colours. (camren)

By mysteryfindings

104K 1.9K 334

You and I would be just fine, if I were the one. Btw, Lauren G!P :) Comment, vote, share. You do you! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

3.5K 79 23
By mysteryfindings

Camila POV

Finally finding my way out of Lauren's house, we get back into her car. I give her the directions to my house and we head off in a rather rushed manner. It's not that I don't want to get there soon, because the longer I take, the more pissed my parents will get, but I want to spend a little bit more time with Lauren, and also, the less prominent reason, I'm scared of what my parents will do.

"It's this gap right?", she asks pointing ahead of us to a left turn, not taking her eyes off the road. I simply nod but then I remember that she's driving so she can't see me.

"Uh yeah just turn in there and it's the third house on the right", I said looking down at my fingers and playing with them nervously. This is the point that Lauren took her eyes off of the road for a split second to look at me, catching my nervousness in her gaze. She responded by placing her hand on my thigh and rubbing the pad of her thumb up and down my thigh.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere, and I'll be sure to take any blame they place on you. I won't let them intimidate you", she says continuing her motion but keeping her other hand on the steering wheel, finishing the journey.

She pulls into the driveway, bringing the car to a stop. I let out a long sigh and involuntarily close my eyes while doing so. You'd think I'd get used to being yelled at by now, but it stings as much as it did the very first time.

"You ready?", she asks pulling some of my hair behind my ear and cupping my cheek which, once again, causes an involuntary act of closing my eyes, focusing only on her touch. I gulp loudly and simply nod as my response, because frankly, I'm not sure if I'm ready to face my parents. Sometimes they can go a little overboard, depending on their mood prior. Hopefully they had a good morning at their respective work places.

"Let's go", I say unbuckling the seat belt and sliding out of the passenger's seat, trying to push all my anxiety away with a small stretch of my muscles. I walk towards the front door not waiting on Lauren because I was pretty sure she was going to catch in a matter of seconds. I dig around for my house key in my pocket and quickly open the door to push the anticipation down to zero.

"KARLA CAMILA CABELLO ESTRABÃO", my mum says with her Spanish accent protruding through her newly-developed American accent. When she says my full name, at any time, I flinch. Let alone in the original Spanish accent. I follow her voice coming from the kitchen with Lauren right behind me. She doesn't give me time to reply before yelling again.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING. YOU HAVE A FUTURE TO THINK ABOUT. WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT SKIPPING SCHOOL WOULD HAVE A GOOD OUTCOME", she said at the same volume level the entire time. I couldn't help but hang my head in shame. She was right, but at the time nobody was thinking about the future, we were only thinking about the present and what we wanted just then.

"Mrs Cabello, with all due respect, it was my fau-", she was cut off by my mum.

"Who are you?", she asks Lauren glaring at her with a look that could kill. Her reaction to Lauren didn't even make Lauren bat an eye. She held her ground, without even flinching. I was astonished, my mum was small but she was intimidating. She clearly had no effect on Lauren, and in that moment, I have never found Lauren more attractive and appealing.

"I'm Lauren. As I was saying, before I was interrupted, it wasn't your daughter's fault. It was all me", she said slowly walking forward towards my mother.

"So you're the one that has my daughter behaving in such an unacceptable behaviour", she said closing the gap between them and placing her index finger on Lauren's chest. Lauren gently removed her finger from her chest.

"With all due respect ma'am, it was in no way unacceptable. You can't expect us to be perfect. Plus, we all need a day off every once in a while. If you paid a little bit more attention to your daughter, you'd see how hard she was working and in desperate need of a break", she said rather matter-of-factly to my mum. At this point, I mentally grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed my face.


Lauren POV

Hopefully I didn't overstep but I was not going to just let Camila take the blame for this. Also, we know how things can escalate and things can be said. I didn't really want to have to go there but I saw the outcome of the conversation if I didn't step in. At this point, Mrs Cabello's breathing increased and I swore I could see her face turn bright red. I know I was being rude but it's too late to turn back now, so the only thing left to do was stand my ground and not appear weak.

"What did you just say to me?", she said putting her hand on her chest with a slight gasp. I couldn't reply. I shifted my weight from one leg to the other.

"Uh-h mum, the point is that I wanted a break from everything in my life right now and Lauren was there to help, like she said she always will be", Camila said trying to take the attention off of me. Her mum didn't move her gaze off of me, until Camila came and stood next to me and took my hand in hers.

"Please, can we move on from this?", she looked from our intertwined fingers, back up at us and brewed a look of confusion at how close we were being.

"Oh, I didn't know you two...were...", she said motioning between the two of us.

My eyes shot open, knowing exactly what she was hinting at. I quickly released Camila from my grip and stepped away from her, nodding my head frantically.

"Oh...n-no we're not....together", I said looking at Camila. She didn't look back at me, she was playing with her fingers.

She always does that when she is nervous or disappointed. I learned that about her. I wonder which one it is this time.

There was uncomfortable silence for a bit after that until I heard the sound of ceramics clang together behind us. There stood a man in a button-up shirt and black tie. But he wasn't wearing it professionally though.

"'re the troublemaker that made my Mila skip school", he said wiping his hands on his pants and walking towards us, wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders. The way he was talking didn't accommodate the look on his face. He was smiling at us. 

"Yes sir. I'm sorry but we just needed a day off", I said nervously looking down at my feet. Their combined conflicting energies were more intimidating than her mother's alone. 

"I see, and what did you do that was so much better than getting an education", he asked returning her facial expression to serious and her mother crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Um-m we just went by my house sir. But, we didn't do anything", I said rather quickly to ensure they knew I didn't try anything with their daughter. 

"Mija, go to your room. We want to talk to Lauren for a sec and then we'll come up to talk to you both again", her father told her, not taking his eyes off of me. I turned to Camila and she reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze and a reassuring smile, letting me know that I would be okay. I gave her a small smile in return, nerves slowly taking over me. She left without saying anything to her parents. I watched her walk up the stairs, not in a sexual way. I just already missed her. 

"Lauren, I think we should formally meet. My name is Alejandro and this is wife Sinuhe", he said holding out a hand for me to shake. I waste no time in reciprocating the gesture with a small smile. 

"Do you like our daughter? We see the way you look at her and the way she looks at you", he says looking at his wife while she nods her head slightly. 

"W-what? There's nothing going on sir", I say completely dodging the initial question. He lets out a little laugh, like he knew something. 

"Anyway, if anything were to happen between you two, we'd want to make sure you had the best intentions for our daughter in mind. We trust you, despite the circumstances in which we've met. Just take care of her, regardless of if you all decide to become something. I can see she trusts you more than anyone she's ever brought home to us. Respect it", he says walking away from us. I was at a standstill. I had no idea what just happened. Sinuhe broke me out of my shock. 

"So Lauren, is there anything we should know about you before we blindly and fully entrust you with the happiness of our daughter", she asked with a serious look on her face. 

Only one thing came to mind...



Camila POV 

No yelling. No sounds of shattering glass. 

What could they be doing? Having a rational conversation? No way, that's not my parents. 

To pass the time, I take out my phone and go on Tumblr. After about five minutes of pointless and mindless scrolling, I decide to be social.

*on the phone* 


Hey I didn't expect you to actually pick up. Are you skipping class? 

You know me. School don't stop me!

Alright Dinah. I'm bored waiting for my parents to stop talking to Lauren

Wait what? Where are you?

I'm home. My parents found out we skipped school

Shit Walz, I pray for you and Lauren. I hope you make it out alive

Thanks D

Shit someone's coming, I gotta hide. I gotta go. Good luck Walz!


*off the phone*

As soon as I put down the phone, there was a knock at my door. I mentally prepared myself for my parents' harsh punishments as I open the door. 

I slowly walked to the door and hesistantly turned the knob. Thankfully, it wasn't them at the door. 

"Hey Camila"

"Thank God Lauren"

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