What Family Means

Von NightmareWritez

154K 5.8K 5.5K

Stony - Superfamily Peter's Aunt recently died. She had a wonderful life, and sadly did pass away when she ha... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

15.4K 569 690
Von NightmareWritez

Just finished "Spiders Never Forgive" go and check that out if you haven't! There's a bunch of plot twists! 

BTW I took a test and it turns out I can type 67 words a minute. 


And guys I just got a new phone and ya people seriously spam meee!



Private Room

10:45 A.M. (2 hours later)

"Tony," Steve said softly, poking his sleeping husband next to him. Tony's head lay on his folded arms on the desk. Steve smiled fondly at the man, he was so peaceful when asleep. Tony stirred, muttering a small 'whaddyawant?'" He just buried his face deeper into his arms. Steve nudged him a little bit. When he got rejected yet again, Steve wrapped his arm around Tony's torso, gently making the billionaire sit up. He pecked his cheek lightly. Tony's irritated glare soon met his innocent one. 

"I finished the paperwork, Tony," Steve whispered. Suddenly Tony was awake, jumping out of the chair excitedly. 

"So we get to take Peter home now?" he asked, acting like a toddler whom just gotten a two-year-supply of candy. Steve nodded fondly at him. Taking Tony's hand in his own, Steve rushed out of the room to a different woman in front of the desk waiting for them. She had short brown hair with square glasses. 

"Hi," he started flashing her a white-toothed smile, "We've finished our papers." She blushed as he handed her the papers. Tony noticed this and possessively warped his arms around the bigger man. After a few seconds of flipping through the paperwork and making sure that everything was filled out, she smiled. 

"Ah, Peter Parker. Such a nice boy," she said sincerely. "I'm glad he's not going to be alone anymore." 

With that, she began typing in the computer. She looked at them behind her glasses.

"Go and get the boy. Tell him to get his stuff ready and to meet us back in the main office." With that, she stood up and started to walk to a different office. She stood near the door and smiled at the couple. 

"When you're ready, please, join me in here." 


Peter lounged back, reading Dr. Banner's newest post on gamma radiation. He smiled, knowing very well about all the information displayed on the paper. 

Tony and Steve had eventually returned, walking through the door of his room swiftly. 

Everyone stopped, watching the two men. They all wanted to be adopted by the Tony Stark and Captain freaking America. Peter placed the paper down, looking up as well. He hoped that they chose someone who deserved to be adopted, and not some snob that didn't deserve their love. 

He watched as they walked pass kid one by one, walking past them with sad and almost apologetic smiles. Soon enough they reached to where Peter was. Peter looked up and tilted his head in confusion. 

"Um, can I help you, Mr. Stark? Captain Rogers?" he asked. Perhaps they couldn't find the boy that they wanted to adopt... yeah that had to be it. 

Tony and Steve shared amused glances before Tony finally said:

"Not unless you can pack your stuff up, kiddo." 


It took Peter the total of five minutes to get everything packaged. He tried to ignore the vicious glares he got, but it still turned his back. 

"Good job, Web-Head," Sam chuckled and lightly punched him on the arm. Peter smiled and hugged the boy in return. 

"See ya, Webs," Luke said. 

"May all future paths be your choosing, and may the future be bright for you, my friend," was Danny's farewell. 

Peter just smiled fondly at his three friends and said Good-Bye.


"And you're sure you want to adopt me? Not one of the other boys?" Peter asked, uncertain. 

"Pshhh! You're a science nerd, of course I want ya to come home with me! That means you can be the third addition to the Science Bros!" Tony exclaimed dramatically. 

Peter just stared, still uncertain. 

But when he got in the car, there was no turning back now. 


When they arrived at the tower, Peter just now realized on how big it was. He waited until Tony led him in, letting him meet Jarvis and then leading him to the main Avenger's floor. 

"Peter, this is the Avengers! Avengers! This is Peter Parker, our new son!" Tony exclaimed loudly. There were a lot of people in the floor, and from previous fights, Peter recognized them instantly. He felt their gazes on him and he ducked his head, heat rising in his face. 

Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. 

Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow. 

Pietro Maximoff, aka Quicksilver. 

Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch. 

Sam Wilson, aka Falcon. 

Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk. 

Bucky (James) Barnes, aka Winter Soldier. 

Logan (James) Howlette, aka Wolverine. 

Peter knew all of these people, but when he was Spider-Man. Now he was just scrawny Peter Parker. 

"H-Hi everyone," he stuttered out, waving a small hand at their direction. Instantly everyone was next to him, introducing themselves to him, crowding him. 

"How'd you get to be the lucky one?" Clint asked, squinting his eyes and poking at the boy. Finally Peter felt his inner sass respond for hi:

"Third time's the charm? I guess I'm just that kind of person." Before he could take back his words or even mutter an apology when Clint sent him a glare, the archer just snickered and landed his hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"You're not bad, kid," he confessed, "I think I'm gonna be a great uncle for ya."

Peter smiled, relived that he didn't screw up. 

He talked to everyone. He took a liking to Clint, Pietro, Bucky, and Bruce.

Clint was hilarious. 

Pietro was hilarious. 

Bucky was shy, but he knew that the friendship could grow. 

Bruce was sciencey, so he was going to have fun geeking out with the scientist. 

As he socialized, he didn't notice Steve and Tony's smile between themselves. Steve placed a hand lovingly on Tony's back and pecked his lips. 

They were finally a family. 




This work currently has 1022 words. 




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