The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter three

1.2K 88 86
By asdflkjhg5sos

50+ comments!!! some vamp!Reece now!!

other news: go buy Michael Bublé's new album, nobody but me on iTunes!! I cried at it :-)

Also, what is Luke doing? That's all I want to know. buT his lil tummy is so cute and I wanna kiss it and blow raspberries on it sjchsix


A week later, Luke sat in his history class, he'd done the introduction class but now he actually had to do work. His teacher, Bradley Smith, was standing at the front of the class, talking about their year and what they were going to be doing, and what their coursework would be able.

"The year is set up as fifty percent coursework and fifty percent exam, your coursework will be a series of essays throughout the year. Your first one is going to be about local history whether in your own hometown or this town."

Luke perked up slightly at his words, he could investigate the murders that had happened in 1972. He knew from Ashton there was still some unknown facts from the time it happened, so maybe he could find out what happened properly, revealing all of the facts.

Luke took out his folder as the teacher started to go around and ask everyone what their subject would be. Luke would be last out of his semi small class of sixteen people, as he sat by the window at the back like he did in Art.

It took twenty minutes for the teacher got to Luke, he pulled a chair up to his table and smiled. "Hello, Luke."

Luke smiled small, "hi."

"What did you decide on?"

"I decided that I'm going to talk about the murders that happened in '72," Luke said skeptically.

Bradley hissed, "that's a sore subject."

Luke shrugged, "it'll be interesting, though, I wanna do research and ask people what they think happened and other stuff. Maybe I'll dig up some things."

Bradley smiled, "well good luck, have fun with it. The first draft will be due in two weeks,"

"Okay, thank you," Luke said, his teacher giving him a grin before he got up and left Luke to it.

After History class had finished, he went back to his empty dorm. Ashton had class still and wouldn't finish for another half an hour so Luke took the opportunity to steal the single desk in the dorm and set up his laptop.

Luke clicked on to google before typing, 'Etheridge murders 1972' which lead to a list of old news articles. Luke clicked on the first one, the headline saying: "FORTY YEARS SINCE MURDERS" from 2012.

Luke rested his head on his palm as he read the article.

"Forty years later and we still mourn the death of the twelve teenagers, and the ten others injured. Events of the night and the names of the victims are sealed out of respect for the families. Most of the victims of that night have moved from Etheridge to escape the tragic events, bar one person who witnessed the murder of her boyfriend first hand.

Stephanie Turner spoke to us about the night, she told us: "that night was a tragic one that is forever seared into my brain. I won't be able to get it out of my head and it's been forty years. The people who died weren't friends, and I'll never be able to forgive or forget, though the man who did it is dead, I'll never be over it."

A memorial for the victims had a parade and ceremony yesterday in the town centre. We forever keep the families and victims in our hearts"

Luke's eyes lingered on the photograph of Stephanie Turner, who was now sixty-five. Luke found an article from the year it happened where Stephanie had talked about the attack. "He just entered the party and went insane, he was Isi his bare hands and he tore apart their necks. I don't understand what person can do that to another human being."

Luke snorted at what he read, "their necks?Sure it's not a vampire?" He sniggered before his phone buzzed on the desk. He picked it up, seeing a text from Ashton.

From: Ash (roomie)
Meet mE iN tHe gAmE rOom nOW LUKE

Luke rolled his eyes at the mess of Ashton's text.

To: Ash (roomie)
Stop texting like that and I will

From: Ash (roomie)
Okay sorry, just come quick, cal wants to introduce his friend to you!

To: Ash (roomie)
Be right there

Luke saved the tabs he had on his laptop before he grabbed his room key and left the dorm. He went down to the bottom floor, past a pair of giggling girls who sat on the stairs and got to the game room at the end of the hall.

He pushed open the door, "Luke!"

Luke smiled at his roommate and Calum, who he'd grown quite close to over the past week at the university. "Hey."

"Luke this is Q," Calum said, pointing to the short boy. His hair was a long fringe, wearing a black beanie to cover up the mess.

"Hey, Luke." Q smiled, "I've seen you around before."

"You have?" Luke asked, going over towards the vending machine in the empty game room, he got a drink from the machine before he slumped onto the sofa beside Ashton, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Mhm, I think I heard Reece Grean talking about you too."

Luke raised his brows, "he was? What was he saying?"

Q shrugged, "I think he just called you hot."

Luke snorted, opening up his drink. "Sure."

"He was!" Q said before his phone began to ring, he took it from his pocket and when he saw who it was, he stood and left the room.

Luke looked at Calum, "is he okay?"

"It's his girlfriend calling, her names Liv, she's crazy," Calum said, wrinkling his nose up.

"How so?" Luke asked, cocking his head to the side.

Calum laughed, "She lives in this big empty house by Blackwood Forest, she's into weird stuff and she barely leaves the house," Calum said.

Luke laughed, "that sounds like me, though, excluding where I live."

The two boys laughed, talking until Q came back in. He leant against the back of the sofa, "Liv wants to hang out, I'll see you guys later."

Calum patted his arm, "have fun sucking face."

"I will," Q grinned, before he left the gaming room, yelling a goodbye over his shoulder.

"They seem sweet and I've only met half of the new otp," Luke said with a smile, sweet as always.

"It's a bit weird how he just dropped everything to go see her isn't it?" Ashton said, making Luke shrug.

"Maybe he just loves her a lot, Ash." He told him, offering his drink out to the brunette. Ashton took the can, sipping at the drink.

Later in the night, Ashton and Calum were playing video games on the TV in the dorm, while Luke was on his phone, his headphones in as he watched make-up tutorials, "is fifty dollars too much to spend on highlighter?"

"Why do you want highlighter?" Ashton asked.

"My face to glow."

"if you want a highlighter, I've got one in my pencil case."

"not that kind dummy." Luke giggled before someone knocked on the dorm door.

Luke got up, opening the door to Q who had a happy smile on his face. Luke let him in, Calum glancing from the TV to see his friend. "Why are you so happy?" He asked.

Q shrugged, sitting on the edge of Luke's bed. Luke shut the door before he sat back on his bed, but then he noticed the bandage on Q's neck. "Q, what happened?" He asked, reaching his hand up to Q's neck, only for the boy to grab Luke's wrist tightly. He apologised, letting Luke's hand go.

"It's nothing." Q said and Luke stared at Q's hand, seeing another bandage on his wrist. "Liv just went heavy on the hickeys, I bled a little."

"Kinky," Ashton muttered.

Calum looked at Luke, "told you she's weird."

"Don't kink shame." Luke tutted, before he stood up, "I'm gonna go shower." He said, grabbing his toiletry bag, and his towel from the shelf, as well as his pyjamas.

The showers were empty when Luke got inside, so he put his stuff in the locker, leaving it unlocked before he went to a cubicle and turned on the shower. He waited for it to warm up before he began to strip off. He put the towel around his hips as he put his clothes in the locker before he went inside the cubicle, hooking the towel over the shower rail.

Luke let the water run down his body, grabbing his honey body wash from his bag and rubbing it into his skin. Luke sighed to himself, enjoying the smell of the soap before he washed it away and grabbed his shampoo.

Then the door slammed shut making Luke squeak, dropping the shampoo bottle, which landed on his toe making him cringe and cry out in pain. "Fuck," Luke muttered.

Luke picked up the bottle before he stuck his head out of the curtain, seeing the door was shut before he heard curtains rattle a few cubicles away from him. Someone must have come in, he thought making him close his curtain again.

Luke washed his hair, before turning off the shower and wrapping his towel around his waist.

Luke took his bag to the sink, taking his toothbrush and paste from the bag. He began to brush his teeth, looking at the fogged up mirror. He lifted his hand and wiped away the condensation only to see Reece standing a few feet behind him. Luke jumped, his toothbrush falling into the sink with toothpaste going everywhere.

He spat out the foam from his mouth before he wiped it with the back of his hand and he turned to Reece, "you scared the shit out of me, what the hell Reece!"

"Sorry." Reece chuckled, leaning against the wall casually, fully clothed while Luke was only in a towel.

Luke held the towel to his waist tighter, he was still shit scared because Reece had completely come out of nowhere.

Reece smiled, coming closer to Luke now, "sorry again, I didn't mean to scare you, love."

Luke gulped, looking up at him slightly. Reece was now chest to chest to Luke, his hand reaching up to the blond's chin.

Reece locked eyes with Luke, the blond staring back at him. "Luke."


Reece licked his lips, "kiss me."

Luke's eyebrows furrowed together, "no?"

Reece's face contorted in confusion, before he cupped Luke's face, the blond blushing profusely. "I don't know you that well, I'm not just--"

"What are you?" Reece muttered, looking angry now, "how are you doing this? What are you? Who the fuck got to you?"

"What?" Luke said, completely confused, and Reece was looking kinda insane right now. Luke pushed Reece's hands off of his face. "Reece, are you okay?"

Reece pressed Luke against the sinks roughly, he got closer, making sure Luke looked right at him. "What are you, Luke? Was it Calum? Who--"

"You sound fucking crazy, I don't know what you're saying, get off of me!" Luke yelled, his voice bouncing off the shower walls.

Reece took a step back and sighed, his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath. Reece opened his eyes again before he cupped Luke's cheeks again "sorry." He started, "forget everything I just said and did, you had your shower, then you got in those cute pyjamas and went to your dorm. You tell Ashton and Calum goodnight and you paint your nails a nice pink colour and you have a nightmare-less sleep, okay?"

Luke nodded, "okay."

Reece grinned, "great, I'll see you in Art tomorrow."

Then Luke blinked and Reece was gone. Luke furrowed his brows before he grabbed his bag and got changed--like nothing even happened.

Luke left the showers, going back to his dorm where he painted his nails a light pink shade, once they were dry he told his roommate and friend that he was going to sleep, saying goodnight before he had a nightmare-less sleep.


Yes that happened, if you're not sure what happened, Reece made him forget what he did, and Luke couldn't be mind controlled but he was made to forget what happened. :-) cool (kinda like the vampire diaries and the mind control shit)


Luke's essay on the murders? Finding the survivor?

Meeting Q? Him and Liv? His bandages?

The shower incident? Reece and Luke? Reece making him forget to kinda start over? Luke doing as he was told?

Predictions? Do you guys want to see some like /bad/ Reece? Luke hardcore vampire serial killing Reece? Because I want to do that but also make him super nice for Luke so Luke is comfortable with dating a vampire lmao send me any Luke requests on what to see in this because I have some plot but no clear ending because making Luke a vampire would be very cliche so

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