I Want It Bad - Narry

By Narry_Oh_Contrary

506K 16.2K 4.4K

Harry Styles was always labeled as the obedient, well-behaved child. Graduated Secondary School with straigh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Character Asks!
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Eleven

16.7K 565 100
By Narry_Oh_Contrary

Niall finishes the song with a soft, yet powerful riff; filling the room with a beautiful calmness that soon simmers into silence. They stare at each other, the typical kind of stare that has a sort of longing in it with mixed feelings and emotions. Before things start to get complicated and weird, Niall reaches out a bit towards Harry, who in which is already two steps ahead of him.

Niall grips Harry’s sides; thumbs brushing the soft fabric of the hoodie he’s wearing. His heart clenches harshly in his chest when he realizes it’s his hoodie, the dark navy one. The same one Harry always wore (and still wears) when he could get his hands on it. Harry lets out a little breathless giggle, brushing the hair away from his eyes as he sniffles a bit. “Yeah, s’your hoodie. You left it here, and I got cold. Hope you don’t mind,” he says in a ramble, voice soft and gentle. He looks down at it, fingers toying with the article of clothing.

Niall shakes his head, dismissing his concern. “S’fine. You know how much I love to see you in it, anyway.”

Harry gives a lopsided grin, nodding and mumbling a couple yeah’s before he’s pressing an open-mouth kiss to Niall’s neck. A gurgled moan comes from underneath Harry as he nips at Niall’s tattooed skin, the noise going straight to his groin.

God. Missed you so much,” Niall says, almost in a choked whimper. He swallows thickly, eyes dampening in a burning twinge, like he might begin to cry. “It’s not the same without you. Hurts too much.”

Harry pulls away slowly, tugging Niall towards his chest. Niall complies easily – almost too easily – by burrowing his face in the crook of Harry’s neck. He takes in a shuddery breath, the waft of a sweet vanilla scent invading his airway. He grins against Harry’s skin; the familiar smell making his mind go warm and fuzzy.

“Please, don’t ever leave like that again. I don’t care if it was only two days,” Harry whispers as he clutches to Niall, like he might float away.

“M’sorry. I won’t. Promise,” Niall mumbles, voice scarcely audible. The last word was hard to manage out, barely able to form on his tongue. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to keep it, and making false vows like this to Harry makes him absolutely sick.

He feels a pair of lips press to his own, interrupting his guilty thoughts. The kiss is frantic and needy. They hold each other close as their lips move together in haste. It’s been too long since they’ve kissed, both chasing after the warm touch and taste.  

“Slow down, baby. We have all night, ya know,” Niall chuckles, a dirty smirk playing on his lips. Its like the tearful reunion moments ago never happened, like things were back to normal without any retribution. Harry’s head drops down, the red color tinting his cheeks revealing his embarrassment. Niall can hear him whimper, hips jerkily bucking against Niall’s jean-clad thigh. He hums approvingly, watching Harry with hooded eyes as his fingers stroke his back encouragingly. He nudges his nose against the mop of brown curls that keep brushing against his chest; eyes fluttering shut as he leans back and lets Harry enjoy himself.

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiing.




“Goddamn it,” Niall curses, hands leaving Harry’s soft skin to grab at his phone. “What ‘dya fuckin’ want?” he snaps into it, voice gruff.

“Sounds like someone’s in the middle of a proper fuck,” Louis says on the other end of the line, his laugh loud and ringing in Niall’s ear.

“Yeah, well, it was gettin’ there,” Niall mutters. He sits up, running his fingers through his hair to try and fix it back to its original state. “You never answered my question,” he prompts after the lingering silence.

“Oh, yeah,” Louis says, shrugging noncommittally even though Niall couldn’t see. “Just wanted to know if you were done being a little bitch and went back to Harry yet. But since you’re in the process of make-up sex, the answer to that is quite clear.”

Niall’s jaw tightens and he hangs up without saying another word, slinging his phone somewhere to the floor carelessly. He focuses back to his main priority, hand sliding underneath Harry’s knee to hitch it up to his hip.

“Who was that?” Harry asks, yawning midsentence as he wraps his arms around Niall. Niall makes some sort of grunting noise in response, catching the corner of Harry’s mouth as he’s about to ask yet another question. 

“No more talking,” Niall says, though his words slur together in a low guttural noise. He cups Harry’s throat, careful not to choke him, and brings their lips together in a bruising kiss.

“But m’tired,” Harry whines softly afterwards, eyelids drooping partially shut. “And I still have an essay to write for my History class.” He pouts, curling up into a ball like a kitten in hope that Niall will let him sleep. And if he didn’t look so damn cute it wouldn’t of worked. But, of course, Niall just happens to be easily manipulated by Harry’s cuteness.

“Okay, okay. We’ll sleep. You owe me tomorrow, though.”

Harry gives a small smile, nodding and murmuring, “of course”. He shucks off his jeans to get more comfortable, cuddling into Niall’s side. Niall finds himself becoming drowsy, too. And as he goes to close his eyes, he catches a glimpse of a black mark on Harry’s inner thigh, and from what he can make out it looks like an N.

Sleep drags him underneath its dark blanket before he’s sure.



Niall wakes up, unfortunately finding himself alone in Harry’s bed. A note lies beside his head on the pillow that should be occupied by Harry.

College. Such a drag.

He reads it nonetheless; the words enclosed explaining how Harry went to see his Literature professor for some extra class credits – despite it being a Saturday – and that he should be back by noon-ish, or so. At the bottom of the torn-off paper, the words ‘be good and I’ll give you a treat! ;) x’ compelling him in more ways than one. He loves when Harry isn’t his innocent little self.

It gets boring sitting alone in the silence, so he brings out his guitar and plays around a bit; practicing some vocal techniques he looked up day’s prior. He’s ready, or so he’s been telling himself since he’s came up with the whole idea of recording himself singing and uploading it to YouTube. (It wasn’t so much that he didn’t think he was good enough, but more as the people online making fun of him and his amateur attributes. He’s never done the “posting videos online” thing, and he doesn’t really want to. But if this is what it takes to get him to the top then hell, he’ll do it.)

He uses Harry’s laptop – he wouldn’t mind, hopefully – and it takes about twenty times before he gets it right, a couple of those times due to the camera not being turned on.

He types in the URL in the address bar, then spends the next hour trying to figure out how to actually upload the video. (He isn’t very tech savvy, as you might have already noticed.)



“Um, Niall?”

Niall looks up momentarily from the current game of FIFA he was playing, fingers flying over the buttons on the controller. (Niall is quite the curious person; so stumbling upon the XBOX stashed away under Harry’s bed wasn’t such a difficult task.) He sees Harry standing in the doorway, one hand holding his phone and the other carrying a plastic bag filled with something sweet smelling. He’s still wearing Niall’s navy blue hoodie, looking as delicious as the smell of whatever it was in the bag he was holding.

“Hey babe,” Niall says distractedly, “it’s already noon, huh?”

“Actually, it’s 1:30. By the way, I saw that video you posted. Great cover of Teenage Dirtbag,” Harry says, smirk evident in his voice.  

Niall freezes, heart beating heavily in his chest. “How did ya find out ‘bout that?”

“Well, considering that you posted it on my YouTube account,” Harry points out, trailing off. “Good news is, you have like, a thousand views already!”

“Are you serious?!” Niall exclaims, jumping up from where he was sitting on the floor. Harry nods, taking his phone out and showing him that indeed there were a thousand views and counting.

“Oh, my God. This is insane! This is really happening!”

Harry watches quietly with a smile as Niall dances around the room, doing some sort of Irish jig. (That badass demeanor Niall has is all it really is, a demeanor. He can be adorable when he wants to be.)

Harry checks the views again, already up to almost 2,000 now; the likes amounting near the same. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe having a rock star boyfriend is practical.

A/N: Hi guys! It feels like forever since I’ve updated last, finals took up so much of my time the past two weeks. Ugh.


Real quickly, I just want to thank you guys for all the votes and reads so far. It’s insane! I can’t express how happy it makes me each time there’s a new vote or read. Gets me every time.


Okay okay, don’t worry, I’m done being sappy for now. Make sure to comment and let me know what you thought of the chapter! Love you all. :) x

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