Shield's Devotion: Book One

By MoemoC

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Aurora Lane has a past that nobody wants to imagine could be true. As a preteen she unfortunately witnessed h... More

Chapter 1: Aurora
Chapter 2: Aiden
Chapter 3: Aurora
Chapter 4: Aiden
Chapter 5: Aurora
Chapter 6: Aurora
Chapter 7: Aiden
Chapter 8: Aurora
Chapter 9: Aiden
Chapter 10: Aiden
Chapter 11: Aurora
Chapter 12: Aurora
Chapter 14: Aurora
Chapter 15: Aiden
Chapter 16: Aurora
Chapter 17: Aiden
Chapter 18: Aurora

Chapter 13: Aiden

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By MoemoC

My date with Aurora went perfect, as planned. I had to pull some strings to pull everything off but it was so worth it. The look on her face when I showed her the zoo and then that same face when I told her we were riding an elephant confirmed the constant adoration I have for her. Aurora doesn't know it, but I hired a photographer to take pictures of last night, kind of like the cherry on the sundae type of thing.

I get dressed for the day as I recall last night, kind of in a daze if I'm being honest. I'm not really one to get all fucking sappy and romantic but maybe that's because I didn't really have any respect for other girls that I've been with. Aurora makes me want to impress her and I feel like it's harder to do that when she's grown up around money her whole life like I have. With the girls I go to school with, it's so easy to impress them. If you have money, you just have to introduce yourself to them and they're in love. She's not like that though, and I like it.

The way she reacted every time I touched her kind of turned me on. It was so easy to turn her on, though she probably wouldn't admit that, it's true. I could tell because every time I'd bite her lip or grab her by the waist, her body pressed into mine and it seemed like her eyes almost got a shade darker. I'm glad the attraction is mutual.

I send her a text telling her to meet me at the entrance of the school and continue my morning routine. Mom is waiting for me in the kitchen with a big grin on her face.

"What are you so smiley about?" I ask.

"You never told me the details about your date with Aurora last night, but judging by the happy expression on your face, I feel like it went better than one could hope," she hands me a cup of coffee, still smiling.

"It was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back," I admit.

"What did you plan? Tell me you didn't do dinner and a movie, Son," she scowls at me.

"No, she's worth more than dinner and a movie, Mom. I rented the zoo for the night and we rode an elephant. It was great," I smile, proud of my date creativity.

"You didn't! I'm jealous! Would you take me to the zoo one day?" She asks.

"Sure, Mom," I hug her.

"So do you like her? Really like her?"

"Yeah I do. Oh my God, Mom, she can sing. I put her at Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera level," I remember her voice last night and how surprised I was by the power behind it.

"You're joking," she puts her coffee on the table.

"Not one bit. She sang in the car last night and I had to turn the radio down just to make sure it was actually her. She doesn't really sing around people though. She said, besides me, Taylor and her dad are the only ones that know," I look down at my phone and see that it's time for me to leave. "Crap, Mom. I have to go before I'm late. Love you," I kiss her on the cheek and bolt out the door to my car.

I practically speed to school and park in the closest spot I can find. Walking to the entrance of the school, I pass Serena and, no surprise, she makes a stupid comment.

"Where's your new girlfriend?" She spits her venomous words at me.

"On her way," I reply smoothly and continue to walk past her, smiling at her pissed off expression.

I don't have to wait long for Aurora, she always seems to show up early. I watch her walk up the sidewalk and, as usual, I'm in awe of her. She can dress so simple and yet have the biggest impact on me. She smiles at me as she's reaching me and I can't help but match that smile.

"Morning," I greet her with a small kiss to her lips and open the door for her.

"Morning," she loops her arm through mine as we walk to class.

We get to our seats just as the bell rings but our teacher isn't here yet so everyone at the table chats for a while. Even though the conversation between everyone is flowing nicely, I keep finding myself distracted by Aurora. She's so outgoing, and beautiful, and so pure at heart that I just can't help but glance over at her every few seconds. I think she noticed because when I just looked at her again and she winked at me.

"I guess Mrs. Miller isn't showing up today. I hope she's okay," Aurora looks at her watch. "Class is almost over and she hasn't showed up yet," her eyebrows dip in concern.

"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she's sick," Nate offers up a scenario.

"Maybe," she shrugs.

The bell rings for us to go to our next class, one that I don't have with Aurora, and everyone exits the room.

"Hey, let me walk you to class," I play with a strand of her hair as walk.

"Actually, I'm going to see the principal. I'm going to see if he knows about Mrs. Miller. If he did, he would've seeked out a substitute teacher. I just have this sick feeling. I don't know how to explain it," she looks up at me, eyes bright.

"Oh okay. Well I'll see you at lunch then," I smile.

"Alright," she lets go of my hand and walks in the direction of the office.

Now I have lunch to look forward to. In the middle of class, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket so I check it out. It's a text from Aurora.

Aurora: Talked to principal. He had no idea she didn't show up and neither did the rest of the office staff.

Me: Shit. Did you find anything out?

I wait for her response but it takes a while. I don't know what she's feeling right now and it's kind of driving me crazy. I can't even focus on my history teacher because she's consuming my mind right now. Finally my phone buzzes again.

Aurora: They tried her cell a few times but no answer. So they called her emergency contact number. She was in an accident this morning, a truck t-boned her car. She's in surgery.

Me: Fuck. Are you okay?

Aurora: Yeah I'm fine. I just don't know how I knew that something was wrong. That's never happened before, except for with my mom. Something just didn't feel right.

Me: Can I do anything? I don't really know what to say.

Aurora: I'm fine, really. Kind of freaked out, if I'm being honest. But I'm ok. I might go see her after school.

Me: Just let me know, ok?

Aurora: Sure (:

Finally the lunch bell rings and I practically sprint to the cafeteria to meet up with Aurora. I see her walk through the entrance and I greet her with a hug, trying to comfort her. I guess it worked because I feel her squeeze her arms around me.

"You good?" I ask and pull away.

"Yeah, I'm good," she smiles and loops her arm through mine, walking to the table.

We get about halfway to the table when Serena blocks our path, holding a tray of food.

"Hey Aurora, I just wanted to tell you how cute your outfit is today. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it," she threatens.

As soon as she stops talking, she starts to dump her tray of food on Aurora, but somehow Aurora reacts faster than Serena can even finish. Serena is almost successful but Aurora grabs the tray and pushes it back onto Serena, spilling food all over her.

"Not today, bitch," Aurora mumbles and steps around Serena and finishes the walk to the table.

Serena's scream could probably be heard throughout the whole school. She looks at me like I just ruined her life, but I decide to step around her like Aurora did and sit at the table with her.

"Well that was cool," I wrap my arm around Aurora's shoulders.

"I don't understand why she's still trying to bully me. She's been unsuccessful each time. Now she just looks stupid," Aurora rolls her eyes and shrugs.

"Don't sweat it. You've got the whole team on your side. Plus everyone in the school knows she's a bully. She'll get what is coming to her," Chris assures her.

"Thanks," she smiles.

"Not eating today?" I ask her.

"I brought food, but I'm not really in the mood. You know," she sighs and reaches in her purse, pulling out a small bin of food. "So someone can have it if y'all want," she pushes the tupperware to the middle of the table and leans into my side.

The team talks about practice plans for the week and the game on Thursday evening. Aurora seems a little distant but I don't press her. I just have a feeling she wants to be left alone for a minute.

"Hey, I'm gonna go outside for a minute," she stands up, grabbing her phone and walks towards the doors to the outside cafeteria seating area.

"You're not going to go after her?" Carter motions to her as she walks out the doors.

"I'm going to give her a minute," I shrug and decide to go get something to eat.

While I'm standing in line, I look out the glass doors at Aurora to see her talking on the phone. She looks a little bummed. I wonder who she's talking to.

"What can I get you?" The lady at the counter snaps me out of my staring.

I order two slices of pizza and a bottle of water, pay, then head out to see if Aurora's okay. She's now sitting on top of one of the tables with her feet on the bench, looking at her phone.

"You okay?" I sit next to her, leaving some space between us so I don't smother her, no matter how much I want to.

She doesn't say anything for minute, like she's thinking.

"Yeah. I just needed to talk to Taylor. She was there when my mom died. I just wanted to tell her about the feeling I had about Mrs. Miller. It was really bothering me, but I'm good now," she assures me, reaching up to mess with my hair.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask.

"Well, you could give me a bite of that pizza," she smiles and points at one of the pizza slices I bought.

"Better yet, you can have this whole slice," I go to hand her one but she refuses to take it.

"No no, I only want a bite. A whole piece would go straight to my ass. Or anywhere actually. Can't have that," she says and takes a bite of the slice.

"Hey if it went straight to your ass, I think you'd be okay. I mean, I'd sure as hell be okay with it," I smirk.

She laughs and loosens up a bit, which makes me proud.

"Thanks," she giggles and leans her head on my shoulder.

"If you eat the whole slice I'll be thanking you. C'mon, you should eat. One slice isn't going to fuck up your figure. Besides, I'd think you're sexy either way," I offer her the slice again.

"Okay," she gives in and takes the slice.

"Thank you," I squeeze her knee lightly and continue to eat my own slice of pizza.

The bell for lunch to end rings, signaling us to go back to class. I stand behind Aurora and grab her by the waist, guiding her through the cafeteria and the hallways to get to class. When everyone gets to class, their eyes are on Aurora. What's going on?

"What?" I direct my question at one of the guys staring at her like she's up for grabs.

I instinctively touch her, I guess because I want to protect her.

"Nothing," the douchebag turns around in his seat but everyone else is still looking.

Our teacher catches everyone's attention and begins teaching the lesson, but nobody is paying attention, accept for Aurora. Even though everyone is staring at her, it's like she just doesn't give a shit. But I give a shit. I don't like this at all. I guess she can tell I'm on edge because she tears off a piece of her notebook paper and writes a note to me.

Serena. I told you she'd strike at some point. Just chill, it will all be okay.

I want to snatch her up and take her out of there but I know I can't. I just sit there with my hand on her knee, my mind running a million miles a minute with rumor possibilities that Serena could've spread about Aurora. When the bell rings, dismissing us to our last class, I grab Aurora's hand a pull her out of the room to avoid eyes. Little did I know the whole fucking school was looking at us.

"Aiden," she taps on my chest to get my attention.

"This is not cool," I say and look down at her.

"No it's not. But there is nothing we can do about it right now so let's just get this last class over with and go about our day," she pulls me by my hand to follow her but I don't go.

"Hold on. Carter is over there. Let's go see if he knows something," I pull her that way, not giving her a choice.

I hear her sigh, but she doesn't argue.

"Carter, please tell me you know something," I beg.

"Yeah I do, and it's not fucking good. It's really bad. Serena is a bitch," he starts to ramble but I need him to tell me the rumor.

"What did she say?" Aurora asks, her voice quiet.

"She pretty much said that you're sleeping with us. And by 'us' I mean the team as a whole. She also said we were having threesomes together. And the worst part is," he stops, scared to finish.

"C'mon man, don't stop now," I beg.

"She said that we're paying her for sex," Carter rubs his forehead in disbelief.

Aurora is quieter than I'd expect her to be but I don't push her.

"Are you fucking serious?" I put my arm around her protectively.

"Unfortunately, I am. But you should know that the whole team and our buddies have your back, one hundred percent, Aurora," he puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Apparently y'all have had every part of me. Not just my back," she looks up at the ceiling.

"Aurora," I start but she cuts me off with a sigh.

"Let's just get to class. We're going to be late," she runs her hands through her hair and walks away from both of us, heading to class.

"What a cunt," I flex my hands to keep from hitting something and follow Aurora to class.

Aurora stays quiet the whole class, but holds onto my hand so I know she'll be okay. She's stronger than any other girl I know and I should let her handle this by herself like she always has, but I can't. I want to protect her. She's been through enough for one fucking lifetime. She deserves a break.

Class goes by at the pace of a snail so when the final bell rings, it takes me two seconds to get the both of us out of there and into the hallway. I hold onto Aurora's hand and walk her out to her car.

"Hey, are you okay? I know I've asked you that a million times today, but I have to be sure," I brush some of her dark hair from her face.

"Yeah. I'm just going to stop by the hospital to check in on Mrs. Miller and then I'll go home for the night," she locks her hands behind my back, bringing my body close to hers, which is leaning against her Ferrari.

"Alright. I'll come by after practice if that's cool with you."

"Of course," she smiles.

"Maybe I can skip practice today-"

"No, you can't miss practice because you're the captain of the team. They need you. I'll be at home when you're done. I promise, " she stands on her toes and kisses my lips.

I kiss her back, taking her face into my hands to deepen it just a little. She pulls back, smiling, but I can tell she's ready to get away from the eyes watching us. I open her door for her, kiss her one last time and watch her drive away. I cannot believe the kind of shit Serena is pulling. It's petty and it's bullshit.

All of the anger I have built up in me, I put it into practice. I give it my all, and it seems like the rest of the guys are too, which is comforting in a way. When practice is over I take a quick shower and change before heading over to Aurora's. I knock on the front door and Mr. Lane answers.

"Hey Aiden," he shakes my hand and lets me in the house.

"How are you, Mr. Lane?" I ask.

"I'm doing great. I love working with your father."

"That's great. He's very fond of you as well. Um, I came to see Aurora. Is she here?"

"She's upstairs in her room. I actually have to meet up with a client now. I don't have to tell you the rules," he waves goodbye and closes the door behind him.

I walk up the huge staircase and down the hallway to Aurora's room. When I open the door, she's not in her room but I see another open door leading to a huge balcony. I find Aurora leaning over the balcony rail, wearing nothing but a tee shirt and some sexy blue lace panties. She's looking out at her massive backyard, her face turned from me so I take advantage and just stare at how fucking hot she is. Her legs are perfect and the color blue of her panties stands out against her tan skin. She's wearing a white tee shirt that hangs off of her shoulder, revealing that she's not wearing a bra. Fuck me, I want her so bad. She turns her head and sees me, a joint sticking out of her mouth.

"Not that I care, but are you smoking pot?"

"Yep. I'm smoking pot," she puts her joint out and sets it on a table.


"Well apparently I'm fucking everyone, which one could assume to be very tiring and stressful. That much sex can take a toll on a body," she giggles but only because she's high.

I can see she's upset about it but the weed is making her relaxed.

"Aurora, don't say that. It's just a rumor. Even you said it will be okay," I stand next to her at the balcony railing.

"That's so funny though," she starts laughing again and walks into her bedroom, shaking her head. "I'm fucking everyone. I bet that bitch's vagina is the size of your house," she flops onto her bed, belly up and her tee shirt rises up to her rib cage.

Fuck, I just want to be all over and inside her right now. I want to pleasure her in ways she's never felt before. I want her so bad, but I know I can't when she's in this state of mind. Not only that, but I think it's too soon for her. I already know that I'll treat her like a queen for as long as I'm able, so having sex with her would make me more attached than I already am. But she's a little different than I am and I feel like if we have sex too soon, she'll regret it.

"Oh stop. I'm sure nobody believes it anyway," I get down on my knees at the edge of her bed and play with her hair.

"You don't believe that. You saw how they were looking at me. I'm a fucking slut and I guess I just have to live with it," she gives a half ass giggle and turns her head to look at me.

"If it makes you feel better, myself and the team believe you. We all know you're not a slut."

"Thanks," she smiles up at me.

"Of course," I kiss her lips, intending to come right back up but she has other plans.

She sits up and deepens the kiss, her whole mood changing. Her hands find mine and she guides them all over her body, driving me fucking insane. When she brings my hands to rest on her ass, my instinct is to squeeze it and I'm about to lose it.

"Oh my God, what am I going to do with you?" I moan as she rubs her hands over my stomach.

"Whatever you want to. You can do whatever you want to me," she whispers in my ear and nibbles at my neck.

"Fuck, Aurora. What are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to get you to fuck me. I'm yours so fuck me," she pulls my shirt off and starts to kiss my chest, turning me on more than I already was.

I can't take it anymore, I have to have her. I pick her up and lay her back on the bed, covering her half-naked body with mine. She runs her fingers through my hair and starts to pull as I start to kiss up her bare legs, nibbling every now and then until I reach her inner thighs. When I start kissing her thighs, she starts squirming like her body is begging me to to take her there.

"Aiden,," she begs, the desire in her voice so clear.

There's a desire in my blood that I've never felt before and it's consuming me. As soon as I start to lift her shirt, my brain starts to kick back in and I stop just before I pull it over her breasts.

"Wait, Aurora. We can't, not yet. I want to so bad-" I start but she cuts me off with a kiss.

"Then do it. Don't make excuses," she starts to unbutton my jeans but I grab her hands and and pin them above her head.

"Aurora, look at me," I try to take control of the situation.

"What's wrong? Don't you want me?" She looks at me, disappointment and a hint of insecurity fills her expression.

"Aurora I want you so fucking bad. So bad it fucking hurts," I explain, trying to come down from this sexual longing for her.

"Then why are you stopping?"

"You're not ready. I know you think you're ready, but I don't think you are."

She lays there in silence, I guess thinking it over. I can tell she's extremely horny and still a little high. I wish I could push aside my hesitancy for a moment and take care of her, but I like her too much to give into my lustful desires right now.

"You're probably right. Marijuana really enhances all of my feelings. So when I'm turned on, I'm really turned on. God damn it, Aiden," she runs her fingers through my hair and bites her lip.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to regret it. I want you to be completely sober and completely ready. No matter how fucking bad I want you, I'm always going to try and do what I think is best. I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable, or unwanted. Please, just understand that."

"Thank you," she smiles at sits up to kiss me.

"Of course. Although I do love this position," I smirk.

I'm still on my knees between her legs and my stomach lingers over hers. My body is begging me to carry through with what we've started but my mind is telling me no.

"I love this position, too," she kisses me again, but not in a sexual way.

I decide it's probably best to get off of her just in case I decide to think with my dick instead of my brain.

"Thank you for being different," she lays on her side to look at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You stopped. You didn't think with your dick first. You were right, I'm not ready quite yet. Soon, but not today. Thank you for being so observant and understanding."

I don't say anything, I just lay next to her and hold her until it gets dark outside. At some point, Aurora fell asleep while I was playing with her hair. I'm simply admiring her in peace when I hear my phone buzz across the room. I slide out of her bed, covering her with the blanket to keep her warm and walk over to the shelf where my phone is buzzing. I look at the screen and see a text from Mom.

Mom: Need u home soon. Need fresh eyes for this case. Bring Aurora if you'd like(:

Me: Be home soon. Aurora is asleep so it'll just be me. Love you.

I pull my shirt over my head again and slide on my shoes as quietly as possible. I look at her for another minute, soaking in her beauty before I have to leave. I bend down and kiss Aurora's head, sending her a quick goodnight text, then I leave.

Me: Goodnight, Gorgeous. See you in the morning (: 

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