
By FNAFToyChica

19.9K 750 146

Kayla is used to being alone, she's been alone ever since age 3, she had a family, but a woman we all know as... More

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2: Kayla Ann Pax
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Safe & Sound
Chapter 10: Kayla's Memories
Chapter 11: Help...
Chapter 12: Sunny?!
Chapter 13: Wheelie and Brains
Chapter 14: My shell... broke
Chapter 15: Boom
Chapter 17: Stronger than You
Chapter 18: The Past
Chapter 19: Primus
Chapter 20: Pretty Little Family
Chapter 21: What Happened?
Chapter 22: Hell To Pay
Chapter 23: The Man in the Flamed Suit
Chapter 24: Breathe

Chapter 16: Silas

654 25 2
By FNAFToyChica

A/N: Bold is Kayla speaking Japanese

Kayla's POV

I turn and see the man that works with Charlotte Mearing, he has gray hair, old green eyes, a gray MECH suit, he works with Mearing to hunt down my family... I won't let that happen...

You're probably wondering how I knew that, when I was young Lennox helped me do some research on Mearing after I was taken away not even 2 years after, Mearing had me taken away to weaken my family, since she knew they cared deeply about me. Silas has worked and married Charlotte Mearing. Fucked up couple they are, they killed their 2 year old son not long after his 2nd birthday. Then they ran away together killing people in their family. All for love...

Love is pretty fucked up...

But everyone still searches for it...

"Kayla, it's been so long" he starts, "How's the family? They still alive? Or are they scrapped down to parts?~" he hums, "Shut the fuck up!" I growl, I slip my coat on, and pick my knives up, "How about no? You have been a very, very bad girl, you know? You want to know what happens to bad girl?" He hums blowing a bumble with his gum I just noticed he's chewing.

"I kill them," he says spitting his gum out. "So you can only guess what's going to happen to you-" he says but me tackling him cuts him off, "They die~" I hum speaking Japanese. "Correct~" he says also in Japanese, "When did you learn Japanese? That was language Mearing was saying while they took you away from, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker?" He hums spitting out Sides and Sunny's names like they were venom, he kicks me off of him, I fly up and land back on the ground on my feet.

I growl clenching the knife in my hand a little tighter, glaring at him, "Temper?" He asks noticing my hands, I charge, he also charges, my knives in my hands, "NOW!" Silas orders, "Fuck!" I hiss seeing more men coming my way, I grab more knives in the air, the scene was like going slow motion, I throw them at Silas.

He howls in pain when my knives land on each one of his legs, one taking his stomach, I smirk before throwing more knives. I giggle while I hear men screaming in pain.

/More!! Feed me MORE!!/ I hear a voice in my head plead.

"More eh? Here's more!" I giggle going fucking crazy, I throw more knives, then I grab a mans neck and slit his throat.

"I have Annabelle!" Silas snarls spitting out blood.

I freeze...

Anna.. belle?

SunStreaker's POV

We all freeze hearing he has Annabelle, "How?!" Kayla screams, "Bring her out!" Silas orders, then I watch as two men being out Annabelle.

"KAY!" The small child screams. Kayla freezes, "YOU FUCKER!" Kayla yells at Silas, "Come get her~" Silas sings moving a piece of hair out of Annabelle's face, who whimpers and tries to run, then a knife is placed to her neck, "Come get her Kay~" he hums adding a little pressure to the knife.

I watch as Kayla clenches her jaw and then her optics start to glow a bright blue, "Come on, Kay~" he teases.

Kayla's POV

This fucker is sick and twisted! How did he get Anna?! I clench my teeth and jaw tightly, "You're dead!!" I growl then lunge...

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