What Happens in Vienna {ManxM...

Oleh theprodigypenguin

136K 8.8K 1.6K

PREQUEL TO PUPPET Tobias Florian had no place in the society of the old world, his life truly began when the... Lebih Banyak

WHIV Song List By Chapter
CHAPTER 1 (Carter)
CHAPTER 2 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 3 (Carter)
CHAPTER 4 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 5 (Carter)
CHAPTER 6 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 7 (Carter)
CHAPTER 8 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 9 (Carter)
CHAPTER 10 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 11 (Carter)
CHAPTER 12 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 13 (Carter)
CHAPTER 14 (Tobias)
CHAPTER 15 (Carter)
CHAPTER 17 (Carter)

CHAPTER 16 (Tobias)

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Oleh theprodigypenguin

Carter's lips were as soft as I'd always thought, warm and delightful. Kissing him had opened doors I never thought existed. With his hands in my hair and my shirt, mine holding his face, neither of us had made any move to show we wanted to stop, and if I'm being honest I wanted to put him on the bed then and there to take him hard and fast, but Bryn interrupted before I could. Evidently a few of the younger soldiers were getting into a fight, god knows what about, but me showing up had stopped them successfully, letting me return to Carter's side where I wanted to be.

Unfortunately, by the time I got there, he'd fallen back asleep, so I just laid down with him and pulled the covers over his body. It gave me time to think, and to go over what Carter had told me about his group. They were this twisted organization of psychos bent on world destruction, not world domination, and Carter was stuck in the middle of it because of his loyalty to his brother. I hated it, the fact he was basically a prisoner, all I wanted to do was keep him safe, but as I thought more about it, I realized it may not be possible.

I didn't know enough about these crazy people to even attempt something drastic, like stealing one of their people. What made that worse was the fact Carter was their leader's younger brother. If he had been anyone else, just a foot soldier, it probably would have been easier, but he wasn't. Carter didn't want to go back, I didn't want to give him up, he could always just stay and see what happened, but the consequences of that could be destructive.

Thinking about it made my head reel, and with the newly embraced reality that I was ridiculously in love with this man made it even harder, so I just pushed it to the back of my mind and enjoyed his presence.

When he woke up later in the day I held him in my arms before kissing his lips and his face until he was conscious enough to react, cheeks red and gorgeous eyes wide in surprise, like he wasn't used to being kissed or hugged romantically. He didn't argue or try to pull away though, he stayed in the same position held against me, hands pressed to my chest and playing with the fabric of my shirt as he stared at what he was doing and let me scatter kisses all over his face.

"Don't you have work?" he asked me when I'd finally pulled away to look at him, and I smiled.

"A bit, but it's fine. I'd rather not leave you alone."

He shrugged, quickly averting his eyes, "I'll just come with you then. I can walk now if I use crutches, remember? Besides, I want to see all those books you talk about."

My heart was thundering in my chest at the idea of how his face would light up seeing my collection, and I quickly left the bed to grab the crutches Adalwolf had left leaning against the wall. Carter didn't use them much, mainly because I hated him putting stress on his body, but they had been adjusted for his height already, all he had to do was stand up so I could help him.

A big part of me wanted to just sweep him off his feet and carry him myself, but I held back, instead staying just in front of him so I could lead him from the infirmary and down the hall to where my study was located. Just like I'd been hoping, his face lit up in excitement the moment he walked into the room, holding both crutches in one hand and limping over to the wall located to the left when you walked into my study.

The entire wall had shelves built in and against it, filled with books, first edition and everything in between, all of them in pristine edition. Of course, I coveted knowledge far too much to let the novels wither away. I went to great lengths to keep them all safe.

"This is way more than I expected," Carter admitted breathlessly, leaning the crutches against the wall so he could run his hand over the spines of my books, "What do you even have here?"

"Just about everything you can think of. Some of them are printed in different translations, to keep my mind sharp and fluent. Forgetting the languages I spent years learning is not something I plan to ever do. You should see my room."

Carter looked over his shoulder to gape at me, "You're kidding. You have more?"

"Of course," I laughed, walking over to him, "I couldn't fit all of them in just one room. Wanna see?"

"Ie!" he said in excitement before his face paled and he covered his mouth with his hand, "I-I mean-."

"It's fine," I said, taking his hand and pulling it from his mouth, "I won't get angry at you for speaking in your own language, Carter. You can do what you want here, you should know that by now."

Carter watched me with wide eyes before nodding, "Diolch..."

"Besides," I added, "I really like your language. You wouldn't by any chance be willing to teach me?"

Carter's lips pulled into a smile and he shook his head, "Maybe someday."

He would have gone without his crutches if I hadn't stopped him and forced him to use them, walking across the room to the door on the right wall that lead into my bedroom. It was about as extravagant as my study, with a queen-sized bed and books everywhere. It wasn't exactly the cleanest room, as the books were overflowing from the shelves against the far wall and stacked on the ground, in chairs, and on top of desks.

My bed was made at least, probably Sasha's doing, and the curtains were drawn back to show a beautiful view of the perimeter of the city. It wasn't the largest room, I chose it because it was attached to the study, and the door was almost always locked and blocked by books, so really, there was only one way in or out if you didn't count the window.

Carter leaned his crutches against the wall again so he could limp over to the bookshelf, turning his head with a curious look on his face, "It smells like roses," he observed, and I sniffed at the air.

"Does it? That's probably Sasha, he's the one who tidies up in here."

"Tidies up? It's a mess," Carter teased, holding his arms out to motion at all the books on the ground.

My cheeks heated and I shrugged, smiling softly, "Well, there's no molding food or dirty clothing, so I call that clean."

Carter snorted and started towards me, stopping when he limped a little worse than before, his face twisting up as he leaned most of his weight to the left leg and looked around the room again, "I guess it's nice. A little smaller than what I have."

"Oh I am so sorry," I said, putting a hand over my heart, fully enjoying the smile he gave me for my sarcasm.

"Yea, I may even decide to go back just for the room."

"You don't mean that," I argued in amusement, walking closer to him, "You can't really leave anyway, remember?"

"Oh, and why's that?"

"You're my prisoner," I explained, pulling him closer and putting a hand under his chin while my other trailed down his arm to hold his hand, "What your master says, goes."

It looked like he was trying hard not to laugh in my face at how stupid and cheesy I sounded, and I was thankful that he decided to play along, because that had to be the worst pick-up line I have literally ever used.

"Oh?" he raised his free hand to hold the side of my face, "Then what does my master say?"

"That we're not leaving this room for the rest of the day," I decided before pulling him into a kiss.

He sank into my arms and parted his quivering lips in excitement, his hand curling against my face as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, mostly to hear the little whine I knew he would make when the muscle wrapped around his own tongue, stroking in an unhurried pace. I wanted to enjoy the kiss, and I wanted him to enjoy the kiss, my hands skimming down his sides to the hem of his shirt, which I started to tug up.

It was the first time ever with sex involved that I wanted to be the one to undress my partner. Every time before now I would wait for them to strip and lie down before I followed, avoiding as much contact as possible, but with Carter is was different. I wanted to touch him as much as I could, my hands stroking languidly up his bare back, bringing a gasp from him that I drank up as I kissed him harder.

He let me pull away from him, dazed, his eyes getting wider when I started pulling the shirt up his body. I could tell he was considering what he should do next before he lifted his arms and let me slip the shirt from his body, dropping it before pulling him back into another kiss, my hands searching his skin for sensitive areas I could torment him with.

His hands were shaking as the pulled at my shirt, but he seemed to be distracted by both my lips and my hands, because he kept fumbling at the buttons to get them undone. He was shaking so much I was worried he was hurting his leg, but it was probably just from excitement, so I didn't stop. When he whimpered in frustration I pulled back from the kiss and undid the buttons of my shirt myself, tossing it aside so I could be bare with him, leading him carefully towards my bed.

Our eyes were locked together as I placed my hand at the small of his back, the other holding his leg as I laid him down and climbed over him, kissing at his neck as I undid his jeans. His hands moved greedily over the expanse of my back, I felt the hitch in his breath as his nails bit into my skin and his head tipped back, my lips smiling against his neck as I trailed my kisses down to his chest.

Again, his breath hitched, this time with a sharp cry, his nails scratching at my skin as I played with his nipples, my hands finally getting his jeans open so I could feel between his legs, smiling at the hardness that met me. The noise he made when I touched him was intense, his arms wrapping around my neck and tugging me back up so he could kiss me clumsily.

I had to fight for him to release me so I could start pulling his jeans down, my eyes locking on the boxers he was wearing as the white bandages around his thigh were revealed and I pulled the pants down over his knees and finally off entirely so I could throw them carelessly to the side, my hands gliding up his legs from his ankles, careful of his bad leg as I reached his hips and pressed a kiss just above the band of his underwear.

I rolled the sensitive skin there carefully between my teeth to leave bruising love bites that I licked and kissed at before moving back up his body to see his flushed face and hooded eyes. He was still shaking, like everything I did to him sent incredible pleasure through him. Every reaction was different from the other partners I'd shared my bed with, and I had to wonder....

"Have you ever done anything like this before?" I asked, and he blinked to somehow gain back his senses.

"Done.... What?"

"Have you ever had sex before?"

His face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as his eyes got wide before flashing nervously to the side and he nibbled at his bottom lip, "I never even had my first kiss before you..."


"Do you really want to do this?" I asked uncertainly, and he gave me a startled look.

"If I didn't I wouldn't have come into your room, twpsyn."

I laughed a little at his confession before bowing down for another kiss, pressing my forehead to his so I could look into those beautiful eyes, "Ich liebe dich..."

Carter frowned, "What does that mean?"

"It means you're still wearing clothes."

Carter snorted, "You're one to talk."

"I should fix that, then," I hummed, pushing myself to sit back so I could undo my own jeans, slipping from the bed just long enough to kick my shoes off and drop my pants, then climbed back on top of Carter, who's eyes were again hooded, his hands shaking as they brushed down my ribs.

Our lips were together again, his hands were holding my shoulders, and his hips were humping air in anticipation as wonderful noises fell from him and into my mouth. I was careful as I removed his boxers, pulling away from the kiss so I could look down over him, his slender body and the erotic look on his face as he reached up for me.

My lips played with his neck as my hand wrapped around him, making him cry out and jump as I started to stroke in long, slow jerks that had him gasping and clinging to me, his face buried in my neck. The first lick was uncertain and careful, and I wasn't sure if it had actually happened, until it came again. Carter dragged his hot tongue from my shoulder to my neck, sending sensation straight down to my groin as I groaned in pleasure.

Noticing my reaction, he must have decided he liked it, because he started kissing my neck like a monster, biting the skin and licking while his hands held my shoulder and my neck, clawing the skin as my hand's movements became jerky and unfocused.

Carter was making a meal of my neck as I moaned into his ear, my hand leaving his length so I could drag my hand beneath him to his entrance, untouched before now, completely innocent and all for me.

"Mea," I grunted into his ear as my index massaged around the tight ring, his breath panting against my neck in anticipation, "Hoc est meum."

"Tobias," he breathed my name and gasped as I pushed past the tight ring and into his heat.

He gave a short yelp and arched his back, but I held him down so he wouldn't hurt his leg, easing deeper with careful thrusts and strokes along his walls, my lips pressing to his temple. He was gasping and jumping as I prepared him, quiet noises leaving his parted lips. After a few thrusts, I pulled out and sat up, reaching over his head towards the bedside dresser and revealing a clear bottle of body oil which was probably the source of the sweet rose scent.

Carter's eyes were unfocused as he watched me open the bottle and pour the slick substance into my hand, stroking his length a few times to get it lubed before returning to his entrance, watching his face carefully as I slipped in much easier than before.

"Tell me if I'm hurting you," I said, shifting my first finger as far as I could so I could pour a little more of the oil directly on his slick entrance before pressing a second digit against his rim, making him cringe as I stretched him.

Heavy pants left him as he reached above his head and took hold of the bars on the headboard, watching my face and shaking as I carefully prepared him, licking my lips and holding his thigh as I anticipated feeling this tightness around my cock. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd been with a virgin, so I was worried I would hurt him, until he moaned and his walls tightened around my fingers, pulling them deeper.

A smile pulled one corner of my lips as I reached deeper and stroked hard over that area I knew was there. His body tightened and he arched with a cry, eyes snapping open as he slumped back, panting and watching me in shock.


"Did that feel good?"

"What did you do?"

"I used magic."

Carter huffed in irritation and I chuckled, carefully pulling from him, enjoying the way his eyes rolled back before shutting on a low moan. My underwear was gone in an instant so I could oil up my cock, which was already dripping from watching Carter in the throes of pleasure. I didn't plan on admitting it out loud, but kissing my neck the way he had, really turned me on, and was probably why I was so hard already.

Before anything else, I took an extra pillow and made sure to prop his bad leg onto it, rubbing the bandages soothingly with my hand before moving to hold his hip instead, lifting his other leg up so I could slip closer and drag the swollen head of my hardness along the slick entrance, watching entranced at the way his body quivered in need, his eyes watching me expectantly.

With a quick smile at him I tried to think of something to say, a quip or something sarcastic to make him laugh, but in the presence of something like this, I was suddenly speechless, so instead of trying to strain words I just took a breath and turned my head down, holding tightly to his left thigh as I lined up my cockhead and pressed forward, lifting slightly onto my knees and grunting as his body took me in, his back arching and his eyes shutting as his jaw went slack and an unbridled moan fell from his lips.

"Ffyc," his head dug back into the pillow as he trembled furiously, and I wasn't doing much better with my self-control as I watched his body take me inch by inch, my cock disappearing into him with every careful forward movement.

He was tight around me, the heat was almost painful, the oil making it easier to ease into his tight, untouched channel until there was no more of my cock left outside and my thighs were pressing right against his. I stayed like that for a while, all the way inside of him, rotating my hips just enough to stretch him more as I leaned over him, taking both of his hands in mine and pressing them into the pillows above his head.

Our faces were inches apart, I could feel the heat of his breath against my face, and my right hand grasped at his good thigh as I spoke, my voice deep and gruff from holding back, "Try not to move your bad leg too much," I grunted, and he moaned, tightening around me.

"Os gwelwch yn dda....," he breathed, "Please."

I felt my cock twitching inside of his tight hole, panting as I started to pull out before thrusting abruptly back in, ramming good against his prostate and tearing a cry from his lips as his hands stretched, unable to move his arms with the way I was holding him down. He seemed to realize this, and enjoy it, because he moaned harder and started bucking his hips to meet each thrust inside.

Nothing had ever felt like this before, the intense pleasure I got not just from feeling his tightness around me, but from the look of obscene bliss that made Carter's face turn red, his lips bruised and trembling as he moaned against each deep thrust I gave him. I ground myself into him, grunting hard as I held his hands tight against the bed, my other hand squeezing his good thigh hard enough to leave bruises, but I couldn't stop.

I was too far gone to stop now, so deep in love with this young man and so desperate to give him everything I could, everything I was, anything he wanted, as long as he stayed with me, let me hold him, allowed me to stay close to him so I could protect him. That's all I wanted was him, his presence, his essence, his touch, his screams and his tears and his laughter. I wanted everything, and he was giving me everything, and I was losing my mind.

"I love you," I panted, and the way his eyes widened in surprise made me thrust even harder, my climax coming on me fast as I felt tears, of all things, fill my eyes, "I love you, I love you, I love you," my face dropped against Carter's shoulder and I lifted his leg higher, sinking so deep into him I was ramming hard against his sweet spot, making him gasp.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," I repeated, not stopping my frantic movements as he somehow slipped his hands away from me.

Maybe because I had let go to fist the sheets beneath the pillows at his head, but he was free to cup his hands around my face, bringing my head back up so he could look at me with a breathtaking smile that had my heart bursting.

"I love you too," he whispered, and my throat closed as I kissed him hard, my hand releasing his thigh so I could jerk him off, loving the squeal that he screamed into my mouth.

"Say it again," I urged when I leaned up, and he whimpered, nails biting into my shoulders as he twisted beneath me.

"I l-love you!"

"Again," I was choking, tears on my face, his hands fumbling to wipe them away as he pulled my head in closer, whispering into my ear.

"Rwy'n dy garu di."

Even though it was Welsh, I knew what it meant, and his body spasmed hard as I thrust once more into his prostate. He gave a satisfied cry as his body jerked and he came hard, and a groan tumbled from my lips as my pleasure exploded, filling him with the heat as my entire body went rigid.

I collapsed on top of him, barely able to hold myself up any longer, and panted hard, eyes closed as I kept my head on his shoulder. His hands slowly released my shoulders so he could hold my face instead, turning his head so our lips could brush together, his fingers cleaning the tears from my face.

When I opened my eyes, I found him staring at me with heavy concern in his gaze, so I smiled and held my breath as I removed myself from his body, then laid back over him, rubbing his now bruised thigh.

"You were crying," Carter said quietly, looking uncertain, "Why?"

I smiled at him, pushing his hair from his eyes, "It's obvious, isn't it?" he shook his head, so I just laughed softly and hid my face against his neck, "You love me back."

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