbled. "No you have been moving your food around the plate since it was put in front of you and you haven't stopped sulking in days" Pepe said placing his knife and fork down onto the table. "I'm not sulking" Cristiano replied. "You've got the I've done or said something look on your face" Pepe said and Cristiano sighed. "Just tell me what is bothering you. Well tell me what happened with Molly anyway. It doesn't take a genius to work out that something happened" Pepe said.

"Explains why you figured it out then" Cristiano muttered. "Hey I'm just trying to have a nice lunch but it's kind of difficult to do that when I have to look at your sour puss face across from me" Pepe said. "She moved out" Cristiano said. "Like two days ago and wasn't it only after a lot of persuasion that she even stayed in the City not to mind the same country. What the hell did you say to her that would have made her want to leave so bad?" Pepe asked. "We just both snapped" Cristiano shrugged.

"I get her snapping" Pepe said. "Oh here we go fine you want me to say I'm a dickhead then yes I was a dickhead to her" Cristiano said rather loudly. "Easy we don't need any more of an audience" Pepe said.

"We had a fight" Cristiano said. "I thought you were going to try to stop fighting with her. For both your sakes. Come on Cris you're miserable when then two of you fight" Pepe said. "I said something I shouldn't have and before I know it we were screaming at each other and I was saying even more horrible things to her and then..." Cristiano paused. "Then what?" Pepe asked. Ana had being furious at Cristiano and Pepe knew he was certainly missing something but it was none of his business until he was told. But he had never seen Cristiano as miserable as he had the past couple of days.

"I told her to leave" Cristiano whispered. "I thought she decided it was best if she left so she wouldn't be in the new nanny's way" Pepe said. "Sort of" Cristiano mumbled. "Oh Cris just talk already" Pepe snapped. "We got into a row about Irina and me knowing about Olga arriving" Cristiano said. "You didn't know. Like I wouldn't be the only one who would hit you if you went behind Molly's back like that" Pepe said. "I didn't I swear" Cristiano said.

"Then why was Olga there?" Pepe asked. "I guess Irina and I got crossed wires. It doesn't matter" Cristiano said. "It does matter. Why didn't you tell Irina that Molly was Junior's nanny and that was final?" Pepe asked. "It's complicated" Cristiano sighed. "Ok" Pepe said getting tired of been told that. "She was never meant to stay this long anyway. And she was going to stay at the house and work for Jorge" Cristiano said. "So what happened that made her move out? Why did you tell her to leave?" Pepe asked.

"We were arguing. She was giving me so much shit for how I have treated her, Irina being a bitch towards her and how Luke said I had no loyalty and I just snapped" Cristiano said. "Ahh" Pepe said. "What do you mean ahh?" Cristiano asked. "Giving you some home truths about you and your girlfriend was one thing. But bringing up Luke, that explains why you lost it" Pepe said. "I don't trust him" Cristiano snapped. "Molly does. In fact I'd say that I'd be correct in saying that she'd trust him a lot more than you right now" Pepe said.

"I should have just followed the plan" Cristiano mumbled rubbing his eyes. "Have you spoken to her since she left?" Pepe asked. "Nope. I haven't spoken to anyone. Well they haven't spoken to me. Rodrigo hates me. Nuno wants to punch me every time we are in the same room. And Maé. Maé just looks disappointed in me" Cristiano said. "Well at least you have Irina and Junior then" Pepe said and Cristiano let out a scoff. "I'm not Junior's favourite person either. It's like he knows that- you were an ass to Molly. Woh that kid is smart. Clearly doesn't have your brains yet then" Pepe said.

"I just..... she agreed" Cristiano said. "Agreed what?" Pepe asked. "Agreed with Irina" Cristiano said. "Well that should have been your first warning that something was going to blow up in your face. What did she agree with?" Pepe asked. "Irina said it was best for Junior to have someone who was focused just on him. And Molly agreed. She stood there and agreed. What difference would it have made if I said something? She agreed. Molly agreed and then she went running off to Luke" Cristiano said pushing his plate away.

"Maybe she thought it was easier to agree" Pepe said and Cristiano sighed. "She didn't want to upset Junior and cause a row" he said. "I don't get it though. Junior is always Molly's number one focus. All the kids are. Heck your entire household is, has, was" Pepe said. "She has being busy lately" Cristiano muttered. "What did you say to her?" Pepe asked knowing it had to be Cristiano's words that contributed more to the fight with Molly than hers.

"Oh we were talking. Well yelling and I said she had being busy and how Maé was minding Junior and then somehow Molly thought I was accusing her of being negligent and" Cristiano stuttered. "Oh you didn't" Pepe said. "I didn't. But she thought I did and then that lead into an even bigger row. Then I told her if I was so bad that she knew where the door was. And then..." he paused. "Bloody hell what else did you say to the girl?" Pepe asked wondering how in God's name that two people could fight so much.

"I said some things I shouldn't have" Cristiano said. "It sounds like everything you said that night was something you shouldn't have said" Pepe said. "I brought up things I shouldn't have. I went too far" he said cursing himself for bringing up Tony during a fight with Molly. "Again" Pepe said and Cristiano looked at his friend.

"Has Ana said anything?" Cristiano asked. "I'm not sure you would like what she has to say about all of this" Pepe said. "I can imagine" Cristiano said. "I'm sure it will all blow over. Eventually. Well by the end of season anyway" Pepe said trying to make his friend feel better. "Has Ana spoken to her?" Cristiano asked. "Ana said her new place is really nice. Molly has been a bit quite when she has spoken to her but I'm sure she's just trying to find a routine" Pepe said. "She normally blocks everyone out. Shuts off from the world" Cristiano said. "Have you tried to speak to her?" Pepe asked. "She doesn't want anything to do with me. She could barely look at me when she left" Cristiano said. "Have you even tried Cris?" Pepe asked. "I sent her a few emails the night she left. I figured she wouldn't answer any of my calls. And now I can include emails" he shrugged.

"Do you really just expect her to speak to you? Like after listening to everything you have just said I can totally see why everyone is pissed off at you. This isn't the first time you've gone too far" Pepe said. "I know. I just can't stand the thought that she might...." he stopped. "She might what? Leave for good? Never speak to you again? Sell a story on you?" Pepe asked. "She wouldn't do that. She's too much of a good person to sell a story. She wouldn't want to cause upset" Cristiano said.

"Then what?" Pepe asked. "That she hates me" Cristiano whispered. "Look Cristiano maybe all of this is for the best. Just let me finish" Pepe said holding his hand up when Cristiano moved to speak. "Maybe some space between the pair of you is what is needed. The pair of you have been cooped up in the same house together for months. You both like to be right. You both have big mouths only yours gets you into trouble more than hers" Pepe said and Cristiano half smiled.

"She'd smack you on the head for calling her a big mouth" Cristiano said. "Probably. But really just give it time. Let things settle down and then attempt to talk to her. Attempt to make things right. Your friends and I'm sure she hates all this fighting too" Pepe said.

"What if she doesn't want or lets me make things right?" Cristiano asked. "Well then you just have to think whether it is worth fighting to make things right. How much do you really want Molly in your life? If you want her in your life?" Pepe said and Cristiano leaned back in his chair and let Pepe's words sink in.

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