Justice United Book One:The P...

By DracoTheGamer

511 36 18


Screw up your life with one easy payment of your mortal existence
I almost get my neck broken by an abandoned smoothie
Nelson and the explosive fire hydrant
A rather stressful walk through the park
The hall of Draco
The Tale of Six
Blackout the Midnight Assassin
The death of one
The Soul of Light
TO THE MATT-CAVE! *insert Batman fanfare here*
No Nelson, you can't have a nuke launcher on yours. That would kinda be illegal.
Silly terrifying death snake! Books are for reading not eating!
The battle of two brothers

The portal

39 2 0
By DracoTheGamer

We all sat around the box awkwardly waiting for it to do something important. "Um...maybe it needs a human sacrifice or something...AND I SWEAR TO GOD DON'T DO THE 'NOT IT' THING!" I said. Taylor giggled. "Should I even ask?" I shook my head. "No you shouldn't." I picked up the cube. "So...how are we supposed to activate it?" I closely inspected it. "Last time all I did was poked it with a stick..." then I saw something interesting. A glowing symbol was on the side of the small box that felt and looked as though it was made out of an obsidian like material. The glowing symbol seemed like green stained glass formed in the shape of a giant and beautiful tree. "That's where I poked it I think..." I said nervously."With a stick...one that was still alive since I broke it off of a tree...well...in the dream of course." Alex laughed a bit. "You sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Alex's hand. "Do your thing. Summon fire. The hottest fire you can." Alex looked confused. "Okay...why?"
"Just trust me okay?" I said. Alex shrugged. His hand produced a blue flame. I looked at Emanuel. "Summon a crystal. One that's pure." Emanuel nodded. A white quarts crystal popped out of the ground. Emanuel tossed it to me. "Nelson?" I said.
"Way ahead of you." Nelson raised his hand. Water was drained from the ground and collected in a ball. I placed the cube on the ground. I forced Alex's hand onto the cube. The cube let out a pure tone. When Alex lifted his hand off the cube had a new symbol. A flame. I smiled. "Looks like that's what's supposed to happen." I placed the crystal on top of the cube. A symbol that looked like a mountain appeared. Next, Nelson floated the water so it made contact with the cube. The cube reacted by creating a water droplet symbol. Now I guessed...it was my turn. I didn't know how I did it or how I knew how to do it, but I pushed my wrists together. A golden ball of light appeared in my hands. It felt...alive. And happy. I carefully placed it on top of the cube. The cube absorbed the small light. The final symbol appeared on the cube. A symbol that reminded me of the ying-yang. It was a circle split into two halves by a lightning bolt. One side was light blue. One side was dark purple. The cube started shaking. It floated gently into the air. The top of the box disappeared. A blue light flew out of it followed by a purple one. They chased each other around in a circle. They kept speeding up until they formed something that looked like a portal. "Not it!" Everyone yelled except me. I sighed. "I was gonna go in first anyways...cowards." I walked towards the portal and stuck my hand in. It was safe. So I went the rest of the way in, not knowing what awaited me on the other side.

I walked through the other end of the portal. My eyes widened. It. Was. Beautiful. I walked into a building that seemed to go on forever. The ceiling had star patterns that shined and constellations that actually moved and fought each other. The floor had a checkered pattern. And the best part of all...the entire building appeared to be one giant library. Taylor walked through the portal. "OH YEAH! SEND THE GIRL IN NEXT RIGHT AFTER THE SCRAWNY NERD! THANKS GU-" she stopped her rage when she noticed what this place was. "Oh...My...God..." she had a look of complete awe on her face. "This, is my new home." I laughed. "Welcome home new roommate!" She smiled. "Still worth it. If I get all these books I would gladly be willing to deal with your annoyance." Emanuel came out of the portal. "Oh." He said. "It's worse than we thought. It's...a library. I must go back and warn the others." I turned around to face Emanuel. Taylor was already giving him the 'death stare' that she was so very well known for. Alex and Nelson came through the portal. Er...or more like they were being dragged out of the portal by Matthew. "BUT I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Nelson was yelling. "Shut up wimp." Matthew said. Alex was just laughing. "Calm down dude it's just a library." Nelson looked around. "Oh." He said. "Well that was a bit anti-climactic." I looked around the large room. "I've never seen a library like this before. Otherwise I would have gone a long time ago." A voice came from behind us. "Oh! Welcome travellers! Welcome to the hall of Draco!"

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