White Rose: I'm in love with...

By Akumucapt

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Weiss Schnee is a well-known cop in all Vale. She stopped many crimes, big or small. Along with her friends... More

Chapter 1: Not a good way to start the day!
Chapter 2: Who's more excited than me?!?
Chapter 3: What will happen now?
Chapter 4: Red's secret reavealed? Maybe not.
Chapter 5: Red's secret revealed! Or maybe not Part 2
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Prison Break
Chapter 8: The past's gonna hurt you (part 1)
Chapter 9: The Past's gonna hurt you (part 2)
Chapter 11: Sister's Reunion
Chapter 12: The future is gonna bring back memories
Chapter 13: Ultimate Prison Break!
Chapter 14: Convertion
Chapter 15: The End is just the Beginning!
Another Announcement!!!!
Another Announcement!!!
Another Announcement Guys!
Heya Guys!
Pick One!
Sorry, got tagged.
Please support Guys!
I'm so sorry!
New story...?

Chapter 10: A choice to make

2.8K 45 3
By Akumucapt

~~Hey guys..... Sorry for the delayed chapters.... Here's another one.~~

"You doing okay Blake?" Yang said. "You should get some rest."

"Oh thanks Yang... I will!" Blake replied. Blake head to the guest room.

~So...... He's Real?~ Blake was thinking of Qrow. ~~All this time, He's the one!~ Blake suddenly falls asleep due to overthinking. Yang escorted her while playing video games on her scroll (phone). 

"Sweet dreams Kitty-kat." Yang whispered with a kiss on Blake's cheek.


"How's your life Red?" Qrow said to Ruby.

"Doing fine, I guess... You and Yang are my only family you know." Ruby replied.

"Yeah, I know. That's why you need to stop lurking on the night just to stop criminals." Qrow said.

"No one can help anyone, okay." Ruby said. 

"If you're seeking vengeance Sweetie, Take my advice.... DON'T." Qrow warned her. "Live with the past and move on... or end up like your mother or the Vale's Headmaster at least, my best friend."

"Ozpin? What does he have to do with my mother?" Ruby said. 

"Your mother is the most trusted person in all four kingdoms. She was known as Red Reaper, until she died and you got the name and started to destroy her beautiful nickname." Qrow said.


"Red, there is a street fight just around your corner. Stop it!" A man said to Summer on a scroll.

"On my way Oz!" She  replied. "And don't be dramatic."


"Hi Oz! You're still sitting on your office like a duck." Summer said. "You should come and help me clean the streets of the FOUR KINGDOMS!"

"I'm still very impressed of your weapon wielding... You can use any weapon, yet instead you choose a scythe." Ozpin said. "How does your daughters will react when they saw it."

"They saw it. My firecracker doesn't care as long I'm okay." Summer replied. "But my little red, wants to be like me..... I'm afraid on what will happen to her."

"That's what I'm expecting of." Ozpin said.

"WHAT!" Summer said.

"The general is already visiting your family to train them for the military. Your husband agreed that your daughters need to be trained with self defense." Ozpin replied. "While Raven didn't."

"How about Qrow?" Summer said.

"Qrow is a trained huntsman already. So Ironwood put him on the Special Ops trainee." Ozpin replied. "He'll be working with Atlas not for Mistral."

"So much for a righteous huntsman." Summer said.

"Hey! I heard that!" Qrow stepped inside the room.

"Hi Branwen!" Summer said.

"So.... Where's our next mission?" Qrow said.

"We?" Summer said. 

"Yes, We! Ozpin will help us in this mission." Qrow replied. "Where are we heading?"

"We're heading at the War!" Ozpin said.

"THE WAR?" Summer said. "what War?"

"Atlas and Mistral joined forces just to get the dust resources of Vacuo." Ozpin replied.

"More like STEAL it." Qrow said.

"How about Vale?" Summer said. "Are we gonna help Vacuo or Atlas?"

"How about both." Ozpin replied. "Qrow is part of the Special Ops trainee and you can help Vacuo."

"How about you?" Summer said. 

"I'll take care of the people of Mistral." Ozpin replied.

"So that settles it." Qrow said.

"We head out at the end of the week." Ozpin said. "You can go and bond with your family."

"Thanks Oz." Summer said. "Let's go Qrow!"

"I'm coming, Geez." Qrow replied. 


"The Great War was stopped because of of the death of your mother." Qrow said. "Raven takes care of both of you and your father."

"What happened during the War?" Ruby said. "What happened to Ozpin and the three kingdoms?"

"Woah! Slow down little Red." Qrow said. "I don't know about the fight. I'm only a Special Ops trainee that time."

"So much for flashbacks." Ruby said. " What does Ozpin have to do with my mother's death?"

"He trusted your mother so much that both of them was in danger." Qrow said. "The three kingdoms lived their own lives."


"Good job of helping Vacuo Red." Ironwood said. "But now I need your help."

"What is it Oz?" Summer said.

"There is a group of four here on Mistral. They call themselves J.C." Ozpin said. "I'll be there to help you."

"I'll be there." Summer said. "Give me an hour."

"Sure." Ironwood replied. "I trust you both with this one."

Summer took the scroll and put it on her pocket. She was having a shopping with Ruby and Yang. Yang took a big boombox while Summer pay for it. Ruby rushed on the ice cream store.

"Kids, Momma has a job to do." Summer said. "I'll leave you to Uncle Qrow."

"Sure thing Mommy." Yang said.

Summer and the kids went to Qrow's home. The kids was playing while Qrow and Summer are talking. "So what's your problem?"

"Ironwood spotted an organization in Mistral. Ozpin will be there to help me." Summer said.

"Be careful Rose." Qrow said.

"I will." Summer replied.

Summer took her scroll and called Tai Yang. "Hey Hon."

"Hey Hon, What's up?" Tai Yang said.

"I'll be going late for dinner." Summer said. "The kids are on Qrow's house. Take care of yourself there."

"Of course! You too." Tai Yang said. "I Love You."

"I Love You Too."


Summer went to Mistral. She found Ozpin fighting four people outside the kingdom. "Surrender now or else!"

"Or else WHAT? You're nothing but talk headmaster!" Jaune said.

"I've captured Ren, Valkyrie and Nikkos. You're next  Arc!" Ozpin yelled.

"HAHAHAHA! Keep thinking good thoughts Headmaster." Jaune said.

The two continue fighting, both of them don't care about the civilians. Summer dressed up as Red and helped Ozpin. "Do you care for the civilians Oz?"

"I do." Ozpin replied. "I'll help the civilians, take care of Arc here."

"Sure!" Summer said.

"Well Red, is it past your bedtime?" Jaune said teasingly.

"Don't play stupid games with me Jaune Arc." Summer said. The two started fighting. Ozpin take all of the civilians inside the Kingdom. After securing the civilians, Ozpin get back to the fight.

Summer was beaten down. Ozpin rushed and strike Jaune on the leg. "Get away from her?"

"As you wish headmaster. HAHAHAHA." Jaune said with a plan on his mind. Jaune took Ozpin's weapon and stabs him on the stomach.

"Arghh... Red!" Ozpin cried. 

Summer cannot move well. She used all her energy to move and help him. As soon Jaune is ready to kill Ozpin, Summer rushed between them and take the sword straight through her heart.

 "Agh agh.."

"RED!!!" Ozpin shouted.

"Well, that's my real mission." Jaune said. "HAHAHAHA.... I'll let you live headmaster..... FOR NOW. HAHAHAHA!"

Ozpin was in shock of what happened. "Red." Ozpin cried in guilt and sadness.

"Mission: Kill Red is done. HAHAHA!" Jaune said to Phyrra in a scroll. "Prepare the celebration my queen."

"Sure My King." Phyrra replied.


"And Ozpin live the life of guilt and trauma of what happened that day." Ozpin said. "After hearing all of that, your father committed a suicide and Raven ran. And Yang also."

"And you?" Ruby said.

"I was assigned to guard the Schnee Dust Company and became married to Winter Schnee." Qrow replied. "Now Weiss is with you."

"She's really sweet you know that." Ruby said.

"Hehehe... Like her sister." Qrow replied.

"Prettty much." Ruby said. 

"You need to stop this gig Ruby." Qrow said. "You're destroying your mother's name and you will be in serious danger."

"Yeah I know..... I'm used to it." Ruby replied.

"You need to live a good life with your girlfriend. Buy a house and sail away from the dangers of the world." Qrow said. "Like me and my Wife here."

"So... You are retired?" Ruby said.

"Yep.... But I help when anyone needs it." Qrow replied. "And you shall too."

"I'm not retiring just for my health." Ruby said.

"Will you do it for Her? Weiss?" Qrow said.

"Of course! I will do anything!" Ruby replied.

"Then do it!" Qrow warned her. "You can choose your actions, but not your consequences.... Remeber that."

"You have a choice to make, what is it?"

~~Sorry for the delayed chapters guys... I'll make it up to you. Have fun! Whiteroze11Z out!~~

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