As Days Go By...

By Lucifer_6991

1.5K 262 138

When hope comes into your life. BoyXboy More

Day one
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day 5-6
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Eight (Continued)
Day Nine
Just To Let You know
Day ?
NOT AN UPDATE: Question Time
Day 17
Day 18
Just A Rant
Day 19
Day 20
Not An Update: Scheduling
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26 (Part Two)
Day 27 (Finale)

Day 26 (Part One)

35 10 0
By Lucifer_6991

This was never supposed to happen.


The day started off slow as I worked.


I take out my cell phone and respond to your texts when my boss comes up to me.

I see a familiar black head behind him and peek to see it is my co-worker's "friend".

I guess he hired him...

"I would like you to teach him how all this works and when you are done, you can go home."

I blink at my boss's words and nod.

I look at the boy who smiles and bows in greeting.

I give him a small smile and start teaching him the ropes.

I become impressed with how fast he picks up everything.

"Wow! you're a quick learner. You should do great from now on by yourself~!" 

He thanks me with a small blush on his face.

Chuckling, I head to the back to put my uniform away after telling my boss that I had finished training the boy.

I take out my phone,

Shooting a quick text to my co-worker who has a day off today.

He responds quickly with his address not even bothering to say hello back.

Rolling my eyes at the disrespect,

I grab my bag and began to head out.

I input my friends address into the GPS and began following the directions.

I look around,

Breathing slowly.

Taking in the cold air

Letting it fill my lungs and feeling the spread of the icy coldness go through my body.

I hum at the pleasurable feeling it gives and smile softly to myself.

The wind blows,

Causing the cold air the slice across my cheeks,

Leaving a slight tinging sensation.

I look up at the sky,

The sun is setting lighting it up in a beautiful crimson color.

I stop and take a quick picture,

Feeling as if it was necessary...

I send it to you with an explanation that I am heading to my friends already.


After twenty minutes and many wrong turns,

I reach his place which turns out to be a nice, one story apartment.

I go to the door with the right numbers and knock.

I hear a few small whispers on the other side before a shuffling is heard.

The door open to reveal my co-worker who has a bright smile on his face.

"You made it~"

I nod and he steps aside to let me in.

I glance around,

Slightly surprised at how neat it looks.

He laughs at my expression as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Not what you expected?"

I give him a sheepish smile and shake my head,

"Not really, if I were to be honest..."

He nods and walks towards a room and I follow.

"Yeah, people seem to always misunderstand me...I am not the person most people think I am..."

I frown at his words and can't help the slight discomfort I feel at them.


He nods as he stops in the middle of what I assume is the living room and I stop a few feet away from him,

Tilting my head I look around before my eyes stop at him.

He folds his arms,

Looking me deep in the eyes.

I feel a slight sense of worry start to form in my heart.

He nods at the couch.


I go to the couch and slowly sit down as I stare at him.

He sits on a recliner and leans forward,

Putting his elbows on his knees and resting his face in his hands.

"This thing I want to talk about...I said it kinda involves you..."

I nod and he sighs as he sits back.

"I'm afraid I lied."

I freeze and look into his eyes.

"It's all about you...I asked you to come here for a reason, but first...let me get something really quick, okay?"

I take a slow breath as I nod and watch as he gets up and starts walking.  

He stops at the doorway where we walked through before and looks back slightly.

"I...cherish you very much as my friend....and I really hope you forgive me..."

I stare as he keeps walking,

Confused by his words.

I look out the patio the window of the living room and jump slightly as I hear the slamming of a door.

I stand up and walk slowly towards where my friend had disappeared to.


I don't hear a response,

But I do hear the slow footsteps of someone coming towards me.

I squint,

Trying to see into the suddenly dark hallway.

I sigh in relief when I see a figure.

"I thought you left me alone here..."

The shadowy figure laughs softly and I still at the familiar sound.

I feel my breath catch in my throat as my heart starts to race and my body begins to tremble.

"How can I?-"


"Don't you remember?-"

"It can't be...!-"

"The promise I made?-"


The figure steps into the light and I cover my mouth as terror fills my body and a scream rips out of my mouth.

Standing there,

My Devil in disguise,

Beautiful like an Angel,

Who filled my world with hope,

Before burning it all down.

Smiling like the sin he is.

He reaches a hand toward me.

"I'll never let you go..."

My world goes black.

This was NEVER supposed to happen.


Ha yeah, this happened.

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