BANGLYZ ~oneshots~

By Carat_Linus

6.3K 347 154

Oneshots I made for Banglyz~ Ideas that I really want to write but I don't know where so I put it here instea... More

Hi~ Soulmate |KeiMin|
Finally |RapSoul|
Vote for Lovelyz! ❤️
Banglyz Moment and I'm sorry
BTS searches Lovelyz |BangLyz|
Yet Again |TaeJeong| *requested*
One More Time |KeiMin| *requested*
Suki Kirai |JeongIn|
Idol!AU Drabbles
First Spring Day |TaeJeong|
Pfft, what's a soulmate? |SugAe|
4 times BangLyz thought MiHope was a thing and 1 time they actually were

Not enough (Not an update)

300 17 35
By Carat_Linus

(I'm going to say this first to start nicely and happy because I'm going to get bitter and salty throughout, ok not really just dramatic, but please forgive me and do understand ☺️)
First of all, to start everything, I want to congratulate and celebrate because of Seventeen and BTS!!! All the awards they've won and worked hard for. All the recognition that they received, it's all worth it and they seriously deserve. Their hard work has paid off and I'm sure they will continue to do so in the future. I am so proud and happy 😭🎉💕💕💕❤️ ......but..................
(It starts here: Warning!!! If you can handle it then continue ☺️)
I truly can't feel too happy and I hate myself for that, like I truly hate myself and I'm disgusted. This boys finally getting awards and what they want....but I can't be happy wholeheartedly....I'm sorry 🙏🏻 and the reason is....:Lovelyz. No, I'm not blaming Lovelyz. Let's start simple, Lovelyz is the first Kpop group I have ever stanned and it's what got me into Kpop. I never thought I would Stan them so hard that I am now a dedicated fan, I seriously love them with all my entire being. I'm happy with what they have achieved so far...ok let's be real, I'm not. They are so under appreciated, yes people know of them, but they don't really know them. Get what I mean? They're perfect and talented. Nothing is wrong with them, but why the title? Because the person who is not me. Specifically, I think I haven't done enough yet for Lovelyz. On the AAA voting. I actually voted, but only two times....See that. What was with me? I wanted them to attend so much, I could've promoted them, I could've encourage people to vote too. Because honestly, I felt really jealous of Twice, BTS and Seventeen, heck even NCT was there. I thought that, if only I have voted more and promoted them more, maybe there would be a chance that they would attend, I mean nothing is impossible right? And now I regret everything that I didn't do. I actually felt jealous of BTS and even Seventeen when they got awards. I seriously wanted to slap myself (I did) I thought, when would be the time where Lovelyz would be the one on the stage, jumping up and down or crying tears of joy because all that they worked hard for has paid off. Or when would the time come where I would be crying nonstop, posting their wins over and over again and just being proud and happy in general. I know people often say, the right time will come. Am I impatient? I don't know, I just felt a strange sense of jealousy when other groups win and I hate myself for that.  This post is not for pity. I just want to tell people about how I feel, I hope you would understand and forgive me. Please don't take this the wrong way.
Another thing that I'm trying to say through this, is that we lovelinus, should work harder in voting, streaming, promoting and whatever ways we can to help Lovelyz. Our girls deserve something bigger. Sometimes I imagine, everytime Lovelyz come home from a music show or something, they feel disappointed for not gaining anything. I don't want them to feel like that. We expect something from them and they expect something from us too. So please, let's work harder to see our girl get their first and receive their awards. Let's work harder for them. Please think about it.

And that's where emo authornim stops! Sorry. I'm so sorry for being dramatic, please don't hate me 😣😔 I feel like this is the only thing I could do for now. Btw, side note, I'm and international fan, is there anyway I could help in voting online or streaming. Can someone give me ideas on how to help Lovelyz, (I'm so sorry 🙏🏻)
But yeah, that's all!! Bye bye~

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