Florida's Journal

By --Florida--

5.3K 385 675

[ We're all pretty sure Georgia or Alabama stole this from Florida... ] More

Entry One
Entry Two
Entry Five
Entry Three
Entry Four
Entry Six
Entry Seven
Entry Eight
Entry Nine
Entry Ten
Entry Eleven
Entry Twelve
Entry Thirteen
Entry Fourteen
Entry Fifteen
Entry Sixteen
Entry Eighteen
Entry Nineteen
Entry Twenty
Entry Twenty-One
Entry Twenty-Two
Entry Twenty-Three
Entry Twenty-Four
Entry Twenty-Five
Entry Twenty-Six
Entry Twenty-Seven
Entry Twenty-Eight
Entry Twenty-Nine
Entry Thirty
Entry Thirty-One
Entry Thirty-Two
Entry Thirty-Three
Entry Thirty-Four
Entry Thirty-Five
Entry Thirty-Six
Entry Thirty-Seven
Entry Thirty-Eight
Entry Thirty-Nine
Entry Forty
Entry Forty-One
Entry Forty-Two
Entry Forty-Three
Entry Forty-Four
Entry Forty-Five
Entry Forty-Six
Entry Forty-Seven
Entry Forty-Eight
Entry Forty-Nine

Entry Seventeen

110 5 16
By --Florida--

Dear Julius,



Anyways, things have been a bit hectic recently. On a piece of paper I wrote down my crush and how beautiful she is- but I can't find it anywhere! I'm worried, big time. I would guess that Alfred stole it, but he'd never do that sort of thing.

Perhaps it was Zach? No... He's too innocent.

Oh well, I hope I find those pages before my crush does. Or else I'm doomed.

Ooh! But wait, why am I so worried about this stuff?

I asked out New York the other day and she said yes! I'm so happy~! I'm just really glad that she did... I'd probably cry for days if she hadn't.

Well, now I just have to wait to tell Amara about my big news when she comes back from France! She hasn't called me or anything recently... Which makes me nervous that Francis did something FRANCE-like.


I'm off to go prank Georgia! Adiós! 

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