Her Adventures on the Red Lion

By HoodedSam

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Signe is considered Royalty as she is a soon to be Duchess, on her way to visit her future husband. But seas... More

The Sinking of the Tetris
The Difficulties of the Captain
The Rigid Chair
The Overheard Conversation
The Misspoken Words
The Light of the Moon
The Comforting Ship Mate
The Opportunity
The Lowlands
The Struggle of the Sail
The Ache of Shock
The Troublesome Laces
The Harbor
The Dagger
The Assassin
The Brigade
The Wound
The Attack
The Commodore
The Tears of a Captain
The Second Time
The Hall
The Gallows
The Beginning of Her Adventures
The Author's Note

The Emotions

196 8 5
By HoodedSam

 Although no words were spoken, plenty was being said between the two with their eyes. They searched each others eyes for what felt like forever, doing their best to decipher the others thoughts.

 "Why would you feel regret for what you did to me?" Signe thought to herself. That was the question she was looking to solve, but she quickly realized she had stopped asking why and was caught up in the blue of his eyes. The way is mirrored the color of the sea they were on mesmerized her. Whenever she was away from the sea for a long time she would get anxious, but if she could just look in his eyes, she knew he would keep her calm.

 The pure absurdity of what she thought hit her like a pile of bricks, causing her to look away first. She shook her head and closed her eyes tightly, trying to knock sense into her feelings. 

 When she opened her eyes again, Jack was still staring. He was obviously lost in the world of his own. Signe could see the corners of his mouth twitch in an attempt to smile. He quickly caught himself though and looked away. He walked over to his desk and began going through papers again.

 They continued in silence but Signe just watched his actions. Just like Seananners, the pirate she had faced last night seemed to be gone completely, leaving just a Captain in it's place. But the more she watched his movements, the more she began to believe what Seananners had said earlier, his regret. He had previously carried himself with shoulders broad and confidence around him, demanding your attention, not just with his green hair, but with his personality. But right now, his shoulders slouched and his head hung low, like he had been scolded by his mother. Perhaps he was sorry?

 Once Signe had decided that there was a chance the Captain was sad about something, she walked back and sat down on the edge of the bed, letting the silence remain.

 "Are you okay?" the words were in such a hushed tone, Signe almost missed it. She looked over to the man who wasn't even looking up from his papers, but was still awaiting an answer.

 "Umm...yes. I am okay." she answered him.

 "Good." he said, still not looking up from his papers.

 Silence fell over the pair again for a minute. But Signe couldn't help but counter the question. "Are you okay?" she asked.

 Jack, still refusing to let his eyes leave whatever was so interesting, merely laughed at her, "That should be no concern in your pretty little head."

 "And what if it is?" Signe almost instantly regret asking the question as she said it, not having thought about what it implied. Signe did not believe she cared for this man...she thought...she hoped.

 Jack was certainly taken off guard when he heard that. He stood again, looking at her. "Well I would tell you not to bother." he smirked, "I'm not worth your time."

 "N-No! That's not what I meant!" Signe stumbled over her words in defense. She became totally flustered with herself and just sat there, mouth agape, at a complete loss of what to say.

 Jack merely laughed at her again in her struggle, "Hey, I don't blame you." He ran his hands through his hair, dramatically pushing it to the side, "I'm a devilishly good looking bastard."

 They both laughed. "Yeah, you wish." Signe shook her head.

 "Hey, I just don't deny the truth is all." he laughed again. He walked around the desk, sitting on the corner that faced her. "I...I um...." he started. Signe waited as he took a moment to collect his thoughts. It took him a minute but he figured out to his best abilities to figure out his game plan of words. "I was wondering...if you wanted to...um...." although, it wasn't all smoothed out.

 Signe smirked, cocking her head to the side. All and any intimidation this man once had was quickly gone, and instead replaced with a charming young Captain. "Yes...?" Signe giggled.

 The Captain looked her in the eyes. He sighed and started again, "I was wondering if you'd like to see the ship in better lighting."

 "A tour of that ship?" she asked. "That seems like royalty for someone who's supposed to be a prisoner."

 Now it was Jack's turn to stumble over his words, "Well I-I...." he took another deep breath to gather his thoughts before responding. "What can I say?" he smirked. "I'm playing favorites."

 The offer in of itself seemed actually pretty nice. The thought of getting to see another ship seemed enticing, even if it did belong to a pirate. But all Signe could think of was the night before. Although she didn't get to really see the ship itself, the faces in her mind that could be out there haunted her.

 She shook her head, "No thanks. I think I saw enough of it yesterday."

 Jack quickly jumped up from his makeshift seat on the desk. "That's not my crew all the time, I swear!" he justified quickly.

 "What, just on full moons?" She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

 "No. Just on my command." he answered.

 "You're all insane!" she yelled, standing to her feet as well. She walked to stand directly in front of him, "How can you call yourselves human when you can just...turn that on or off like a switch?! You're crazy!"

 "We'd be crazy if we left that on all the time." he verbally pushed back, taking a step forward. "We might sail under the Jolly Roger, but we're not pirates all the time. That would turn us-"

 "Into monsters." she finished for him. She had intentions to continue her thoughts, but that's when she noticed the weird look he was giving her. It didn't take long to figure out what he was paying attention to. In their argument, they both had been taking steps closer and closer to each other, now leaving them only inches from each other. Both of their faces flared red as they stood there. Now the question of who would back away first was in play.

 Signe watched Jack's face as he faltered in their gaze for a brief second, quickly stealing a glance down at Signe's lips. Jack knew she caught him, but neither said nothing. She watched as he began to pull his one hand up. Where it's destination was, Signe never found out as Jack quickly put it back down at his side.

 Signe was the first to back up, instantly feeling how warm that small area of the room was compared to the rest.

 Jack took a couple steps back as well. He pulled at his ear and cleared his throat, trying to clear the tension in the room at the same time. He opened his mouth a couple times to say something, but couldn't find his words. Eventually he just walked out of the room all together.

 Signe remained stood in the one spot, face still flush with red. It took a moment for her to realize that she was smiling. She tried to shake it off, but the more she thought about what happened, the more it grew. It was childlike excitement flourishing in her heart, grabbing hold of her emotions.

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