Molly's World

By glogangright

6.3M 189K 186K

Molly is a young teen with anger problems because of her past. Growing up in a bad ass neighborhood and with... More

My Name Is Molly
Rah Was Short For Rashawn
Game 20
I Really Don't Like Yo Ass
Good Friends
Dam Shorty. You're high
That Was My Brother
Molly Give Me A Reason Why I Shouldn't Kill You Right Now
Ahh Fuck
Best Friends With Anger Problems
How You Feel
Is That A Deal
Are You Ready For Tonight
You A Virgin
The Boy With The Cold
Anthony They Called Him Ant
Is It Noticeable
Sweetie What Are You Doing
I Did It For Us Baby
Molly Brazy
Ahh Shit Molly
Dana Relax It's Just A Graze
Everybody Ain't What They Seem
How Stupid Could You Be
There You Go Again Ruining Shit
I Love You Molly
I Mean It's Only Fair
I'll Consider
Goodbye Molly
Let Me Love You
Poor Rah
My Name Is Zay By The Way
I'm Pregnant
I Trust You
Molly What's My Name
6 Months
Detective Von
Dirty Cop
Teen Drug Lord Case
I Can't Do This By Myself
Kenny V
Ride Or Die
I Promise
My Name Is Jada
Happy Birthday
Travis Day
Just One More Month
I'm Free
It's Good To Have You Back Molly
Your Sperm Your Problems
Cookies Are Ready
Just Head
In Love And Lonely
Old Molly
Will Do Molly
Goodbye Sean
Down Chick
We're Flying
Papa D
I Can Handle Her
Jordan Knight
Drill Partner
I Cant Swim
Leave Me Alone
Are You Okay
Baby Steps
She Needs Help
Alisha & Alicia
Yes...Yes I Did

You Mad Bro

68.1K 2K 2.7K
By glogangright

Gunz POV.

Today Dana and I were gonna go shopping to pick up some stuff for the babies. I was also planning on tell her how I feel after. We went in every single baby store in the mall and just bought a whole bunch of pink shit. Dana told me she was hungry so we went in one of the cafes and bought something to eat. We started some small talk and that's when I decided to tell her how I feel.

"Dana there's some stuff I gotta get off my chest." I said.

She looked at me. "What is it Gunz?" She asked.

Dam something about her eyes gets me nervous.

"I fucked this girl and ever since I fucked her I've been falling in love with her. I thought it was nothing so I fucked this other girl and the feelings went away but now I might be the father to her kid and the feelings are coming back. Her boyfriend is one of my closest friends and I don't wanna feel this way but I can't control it." I said.

"Oh Gunz." She said. She grabbed my hand and held it in hers.

"This is all my fault. This all wouldn't of happened if I had never gotten drunk and just held my liquor. Then I had the nerve to kiss you not knowing you had feelings for me. I'm so sorry about this." She said.

I nodded my head. "Rah told me that I needed to tell you in order to feel better and I do feel better but I still feel bad." I said.

"I'm glad you told me because I know that secret was eating you alive. An trust me I won't tell Quan so you don't have to worry. I know you are gonna be a great father to this kid and you're gonna be right by my side." Dana said.

She kissed me on the cheek and got up throwing away her trash and leaving the place. I followed behind and her and drove her to her house.

"Don't worry about it Gunz. It'll go away just give it some time." She said.

She left the car and I drove away heading over to Rah's house. When I pulled up I saw him and Aaron on the couch playing video games.

"Wassup bros." I said.

"How the fuck did you get in my house?" Rah asked.


"When Molly got arrested she left her keys at the bar so I took them." I said.

"We'll give them to me I don't want you pulling up to my house thinking you run shit." He said.

I tossed him the keys and sat down on the couch with them. "I told her bro." I said.

He paused the game and looked at me. "What she said?" He asked.

"She pretty much took blame for me falling in love with her. She told me it's okay to feel the way I do and that she won't tell Quan about it." I said.

"Well that's not so bad right?" Aaron asked.

"I guess but it still doesn't cover the fact that I'm in love with her." I replied.

"Maybe after she gives birth the feeling would go away." Rah said.

Tired of this maybe shit.

I just shrugged my shoulder. "Hopefully." I replied. "But yo what's the deal with tonight. Y'all just tryna chill, eat pizza, and play video games?" I asked.

They both nodded they head. "We could do that after we do this school shopping shit for Aaron." Rah said.

"Oh yea I forgot you got school coming up. Alright come on we out." I said.

Molly's POV

Jail food is disgusting. This morning they gave me some cold ass eggs with a piece of bread and some orange juice.


I was sitting in my cell talking to Jada when the security guard came and handed me a calendar and my pain medication.

My head was still killing me and I just wanted to sleep but Jada was telling me to stay awake because it'll be good for me.

Whatever that means.

I took the calendar and noticed that school would be starting next week. I'm a miss my first day of college because I'm locked up in jail.

How that sound?

I could always hop right in to school when I get out but I am gonna be behind so it'll be tough.

Just drop out and be a housewife with Rah.

Nah I just gotta keep pushing. Like I've been doing my whole life.

I hope Aaron told Rah that he has to go school shopping and don't wait till the last minute. I wish I could talk to them.

Wait you can just call.

"Jada how do I make a phone call?" I asked.

"Just tell the security guard you wanna make a call." She said.

I walked over to my cell door and called the security guard. "I wanna make a phone call." I said.

She unlocked the door and walked me over the phone booth. "One call only." She said.

I dialed Rah's phone number and waited for him to answer.

"Who's this?" He asked.

I chuckled. "That's how you answer your phone?" I asked.

"Molly?" He asked.

"Yea this is her." I replied.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see you they were like how you weren't allowed visitors cause you got in a altercation. What the fuck happened?" He asked.

"You know that big bitch you sent to beat me up. Well she's in here and she got mad at me cause she likes me and I turned her down." I said.

"What the fuck? What you want me to do?" He asked.

I chuckled at how protective he was. "There's nothing you need to do Rah you know I can handle myself." I said.

He sighed. "Please just be careful and do anything you gotta do to stay alive in there okay?" He asked.

I knew he meant KILL someone but that's what I have Jada for.

"I know that. By the way, did you go school shopping with Aaron yet?" I asked.

"That's what we doing right now. You wanna talk to him?" He asked.

"Yes please." I said.

I waited while he gave the phone to Aaron.
"Hey Molly." Aaron said.

"Wassup little bro how you doing?" I asked.

"I'm straight. Just doing this school shopping. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing good. Life in here ain't as bad as they make it seem. It's just the food in here is nasty as hell." I said.

He chuckled. "I miss you Molly." He said.

I sighed. "I miss you too Aaron. Tell everybody over there I said wassup and make sure Rah is good and isn't slowly going back to his old ways. We wouldn't want that." I said.

We definitely wouldn't want that.

"I'll try but remember I'm only 12. There's not a lot I could do." He replied.

"Just do what you can and make sure you doing your homework when school starts back or I'm kicking you off the basketball team." I said.

"Alright alright chill Molly. I'll talk to you later." He said.

He gave Rah back the phone and I started to talk to him. He said that he'll come see me as soon as possible so we could talk more. We talked until my 15 minutes were up and the call was over. I walked back over to my cell and started to hang out with Jada.

Rah's POV

I cashed out on little man. I made sure he was gonna have enough school supplies to last him a long time. It was fun going school shopping being that I ain't never did that shit before.

We had just reached back in the crib and was bringing the bags in.

"Yo I'm hungry." Gunz said.

"Facts so am I." Aaron said.

"Y'all want some pizza?" I asked.

"Yea. Buy like 3 boxes and some wings." Gunz said.

"Fat ass nigga always want something and never putting money up." I mumbled.

"What?" Gunz asked. "Nigga I got-"

He went in his pocket and threw some cash at me. "I got money nigga." He said.

This nigga lost his mind?

I ran over to kick his ass and this nigga started to laugh and run. Aaron got up and stopped me.

"Chill out Rah and go get us some pizza. And Gunz just because you got paid don't mean you a rich nigga, we know by next week you gonna be asking for money."  Aaron said.

"OOOOOO BURN NIGGA." I said laughing and dapping up Aaron.

Gunz just stood there mean mugging us while I left the house. I hopped in my car and drove to the nearest pizza shop.


After order the pizza and wing I walked back over to the car. I try to start up the car but it wouldn't start.

"You not deadass." I said.

All of sudden the window to my car broke and there was a rock with a note on it.

It's time.


I pulled out my gun and looked in the direction of where the rock had came from and saw Von run off it to the shadows. I hopped out the car and ran towards that nigga shooting at him. I followed him in to a building and eventually up to the roof.

"It's a dead end Von. Your time is up." I said.

He smiled at me. "You want revenge I want revenge. How about we fight it out like real niggas?" He asked.

"I don't think so." I said.

I pulled the trigger only to find out there were no bullets left.

Dam it.

"I don't think you have a choice." He said.

I threw my gun and squared him up. "Lets go then." I replied.

He ran up to me and threw a punch.


And another one.


I threw my punch.


Hit him right in his face. It felt like back in high school when I had to fight the niggas that use to mess with me and Travis.

Before I was taught to actually shoot a gun.

"Don't they teach you cops how to fight?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact they do." He said.

All of a sudden his fighting style changed. He was fighting with more power and giving me something to actually work with.

Now it definitely feels like when I use to fight the older niggas form down the block.

We continued to fight till I got him by the edge. He tripped me and held me my by the edge of roof.

"You killed my fucking baby brother bro. All for what? Some cash?" He asked.

I flipped him over making me be on top and having him at the edge.

"Your brother wanted to be gangster and live the trap life so he had what was coming for him. Maybe if you were a better big brother he would of still been alive today." I said.


He pushed me off him and got back up pulling out his gun. "You take that shit back. You don't understand what it's like-"

"Oh please I know you do your background research. I lost my brother to the streets just like you. But instead of being a little bitch about it I decided to man up." I said.

He ran towards me hitting me in the face with the gun making me fall to floor. I held my bloody nose and started chuckling.

"You mad bro?" I asked.

At this point I saw tears in his eyes. "How could you be so fucking evil. YOU TOOK HIS LIFE AND YOU DONT EVEN CARE." He yelled. "You've took countless of people's lives and ruined so many families. Do you honestly feel nothing?" He asked.

"I felt nothing when I watched my father kill my mother, I felt nothing when I ended up killing my father at a young age, I felt nothing when I found out my older brother Travis was shot and killed, just like how I felt nothing when I killed all them other people." I said.

He pointed his gun at me. "And now I'm a feel nothing when I kill yo ass." He said.

He pulled the trigger and I got ready for the pain I felt so many times.

Goodbye Molly
Goodbye Aaron
Goodbye Quan
Goodbye Dana
Goodbye Gunz
Hello Travis

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