Justice United Book One:The P...

By DracoTheGamer

511 36 18


I almost get my neck broken by an abandoned smoothie
Nelson and the explosive fire hydrant
A rather stressful walk through the park
The portal
The hall of Draco
The Tale of Six
Blackout the Midnight Assassin
The death of one
The Soul of Light
TO THE MATT-CAVE! *insert Batman fanfare here*
No Nelson, you can't have a nuke launcher on yours. That would kinda be illegal.
Silly terrifying death snake! Books are for reading not eating!
The battle of two brothers

Screw up your life with one easy payment of your mortal existence

60 5 0
By DracoTheGamer

You have no idea what I've been through. Like, not at all. If I had just left that stupid space box thing alone I wouldn't be in this mess. I could be living a normal life with normal friends and going to a normal high school that I would fail normal academic math in.(okay so...that part I'm not as cool about...but still)Oh, how rude of me. Here I am going on about my problems when I haven't even told you who I am. I'm Logan...or Draco...whatever floats your goat. Anyways, I was a normal teenager who was just as edgy as you'd expect a teenager to be, until one day, or...um...night, when it all changed.

I was at the park by my house. It was pretty late at night and a giant water tower loomed over me. It was the tallest structure around here seeing as we lived in a suburban area that was still somewhat in the process of growing. The sky was lit with many beautiful and magical stars, each one of them millions of light years away. The grass appeared to have just been cut, even though it was late mid-November and it would most likely be soon covered in snow. The park and streets were empty except for the occasional car driving home from a late work shift. I didn't remember how I even got to the park. I didn't seem to think about it too much though, because something else quickly caught my attention, and did a hell of a good job doing so. Out from seemingly nowhere, a streak of light came crashing down close to the forest. I jumped, not because of a huge impact sound, but because the sound it made when it made contact sounded like a pure note resonating loudly through the air. The site of the crash gleamed like one of the many stars above my head. I decided to investigate. And let me tell you, that would be both the worst and the best decision I ever made.

As I got closer the crash site looked like something out of a science-fiction movie. A huge crater as would be expected, but something extremely odd about it. From the center point of the crater waves of colors resonated like ripples in a pond. They seemed to follow a specific pattern. Blue, orange, green, white, bronze, purple, light blue, gold, and finally black. I cautiously knelt down so that I could touch the wall of the crater. The light blue ripple past over my hand right then. I quickly pulled my hand back in shock. Rather then it being burning hot seeing as it had just entered the atmosphere, it was cold like ice. I went to go touch it again. This time the golden ripple past over my hand. It felt warm like a summer day this time. Highly intrigued by this, I carefully made my way down to the bottom of the crater. The surrounding trees had collapsed as well as the part of the pathway that winded around the park. The odd thing was, all of the debris seemed to be suspended in the air. Not like it was floating or being held up by something, but as if it had been falling then became frozen in mid-air. As I got closer to the bottom a saw the source of all of this craziness. It was a small box, small enough for me to hold in my hands, so about twice the size of normal Rubix cube. I did what anyone else who was as "highly intelligent" as I am, and poked it with a stick that I grabbed from one of the mid-air trees. Okay, so I'll admit, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to do that. The cube rose into the air so that it was level with my chest. The top of it faded away in pixels. The resonating colors stopped immediately. All the light in the area gathered into the box. The streetlights went out. The stars seemed to fade away along with the moon light. Then, once all the light had gathered in the box, it burst with energy. 9 lights that were the same colors as the ripples burst from the top 8 of them went flying into the distance, but one of them zoomed right into my chest. I stumbled backwards. I felt dizzy. The world around me was spinning as I started to feel nauseous. Then I felt pain. Horrible pain. My insides burned like they were filled with lava. I screamed loudly in despair. Then I blacked out.

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