The Miner's Girl

By Angelnico1e

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Parker Schnabel. Nicole Forrest. What happens when you move back to where you came from after seven years? Wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Our Cabin Photos
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106

Chapter 63

182 4 0
By Angelnico1e

(((April 23, 2016)))
Nicole's POV

It's been three weeks since we came up here to the Yukon for Parker to start mining. I've been super busy. Cooking at least three times a day, more if the men want snacks or desserts. Washing clothes, keeping the building clean, our trailer clean, and being the on-site nurse when someone gets hurt. Despite always having something to do and never having a minute of rest until after the last dish has been washed and I lay down in the bed with Parker, I love being here.

But, unfortunately, on April 8, we got some bad news from home. Grandma Erma died. Parker took it hard, and so did I. He was working when I called him over to me to tell him, and after I had told him with tears streaming down my face, he didn't work anymore that day. He and I drove around for a while before I had to cook dinner, just to air out and talk about it. We went home for a couple days, and we came back up here a few days ago. I'm not going to lie; it was tough on all of us, especially since Grandpa just died. We're going to Grandma's funeral on May 15. Parker and I guessed that since Grandpa and Grandma had been together forever it seemed like, Grandma just couldn't live without Grandpa.

I wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day, along with Parker. I cook breakfast, and everyone eats. Then I wash dishes and find something to do-usually cleaning related- until it's time for me to do lunch. I'm really lucky if there's enough leftovers from the night before to feed them. After lunch, I wash clothes. Bree washes her and Tyson's clothes before lunch. I wash my clothes, Parker's clothes, and Rick's clothes. I wash Rick's clothes because he asked me if I would. After the clothes are sorted and put into the washing machine, I have a few minutes to sit down. Sit down and do the books and make calls that Parker is too busy to make. The clothes are put into the dryer when they're through washing, and another load is put in. Then it's back to being the secretary. At least I have Bree to talk to, whenever Parker doesn't tell her to drive a rock truck. The clothes are folded and put up, and I clean up our trailer a little. By that time, it's usually time to make dinner.

On a side note, the camera crew has made a bet on who can get me and Parker kissing on camera. The winner gets a bottle of whiskey. Well, Parker has made sure that none of them gets us on camera. It's really funny somethings. Once, we were sitting on the back of his tailgate eating lunch, and Ed comes along with his little camera. He said, "Come on, just one little kiss." Parker answered by doing a weird face which showed the food in his mouth. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I help with the cleanups, along with Parker. I love it when Parker comes in where I'm at and says with a big grin on his face, "Come help me with the cleanup." So far, we've only had one clean up. We got 126 ounces! Parker said that it was pretty good for a first cleanup. Parker's face when he finds out he did good on the gold count for the week is priceless. It's hard not to love everything about mining, for me personally, especially when I'm with my favorite miner.

Today was our one of our days off, Saturday. Well, it's the guy's day off. I, on the other hand, still had to cook and clean. I didn't have to get up early today, however, because everyone slept in. I decided that we would grill out today for lunch. Parker wanted prime rib, and I decided what to cook with it. Of course, with ten men, there's going to be a few beers. They deserve it, though.

Parker's been talking about how he wishes Tony would lower the royalty. He talked to him about it, but it didn't work out so much. Tony wants Parker to make him more money by mining more, but Parker is not going one ounce over three thousand he said. I don't blame him; I support him fully, but if only Tony would lower the royalty so Parker could work the way he wants to.


"Nicole!" Parker yelled from his truck.

I walked over to him from where I was grilling the ribs. He was sitting in his truck, obviously about to drive somewhere.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm going to Tony's to give him his cut, and I'm going to try to talk to him about the royalty, again." Parker sighed.

"When you gonna be back?"

"Uh..." He said as he closed one eye and looked at me as he was thinking. "About four hours or so."

"Parker." I groaned. "Can I go?"

"You gotta cook, don't you?"

"Ugh." I scoffed. "Fine, go."

Parker smirked at me as he used his hand to pull me closer to him. He gave me a kiss and said, "I'll be back before you know it."

"Bye, babe." I said as I backed away from the truck when he cranked it up. "Good luck with Tony."

"Bye, love you."

"Love you too." I smiled as he started driving.

I walked back over to the grill and tended to the food. Not long after, Rick and Chris pulled up chairs beside mine and started talking to me. It was good having people to talk to.


"Rick, I didn't know you had a brother!" I laughed as we were sitting outside by a fire.

"Twin brother." Rick smirked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh my gosh, there's two of you. What are we gonna do?" I smiled.

Rick chuckled.

Just then, I heard a truck pulling up and I turned around to see two bright headlights. The red truck pulled up beside us about twenty feet away, and a smiling Parker stepped out.

"Hey, baby!" I yelled as I got up to go hug him.

"Hey, babe." Parker smiled as he hugged me.

"I missed you while you was gone." I said while I still had my face in his shirt.

Parker smiled. "I missed you too."

"How'd it go with Tony?" I asked him as he put his arm over my shoulder when we started walking.

"Pretty good. Wasn't what I wanted, but it kinda worked out." Parker answered.

"What'd you get?"

"I'll tell you later, okay?" Parker mumbled as we were coming up to where everyone was. "I'm not telling everyone else right now."

"Okay." I said. "Are you hungry, baby?"

"Yeah." Parker said as he sat down in the chair beside Rick.

"I'll make your plate." I said as I started going to the kitchen.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Parker smiled at me.

I smiled while I glanced back behind me and saw Parker and Rick talking.


"So what happened at Tony's today?" I asked him when we were both alone in the trailer before we went to sleep.

"I gave him the royalty, and we talked a little bit. Then I brought up the royalty rates again." Parker began.

"Did he lower them?" I asked as I was changing into his tee shirt.

"Nope." Parker said.

"Well, what happened?"

"He told me that if I ran a second operation, the royalty rates would be separate from this operation. Like, the rates would start back at 15% for the Indian River claim."

" have to run two operations, but the royalty rates will be separate. So you can mine up to 6,000 ounces, and the rates won't go over 20%."

"Right." Parker nodded. "But I don't think I'll be able to mine that much. I'm thinking more like 4,000."

"That's a good number." I said as I climbed in the bed beside him.

"Yeah, I think I'll put Rick in charge of the second claim."

"I think that's a good idea. He's the right person for the job." I agreed.

"Yeah." Parker said.

"Parker, I think I'm getting fat." I said as I looked down at my stomach under the shirt.

Parker smirked and shook his head. "Nah, babe. You're not fat."

He turned on his side, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. I was facing him, and I started running my hand over his face and in his hair.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" Parker asked me.

"Um.." I smiled. "I cooked, and talked to Rick and Chris, and Bree and Hailey talked to me for a little while. I washed dishes, and I took a shower. I ate, and then I was sitting by the fire talking to Rick when you pulled up."

Parker smiled at me and looked into my eyes for a few minutes.

"Why you staring at me?" I smiled.

"Just wondering how I got so lucky with you. I don't know what I did to deserve a girl like you." Parker smiled.

"I don't know what I did to deserve a man like you." I smiled. "I guess we both were lucky enough to find each other. Five months together."

"I'm never going to be with any other girl but you. You're the only one I want."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart." Parker smirked. "When the season ends, we're going to start looking at pieces of land and start planning that house you want."

"Really?" I said excitedly.

"Yup." Parker smiled. "I've looked at the books you've done, and I think we'll have a right good bunch of money to put towards the house, and maybe something extra."

"What extra?" I smiled.

"Nothing." Parker smirked. "You gonna help me with the cleanup tomorrow?"

"I sure will, baby. I love helping you."

"Yeah, you're mine." Parker smiled as he pulled me to him.

"Only yours, baby. Forever and always." I smiled.

I was looking up at Parker, and he pressed his lips against mine in a kiss. I laughed as a thought came in my mind, causing Parker to pull away from the kiss.

"What?" Parker asked.

"I just thought of something." I laughed.

"What?" He smirked.

"It's kinda like your my boss here at the mine." I laughed. "So it's like I'm kissing my boss."

Parker smirked and winked at me as he said, "Well, you're my favorite worker."

I scoffed and laughed. "I better be. All the crap I do for you."

Parker chuckled. "You're right. You need some relaxation time. With me."

I smirked. "What did you have in mind, Mr. Schnabel?"

Parker then moved to where he was on top of me, hovering over me. I giggled as he did so and wrapped my arms around him.

"I think you know what I have in mind." Parker smirked. "Just let the boss do his work."

I giggled again. "Yes, sir, Mr. Schnabel. As long as you promise to take care of me."

"Oh, believe me, I will." Parker said huskily as he started trailing kisses over me.

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