Savage 》Once Upon A Time

By lovethebreeze

124K 3.8K 1.5K

I love being a pirate. I'm not going to lie. I love the life, the sea, the adventure. What I love the most is... More

The Thing You Love Most
Snow Falls
The Price Of Gold
That Still Small Voice
The Shepherd
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Desperate Souls
7:15 A.M.
Skin Deep
What Happened To Frederick
Heart of Darkness
The Stable Boy
An Apple Red As Blood
A Land Without Magic
Lady of the Lake Part 1
Lady of the Lake Part 2
The Doctor
Into the Deep
Queen of Hearts
The Cricket Game
The Outsider
In the Name of the Brother
The Queen is Dead
The Miller's Daughter
Welcome to Storybrooke
Selfless, Brave, and True
The Evil Queen


7.8K 185 157
By lovethebreeze

Fairytale World

I was looking up at the night sky lost in thought.  All the crewmen were either drunk down on the deck or passed out.

"What are you doing up?"  A voice said behind me.  I turned my head to see Papa next to me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Couldn't sleep.  Been thinking."

"You miss him, don't you?" 

I shook my head, "No."

"Cassie?"  Papa raised his eyebrow.

I let out a breath, "Well, what can I say?  I miss that bloody demon, even after everything he's done?"

Papa wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "You made the right choice leaving.  I actually thought I might have to force you back."

I chuckled, "Wouldn't do much good."  Then I shook my head.  "Doesn't matter anyway.  He would always choose his bloody power over everything else."

Papa was silent for a while, "Talks like this is suppose to be for your mother.  She would know what to do."  He gave my arm one last squeeze before removing it.  "Even though I don't condemn this, let's get your mind off that demon."


"Jax, anything?"  Regina asked.

I shook my head as I panted, "No, I haven't seen him since the drop off this morning.  I checked Granny's, my dad's shop, the playground.  Nothing."

Henry, who's basically my brother, didn't return home.  The school called Regina - the mayor - and told her he didn't go to school today.  But, that's impossible.  I dropped Henry at the bus stop myself and saw him get on. 

Regina called my phone and asked if he was with me.  I told her no and she began worrying.  We searched all over Storybrooke and couldn't find one trace of him.

She called Graham - her cop with benefits - to help.  Long story short, I caught him doing the walk of shame when I was going home and promised not to say anything.  Anywho, Graham drove everywhere and couldn't find him.

Regina is pacing around her living room while I checked my phone.  My dad hasn't seen Henry.

"How could a ten year old boy just leave without anyone noticing?"  She asked.

I got up from the couch, "I'll go check the playground again."

"Great idea, we can spread our search from there.  Ask a few people around again."  Graham said.

Regina ran her hand through her hair, "If they haven't seen my son then, what makes you think they have now?"

"Regina, we're going to find him."  I reassured her.

"Fine."  She went to open the door and I heard a sob escape from her.  "Henry?"  She ran out with Graham and I following her.  "Oh, Henry."  She immediately hugged him.  "Are you ok?  Where have you been?"  She looks at the blonde woman.  "What happened?"

"I found my real mom."  Henry cries before running inside the house

Regina looks at the woman with big eyes, "Y - you're Henry's birth mother?"

The woman stood there awkwardly, "Hi..."

"I'll just go...check on the lad.  Make sure he's alright."  Graham said.

I didn't want to be in the middle of this conversation, "I'll go with you."  We made our way inside and I finished my train of thought.  "So, we don't have to stand in the middle of World War 7."

Graham chuckled, "There has to be a 3 before a 7."

"I know.  But, this fight is going to be so bloody big that it's going to bypass 3 - 6."

We made it to Henry's door.  Graham was about to knock, but I rolled my eyes and entered.  I heard Graham sigh before following me in.

I immediately pulled Henry in a hug, "You gave us quite the fright there, Munchkin."

"Sorry, Jax."  He mumbled in my shirt.

"Do you know how worried sick your mom was?"  Graham asked as he placed his hands on his hips.

"She's not my mother.  She's the Evil Queen!"  Henry exclaimed.

I smiled, "Just because she acts like it, doesn't mean she is."  I crossed my legs as I placed my chin on my hands.  "So, what's her name?"

This caused Henry to smile, "Emma."

"Well, Emma should stay in Storybrooke to see how awesome her son is."

Henry glanced at Graham before leaning over and whispered, "That's the plan.  She's going to break the Curse."

The Curse.  Henry still believes that everyone in this town is some fairytale character.  Yeah, Mary Margaret is suppose to be Snow White, Regina is suppose to be the Evil Queen, my dad is Rumplestiltskin, and I'm suppose to be Cassandra Jones...the pirate.

I gave him a smile as I kissed his forehead, "We'll talk about this tomorrow.  You must be exhausted after the trip."

Right on cue, Henry yawned.  Graham hauled me up by my arms, "Night, Henry."

"Night, Sheriff.  Jax, you still walking me to school?"  Henry asked.

I nodded, "Always.  I'll see you tomorrow."

I closed Henry's door and started heading downstairs.  I let out a silent sigh of relief when I spotted Emma still breathing.  Regina can be terrifying when she wants to.  Meaning all the time.

"Madam Mayor, you can relax.  Other than being a tired little boy, Henry's fine."  Graham said.

"Thank you, Sheriff.  And Jax, can you watch Henry tomorrow?"  Regina asked.

"Sure."  I said.

Graham and I made our way out.  He went to his police cruiser while I went the other way.  "What do you think you're doing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I pointed behind me, "Heading home."

Graham shook his head before opening the passenger side of the door, "Get in."

I smirked as I crossed my arms, "Wouldn't this be considered as kidnapping?" 

He chuckled, "No.  This is considered as me taking you home, so your father won't kill me."

I chuckled as I made my way over.  I slid my seat belt on, "Come on, Graham.  Like my dad is capable of killing someone."

"That's something I don't want to find out."  He joked.

"If my dad somehow manages to chase you down -"  I grabbed his bicep.  "- I think you could handle yourself.  Being you and all."  As a joke, I send a wink his way.


Fairytale World

"Papa, what are we doing here?"  I asked as we made our way inside the tavern.

"My daughter is heartbroken.  Don't really fancy the lad, but you need to get your mind off him."  He said as we made our way to the bar.

"And you think me drinking rum will solve it?"  I asked ridiculously.

"The rums not for you, it's more of a kick start."  He held up two fingers and the wench gave him a flirty smile before setting two rums in front.

"A kick start for what?"

He chugged his drink before drinking mine, "Just be ready."  I gave him a confused look.  He slammed the cup on the bar before tapping the lad next to us.  "You, my friend, look like you could use a good ol' wash.  Since you have the stench that would kill most women, and I prefer to have mine alive."

"What did you say?"  The older man sneered.  He rose from his seat to reveal him being a bit bigger than Papa.

Papa just smirked, "My apologies.  You probably didn't hear me, seeing there's nothing in that bloody head of yours."

"You better watch it."

"Or you'll do what?  Bore me with your stupidity."

The man clenched his fist before taking a swing.  Papa manages to duck in time for the blow to hit me.  My head snapped back to the side. 

I glared at the man before spitting the blood on the floor, "That tears it."

I grabbed the cup and smashed it across the guy's head.  He went down and his men behind him got up.

"You're going to pay for that."  One sneered.

The men ran at me and Papa.  I kicked the guy in front of me.  I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck and began choking me.  I brought my head forward before throwing it back.  When the man let's go, I grabbed the bar stool and swung it on his head.  I kicked the man on the chin before sending one last kick to knock him out.

I turned to see Papa punching the other guy to the ground.  Then some barmen grabbed me and Papa by the back of our shirts.

"I want you two out!"  The owner yelled.

Papa smiled, "Gladly."


Graham pulled in front of Dad's shop, "Here we are.  Stay out of trouble."

I gave him an offended look, "Sheriff, I am appalled."  He raised his eyebrow at me.  I rolled my eyes with a smile before giving him his wallet back.  "Starting now."

He grabbed his wallet, "Still don't know how you do it."

I unbuckled myself, "Years and years of practice."  I got out and went to the driver's side.  I leaned on the window.  "Which reminds me...."  I took his phone from my back pocket before handing it back.  "Regina called."

He checked his pockets before snatching it back.  "Do you steal from anyone else?"  He asked rhetorically.

"No, just you."  I smiled.

"Good to know."  He said sarcastically.

I chuckled before holding a fist out.  Graham smiled before he bumped his fist with mine, then bumped them on top and bottom before we snapped our fingers.

"See you tomorrow."  I said.

He smiled, "Tomorrow."

He waved before driving off.  I chuckled before going inside Dad's shop.  People think he's one of the most scariest man in Storybrooke, but I don't see it.

Dad held a little necklace in the air. It had a coin.  The coin, itself, contained an image of a lightning bolt.

"Something tells me, you found Henry."  Dad stated, not taking his eyes off the necklace.

I shrugged my jacket off, "Yeah.  Turns out the little Munchkin found his mom and brought her over here."

"Henry found his birth mother.  What's her name?"  Dad asked in interest.


Dad looked intrigue, "Emma."

I gave him a confused look as I walked over, "Yeah, I haven't spoken to her, but she seems lovely."

"Indeed, she does."  Dad looked like he was lost in thought.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Ok - um - night, then."

"Night, Little Raven."

I gave him another confused look before heading to my room.  When I closed the door, I made my way towards my bed.  I got down to my knees, pulled the long briefcase out from under and opened it.

I don't know how I got this, but this sword has been with me since forever.  When I lay my eyes on it, I was mesmerized.

Not just the sword.  I don't know when I got it or who I got it from, but I have this ring with a green stone in the middle.  I always assumed that my dad got me it when I was young, but I can't remember the exact moment he got it.

But, I loved those two things instantly.  I don't know if it makes me weird, but I do.

Like, I love being near the water and pirate themed things.  My dad doesn't approve because pirates are 'barbaric.'  I didn't let him know about the sword because he might take it away.

I may love my dad, but we're complete opposites.  While I love the clear waters and the thought of having an adventure,  he's more of a business man.  Always willing to make deals.

I mean, I know he's not my real dad.  He told me I was adopted a few years ago.  My real father was nothing but a drunken idiot, who beated me, tortured me for five years.  He said that he treated more as a thing than a person, so he saved me.  He saved me and treats me like I'm one of his own.

And for that I'm grateful.


I was going to walk Henry to school today.  Key word...was.

The moment I entered his front door he practically dragged me away.  He wanted Emma to find us.  Well, him.

He didn't want me to call Regina when we reached the Castle.  It was either call her or have Henry run away again. 

If you want to know what the Castle is, it's this wooden castle-shaped slide at a playground.  I would always take Henry here after school.  This was like our little sanctuary.

My phone started ringing again and I glanced at it to see Regina's name on the screen.  "You're mom's starting to worry, Munchkin."  I said.

"Don't answer, she's just going to make you send me home."  Henry pleaded.

"She wants to make sure you're safe."

"No, she wants to control me.  Please, don't answer her, Jax."

He gave me the eyes.  I gave out a fake mumble, "If it wasn't for the puppy dog look."

Henry beamed at me, "You're the best.  And as soon as Emma breaks the curse, we're going to find your dad."

I sighed, "Henry...I already have a dad."

"Mr. Gold's not your real dad.  Your father is Captain Hook.  He's been looking for you since you guys got separated.  Mr. Gold is really Rumplestiltskin - who wanted to take you away, so you could work for him."

"Because I'm a ruthless pirate?"  I asked with my eyebrow raised.




"What are you two arguing about?"  Emma's voiced behind us.  She held Henry's storybook in her hands as she sat down next to him.  "You left this in my car."  We began looking at the clock tower.  "Still hasn't moved, huh?"

Henry shook his head, "I was hoping that when I brought you back, things would change here.  That the final battle would begin."

"I'm not fighting any battles, kid."

"Yes, you are.  Because it's your destiny.  You're going to bring back the happy endings."

Emma snapped, "Can you cut it with the book crap."

"You don't have to be hostile.  I know you like me – I can tell.  You're just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.  It's okay.  I know why you gave me away.  You wanted to give me my best chance."

"How do you know that?"

I wrapped my arm around Henry and let out a sigh, "Because he's smart like that...for a ten year old."

He smiled at me before looking back at Emma, "Because it's the same reason Snow White gave you away."

"Listen to me, kid.  I'm not in any book.  I'm a real person.  And I'm no saviour.  You were right about one thing, though."  Emma let out a shaky breath.  "I wanted you to have your best chance.  But it's not with me."  Emma got down from the Castle. "Come on, let's go."  

Henry and I got up and followed her. "Please don't take me back there.  Just stay with me for one week.  That's all I ask.  One week, and you'll see I'm not crazy."  He pleaded.

"I have to get you back to your mom."  Emma glanced back at me.  "Like you should've."

"I was going to take him back.  Regina would have my head if anything happens to him, literally."  I defended myself.

"You don't know what it's like with her.  My life sucks!"  Henry added.

"Oh, you want to know what sucking is?  Being left abandoned on the side of a freeway.  My parents didn't even bother to drop me off at a hospital."  Emma's voice started to break.  "I ended up in the foster system and I had a family until I was three, but then they had their own so then they sent me back."

"That sounds a lot better than the childhood I had."  I mumbled sadly.

Emma gave me a sad look before placing her hands on Henry's shoulders, "Look, your mom is trying her best.  I know it's hard and I know sometimes you think she doesn't love you, but at least she wants you."

"Your parents didn't leave you on the side of a freeway.  That's just where you came through."  Henry said, like if she's suppose to know this already.


"The wardrobe.  When you went through the wardrobe you appeared in the street.  Your parents were trying to save you from the curse."

"Sure they were.  Come on, guys."


Fairytale World

Not caring if any of the crewmen woke up, Papa and I were laughing when we aboard the ship.

"You better watch it."  I mocked the drunken man.  "What a bloody idiot."

"I think the best part is when you grabbed that bar stool and smashed it on the lad's head.  He will definitely feel that one in the morning."  Papa smiled.  I smiled back as I hugged him.  "What's that for?"

I sighed as I pulled back, "You were right.  I really need this."

Papa held his finger up, "But tonight doesn't mean I give you permission to start bar fights."

"Hey, you started it.  The lad didn't even hit you!"

He chuckled, "Maybe you should have ducked."

"I should have."  I was silent for a moment before my smile went away.  "But, I still miss the demon."

Papa kissed my forhead, "Don't worry, love.  You'll forget about him one day."

"Like you forgot about Mama."  I asked with my eyebrow raised.

He sighed, "You know I will always love your mother.  The difference is, Cassie, is that your still young.  You have a life time to find someone.  But, until then..."

I rolled my eyes as I finished the sentence, "Five silvers are better than one."

Papa smiled, "Well, for me it is.  Actual silver is better for you."

I laughed, "Yes, Papa.  I get the silvers and you get your wenches."


I stayed in the car while Emma dropped Henry off.  I send Regina a message saying Emma's bringing him home, she wasn't happy about it.  I got a very worded message from her - the one that is basically dictionary length.  So, I decided to stay in the car.

Emma came inside and let out a sigh.  I jumped in the front seat, "How unpleasant was it?"

"She hates me."

I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Hey, don't worry.  She hates almost everyone here."

"Thanks."  Emma said sarcastically.  She began driving away.  "So, where am I taking you?"

"Make a turn on the first corner.  Head straight for four more corners before making a right.  You'll see Dad's pawn shop."  Emma nodded before following my directions.  "You should stay."  Emma didn't say anything.  "Henry would really be happy if you stay.  In fact, I think this is the happiest I've ever seen him."

"Does Regina really treat him that bad?"

I shook my head, "She doesn't.  She's...overprotective, you can say.  She loves him, yet she's treating him like a prisoner."

"You don't believe his stories are true?"

"Not at all.  But, I haven't seen himself loving something with so much passion, excitment.  I think that book's the second best thing that happened to him."

"What's the first?"

I raised my eyebrow at her as she pulled up next to the shop, "Do you really want me to answer that?"

She sighed, "I guess not."

I smiled at her before getting out.  I leaned against her window, "Thanks for the ride, Emma."

"Thanks for watching Henry..."  She trailed off.

"Oh, right, sorry."  I stuck my hand through the window.  "Jacqueline Gold.  But, everyone calls me Jax."

She shook it, "Why Jax?"

"I hated my old nickname."

"What was it?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Jackie.  So, will I see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know, yet."

"Ok.  Incase you change your mind, Granny's Inn is a few blocks up the corner.  Just make a left and follow the signs."


I smiled as she drove off.  Yep, she's staying.


I kept looking at my ring.   I mean the gem isn't even my birthstone, so why green?  How did I even get this? 

I felt a gust of wind blowing and looked up to see a shadow floating in front of me.  It was dark and its eyes were shining.  It was looking right at me.  Wait, what?

I closed my eyes tight and when I opened them again, it was gone.  Maybe I was imagining it.  I mean, shadows can't fly in real life.

I looked at the clock tower.  8:15 as it always is.  I got up and went towards my window and just stared.  Today was definitely interesting, definitely weird.  It got even more interesting when the clock moved.



A/N: Yay, first chapter up!!

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