Kidnapped Love

By sofianarrieta

126K 2.9K 712

He pushed me back so my back was now pressed against the wall and we were only a few inches a part. "You are... More

Ice skating is fun when you aren't being kidnapped
Tell me you forgive me
A single persons get away
Gun point
Feelings? Or naw?
A rose, a teddy bear, and a necklace
Almost the 3 words
I will get you back
F hall
I dare you
We were staying in Paris
New room
Marry me?
Makeout seccions
Permission granted or not?
Group hugs
House shopping
Fist fights
I really like you
Family hug
Authors Note
It's up!

It was only just a dream

4K 106 8
By sofianarrieta

Carson's POV

"Come on Ellie! Let's go!" I said knocking on the bathroom door. I could hear her chuckling and fiddling with things in the bathroom.

"Hang on, I'm almost done!" She said in return.

Today was the day! It was the day that I was going to ask her to be mine. I had on a light blue plaid dress shirt, dark navy blue jeans, a light brown belt, a navy blue bow tie, and some white vans. My shirt was tucked into my jeans, giving me the sophisticated look. I was extremely nervous, I was afraid that she might reject me. I heard the door finally click open before an amazing jaw dropping girl walked out. She had on a short dress that was black on the top and a pink flowy bottom, some silver heels, and her hair was down. She had very light make up on, but she didn't need it; she was beautiful just the way she was.

"You look beautiful." I said taking her hand and intertwining our fingers together. She blushed before she replied with, "Thank you. You look pretty good yourself. But can you tell me where we are going?"

I chuckled before replying with, "No can do princess."

She sighed in defeat while I pulled her down the stairs and to the house's back door. We walked out in a comfortable silence, still hand in hand. The sun was about to set so it would be the perfect timing. We arrived to the stone pathway that I had set up with flowers scattered on them with candles on each side. I could see that Ellie was now smiling and I could feel her grip tighten on mine. We walked down the stone path till the stone faded out and became pure sand. The path led to the beach in other words where we could perfectly see the sunset.
"I thought you said we didn't live near any one. There are a couple of houses over there." Ellie said pointing to the houses that were a couple miles off the beach.
"This beach belongs to us. No one has ever heard of this beach so we now own it. And those houses are ours as well." I replied back.

"Wow you own a lot of property." She replied with a chuckle.
I lead her down further to the beach before we stopped and let our feet slightly touch the water. The sun was now setting and I thought 'it's now or never'.

"Ellie, you've been with me for a couple of weeks now and I've grown huge feelings for you. You mean a lot to me, and I promise that I will always be by your side through thick and thin. Will you make me the happiest man, and be my girlfriend?" I asked, hoping that she will say yes.

Ellie broke out into a huge grin and quickly nodded her head. I smiled as well before starting to lean in closer to her face. She leaned in as well till our foreheads connected. I looked into her mesmerizing eyes that I could look at all day, and I placed my hand under hers holding her face and bring it up so our lips connected. I gave her the sweetest passionate kiss that anyone would give someone they love and- wait what? Did I just say that? Do I really love her? I mean I would give up anything for her, I would risk my life and give myself up if I had to. But did I love her? How can someone love another in a matter of weeks? Can that even happen? I'll just give us sometime and see what happens. While our lips were connected it seemed as if time stopped, and everything was frozen.

I pulled away not wanting to go to far, and rested my forehead on hers. I trailed my hands down her arms till they reached her hands, and intertwined our fingers together.

I leaned in closer towards her ear and whispered, "How about we go on our first date?" I asked, because I wanted to go somewhere with my lovely girlfriend, but make her happy at the same time.
"First, can I go home and change?" She asked giving me a smile. I opened my mouth to respond but instead dropped it, realizing what she just said. She called my place home.
"Do you mean that?" I asked hoping that she'll say yes.
"What do you mean? That I want to go home." She asked saying it again. She looked at me confused and stared at me.
"You called my place home. Is my home your home now?" I asked gripping her hands more firmly.
"I mean well um, I don't know. I-I mean if that's ok with you." She said looking down, finding the sand interesting. I chuckled at her uneasiness and brought her face back up so we looked into each other's eyes.
"It's perfect Ellie. The house is now OUR home." I said before pecking her lips.
She smiled and nudged me indicating for us to start walking.
I hope that this date will turn out perfectly.

I turned my body so I was laying on my side and was about to snuggle Ellie when I felt nothing.
I shot out of bed getting worried when I realized that I forgot that she walked out.
I quickly ran outside and into the woods, remembering that she ran this way. I saw the tree house that I had built and wondered if she may be in there. I walked up the ramp and walked in the door, I walked towards the stairs, knowing that she would probably be in my bed if she was here.
I opened the door and found Ellie sleeping safe and sound. I shut the door and walked back towards the stairs. I walked towards the kitchen and decided to make some eggs, pancakes, and hash browns for Ellie.

I never meant to hurt her, I was just getting very frustrated. I was going to ask her, but I decided not to. And then she wanted to leave, um no. I can't let her go, not after all the things we've done with each other. I wanted to take her out on a date and soon.
I placed a glass vase filled with tulips in the center of the table and placed a plate of eggs on the side of that. I placed the pancakes on the other side, and the hash browns next to that. I placed the orange juice on the side of the eggs. I realized that I forgot to bring her some clothes and her 'necessary' items. I ran back out into the woods and went back to the house opening the door. I grabbed a light blue loose top that was long sleeved, black and white tribal leggings, and some white boots, the bags that had food, period stuff, and ran back out towards the woods. I walked into the tree house and walked back up towards my room. I opened the door, trying to be quiet and thankfully succeeded. I was about to place the bags down when I heard Ellie start to scream. I looked back at Ellie to find her crying and her breathing ragged. I was beginning to worry about her, when she screamed again.
"Please stop, don't hurt me. Please! Don't take me, don't make me leave him! I love him! All he's ever done for me is treat me like a queen, and I realized that I loved him to late." She yelled still crying. I ran over to her and tried to shake her awake not wanting her to suffer anymore.
"Ellie, baby please wake up! Ellie, Ellie wake up now!" I yelled shaking her.
She shot open her eyes, still crying and breathing fast. I looked into her eyes and noticed fear and worry in her eyes. She looked at me shocked, before I laid down next to her, and brought her head down on my chest. She silently cried there, holding my arm, as if she would get blown away if she let go.
"Please don't leave me." I heard her whisper to me.
"Baby, I'm never leaving you or letting you go again." I said, caressing her face.

As her crying and sobbing died down, she looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. I looked into her eyes, not wanting to look away, before saying, "I brought you some clothes and made you some food."

She sat up, and wiped away the remaining tears, and asked, "Can we go eat?"

"Yes of course, let me carry you." I said standing up. I grabbed her bridal style, and began the journey down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

I sat her down on one of the chairs, and she immediately began to eat. I watched her as she ate really fast, not caring to impress me or anything; and that was one of the many things I liked about her. She didn't care who was watching her, she did what she wanted.

I also began to eat, grabbing a pancake, eggs, and some orange juice. Right when I began to stuff some food in my mouth, I heard Ellie's fork cling to the table. I looked up and noticed her plate of food was now gone and that she was laying back holding her stomach.

"What, don't judge! I didn't have any lunch or dinner last night so you can't blame me." She said, raising her hands in the air.

"Never said I was princess." I said smirking, then continuing to eat.

"Yea whatever, I'm going upstairs to change." She said scooting her chair back so she could get up. She walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs where she closed the door.

I was about to stuff some more food into my mouth when my phone began to ring. I groaned, but pulled out my phone and looked at the caller ID seeing that it was my dad.
"Hello son, I need you to bring Ellie to the warehouse right now." He said, with no emotion.
You see, my dad can be caring at times, but other times he's a cold hearted emotionless person. He reminds me of Damon from The Vampire Diaries. When he's with Elena, he's awesome, but when stuff got real, he would kill anyone in his way.
"Fine, she's getting dressed now." I said stuffing some food in my mouth.
"Ok just hurry up." He said with no goodbye and hung up. I turned off my phone and finished up my food, putting both of our plates in the sink and in the dishwasher. Right when I finished, Ellie walked in, wearing the outfit I brought for her and holding a bag of chips in her hands.
"Ellie we have to go see my dad now." I said, drying my hands and walking over to her.
"Fine, but I want to to talk about what happened yesterday." She said sighing and sitting down on the sofa.
I sat down next to her and replied with, "Look, I'm sorry for everything I've done to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was getting stressed, and I didn't want to ask you the question because it was embarrassing. Please try to understand." I said before taking her hand in mine.
She nodded and looked up to meet my eyes, "I understand, and I wasn't actually going to run away, I was just going to get away for a bit." She said before looking back down.
"Now that we are ok, we should go talk to Mr.Devil himself." Ellie nodded and we began our little walk to the house.
I hope my dad doesn't do anything stupid, because like I promised Ellie, I will protect her.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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