The Secrets He Keep (Karm...

By _polarise_Ustar

158K 4.6K 2.9K

This is a Assassination classroom fanfic (KarmaXNagisa) Nagisa's life isn't the best, more like the oppo... More



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By _polarise_Ustar


    As I finally reached the house I swung the still unlocked door open, and made my way inside. It was all silent till I noticed the bathroom door open with the lights on. I suddenly hear a thud and comes after hard gasping and gagging. I hurry up to the bathroom and what I see is a certain blue headed boy on the floor kneeling on the toilet throwing up.

      Nagisa's P.O.V

I desided not to eat. I felt bad after Karma went through the trouble and wasting his time on me but I just couldn't bring my self to eat it, it's not a problem with his cooking but I just couldn't.  I desided to just go take my medications and some water. Which I regretted not long after.

I run to the bathroom as I already know whats coming, I could swear I heard my front door open but I ignore it as I feel the bile rising up my throat as I empty the content of my stomach in the toilet. I suddenly feel a wave of dizziness as I buckle up and fall to my knees and started throwing up more. I suddenly felt a hand rubbing circles on my back. Not caring who it is as I continue feeling the comfort I've been craving.

After I was done I tiredly turn around to see the red head I didn't expect to see again, well today at least.

          Karma's P.O.V

I rushed over to him. I tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind so just sat next to him and started stroking his back hoping that it would eas his pain. After he was done he slowly turned around his expression full of shock and confusion.

"A-um karma I-*cough*cough*cough-"

I started rubbing his back again."shhhh it's fine just calm down." I stood up and went to the sink. I wetted the towel and went back to him holding him close again I wiped his forehead and then his mouth and chin.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked.
"Y-yeah sorry I took the medicine without a meal..". He replied looking down seeming tired, can't blame him.

"Why didn't you eat the poridg I made you if it was supposed to be taken with a meal?" I asked upset but also confused.

He didn't reply and kept staring at the floor. "Hah, okay then". I stood up and scooped him in my arms bridal style. This time though he didn't complain. I was about to walk back to the couch but he stopped me.

"I-if it's not much can you take me to my room?". He asked tiredly.

"Yeah, sure but don't you need to take the medicine again since you threw it up?"

"Ah..yeah but the rest of my medications are up in my room...."

My eyes went wide. The rest of his medications?. I didn't ask and just made my way up the stairs. I opened the door to the neatly organised room and set him on the bed.

"I'll go get water." I turn around to leave but I felt my shirt being tugged from behind. I gently take his hand and turn around to the anxious looking boy.

"I won't leave again. Don't worry". I say reassuringly. He nods and I make my way down the stairs.


I come back to see that he had changed into pajamas. I'm guessing the ones that were already on his bed.

"Here you go". I said handing him the water.

"Thanks- geh?!!"


I surprised him by sticking one of those cooling head pads on his forehead.

"Jee you could have warned me you know". Nagisa said pouting a little.

Hehe he looks adora-shit brain stop!!

"Yeah sorry, anyway did you take your medicine?" I asked

"N-no...can you open that cabinet ?" He asked. I was about to open the small cabinet that is also his night stand before he continued

"Um,...can you promisenot to ask".

"What do you-"

"P-please!...please promise.."

I looked at him confused but still nodded my head.

"Okay, I promise."

  I open the cabinet and my eyes instantly went wide. Right there infront of my was a ton of medicine. Prescripted and non prescripted medications, heck there was what looked like a breathing treatment! I want to ask so many questions but I promised that I won't. I asked him what he needed and got them all out for him but before he could take them I handed him the poridg I
re- microwaved. He just started at it then at me. That went on for a good minut.

"You have to eat". I said

"But I have no appetite". He said back


"What?" He asked confused.

"Take at least three spoons and I'll let it go, but you have to eat something".

He looked hesitant.

"Please?  For me? I'm confident in my cooking". I said proudly.

He finally gave in and started eating. He took the first bite and I could tell by the expression on his face that was yelling 'THIS IS SO FRIGNG GOOD' that he liked it, he actually ate about half the plate before he gave up. I took the plate from his hand and got a napkin and wiped his mouth. 'jeez this child' I thought. I'm pretty sure I was grinning but I didn't care. He took his pills with some water and I let him lay down.

"Um, Karma....?"


"I, um I'm sorry".

"For what"? I asked confused.

"I pissed you off earlier and made you upset,I've also been a burden all day so sorry.."

I looked at him shocked. Sorry? Why should he feel sorry? I was the one who was acting like an inconsiderate ass!! He shouldn't feel sorry for anything.

"Nagisa!". I said maybe a little roughly. He flinched and closed his eyes in the process. I went and wrapped my arms around him.

         Nagisa's P.O.V

I flinched after hearing his loud stern voice. Yup, he hates me he probably doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. He probably thinks I'm a freak for what he saw. Cant blame him. He-

My thoughts were crushed when I felt his strong comforting arms wrap around me. He was hugging me. I can't even remember the last time someone put me in their arms, it almost made me want to cry but I couldn't. Not infront of him.

"Don't apologise. Please don't apologise Nagisa it wasn't your fault I was the one being inconsiderate. I'm the one who left you when you when I said I won't. Please forgive me.I was acting stupid. I care about you. I'm sorry. ".

Those words. Those words that brought tears to my eyes and got me shaking for some reason. He cares? No one ever told me that. No one has ever cared. Why would he care for someone like me?.

"And Nagisa?". He pulled away but our bodies were still close inches apart. I was starting at his flaming eyes and he was starting at my tears filled ones.

"Can you promise me something?" He asked. I nodded.

"Can you promise me that when your ready you'll tell me ? Talk to me willingly about yourself, and what your hiding ? "

Do I want to? Do I want to one day tell him about my darkest secrets? The secrets I want to take with me to my grave? Well...he said whenever I'm ready......and who even knows what the future hold for me...

I pulled back so that we were facing each other properly.

"Okay, promise".


Gaaaaaah!! Once again sorry for the late update you can tell this story's updates are gonna take some time  =;= anyway therefore I won't keep apologising  everytime😑 so yeah and I type from my phone and it took me more then a week to write this so #sorrynotsorry if there's some mistakes ...well hope you enjoyed till next time bye~☆ 

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