Because Of You

By iclaimeditforhell

9.9K 262 38

For Detective Kevin Ryan there's always been a clear line between the good and the bad; The cops and the crim... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

536 16 10
By iclaimeditforhell

It's been just over a week since that awful sequence of events that forced an unsuspecting Detective Ryan right into the middle of an all out mob war. Captain Beckett had forced her detective to take some time off to recuperate. Ryan was really in no place to argue considering he took a bullet to the shoulder. Plus, he was an emotional wreck by the end of that dreadful day.

The car journey home from the warehouse was the tipping point for all of them. Just like last time, Beckett sat at the wheel with her husband in shotgun and their two children, Ryan and Esposito, in the back. They'd all noticed how awful their friend looked after he'd spoken with his father. None of them wanted to imagine what sort of conversation happened in the back of that squad car, but they were all willing to guess that it was bad. Esposito sat directly behind Beckett in the car and Ryan did the same with Castle. None of them had really said much. Inside, the car was silent when Beckett started up the engine. Espo had glanced over to Ryan, eyes wandering over every part of his partner. The Irishman looked exhausted. All of them hadn't had much time to rest, but he honestly looked like crap and who could blame him? Anyone else would too if they'd been through what he'd been through.

As the car pulled out of the industrial district, the Hispanic detective reached his hand across to his tearful partner. Initially, Kevin had jumped at the sudden contact, which just shattered Esposito's heart. Not a word was spoken, but a conversation went on in the two men's eyes. Javier's warm brown orbs stared lovingly at him and gave him a sense of much needed security. Esposito lifted his arms out towards Ryan, begging for him to embrace him. Almost instantly his partner complied, taking off his seatbelt and sliding over to him. Before Ryan knew what was happening, Esposito had gently eased his head down on to his lap, so he was now lying down on the backseat, with his partner's legs for a pillow. The former soldier delicately ran his fingers through Kevin's hair as the blue eyed man allowed silent tears to fall. Using his free hand, Esposito stroked his thumb against his arm in an attempt to soothe him.

The married couple witnessed this heartwarming yet similarly heartbreaking sight from the front seat. They all knew Ryan was strong or at least really good at hiding when he's hurt, but at the end of the day, he's still a human being and someone can only take so much in such a short amount of time. It looked like Kevin had reached his limit that day - which is why Beckett looks so confused now...

Glancing out of the window of her office in the 12th precinct, she sees Ryan walking down the hall with the usual spring in his step. As he stepped out of the elevator, his fellow cops started applauding, which was what caught her attention in the first place. With an exasperated sigh, she puts the pen she was writing with down on her desk and makes her way out of her corner office.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?" the captain lightly scolds with her arms folded across her chest "As nice as it is to see you back on your feet, I told you not to come back until the doctor gave you the all clear"

Other detectives in the room discretely try to listen in on their conversation.

"Do I look like I came here to work, Becks?" he questions, gesturing to his clothes with a sarcastic smile.

Admittedly, Beckett had observed that he's not wearing his usual three piece suit. However, her mind was too pre-occupied with why he's here in the first place rather than his causal outfit. As she looks him up and down, she comes to the conclusion he's definitely not here to work. Brown shoes, dark denim jeans and a white unbuttoned shirt. This is about as casual as Kevin Ryan gets!

"Then, why are you here?" Kate questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Hey Javi!" he calls out just as Espo walks out of the interview room across the bullpen.

Beckett turns to her detective just as he spot his partner. She watches his face light up and the grin of pure delight on his face. Now she understands! Esposito hurries across the bullpen towards his partner. The two of them have wide smiles plastered across their faces and a joyful glint in their eyes. Others on the floor also pick up on this odd behaviour. The detectives have always been close, but it's obvious to anyone who knows them that something has changed.

However, Beckett is the only one in the precinct who knows about their previous kiss. So, when Esposito places his hands on Ryan's waist, it's no shock to her. Kevin wraps his one good arm around his lover's neck as their lips lock together. Detectives look up from their case files to stare with wide eyed amazement at this unfamiliar sight. The couple pull apart and continue to smile brightly at each other. They rest their foreheads together. Esposito notices the awkward silence and looks around to see all his colleagues looking at them in complete and utter shock.

"What are you all looking at? You never seen two guys kissing before?" the former soldier calls out defensively, but the overall tone is very lighthearted.

Many start to laugh and smile at Esposito's reddening cheeks. One bright spark amongst the cops starts clapping as a joke and others soon join in. Ryan looks at his embarrassed boyfriend before kissing him delicately on the cheek, which only earns him more applause.

"Alright that's enough, everyone, back to work" Beckett finally orders to save her friends from further embarrassment.

"Thanks Beckett" Javier mumbles as he stands before her with his hand clasping his boyfriend's. The pair look so comfortable with each other. It's definitely been a long time coming for the both of them.

"So, is it official? Are you two together?" Kate asks expectantly, biting her lip.

"Yeah I guess you could say that" Kevin answers squeezing Esposito's hand.

"Well congratulations!" she smiles as she pulls them in for a hug "My boys finally got together"

The trio pull out of their hug. Beckett continues to look at them like a proud mother.

"My shifts finally over and I promised Kev I'd take him out for dinner" Espo announces, grabbing his brown leather jacket off the back of his chair.

"Yeah, he's also paying" Ryan adds winking at his partner.

Beckett laughs as Espo playfull scowls at him "You two have fun"

Ryan and Esposito walk down the corridor towards the elevator hand in hand. They know they're lucky that they work with such great people. Unfortunately, not everyone will be so accepting. Even in the NYPD there are people who will be against them, but they don't care. All they care about right now is just being with each other.

"So, today I was looking online for some new boxers" Kevin whispers to his boyfriend.

"Oh really. You gonna show me?" Esposito questions with a small smirk.

"If you're lucky" Kevin presses the button for the elevator "Javi, if you had to pick between red or blue, which one would you chose?"

Espo chuckles as he stares into his partner's deep blue eyes "Blue, it's my favourite colour"

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